Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1593: 1 piece of meat

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Seize the house... This word kept spinning around in Pei Junlin's mind, and suddenly there was a flash of light, and Pei Junlin was as if he had been struck by lightning, and he completely understood it.

Today's Yanlong, half of its body is completely integrated with this planet. In other words, there is no difference between his body and this planet. If Yanlong wants to leave here, it is impossible for his body to leave, unless there is only half of his body.

Therefore, if Yanlong wants to leave here happily, what he lacks is a shell.

Pei Junlin also finally understood why the Yanlong had to persuade himself to die, when his will was completely dissipated by the will of this planet, leaving only a body, it became Yanlong's home.

After thoroughly understanding the causes and consequences, Pei Junlin's mood relaxed, because he completely saw through Yanlong's tricks.

This despicable guy, from the very beginning, planned to seize himself and make use of his current situation.

You even felt a little ridiculous. You always called the other person your eldest brother, and you believed it seriously. If you didn't rein in the precipice in time, you might have fallen into the trap of Yanlong.

After Pei Junlin, he can be sure that the flame dragon does not pose any threat to him now, because his consciousness and body are completely trapped inside the planet and cannot move.

As soon as he left, the Yanlong couldn't do anything about it, but Pei Junlin didn't plan to leave, because the half of the candle in Yanlong's hand was so powerful that Pei Junlin wanted to get it.

Attacking the Yanlong directly is equivalent to directly attacking the core of this planet, or attacking the heart of this huge creature. Once the opponent wakes up, he will die without a place to be buried.

Therefore, directly attacking Yanlong is not a good plan. A little carelessness will drag oneself into the abyss.

There is only one strategy for Pei Jun to think about, and that is to do everything. As long as Yanlong follows Yanlong's strategy, finds the loopholes in it, makes a counterattack at the most critical moment, and catches Yanlong by surprise, then is his chance.

Regarding the origins of this huge flesh and blood planet, Pei Junlin believes that Yanlong does not need to lie, and the appearance of the entire planet is indeed as Yanlong said, it should really be a piece of flesh and blood that fell here and slowly increased. Made up.

"Don't hesitate anymore, I will help you open the passage right away, and you can follow this passage to enter the brain of this flesh and blood planet directly." The Yanlong was afraid of long nights and dreams, so he started to urge Jun Pei to come, not giving it. Jun Pei has too many opportunities to think.

In fact, how did he know that Pei Junlin had already thought clearly about the causes and consequences, and this trap had already been seen through by Pei Junlin.

But very helpless, Pei Junlin's acting skills are too superb, which also makes Yanlong not notice that Pei Junlin has seen through all his trajectories, and is thinking of going back.

Pei Junlin nodded, and as expected, a high and bulging road appeared in front of him, like a monster's tongue.

Standing on this raised muscle tissue, I immediately felt the constant vibration of this muscle tissue, as if pushing Pei Junlin forward.

Moving forward, Pei Junlin appeared in front of something similar to a tunnel, which could only accommodate one person through. Pei Junlin walked directly inside without any hesitation.

Pei Junlin just doesn't like procrastination. Once a decision is made, the eight horses can't pull it back. He hesitates but can't do it.

So even though Junlin Pei hadn’t thought of a way to deal with it at this time, he still bit the scalp and walked inward. After walking for some time, Junlin Pei finally arrived in an empty large room, which is not a regular room. There are scarlet walls of flesh and blood all around.

Inside this room, there is a light blue line like light. These lines form a network, just like neurons in the human brain.

Pei Junlin was not nervous, because entering here, and did not encounter any counterattack, it means that, as Yanlong said, this mysterious planetary creature is falling into a deep sleep.

Sure enough, Pei Junlin observed for a while and found that there was not much activity between these neurons, and all the information transmitted seemed very slow. This shows from the side that this huge planetary creature is really sleeping.

It is undeniable that everything Yanlong said is very tempting. If you can really inject consciousness into this huge planet and completely control this behemoth, then the power of flesh and blood can grow to the strength of the Great Emperor.

The billowing blood was so violent that Pei Junlin couldn't even think about it.

But at this time Pei Junlin could only remain calm, because he knew that such a fantasy was simply unrealistic, and a creature as large as a planet could not be controlled by his own will.

It is very possible that this planetary creature will not easily wake up when it is asleep. Once it encounters an external attack, it will counterattack autonomously and directly shake the opponent's divine consciousness.

"I don't need to teach you these things next, as long as you get rid of your body and completely occupy this most critical place, then you will become a god-like existence." Yanlong's voice can penetrate the boundless infinity The space passed into Pei Junlin's heart, it was a bit scary.

"Big Brother Yanlong, thank you for giving me this opportunity. Once I have an achievement in the future, I will definitely not forget you." Pei Junlin pretended to be very excited, and a beam of light flew from the center of his eyebrows as he sat on the ground.

From the light, a bright white villain walked out. This villain is exactly what Pei Junlin looks like. His features are extremely delicate, exactly the same as Pei Junlin's deity, but he looks more handsome.

The villain who walked out of this light was the true spirit of Pei Junlin. Without any hesitation, Pei Junlin walked directly towards that part of his brain, as if he wanted to occupy these neural pathways.

Seeing that Pei Junlin was like a fool, letting him go to death at his mercy, the Yanlong heart was not too happy, as long as Pei Junlin's consciousness died, then this body was his beloved thing at the hand of Yanlong.

His body and will are trapped inside this planet, which has always been his biggest regret and his biggest shortcoming.

Now that Pei Junlin's piece of fat has finally been delivered to the door, Yanlong's mood has never been better at this time.

Seeing Pei Junlin's true spirit step by step into the neurons of the nebula, Yanlong's heart was about to beat out.

After clenching his fists, everything is only one step away from success. Only if Pei Junlin takes one step forward, then all his long-term dreams will be completely realized at this moment.

Sure enough, after Pei Junlin hesitated, he took that step easily. In one step, Pei Junlin's body was immediately torn into a mysterious starry sky vortex, and this vortex is the sleeping planet creature, the deepest depth of will.

"Big Brother Yanlong...Save me." Pei Junlin only had time to let out a scream, and fell completely into destruction.

While Yanlong witnessed all this with his own eyes, the expression on his face was extremely indifferent. The appearance of the kind and loyal brother before has completely disappeared, replaced by a pair of scarlet eyes that do not contain any human emotions.

After confirming that Pei Junlin's true spirit had been completely shocked, a crack appeared on Yanlong's eyebrows, and from this crack a villain who was exactly the same as the previous Pei Junlin's true spirit emerged.

The villain was just like Yanlong, jumping towards Pei Junlin's gap.

However, the true spirit of Yanlong was not in a hurry to seize the house, but was like an elf. There was a faint fluorescence around his body, illuminating the surrounding darkness, and after walking around Pei Junlin's body, Yanlong was surprised.

He didn't observe Pei Junlin clearly before. Observing Pei Junlin closely at this time, the information surprised Yan Long.

Because Pei Junlin used the mysterious earthen jar to hide all his secrets before, Yanlong couldn't see what happened. At this time, Pei Junlin is like an undefended exhibit. All the secrets are presented in front of goodness, he has cultivated into a celestial body... "Yanlong's eyes were full of surprises, almost going crazy.

He thought it was just an ordinary quke, but he didn't think it turned out to be a body that was hard to find in this world. But the body that he had successfully obtained would be much stronger than his original body.

Yanlong almost couldn't wait, trembling all over.

"The roots are also very powerful, and this qi luck, my god, is this huge qi luck the son of destiny? Why is his destiny so good?" Yanlong looked at Pei Junlin's body, As if looking at a rare piece of art, he kept admiring.

At this time, Pei Junlin was not completely shattered into a mass of nothing, as Yanlong wished, and disappeared between heaven and earth.

The moment he entered this consciousness vortex, he used that mysterious earthen jar to wrap his true spirit. For a long time, Pei Junlin has been very confident about the role of this mysterious earthen jar, which is to protect and hide its breath.

The defensive ability of this mysterious earthen jar is almost infinite for Pei Junlin, even in front of the emperor-level figure, Pei Junlin used this earthen jar to hide his figure without being discovered.

And the defensive ability of this crockpot is equally amazing, Pei Junlin never thought that something could directly break through the defense of this crockpot.

It is precisely because of this confidence that Pei Junlin dare to boldly implement his plan. Pei Junlin was hiding in the mysterious earthen jar and watching with cold eyes, watching that Yanlong's true spirit step by step towards his body, he was not in a hurry.

It was Yanlong who set himself up before, but now he is Pei Junlin giving Yanlong tongue, only the true spirit of Yanlong stepping into his body step by step, Pei Junlin is sure to let him come back and forth. ?

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