Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1597: Destiny struggle

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Pei Junlin's complexion changed drastically, and he had never expected that things would have undergone such a dramatic change, and going around and around still let Yanlong get into the loop.

I thought that everything was perfect, but this time I got a huge reward. But when everything came to an end, such a big oolong suddenly came, which really caught Pei Junlin by surprise, after all, the chaotic golden bucket was now asleep.

And this Soul Umbrella was suddenly dominated by Yanlong, and Pei Junlin could play one of the few cards.

The Soul Umbrella is now very strong, it can be said that it is in the sky, even more powerful than the Chaos Golden Dou, after all, there are 3 million heads of heavenly demons in it.

Moreover, these three million heavenly demons were no weaker than the previous 30 million. After all, these three million heavenly demons were the result of those who swallowed each other down.

If the demons swallow each other, they will undoubtedly increase their strength exponentially. Coupled with the fact that it has swallowed a large number of star lice before, you say that these three million gods are at their peak.

Now Lao Wu, as a tool spirit, has been deprived of his status and imprisoned, while Yanlong is occupying the magpie's nest and directly occupying the soul umbrella.

Under the gleam of light, the soul umbrella instantly glides into a tall human form, with long golden hair draped over the shoulders, and the whole person looks like a lion.

This blond man was Yanlong, with a sharp aura between his eyebrows and eyes, his whole body was like a lion ready to go.

The best spirit treasure can be transformed into a human form. This is not difficult at all, not to mention that the true spirit of the flame dragon enters the primordial soul umbrella, which can instantly transform this treasure into shape.

These are actually only part of it. The top spirit treasures can even practice like humans, improve themselves, and even break through the realm.

The material of this treasure is equivalent to the body of a cultivator, and the veins and acupuncture points can be completely replaced by formations.

"Heaven is a good cycle. It seems that I have been silent for a hundred thousand years at my home this year. It is finally time for me to be born. Brother Lin Qiong, I am sure that you are the gift that God gave me." Yanlong stared at Pei Junlin with a pair of eyes. It's like looking at a rare treasure.

Pei Junlin’s body is completely in your previous state, whether it’s air luck or root bones, plus the mysterious crock pot baby on Pei Junlin’s body, and the Dao body elementary fetus incarnate outside of the body, as well as this being collected by Pei Junlin In the flesh and blood planet, any one of these things is a shocking thing.

But seeing that this piece of fat was about to enter his own mouth, even Yanlong couldn't restrain his excitement.

Pei Junlin didn't speak, his face was a little pale. He is indeed very nervous now, because the brain is in chaos for a while, and he can't think of any countermeasures.

Pei Junlin knew the power of this Soul Umbrella, and this thing was completely unmatched by his current strength.

"Yanlong, do you really think you will eat me? You can think about it, this time if you fail again and fall into my hands, I won't give you such a good opportunity to keep you alive ." Pei Junlin's eyes flashed and put on a defensive posture.

At this time, behind Pei Junlin's head, twelve rays of light appeared in an instant. This is the moment when Pei Junlin used the mysterious Buddha monument and used the huge Buddhist aspiration to live in the back of his head twelve rays of light.

The three Buddha lights were not used by Pei Junlin's attack, but were used to resist the mental impact of the three million top-grade heavenly demons in the soul umbrella.

Pei Junlin and the Soul Umbrella have also been together for a while, and he has owned this treasure before, so he is the most intuitive and understands the power of the Soul Umbrella.

The mental impact that burst out in an instant was enough to make people shatter the sea of ​​consciousness and die directly. But this time it is a little different. Residents can withstand this spiritual impact by using the twelve light guards of Buddhism.

Yanlong was indeed shocked by Pei Junlin's words before, because Pei Junlin looked too young. But based on the previous experience with Pei Junlin, this is a ruthless character with few ruthless words, with countless cards.

Yanlong actually knew that since the moment he launched his attack, there was no retreat. If he fell into the hands of Pei Junlin again, he could only admit his fate.

"Haha, do you think I am willing to die so aggrieved? If I miss this great opportunity, I will spend my whole life in regret. Rather than live as a dog, I might as well be a vigorous one if I fail this time , Brother Lin Qiong, please start boldly, just give me a happy one." Yanlong laughed, and rubbed his hands without talking, and launched a mental impact on Pei Junlin.

Sure enough, as Pei Junlin had expected, a spear of spiritual power that was purely in essence rushed towards the twelve Buddha lights authorized by Pei Junlin.

Although it is known that the twelve Buddha lights of Pei Junlin are also the spiritual willpower of Buddhism and embody the spirit of Buddhism, in terms of spirit, they can completely suppress the gods.

But he knew this, but Yanlong still launched a mental shock, because he didn't think Pei Junlin could withstand the mental shock of three million gods.

In order to cause quantitative changes to cause qualitative changes, although the spiritual aspect of Buddhism is the only one in the universe, it is only now and then. The mental impact formed by the three million gods in this fate single is definitely a shocking existence.

But Yanlong didn't know that Pei Junlin was in the sea, not only had the whispering pure land, but also had a mysterious stone monument of Buddhism.

The twelve lights behind Pei Junlin's head were not for decoration, but a means by Pei Junlin to save his life.

When this spiritual spear rushed towards Pei Junlin at an unparalleled speed, the twelve halos instantly wrapped around, completely isolating Pei Junlin's whole person.

The two mental powers rushed into the air, impacting each other, and Pei Junlin felt a huge wave in an instant. The impact of mental power at this time, even if someone stood in the appearance battle for thousands of miles, they would be directly rushed into an idiot by this mental wave.

It was Pei Junlin and Yanlong who were in the battle, neither of them was damaged. Although Yanlong’s spiritual spear was blocked by Pei Junlin, Yanlong was not damaged because the soul umbrella had both offense and defense. Has an incredible defense force.

On the other side, Pei Junlin was also unscathed, not even a strand of hair was blown, but his expression was a little cold.

Yan Long smiled unmoved, a big golden umbrella in his hand suddenly opened, and there were countless glories of brilliance in an instant.

The dark and heavy space around him was as bright as daylight at this moment, and what shocked Pei Junlin was that the Soul Umbrella actually activated the ten formations in an instant, which he could not do before.

Pei Junlin noticed that activating these ten formations, Yanlong didn't take any effort at all, and it was not enough. He used the cold pill to push those demon like he did before.

Ten Great Array...

This huge power made Pei Junlin despair, after all, he had once owned the Soul Umbrella, and knew how incredible the power of this top-quality Lingbao was.

A man with long golden hair on his head came out of the billowing golden light, it was Yanlong, and he slammed down at Pei Junlin with a punch.

The rumbling sound came from all directions, Pei Junlin seemed to be in a valley, with huge stones rolling towards him on all sides.

This is a desperate situation, a point where no escape is allowed.

Pei Junlin stood at the lowest point of this valley, dead everywhere, and desperate emotions continuously derived from his heart.

"No, no, no, I can't die like this, all this is fantasy." Pei Junlin opened his eyes, a cold light like a sword light.

At this moment, although the Chaos Golden Dou fell into a deep sleep, the world at the end of the Chaos was still connected to Pei Junlin, and Pei Junlin waved his big hand, Wudi Da Yuanshen came out of that chaotic golden bucket instantly.

The worlds of these five emperors primordial spirits and chaotic golden buckets are deeply integrated, equivalent to the five party gods. This is also Pei Junlin's strongest method. In an instant, these five golden figures are like five big Buddhas ~ to deal with these five directions separately to block the wave and impact of the billowing waves.

Seeing this strange sight, even Yanlong's eyes showed fear and incredible expression. Although I have high hopes for Pei Junlin and feel that Pei Junlin is very mysterious and must have a lot of methods, but in the end, seeing the methods Pei Junlin used, still shocked Yanlong inexplicably and horrified.

One person can have five souls. What is going on? Is it a **** or a fairy? Is it a Buddha or a Demon?

"It doesn't matter, Brother Lin Qiong, whether you are a god, a Buddha, a demon or an immortal, will die for me today, because everything you have belongs to me, you are a gift from heaven to me, and I want to follow the general trend of heaven. "Yanlong seems to be convincing himself.

Pei Junlin knew that the moment when the other party saw his five emperor soul, he was actually a little shaken, after all, the five emperor soul was too shocking.

Yanlong said this not to tell Pei Junlin to listen to, but to tell him to speak up for himself, to stand up for himself.

"If God wants to give you a gift, it will make you wait for a hundred thousand years. Yanlong give up struggling, you are a whetstone at best, just a stepping stone." Pei Junlin's eyes condensed instead, forming a section. A will like steel, perseverance.

If Pei Junlin's mind was a little shaken before, then Pei Junlin is now like a rock, and his will is as indestructible as steel. Although the enemy is strong and we are weak, but at this moment, Pei Junlin has recovered his confidence.

The five emperor emperors presented huge phantoms from five directions, just like gods in the sky.

It's just that in that soul umbrella, all three million heavenly demons were released, and the mountains were whistling and rushing toward the five emperors. ?

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