Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1568: Imperial battle

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The emperor-level characters fought against each other, Pei Junlin could not see a reason, some of the profound and obscure things even he did not understand at all.

However, this does not prevent Pei Junlin from speculating on the true direction of the war and the rules and power used by these two emperor-level figures based on some subtle changes.

The so-called one leaf falls to know the autumn, and a glimpse to know the whole thing. Pei Junlin stared at the battle in the sky, and could only see the two chaotic rays of light fighting each other, other than that, nothing could be seen clearly.

But all this does not prevent Pei Jun from watching the battle, because if his eyes cannot directly watch the battle, he can observe the battle from some subtle changes in the side.

Some regular power fluctuations, some changes in the elements of heaven and earth, etc., Pei Junlin can feel how strong the battle between these two great emperor-level figures is.

But the information obtained from it made Pei Junlin desperate, because the battle of this great emperor level character has been so strong that Pei Junlin is incomprehensible. There are some profound things in it, and even the original power of heaven and earth has been involved.

What is a character at the emperor level? Pei Junlin has never had a yardstick to measure in his heart, but now he finally understands that the so-called emperor-level figure is the power between the heavens and the realms to control the heavens and conform to the will of the heavens.

This kind of power may be beyond the reach of most people in his lifetime, even his Pei Junlin may have no hope in this life, aspiring to the strength of the Great Emperor.

Looking at the battle between these two peak-level humans, Pei Junlin sighed in his heart. The so-called manpower is sometimes poor. This is just a saying. The real power is really endless, just like these two. The emperor-level characters can trace time and space, enter the void, can break the shackles of these voids, and can even use or break the power of rules.

These are not what Pei Junlin feels the most shocking because he feels that he can use the rules, not the most terrifying power in the world. What really makes Pei Junlin feel amazed is that these two characters can create rules and create a kind of their own. Rules to restrain each other.

That's great. This is called dominance. You can create a rule yourself for others to follow. This is the true card and background of the emperor-level figure.

The war is still going on, the sky is almost shattered into chaos, and Pei Junlin feels a kind of fear of life under this situation, because these two emperor-level characters are getting more and more fierce, and they seem to break the sky. The world on this side was completely wiped out.

At that time, Pei Junlin didn't know if this mysterious earthen jar could protect his integrity.

Pei Junlin took the time to pay attention to the look between Bai Fan and Chen Zhentian. He saw that even if Bai Fan practiced and showed his affection, his expression at this time was no longer Gu Jing Wubo, accompanied by this terrifying battle. , Bai Fan's expression also became anxious and fearful.

As for Chen Zhentian's eyes no longer dared to look directly at the ripples of the battle, that kind of power is not what he can understand now, and even looking directly with both eyes can cause indirect blindness or confusion of the mind.

At this time, Pei Junlin suddenly had a ridiculous idea in his heart. If he broke the gas mask where the two people were hiding, what interesting results would happen?

This idea was out of control from the beginning, making Pei Junlin a little eager to try. He began to study this magic weapon similar to air bubbles.

This thing looks extremely peculiar. After unfolding, it will form a layer of transparent bubbles, and hidden in this bubble, it can isolate all the air from the outside world, which is equivalent to creating another dimensional space.

"Let's leave here. It's not safe here. Two great emperor-level characters will be blasted to pieces by the aftermath when facing us like ants." Chen Zhentian was finally not calm and couldn't bear his heart. fear.

On the other side, Bai Fan looked like Gu Jing Wubo. He glanced at Chen Zhentian coldly, and then said: "Useless things, only at this point you are scared. The treasure that you two hid is very It’s magic, there is absolutely no problem hiding here, you can rest assured."

"What is the point of hiding here? Is it impossible to **** the Immortal Mansion?" Chen Zhentian's expression was incredible.

Having said that, Bai Fan suddenly showed a look of disgust on his face. He thought for a while and said: "With my current strength, it is impossible to grab this fairy house. I am afraid that I will die in that city as soon as I show up. In the hands of Emperor Niu. But there is another important reason why I am waiting here, and that is to wait for Pei Junlin to appear. There is definitely an amazing treasure in that kid, even as much as this fairy house."

What Bai Fan said stubbornly shocked Chen Zhentian behind him. He knew that Bai Fan would never talk nonsense about what Bai Fan knew. Since such information was given, it meant that Pei Junlin was absolutely different. Treasures.

The conversation between the two was clearly heard by Pei Junlin, and his heart was chilled. It was enough to be a Zhou Ying, but he didn't expect that Bai Fan would be staring at him now.

In comparison, Bai Fan's strength far exceeds Zhou Ying. This person gives Pei Junlin an unpredictable feeling. If such a person focuses on himself, does he still have a way to survive?

Originally, Pei Junlin planned to harass the two people, but now he has a murderous intention.

It is completely unrealistic to kill these two people by himself, but it is still a simple matter to use the strength of the Qingliu Earth or the Taiyi Sect Master to kill the two people. This is called borrowing flowers to offer Buddha, or borrowing a knife to kill.

Without any hesitation, Pei Junlin immediately used the cargo control bracelet, controlling the mysterious blue flame to instantly cover the surface of the bubble.

Arranging the flame is a kind of flame Pei Junlin once got on the ladder. It is one of the most mysterious alien fires in the world. So far Pei Junlin does not know the name of this blue flame, but he knows this blue flame. Extremely terrifying.

Sure enough, at the instant of the bubble covered by the blue flame, Bai Fan and Chen Zhentian felt that both of them felt an icy force penetrate through the bubble, and even the flame began to swallow the treasure.

"What's the matter?" Chen Zhentian yelled, his whole body as if it were near the end.

On the other side, although Bai Fan was very calm, he was scared to death when he encountered this situation. Before he could use the method, the bubble burst with a bang, and the two appeared in the space without any barriers. Among.

At this moment, Pei Junlin felt a devastating force. He knew that Bai Fan and Chen Zhentian had been exposed. I am afraid that Qing Niu Dali had already noticed these two people. If he stayed in this area again, it would be very difficult. It may be overwhelmed by the ensuing huge blow.

Since the mysterious earthen jar controlled by Pei Junlin moved away in an instant, the area where Bai Fan and Chen Zhentian were located was instantly extinguished, and that area seemed to have become a place of nothingness, where nothing existed. An area.

The breath of Chen Zhentian and Bai Fan stopped abruptly in an instant, as if they had never appeared in this world.

Pei Junlin felt like a master of Fahai, a master of the Great Sage level and a top master of the late True King realm, disappeared in the world.

The two of them arbitrarily come up with one person, Pei Junlin is not an opponent, but he did not expect that he is not as good as the ant in front of the strong level figures. It is just a horrible fluctuation or a casual blow, which directly turns the two into gray, even Even the soul did not escape.

The horror began to spread, and Pei Junlin had already planned to leave this area. There is no value in continuing to stay in this area, because Junlin Pei knew that the Immortal Mansion was destined to stay here with him. It only increased the danger, but Junlin wanted to find Chen Jianghai before leaving.

Suddenly Pei Junlin saw a flashing light, it seemed that a treasure was suspended there, and its treasure fell here after someone died.

The shape of this treasure is extremely It turns out to be a small shield, which looks gleaming with silver light. Judging from the shape and materials, this treasure is definitely not simple, it should at least belong to the category of the best spirit treasure, Pei Junlin was tempted in an instant.

At this time, Pei Junlin hesitated. In the past, picking up other people's treasures was the happiest thing for him, but now everything has become extremely difficult, because as long as he shows a little mood swing, he is very likely to be fatally bombarded.

Therefore, there are two great emperor-level figures in the sky fighting desperately, and the surrounding space has been completely shattered, the whole world has no longer existed, and there is no world without land and it has become a chaotic area.

In this horrible situation, as long as the slightest breath is exposed, people may be aware of it, and no one knows what kind of characters are hidden in this void.

In the end, the desire for this treasure made Pei Junlin decide to take the risk. As soon as his consciousness came out, Pei Junlin felt a creepy feeling at the moment when his mysterious earthen jar, and then Pei Junlin saw a familiar face with a gloomy look on his nose.

This person is no one else. It is Pei Junlin’s enemy Zhou Ying. As a saint, Zhou Ying is like a fish in the turbulence of the void, and is naturally hidden deep. It seems that he is fishing with this treasure. The man is Pei Junlin.

"All the people here have left, only you. I have not seen any sign of you leaving, so I judge that you are hidden in this area. As expected, you have been fooled." Zhou Ying smiled triumphantly. Pei Junlin is like a weasel who stole a chicken.

Pei Junlin had a feeling of extreme fear, and he wanted to hide it again immediately, but everything around it was too late and Zhou Ying had already confined it. ?

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