Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 160: First appearance of Danzong


The same sound of astonishment came from Li Xiurong's mouth. Under the seemingly incomparable face, a pair of blade-like eyes, radiant and radiant, seemed to see Pei Junlin through.

Unfortunately, this result is doomed to be disappointed. At the moment when Li Xiurong's mental power tried to penetrate Pei Jun's consciousness of the sea, all of a sudden, his mental power was wrapped in a sea of ​​terror.

The flame of the sea of ​​fire was very horrible. Burning everything, shocked Li Xiulong immediately withdrew his spiritual thoughts, and looked at Pei Junlin even more surprised.

"Dead old man, what are you doing? Who asked you to intervene in my business!"

Just as Pei Junlin and Li Xiurong confronted each other, a voice filled with anger suddenly inserted. Li Chaoran stared at the eyes of the two giant pandas, standing fiercely between Pei Junlin and Li Xiurong, with somber faces.


Li Xiurong, who had originally been fighting Pei Junlin, suddenly became very embarrassed. He had already taken back the horrible momentum on his body and replaced it with a look of helplessness, embarrassed and grinned: "That ... that I didn't hear you were Did you hit it, so run over and see! "

"So what, since you're okay, I'll go first!"

"And you guys, what do you want to watch? Be careful with your corns, haven't you seen my son who is afraid of my son?"

After all, Li Xiurong didn't wait for everyone to react in time, and once again turned into a strong wind and disappeared in Dongfu. No one could see how he left. Only that severe wind proved what.

This is even more awesome for Li Xiurong's inscrutable strength, and at the same time, he is extremely helpless for this pair of complicated father and son.

"That ... brother! Aren't you going to call? Let's go, I'll take you to the communication room!"

At this time, Li Chaoran turned to Pei Junlin and said that, unlike the gloomy anger of his father Li Xiurong, Li Chaoran's face was full of charming smile again.

The corner of Pei Junlin's mouth twitched a little, silent, striding out of Dongfu. When his body passed the three of Kong Lin, Guan Yue and Leng Ruochen standing in the crowd, it seemed as if he had never seen it, only When he walked out of Dongfu, just when he saw Tang Jijun who was panting back, his eyes stopped for a moment, and there was a hint of taunt.

"Brother, what's your name?"

"Where did you come from?"

"Where is the teacher?"

"Master, Ben has always thought that he is already the most outstanding genius in this world. He will be crowned the true dragon in less than three years, but he did not expect it, but he was the first to be boarded by you!"

"Since then, you are my elder brother, and my younger brother is really convinced!"

"Brother, you say something ..."

On the way to the communication room, Pei Junlin's ears continued to have broken voices, and various kinds of strange questions emerged endlessly. Li Chaoran was like a middle school boy full of gossip psychology.

Pei Junlin was really annoyed, and finally told his name coldly.

"It was the older brother's surname Pei, so I'll call you Brother Pei later ..."

"It's still the oldest brother. My family is the only one. I have no brothers or sisters. I have always longed for a strong brother to protect ..."

Finally, the communication room arrived, and Li Chaoran, a mixed-world little devil, was present. The staff in charge of the communication room did not dare to ask one, and quickly released it.


Pei Junlin closed the door of the room, preventing the entry of Li Chaoran. He finally recovered a lot of purity. He didn't understand. What happened to the two Li Chaoran and Li Xiurong, how their personality changed a lot. See you in a while!

When dialing the phone number of Prince Qiong, Prince Qiong far beyond Jinling City was undoubtedly full of surprises. At the same time, with some small grudges, blamed Pei Junlin for remembering to call her for so long, and she couldn't get through to Pei at all. King's phone.

Pei Junlin is also very sorry for this. When he came, he didn't know that the requirements were so strict. The two of them seemed to have endless topics.

Perhaps only when facing Prince Qiong, Pei Junlin's words will be a lot. On weekdays, he is definitely a bad person, always showing a cold attitude.

On the phone, Prince Qiong told Pei Junlin that everything is going well for Junlin International. At the same time, she arranged her parents and Pei Junlin's parents and sisters to join the company. This is also the wish of the elders on both sides.

Pei Junlin is very satisfied with this arrangement. After all, animals like humans ca n’t be idle all the time. They need to find something to do, big and small. His parents and Wang Ziqiong ’s parents are actually young, especially after undergoing jade muscle regeneration After Dan's effect, he seemed to be back in his thirties, and his energy was extremely abundant.

Finding something to do is the best, otherwise you will fall ill!

However, Pei Junlin still instructed Prince Qiong that they have no shortage of money and should focus on cultivation.

Wang Ziqiong vowed on the phone that he would grasp both hands with hard hands, and he would not pull down on either side.

It was almost half an hour after ending the call with Wang Ziqiong, and Pei Junlin talked to his parents and sister separately. It was an hour later.

When he opened the door and walked out of the phone booth, he found that Li Chaoran was joking and laughing at a pretty army sister outside, making the army sister pretty and red with a shy expression.

"Hey, brother, you're out!"

Seeing Pei Junlin stepping out of the communication room, Li Chaoran immediately lost the girl, and greeted him warmly.

"Now where do we go, as long as you speak, this whole base will not have my mixed-life little devil Li Chaoran who doesn't know." Li Chaoran patted his chest vigorously and recommended himself aloud.

Pei Junlin originally wanted to set aside this follower, but his character likes to be quiet, but Li Chaoran's words moved his heart and said: "Then I ask you something, do you know the energy serum?"


Li Chaoran, who was full of confidence and enthusiasm, suddenly became very stiff with a smile on his face: "Brother ... why did you suddenly ask about the energy serum ... who are you?"

Pei Junlin was too lazy to conceal any identity, which directly showed that he was the instructor of the early practitioners of the Shufa Pavilion.

At the same time, he also stated frankly that he wanted to get some energy serum to enhance the physical quality of the students.

"It turns out that you are the new spellmaster! Hey, that's wrong! When you hit me just now, but you didn't reveal the magic at all, you shouldn't be the boss ..." Li Chaoran snapped Eyes widened.

Pei Junlin said calmly: "Is martial arts double cultivation? I really am!"

"Brother, my brother is completely convinced! You are so awesome!"

In the eyes of Li Chaoran, the starlight of worship was twinkling, and he almost fell to the ground and bowed down.

"Don't be arrogant, your qualifications are considered geniuses, pick a thousand miles!"

Pei Junlin said, "Don't talk about it. You haven't said what's going on with that energy serum. Where can I get it?"

After clarifying Pei Junlin's identity, Li Chaoran simply no longer concealed it, explaining: "The energy serum is in the base of the Dan Yao Pavilion, but that place is special, unless it is like General Li or my dad. People can get energy serum, and the rest of us really can't get it. "

"Oh? Dan Yaoge is so special?" Pei Junlin was surprised.

Li Chaoran pouted: "Isn't it? After all, the people inside are all the country's hard work, and the masters of alchemy that Danzong invited from far away in Zhongzhou have grown their nostrils into the sky, regardless of their strength." Indifferently, but proud! "

"Brother, you also know that in the martial arts world, there are very few people who can practice alchemy. Basically, almost two-thirds of the elixir is monopolized by Zhongzhou Danzong. The rest are ancient Wudang and ancient Shaolin Temple. There are scarce alchemists in ancient ancestors ... "

Li Chaoran in the rushes didn't notice that Pei Junlin's face had gradually become cold, and there was a faint scum in the air.

"Did you just say that the people in Dan Yaoge are from Zhongzong Danzong?"

Li Chaoran nodded and said, "Yeah! This is something that almost the entire base knows!"

"Where's Dan Yao Ge? Take me right away!"

Suddenly, Pei Junlin's attitude became more and more cold. Deep down his eyes, the chill flickered. He would never forget what Pei Wantian told him when Jiang Pei's family was destroyed that day.

Three years ago, in fact, the real culprit was not Jiangbei Pei's family, but a person from Danzong. It was because of that person's provocation and huge temptation that Jiangbei's Pei family took risks for the sake of their interests and destroyed him. Family.

Afterwards, the person from Danzong took away Pei Junlin's heart, and since then no news has been heard. If it wasn't for the news from Pei Wantian, Pei Junlin would have been kept in the drum, thinking that Jiangbei Pei's family was the real culprit.

Originally in Pei Junlin's plan, he planned to wait for Jiangbei ’s forces to completely stabilize. He was leaving for Zhongzhou. After all, Zhongzhou was far away from Jiangbei, and there were thousands of miles, but what he did n’t expect was that, In this Yanhuang organization's base, Dan Zong was unexpectedly informed.

This is really the answer ~ ~ If you want to plant flowers, you will not plant them, and if you do n’t, you will plant willows and willows!

Now that he's met, Pei Junlin feels that he won't be able to sleep without visiting him!

Dan Yao Ge, located in the southwest of the base, is an independent mountain with beautiful scenery. There are many wooden buildings on the mountain.

When Pei Junlin followed Li Chaoran to his face, he looked up and immediately felt the magical power of boiling fire coming from the air, and even the temperature under his feet was abnormal.

"Under this ground, there is a natural vein of ground fire?"

Pei Junlin said in surprise: "I did not expect this Danzong man would really choose a place!"

Li Chaoran looked puzzled: "What is the fire vein? There is only an active active volcano underneath!"

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