Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1543: Fusion Demon

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Lao Wu is naturally not stupid, knowing Pei Junlin's purpose, but she did not resist, instead she opened her heart and obediently let Pei Junlin leave a spiritual mark in his mind.

Regarding Lao Wu’s reaction, Pei Junlin knew everything well, so he reciprocated. Since Lao Wu is so honest and loyal to him, then Pei Junlin no longer inked, and directly raised his hand to lift the black pure energy ball. Threw it over.

This thing was given to Lao Wu, and Lao Wu must have a certain strength to possess the body of the Demon King.

However, relying solely on Lao Wu's strength would definitely not be able to swallow the body of a demon-level powerhouse, this requires Pei Junlin's great help.

Pei Junlin didn't hesitate in the Golden Dou Space either. He directly used Buddhism's aspiration to transform into the spiritual food of the Heavenly Demon, and detonated tens of thousands of Heavenly Demon Pills in an instant.

Among them, the pure energy is continuously lost to Lao Wu, which also makes Lao Wu instantly become more energetic. It seems that the whole person is like chicken blood.

After adjusting Lao Wu’s state, Pei Junlin will undergo fusion surgery in the next step. The so-called fusion income is to completely implant Lao Wu’s spiritual core into the body of the black wolf, so that the two are perfectly integrated, and There will be no rejection.

Heavenly demons and humans are completely two kinds of creatures. Heavenly demons are invisible and formless. They are purely spiritual energy bodies. However, a body like a demon king already has its own characteristics. It is still difficult to be swallowed by other demons. No Like ordinary heavenly demons swallowing each other, they can directly use each other's energy.

It takes some effort to swallow a top-level demon like this, and it can't be done by Lao Wu alone.

Lao Wu's body slowly began to fade, and gradually became a heavy black mist. This black fog is different from ordinary black fog. It is like a large tadpole with a head and tail.

However, the face on the head still looked like Lao Wu, but it looked a little distorted.

Lao Wu raised his head, looking eagerly at the body of the Heavenly Demon floating in the air. This is a demon king level demon song, but once it is swallowed and merged, he can step across the class and fly to the level of the demon king in an instant, showing an increase in strength tens of thousands of times.

This kind of temptation is not something ordinary people can bear. Lao Wu hasn't shown any ecstatic face so far, which has shown that he is calm enough.

Pei Junlin did not hurriedly stretched out his hand, and a ray of light hit this black sphere. After that, Pei Junlin gave a hand and flew out a blue stone from the chaotic golden bucket. This blue stone was the thunder stone.

This is the thunder pool forged by Pei Junlin. The thunder power is like the vast ocean. These thunder powers instantly woven into a large net, which wraps the black sphere tightly. At the moment when the black sphere is broken, a piece of The monstrous black wave burst out from it.

These black mists gradually condensed and swept across Pei Junlin violently. He didn't care about it, but soon his face changed, because Pei Junlin suddenly discovered that Bai Fan seemed to have left himself a little trouble.

Pei Junlin didn't believe that all this was Bai Fan's omission, because with Bai Fan's strength, killing a demon king was as simple as observing patterns on the palm, and such low-level mistakes would definitely not be made by him.

Then there is only one possibility, that is, Bai Fan deliberately left a trace of the consciousness of the Demon Lord Black Wolf for it, and did not completely obliterate it.

Pei Junlin was a little grateful. Fortunately, she had carefully compiled this large thunder and lightning net to trap this demon king's body. If she was lucky enough to save this process, then he should have been recruited by now. Good thing is going to happen.

The black mist shrouded by the lightning net gradually condensed, and soon took on the appearance of a demon king. The demon king Black Wolf stared at Pei Junlin coldly, his eyes as cold as steel needles.

"Don't look at me, it's not me who killed you." Pei Junlin was not panicked.

Because of the power of the thunder and lightning net, he knows very well that for a demon king like the black wolf, if it is usually impossible to trap, but now the black wolf has only a trace of breath left, he wants to trap him, Pei Junlin is still sure of.

"Have you forgotten the contract the two of us once made? You brought me into the human world. But now you seem to be ready to violate the contract and completely refine me. Human beings, do you have no conscience?" The black wolf stared coldly Pei Junlin did not act rashly.

A top celestial demon like Black Wolf has a trace of his own consciousness, but his wisdom is not as good as he can see the strength contest between the enemy and ourselves at this moment, so he did not rashly launch an attack towards Pei Junlin.

"It's only now and then. At the beginning, I was intimidated by you and unable to resist, so I agreed to your excessive request. Now you are just a grasshopper after autumn and can't reach it for a few days. Do you think I will continue the covenant with you? ?" Pei Junlin sneered.

The black wolf is not angry, but his eyes are a little gloomy. txt novel

"You are right. Birds die for money and people die for food. You are greedy for my demon body. It's no fault of you. After all, a demon king-level demon body can improve you greatly." The black wolf suddenly became reasonable and reasonable. , His expression gradually became indifferent, which made Pei Junlin a little surprised.

Heavenly demons are very cunning, especially the devil-level Heavenly Demons like Black Wolf. When such a demon spoke, he couldn't believe a punctuation mark, so Pei Junlin had a new guess about what the black wolf said next.

"Your servant is called Lao Wu, I don't think he is very loyal to you, so let me swallow him and become the spirit of your soul umbrella again." The black wolf finally confided and said his own. purpose.

At this time, Lao Wu's face, standing behind Jun Pei, did not change, but became indifferent.

It seemed that he didn't feel the crisis at all for Black Wolf's statement.

Pei Junlin did not speak any more, and controlled the lightning network to continue to shrink. Seeing Pei Junlin not agree to his condition, the black wolf's face gradually became savage.

It's a pity that all of this is done by outsiders, being **** the inside, after all, there is room for everything in the white, it is impossible to cause too much trouble for Pei Junlin, at most a small test on Pei Junlin.

The light blue lightning completely enveloped the pure power of the heavenly demon, and the remaining true spirit was also shattered by the power of the lightning. The black wolf was soon completely submerged in this sea of ​​lightning. He lost his consciousness and became a pure demon body.

Pei Junlin's hands knotted out a series of runes, and he raised six golden talismans around the body of the heavenly demon and began to rotate.

The rotation speed of these six runes was getting faster and faster, gradually turning into a golden aperture. At the last moment, Pei Junlin let out a loud cry, and a force was injected into the six runes.

Just when Pei Junlin planned to complete the last process, Lao Wu's soul directly penetrated into the demon body. Suddenly, the brilliance of Pei Junlin's side flashed, and a young man in a silver robe appeared.

"Don't move yet, there is something weird in it." Jin Ye's face was extremely solemn, and as soon as he reached out his hand, he blocked Pei Jun's next move.

Hearing what Jin Ye said, Pei Junlin was also taken aback. He thought that the body of this Heavenly Demon had been completely purified by himself without any hidden dangers, but Jin Ye's words made him startled in a cold sweat.

I have been with Jin Ye for a long time. Pei Junlin knows that Jin Ye never talks, and what he says must be based on facts, so at this moment Pei Junlin believes in what Jin Ye said.

"Then Bai Fan looks kind on the surface, but he didn't expect to secretly attack me like this." Pei Junlin said angrily.

Jin Ye shook his head, and looked at the pure heavenly demon power compressed into a ball in the light curtain, Jin Ye's eyes were a little strange.

"This problem didn't happen to Bai Fan at all. That Bai Fan also had a good intention to win you over. It's just that this Heavenly Demon is a little weird, and even Bai Fan didn't see the curves in it." Staring at the black wolf tightly, it seemed quite surprised.

Pei Junlin was shocked. He didn't expect that when Bai Fan had missed it, Bai Fan looked extremely powerful, even no less than the master Linglong fairy in Pei Junlin's previous life.

Even a character like this kind of **** has omissions on this issue, which really makes Pei Junlin puzzled.

"A demon king-level demon is nothing to people like Bai Fan. It's like an ant. Do you think he will check it carefully? Over time, people will inevitably slack off, even like Bai Fan. Experts like the big people in China will not be exempt from the vulgar, so this matter is completely reasonable." When Jin Ye spoke, it seemed to excuse Bai Fan.

But his hands didn't stop, they rubbed his hands suddenly, and a dark water dragon descended from the void. This dragon Pei Junlin knew it was the Wangchuan River.

The dragon soul condensed from the entire river formed a black dragon, and the scales on the black dragon became more solid from the previous blur.

Under the guidance of Lord Jin, the black dragon sprayed a black breath towards the black wolf's demon body. This Wangchuan River can defile some treasures in the world, and it is the most filthy thing in the world.

However, after the black dragon incarnate by the Wangchuanhe breathed down, Pei Junlin saw a spot of light in the black mist.

Soon Pei Junlin heard a pleasant sound, it seemed that a small metal button fell on the ground. Pei Junlin walked over and picked up the metal button and discovered that it turned out to be an extremely tiny treasure.

"What is this?" Pei Junlin's face was full of shock. He didn't expect that someone would have such a high level of refinement, and even refine a spirit treasure to such a small amount. If you don't look carefully, you can't see it clearly.

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