Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1570: Imprisoned fairy mansion

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The whole fairy house gave Pei Junlin the feeling of loneliness and death, and there was no other information, which was completely different from what Pei Junlin had imagined before.

Almost immediately after entering here, Junlin Pei knew that the dream was broken, and he was probably imprisoned here, because the white bones on the ground are evidence. If they could get out, why would they die here? And many bones have no traumatic wounds.

There was an aura of despair in the air. Although the corpse on the floor had been completely decayed for countless years, Pei Junlin could still feel a thorough and desperate aura from the bones.

Ordinary cultivators are obviously not able to enter here. The most common people who enter here are the real king realm. Therefore, if you don’t see Pei Junlin, most of the bones on the ground are some masters in the real king realm, but there are also extremes. A few sage levels.

But those saint-level masters, their bones will not be so easily corrupted, even after hundreds of thousands of years, they are still as clean as new, looking like white jade.

The bones of the masters of the real king realm have turned into fly ash and looked complete, but the breath of Pei Junlin's walking turned into dust and disappeared between the heaven and the earth.

Pei Junlin forces himself to calm down, and not to panic is the most basic quality. But after a round of observation, Pei Junlin found that he was still unable to calm down.

Because the entire hall is a closed area, it is impossible to go to other areas. Among them, there are several bronze gates, and even Pei Junlin's full attack cannot cause any looseness.

Back then, I didn’t know how many amazing people were imprisoned here. They all died here in the end. Pei Junlin knew that he was struggling and it was in vain.

"How can such a place exist? It is obviously a fairy house, but it is a cage. Is this a trap from the beginning." Pei Junlin sighed.

But at any rate there is enough time to come up with countermeasures to get out of here.

But after Pei Junlin went around, he was still a little desperate. After all, so many high-ranking people entered here and were finally trapped alive, and how can he Pei Junlin and He De, can actually get out of this?

After unable to think of a reason, Pei Junlin entered the progress space to discuss this matter with Jin Ye. But with Jin Ye's insight, there is no countermeasure at this time. After all, being trapped in such a mysterious place, it is impossible to drag it out.

Regardless of the power, Pei Junlin's current power is far inferior to a saint-level powerhouse, and so many saints are trapped here, Pei Junlin naturally cannot get out by strength alone.

At first, Pei Junlin suspected that there was a huge predicament in these four weeks, but when he cruised around these four weeks, he discovered that there was no formation at all in these four weeks, which was the roughest restriction.

That is to say, if you really want to leave here, the only way is to brute force the crack, directly divide this fairy house into two or make a hole, and drill out from here.

But Pei Junlin also understood in his heart that it is absolutely impossible to destroy the Immortal Palace with his current strength. After all, the level of this Immortal Palace is extremely high. Considering that you have released so many treasures before, it means that this Immortal Palace is definitely used. Made of premium materials.

But after Pei Junlin gradually calmed down, he also found a strange place. That is, is there anyone behind the fairy house? Is there a spirit that controls everything in this fairy palace?

If there really is an artifact spirit in the fairy palace, then Pei Junlin can try to communicate with this artifact spirit, perhaps she can open a network and release herself from here.

However, Pei Junlin knew that the spirit might be hidden deeply, and he couldn't communicate at all. However, he left it to Lord Jin to do it. As the spirit of Chaos Jindou, Jin Ye has extensive knowledge and may be able to do it. The spirit of the communicative fairy house.

"Don't waste your efforts. The release of so many treasures before the fairy mansion is to lure some top cultivators to this area. The purpose is likely to be to absorb a large number of human cultivators into this area, and then be trapped alive." The Lord's inference was very pessimistic, and it was a blow to Pei Junlin's heart.

If there are all kinds of formations in this fairy mansion, you will feel relieved by Jun Lin, after all, there is still a hope that one day can break out of the formation.

But now there is no trace of the formation in the fairy house, which shows that there is a formation here, but with Pei Junlin's current strength, there is no trace at all.

According to Jin Ye's words, there should be an extremely evil existence in the fairy mansion, which constantly lures various monks into this place, and then absorbs their energy.

In other words, many people enter here as sacrificial offerings, and there is no possibility of surviving at all.

Pei Junlin seemed a little upset for a while, but at this time he was still unwilling. People often couldn't calm down when the mountains and rivers were over.

Before Pei Junlin was able to be in danger and not chaos, it was due to his personality, but now it has finally proved that everything is exhausted, even Pei Junlin can't maintain a stable state of mind.


Pei Junlin urged the big handprint and hit the gate of the fairy mansion fiercely. It's a pity that this gate is like a mountain, it can't shake Pei Junlin's palm printed on it, not even a trace is left.

There was some movement in the first two attacks. Later, Pei Junlin’s attack was completely absorbed, like a mud cow entering the sea, no matter how great the power is when it encounters the surrounding walls or doors and windows, this energy is in a flash. The power will disappear without a trace.

And gradually Pei Junlin also discovered a terrifying thing, that is, he couldn't replenish energy after entering here, that is to say, there is no aura in the entire fairy house, and it is still in a state of constant consumption.

The cultivator feeds on the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, which means that if there is no spiritual energy supplement, the cultivator will starve to death alive.

Pei Junlin took a breath of air while looking at the tired bones on the floor. He finally understood why these people died so peculiarly. Why did he feel a strong resentment immediately after entering here?

It turns out that these people weren't trapped alive, or their lifespan was exhausted and died here, but starved to death here.

The body of a cultivator who does not have aura will slowly wither, just like a flower, like a plant, and it won't last long without water and sunlight.

And Pei Junlin finally understood that the origins of the treasures that flew out of this fairy mansion before were originally the cultivators who were lured into here, the treasures they had left behind.

Many of these treasures are scattered on the ground. Pei Junlin took a closer look. There are not many treasures on the ground, but most of them have lost their aura.

Knowing that he is in a desperate situation now, Pei Junlin is not in the mood to clean up these tattered treasures. He is looking forward to one thing now, that is, that Emperor Qingniu or the Taiyi Sect Master can enter. Here.

However, in contrast, Pei Junlin is even more looking forward to Qing Niu to be able to enter here, after all, he now belongs to the Blue Niu Holy Land. Once the blue bull entered here vigorously, Pei Junlin might still survive. If he entered here from the Taiyi Gate, Pei Junlin felt that he would definitely not have good fruit.

But everything is not something Pei Junlin can control, he can only resign himself to being trapped here.

As for things that don't have aura in the air, Pei Junlin can resist for a while with his abundant aura storage.

Coupled with Pei Junlin’s storage, there are endless medicinal pills stored in the space, which is enough for Pei Junlin to support for a period of time, but now that Pei Junlin is most worried about is not himself but the three in the soul umbrella. Ten thousand gods.

The amount of blood pills that these 30 million heads of heavenly demons need to swallow every day is a lot, and Pei Junlin's existing blood pills can only last for a month at most.

That is to say, if it takes more than a month, then the treasure of the Soul Umbrella, Pei Junlin's biggest killer now, even if it is completely abolished ~ one day, two days and three days, seven days will soon pass.

For seven days, Pei Junlin's heart was completely calmed down. Anyway, he was left to his fate, even if he was anxious, anxious would not help.

Pei Junlin, who calmed down, not only didn't panic, but began to sink his heart to cultivate supernatural powers, and the supernatural powers he had already understood could completely settle down at this time.

At this moment, Pei Junlin’s head is shrouded in a dark cloud. From that dark cloud, various kinds of lightning are constantly falling from it, plus rain, snow, hail, etc., it seems that there is a small local weather above Pei Junlin’s head. same.

At this moment, the dark cloud instantly dispersed and turned into a scorching sun. Nine suns shone in the sky, forming a hot temperature. However, this scene did not last long and quickly. It is the rain of fire, it seems to have entered the apocalyptic state, this is the disaster scene of Pei Junlin in the light of the evolving end.

After truly mastering this magical power, Pei Junlin sighed that the Taiyi Light of the Taiyi Immortal Gate was so powerful that it was incredible, but he coveted the magical powers that the Taiyi Immortal Gate's offensive drills produced, and it was not too much. And this extinguishing light is a level higher than Taiyi Golden Light.

Today's Light of Extinguishment is enough to kill the Taiyi Golden Light of Taiyi Immortal Gate, and that Taiyi Golden Light will be swallowed instantly in front of the Light of Extinguishment of Pei Junlin, and it is not a worry to be crushed.

A pang of hunger strikes, Pei Junlin knows that the consumption of his cultivating supernatural powers is too great, so this feeling of hunger appears in the body.

This feeling has not been felt for a long time for Pei Junlin. He immediately turned over his palm and a few more pills appeared. After these pills were swallowed by Pei Junlin, the hunger disappeared. ?

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