Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1599: Final crisis

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This is Yanlong's biggest trump card. He never thought that he would lose, nor could he lose.

Yanlong has even thought about it. Later, he will be more generous and give Pei Junlin a joy. He even feels that he should not use language to humiliate and humiliate Pei Junlin, but give the other party corresponding dignity.

In his heart Yanlong had disguised himself as a great conqueror, a generous elder brother, although we even had to show a generous side, let Jun Pei calmly go to death.

Pei Junlin is holding a spear in his final battle with the ancient dragon soul. Although in terms of strength, you can completely suppress this ancient dragon soul, but the will of the dragon soul is still indestructible.

The magic spear in Pei Junlin's hand suddenly appeared, and there was sharp wind in all directions for an instant. Your power swept in all directions, the space collapsed and torn, and even the air currents of the void burst out.

The ancient dragon soul was naturally unwilling to be enslaved and surrendered by Pei Junlin, and naturally began to fight back with all his might.

A ray of brilliance flew out of the magic spear in Pei Junlin's hand, just like a series of silk threads. In the end, these formed silk threads were woven into a large net, which firmly enveloped the ancient prehistoric ancestor dragon.

Just forming a formation king, the king suddenly shrank in an instant. There was rumbling starlight and blasting sound all around, and the sky was filled with stars, and the brilliance of the stars was scattered in all directions.

A whirlpool appeared in Pei Junlin's palm, and the sky full of starlight gathered in Pei Junlin's palm, like a long whale absorbing water, and was completely absorbed into Pei Junlin's body.

All this happened so fast that it completely made the great and wild ancestor dragon feel what is called the speed of war. She wanted to struggle for a moment, when the Promise Wolf King suddenly appeared with a terrifying wolf howl, and the huge sound wave instantly rushed into the mind of this great ancestor dragon.

Pei Junlin's whole body formed a formation to change the price, and Pei Junlin continued to grow stronger, while the ancient ancestor dragon was constantly weak.

Residents continue to absorb the enormous power of stars from the prehistoric ancestral dragon. The dragon soul of this prestigious ancestral dragon has lived for many years. It is almost the same age as the world, at least millions of years.

Under the long-term precipitation, the endless star power was gathered into a sacred body by him, but at this moment these star powers have completely become the nourishment of Pei Junlin.

Pei Junlin’s celestial body is like a bottomless pit, which can contain the power of the stars infinitely, and these massive powers of the stars are concentrated in every cell of Pei Junlin’s muscles, every organ of the body, and even Incorporated into the five primordial spirits of Pei Junlin.

One began to weaken rapidly, but one person continued to grow stronger, and the faint light emitted by Pei Junlin's celestial body even exudes, every cell cheered.

Pei Junlin now stretched out his hand easily, and his hand could be condensed into a starlight weapon. It was he who stretched out his hand and grabbed it and formed a long sword in his hand, which suddenly cut it down, and a large piece of star light was directly cut down from the ancient prehistoric dragon.

The long sword in Pei Junlin's hand kept hacking and hacking, and the great dragon was shrouded by the starlight net from Pei Junlin, and there was no room for struggle.

Clusters of starlight fell from this wild ancestral dragon, like pieces of flesh and blood. In this area, it was like a meteor shower, and a cluster of starlight falling down was like a meteor, falling down continuously, but to a certain extent, it would be absorbed by Pei Junlin into the body again.

And Pei Junlin felt extremely happy in his heart. He hated that the dragons and the dragons had antagonistic feuds. At this time, the dragon soul of this prehistoric ancestor dragon naturally became the object of Pei Junlin's vent.

With the constant swing of the long sword in Pei Junlin's hand, this prehistoric ancestral dragon was almost punished by Pei Junlin with the most severe punishment.

Every piece of the punishment of thousands of swords and slashes cut off the light of a star, countless stars fell down, absorbed by Pei Junlin into his body, Pei Junlin continued to grow stronger, and Honghuang Zulong continued to weaken When it arrives, in the end, the body of Honghuang Zulong is only the thickness of the arms.

Ninety-nine percent of the star power in the body has been completely absorbed by Pei Junlin, and Pei Junlin at this time is like a starlight person wearing a formed armor, the whole person is bathed in a ball of light.

The muscle cells and life forms have undergone fundamental changes, and it seems that the celestial body has reached the juncture of another evolution.

The ancient dragon soul roared anger, unwillingness, anger, and other emotions gathered together. But Pei Junlin didn't pay any attention. He stretched out his hand and grabbed the devastating big hand and instantly enveloped him, tearing the dragon soul into his palm abruptly.

A series of talismans were suppressed in an instant, and the ancient dragon soul bag was as strict as a zongzi, unable to turn over any waves.

At this time, the Yanlong on the other side finally felt that something was wrong, because he suddenly discovered that the connection between himself and the ancient dragon soul had been directly cut off, and the soul umbrella in his hand was not affected at this moment. control.

Yan Xiaoyun scattered Pei Junlin stood there faintly and there was no change before the war, but his hair exuded a silvery white light, and every strand of hair continued to flow with a stream of light.

At this moment, Pei Junlin, standing in front of Yanlong, was like the **** of stars, with flowing light all over his body. Behind her appeared a dark starry sky, with meteor showers constantly passing by, which seemed to become Pei Junlin's background wall.

Yanlong looked at Pei Junlin blankly, not knowing what had happened. He thought he had a chance to win, but he didn't know that he lost so thoroughly at the last moment.

When Pei Junlin didn't talk too much nonsense to Yanlong, he just flipped his palm and suppressed it by a magnificent earth-killing force.

Before the Yanlong screamed, he was slapped to the ground by this monstrous huge palm, and his whole body vanished in an instant, completely disappearing into the long river of time and space.

One's life can be destroyed, but one's ambition cannot be completely eliminated. Pei Junlin does not want to kill Yanlong. After all, this person has lived for too long, and the knowledge of the body is a treasure.

Pei Junlin originally wanted to keep Yanlong. After all, there was no deep hatred between him and Yanlong. Even if Yanlong made a counterattack at the final moment and burst out with powerful ambitions, Pei Junlin did not hate him too much. meaning.

After all, people die for money, and birds die for food. What Yanlong does is just the cycle of heaven, conforming to the heart.

With the defeated Yanlong Pei Jun, although he respected, he could not leave this person. After all, Yanlong witnessed too many secrets of him, and the origin of Yanlong is absolutely extraordinary. If this person is allowed to leave alive, it will be a great future. Disaster.

Compared to Zhou Ying of the Taiyi Immortal Clan, this Yanlong is simply a flying Dapeng. Compared with Zhou Ying, Yanlong is like a mountain, and Zhou Ying is at most a stream.

Pei Junlin flipped his palm, and the light formed around his body slowly extinguished, and his whole body returned to a state of returning to innocence, which looked no different from normal times.

Only Pei Junlin knew that he himself had absorbed too many stars this time, and his body was on the verge of evolution.

Today's physical strength is at least a thousand times stronger than before. It is a shocking force. Now Pei Junlin is confident that even if he meets Zhou Ying, he is completely worthy. With the strength of his body, even if he stands there to raise a saint-level powerhouse to attack, he will Completely fearless.

The physical body is so powerful that it can make up for the gap in realm. This is Pei Junlin's self-confidence.

Pei Junlin stretched out his hand and grabbed it, and returned the Soul Umbrella to Pei Junlin's palm. The densely packed Heavenly Demon seemed to have received instructions and instantly poured into the Soul Umbrella.

One step across the starry sky, Pei Junlin did not stay on this planet for long. Because Pei Junlin felt the crisis, this crisis even made him even careless of the flesh and blood planet that he had worked so hard to refine before.

In the universe, the Yanlong before the crisis is always encountered, is Pei Junlin’s Waterloo, but he has used the most powerful will to overcome This time Pei Junlin has a loose will and just wants to Run away, because he knew that he was being watched by an incredible character, and as long as this character moved his fingers, he would probably crush himself completely.

So this time Pei Junlin didn't care about anything, and even the body element fetus was ignored, and he just abandoned it.

Staring at Pei Junlin is not a specific person, but a will that has always been like nothing. You are Junlin Pei, and you can feel that the person who is staring at him is even more terrifying than that of the flesh and blood planet.

It was a huge human being, with a body much larger than a planet, and it seemed that a body could be as big as a star field.

Pei Junlin just swept his divine consciousness slightly, and he could only see the tip of the iceberg. One of his fingers seemed to be the size of a planet.

The huge human body was suspended in the void, and the ice element was cold, floating up and down in the dark abyss.

The reason why Pei Junlin fled in a panic was because he had discovered such a behemoth, and the other party had already focused on him.

Pei Junlin fled at the fastest speed in the starry sky, his whole person was like a falling meteor, emitting a bright light across the cold and dark starry sky.

But at this moment, Pei Junlin felt a huge attraction, and his body was like a grain of dust, rolled back by this incomparable force, and fell towards the huge abyss.

At this moment, Pei Junlin felt despair and anger.

I don't understand why such a powerful creature would focus on himself, perhaps relative to the opponent himself, even without a single cell.

The opponent is like staring at a grain of dust in the endless ocean, the chance is so small, but the opponent is staring at it. ?

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