Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1564: Declare war

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The situation has entered a white-hot situation, and Pei Junlin has made it clear today that he is going to turn his face with the entire Taiyi Immortal Gate.

Pei Junlin was originally this kind of bohemian character. If he succumbed to the people, he would not be Pei Junlin.

"Junlin Pei, you didn't know that you did a great mistake today, don't you know? What is the crime of murdering your fellow students? You are dead." Chen Zhentian looked like he hated iron for not making steel, like a man Faithful brother.

But at this time, everyone knows that Chen Zhentian is throwing the pot. This matter is extremely tricky. Whoever takes over it is a hot potato. Chen Zhentian's words and deeds at this time undoubtedly pushed out Pei Junlin completely, and even wanted to draw a line between the entire Qingniu Holy Land and Pei Junlin.

"Now I represent the Blue Bull Holy Land, and I completely draw a line with you. Our Blue Bull Holy Land does not have people like you. I feel that you should be the work we sent to the Blue Bull Holy Land." Chen Zhentian didn't have much time for Pei Junlin to respond. , And continued to buckle Pei Junlin's head fiercely.

This trick is more insidious. For a moment, Pei Junlin is almost the enemy of the world. Apart from the onlookers present, there are only masters like Chen Zhentian and Taiyi Immortal Sect.

And the twelve masters of some of his sects have been annihilated by the entire army. At this time, when these top core disciples arrived, they announced that Pei Junlin had no way to go to heaven and earth, and was destined to be trapped here.

It's just that this is the wishful thinking of the officials. Pei Junlin didn't have any nervous emotions at this time. He held the two treasures of Chaos Golden Dou and Yuanhun Umbrella in his hand, and broke out today. That was a sure thing.

This is because Pei Junlin is secretly calculating that the situation is unfavorable to him. Now Chen Zhentian has drawn a line between himself on behalf of the Blue Bull Holy Land, so whether the Blue Bull Holy Land can return to this matter in the future, Pei Junlin has no confidence in his heart.

Disturbing him all the time, since there is no way out, how can he make a big fuss.

Pei Junlin made up his mind, and his eyes shot a half-foot long fierce light.

At the moment when Pei Junlin was going to make his move first, another ray of light descended from the sky and fell fiercely on the grass. A woman in a white robe walked out of it. The woman was beautiful and beautiful like a fairy, with a natural fragrance all over her body.

This woman attracted everyone's attention as soon as she appeared, because he was also a celebrity, even as famous as Chen Zhentian, and she was Fang Zhiqing, the master sister of the Blue Bull Holy Land.

"Chen Zhentian, you can't represent the entire Blue Niu Holy Land, and you have no right to expel Pei Junlin from the Blue Niu Holy Land. Being a brother like you, don't be a brother. Not only will you not live up to everything, but you will also clarify the relationship. Boundary..." Fang Zhiqing made a mockery of Chen Zhentian as soon as she landed.

These words can be said to be word-by-word, every sentence is answered, from today's old bottom, his face is dull, the whole person is like a roasted red prawn, his face is embarrassed.

At this time, many people around also saw Chen Zhentian's true face clearly, and many of them were the core disciples of the Blue Bull Holy Land. At this time, they all had abacus in their hearts.

Regardless of Chen Zhentian's usual majesty, he said one thing, his whole body was shrouded in domineering. But today's performance is really unsatisfactory. After encountering the Taiyi Immortal Gate, Chen Zhentian seemed to be half short out of thin air. Whether it is in aura or speaking, he respects Taiyi Immortal Gate everywhere, which is indeed lost. The face of Green Bull Holy Land.

You must know that this Taiyi Immortal Gate is just a bench boy, and there has never been a figure of the emperor level, but the status of Qingniu Holy Land before is far more than that of Taiyi Immortal Gate.

But now that the whereabouts of Emperor Qingniu is unknown, the power of the entire Qingniu Holy Land has also repeatedly fallen.

Regarding Fang Zhiqing's arrival, Pei Jun was expressionless, but there was no sadness or joy in his heart. In fact, Pei Junlin has long understood a truth. In this world, it is better to rely on others than on yourself. No one is the savior. Besides, the relationship between Fang Zhiqing and Pei Junlin is not so close.

Fang Zhiqing's appearance may be to achieve some of his own goals, but it was definitely not for his arrival.

Pei Junlin sorted out all the relationships and interests clearly, and knew what he was going to do next. The arrival of Fang Zhiqing might be able to reverse a small part of the crisis, but it will definitely not come back completely. To die or live depends on oneself.

"Fang Zhiqing, have you figured out the facts? It was Pei Junlin who killed the same mentor brother of Taiyi Immortal Sect. Shouldn't such a person deserve to die?" Chen Zhentian endured his scalp numb, and continued to stand by Taiyi Immortal Sect.

But at this time Fang Zhiqing showed disdain, staring coldly at Chen Zhentian and said contemptuously: "What fellow brothers? We are Green Bull Holy Land. They are Taiyi Immortal Gate. The two families are not related, so why come to the same door? Say it?"

When Fang Zhiqing said this, on the contrary, the top core disciples of Taiyi Immortal Sect did not express anything. These top core disciples' ostentational strength is also a top level, but at this time they did not act rashly. To be able to cultivate to this level, the state of mind is to cultivate smoothly and transparently.

Therefore, there is no rabbit or eagle. Pei Junlin can't escape anyway. They are not in a hurry. They let the two core disciples in Qingniu Holy Land together bite the dogs and bite each other, and then they Taiyi Immortal Gate sits on the mountain to watch the tiger. Bucket.

In fact, Taiyi Immortal Sect has always had an ambition, that is, to completely annex the Qingniu Holy Land. It is just that the Qingniu Great Emperor's whereabouts are unknown and he does not live or die, which makes Taiyi Immortal Sect not dare to act rashly.

As a former top sacred place, a figure of the emperor level, the entire Green Bull Holy Land has an extremely wide range of influence, and has a huge amount of property under its name, and even has the wealth of thousands of planets.

Even if this huge amount of wealth is placed in the Taiyi Immortal Gate, those are fat enough to be coveted. So they have been coveting the vast wealth of the Green Bull Holy Land, but they have never dared to do it.

The reason why the people of Taiyi Immortal Clan secretly dazzled Chen Zhentian in order to cultivate a future spokesperson who will become the head of the entire Green Bull Holy Land in Chen Zhentian. There is almost no doubt about being eaten away quietly.

In recent years, some of the top masters of Taixianmen have always had a guess, that is, whether Emperor Qingniu died?

Many people think that the Great Emperor Qingniu has completely fallen. The reason why the news came out was just that he was missing. It was a trick played by the Holy Land of Qingniu, which was called Secret No Funeral.

But even if he knew the trick played by the Blue Bull Holy Land, Taiyi Immortal Sect still did not dare to act rashly. After all, he was a figure of the emperor level. If only one in ten thousand possibility is still in the world, then Taiyi Immortal Sect is In danger.

The emperor-level characters often destroy the world, crush the ages, and even the past and the future can be traced back, so it is reasonable for the Taiyi immortal not to act rashly.

And the reason why Taiyi Immortal Gate has become more and more arrogant in recent years is because Taixianmen has risen a character, that is the strength of the false emperor.

The so-called false emperor level, in fact, is still some distance from the real emperor level, but half step into that forbidden domain.

Since the appearance of such a top master in Taiyi Immortal Gate, it has become more arrogant over the years. But the Taiyi Immortal Gate has always refused to invade the Blue Bull Holy Land on a large scale.

This time the immortal palace was born in Taiyi Immortal Sect with high hopes. Once the immortal palace is obtained, then the fake emperor-level master of Taiyi Immortal Sect may be able to take the opportunity to integrate and promote to the emperor level in one fell swoop.

The top disciples of Taiyi Immortal Gate do look arrogant, but some of them are really arrogant, that's just the middle and lower levels. The real top level strength, such as the appearance of these top core disciples, looks incomparably majestic. Noodles, in fact, I feel very humble inside.

They are shrewd in doing things, and they can calculate each one better than the other, and they can pick up a person who is a human being. Such a person will never make mistakes in doing Even if we encounter this situation today, Taiyi Fairy Gate These people only quietly observe and speculate secretly.

"Fang Zhiqing, what do you mean by this? Is it true that our Taiyi Immortal Sect people died in vain? It was obviously Jun Pei who came down with the poisonous hand. Can't we Taiyi Immortal Sect take revenge?" The top core disciple of Yixianmen said angrily.

Seeing Fang Zhiqing come to shelter Pei Junlin between words and deeds, this makes him somewhat dissatisfied with some people now.

"It's black or white. It's all you Taiyi Immortal Sect who spoke out of nothing. I think his situation is completely different from what you see. From beginning to end, Pei Junlin was forced to take action. He is In order to protect yourself, your Taiyi Immortal Sect is aggressive and pushes people to despair step by step." Fang Zhiqing's attitude was very decisive, and she had no room to speak.

This made Pei Junlin, who had reservations about Fang Zhiqing's attitude at the beginning, also a little shocked. He didn't expect Fang Zhiqing to stand on his side so clearly this time.

This time Fang Zhiqing's abnormal performance, such as Fang Zhiqing, would never reveal his attitude easily, and it also made Pei Junlin begin to think about the reasons behind this.

Is Fang Zhiqing really so good to herself? Do you hesitate to offend the entire Taiyi Immortal Gate for yourself?

Pei Junlin felt that in fact, there might be some love between him and Fang Zhiqing, but it would definitely not make Fang Zhiqing so desperate.

Then speculating on the reason behind this incident, Pei Junlin had a rough outline in his heart, that was the fierce competition between the two sides of the entire Green Bull Holy Land split this time.

Whether it was Bai Fan or Chen Zhentian, these people were actually unreliable, and the distraction of people in the Blue Bull Holy Land was also caused by Bai Fan. ?

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