Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 167: Mountain spar news and Qinghongmen Powerhouse

There is almost only one month left until the international competition. In the next time, Pei Junlin's life is rarely restored to peace. In addition to occasionally pointing out the practitioners' skills, more time is to enter Dan. The ground fire vein of the Medicine Pavilion absorbs abundant fire attribute aura, and vigorously enhances the evolution of the Nether Karma fire.

In this regard, although the people of the Dan Yaoge were full of aggrieved people, they were helpless. It was the last time that Pei Junlin had done so much damage to the Dan Yaoge. Even their master Liu Yuebai was not an opponent, let alone other people. Already.

As long as Pei Junlin is no longer in trouble, and simply absorbs the aura in the fire veins, all the people in Dan Yao Ge open their eyes and close their eyes and let the other party go!

Time flies, a flash is a month!

On this day, a long howling sound suddenly came out from the bottom of the Dan Yao Pavilion, accompanied by the sound of the dragon's voice roaring, and a slender figure standing full of fire dragons came out of the ground with infinite power, Eyes look around!

Such a big movement naturally shocked a lot of congenial powerhouses with the title of true dragon in the base. When they saw the figure wrapped around the fire dragon, these congenital powerhouses of the second and third ranks looked jealous. It was found that the flame on Pei Junlin would bring them a sense of life threatening.

Could this guy have made some breakthrough in strength in just one month?

You must know that this is a congenital level. Martial arts practice, the more naturally you break through one level, the more difficult it is, it is tantamount to fighting with heaven and robbing the fate of anti-heaven.

Pei Junlin has been martial arts at such a young age. He has been praised as the youngest congenital power in 100 years, and he has been called the true dragon. The technique has also been called the real person. Within a period of time, the strength seems to have made a breakthrough again, which greatly stimulated many people.

Just as many martial arts powers broke through Pei Junlin again, and there was a lot of discussion, Pei Junlin had already appeared in one of the offices of the base, and the person who received him was General Lu Qingkong.

The purpose of Pei Junlin's visit this time is simple, that is, he has basically completed the agreement with Lu Qingkong, not only improves the physical fitness of the rookie students, but also imparts a lot of knowledge about the way of surgery. He should What you have done is done, how much you can achieve, it depends on the qualifications of these students!

Now that the mission has been completed, it is also time for Lu Qingkong to fulfill the agreement, and he needs to know the news of the spar.

"It will be an international event in less than a week, aren't you going to take the trainees you taught yourself?"

Hearing Pei Junlin's arrival, Lu Qingkong asked, "After all, the presence of you can greatly inspire the students' morale and achieve better results!"

Pei Junlin shook his head: "I have already taught everything, there is no need to do more! They have the ability to achieve good grades, it is because of their personal or teamwork that they have nothing to do with me!"

Seeing Pei Junlin's resolute attitude, Lu Qingkong stopped talking and sighed: "Even if you don't take the initiative to leave, I will let you go back at most after the completion of this international event!"

"You may not know that the killing of the Seven Elders at Qinghongmen Overseas broke out more than two months ago, and the revenge of this ambitious organization has come!"


Pei Junlin, who was originally sitting calmly on the chair, suddenly raised an eyebrow, and a terror of evil erupted on his body.

Seeing this, Lu Qingkong waved his hands quickly: "Jinglin, don't be impulsive!"

"Since the country has promised to protect your Jiangbei Pei family, then naturally it can be done! Comes have been stopped by Jiang!"

"According to intelligence, this time the strongman from Qinghongmen overseas was the last twelve elders in the elders group. The twelve elders have the best relationship with the seven elders you killed!"

Pei Junlin said, "Twelve elders? How many elders are there in this overseas Qinghongmen?"

Lu Qingkong replied: "Overseas Qinghongmen, as a powerful international organization, is naturally extremely powerful. In addition to the inscrutable masters, there are two deputy masters and four defenders. Twelve elders, and rudder masters of all sizes. "

"The strength of the rudder master level is basically the grandmaster's grade. These are based on your natural lack of strength, but what I want to tell you is that if the Qinghongmen Elders team goes up, they are all innate ranks. It's up! "

Pei Junlin showed a bit of surprise. This was the first time that he understood the inner power of the overseas Qinghongmen, and he was somewhat astonished.

If it is true as Lu Qingkong said, then the overseas Qinghongmen superpower has at least eighteen strong dragons alone. This is not the inscrutable Qinghongmen master. It is conservatively estimated that the title is true. There are at least twenty dragon-level powerhouses!

It is indeed a large international organization. The first force in the Chinese circle is so powerful that it is enough to push a small country horizontally!

Formidable as China, in the face of such forces, they are generally in Huairou means, do not want to be angry, otherwise Lu Qingkong will not use the word blocking, but use the word killing!

"Junlin, if you feel powerless, then I can help. After all, you are facing an international super organization!" Lu Qingkong said, with a kind expression on his face, like an elder who cares for the younger generation. .

But Pei Junlin knows that this old guy is definitely the one who eats people and doesn't spit out his bones. This kind of relationship is definitely not so owed, and he immediately refused to hesitate and said: "No! Since it is the trouble that Pei Junlin caused me It's my responsibility! "

"I'll take a look at what kind of character this so-called Qinghongmen can send!"

"General Lu, we don't need to talk more about the gossip, tell me the news of Mountain Crystal!"

Seeing Pei Junlin's such sharp and unfavorable rejection, Lu Qingkong's eyes showed a slight disappointment, and he groaned and said, "Since you got the name of the spar in your mouth, I have looked through the various sections inside the Yanhuang tissue. An ancient book! Finally found records of this mountain spar! "

"It was mentioned in the book that this spar is a special mountain and a famous river. After countless years and under special circumstances, it is a special gem! It is like those veins and minerals! "

"However, unlike these vein vein minerals, sparlite actually has a special life form. It was mentioned in ancient books that there are stubborn stones that can be transformed into a flying bird, soaring into the blue sky, and flying like a big fish. Long river! "

"The most famous representative in history is the Huaguo Mountain Stone Monkey in the myth story. Most of the worldly people think that it is a myth, but it is actually a real thing!"

"General Lu, I know all these materials and information, you tell me, where is the exact news of this mountain spar?" Pei Junlin interrupted Lu Qingkong's words.

Lu Qingkong slowly spit out two words: "Songshan!"

"Some information has been reported. In the Songshan Mountains, there have been monsters frequenting. I like to tease the people around me, steal food, and disturb the people. I have to report it!"

"However, even if the local police assembled a team of thousands of people, they couldn't find the trace of the monster. Someone once witnessed that the monster could penetrate into the depths of the earth and disappear instantly!"

"There are others who have witnessed it for themselves, that the monster treats the mountains and stones as a home, and comes and goes!"

"In the end, I had to hire a powerful Luohan from the Shaolin Temple in Songshan to suppress the monster's work!"

"I don't know whether the news is accurate or not, but judging from all the signs, it is indeed the most similar to the spar that you call!"

Pei Junlin nodded, this was indeed a very important message, and he left Lu Qingkong.

Three days later, Jinling City, Jiangbei, Junlin International Headquarters!

Under a magnificent thirty-story skyscraper, a taxi stopped, and Pei Junlin stepped out of the car.

He looked up at the towering skyscrapers and walked in.

In this office building, people who work include his parents, sister, wife, father-in-law and other relatives.

Taking the elevator all the way up to the top floor, and before returning home for nearly two months, Pei Junlin even gave birth to a feeling of being homesick.


The elevator reached the top floor. With the sound of a ding, the elevator door was opened. Pei Junlin was about to step out. Suddenly, his eyes were fixed, and he saw a pair of beautiful girls standing outside.

Everyone is about twenty years old, wearing black and white work uniforms, attractive figures, tall and slender, exquisite looks, like twins.

The two girls didn't know what interesting things were being said, and they were fighting each other. Suddenly, the two girls froze at the same time, staring blankly at the youth in the elevator.

It wasn't until Pei Junlin stepped out of the elevator that the two girls screamed with excitement. One girl simply dropped the things in her hand and flew directly into Koala's body like a koala bear, shouting: "Brother! You are back!"

This pair of young and pressing beautiful girls like sister flowers is Pei Nianci and Wang Ziyu. Since Pei Nianci lived in Jinling City, two girls of similar age have directly become good girlfriends who talk about everything.

Feeling the excitement of her sister in her arms, Pei Junlin warmly smiled and reached out and patted her sister Pei Nianci's back gently: "What about parents? And your sister-in-law?"

"Yes! They are all!"

Wang Ziyu said excitedly: "Brother-in-law, I'll tell them now!"

When Pei Junlin took her sister Pei Nianci's little hand ~ ~ to the office area, she saw the extremely excited faces of her parents and Prince Qiong.

I haven't seen it in two months. Under the action of Yuji Zaidan, everyone's breath has changed a lot, just like being reborn in the fire, radiant and radiant.

In particular, Wang Ziqiong, when Pei Junlin's eyes fell on his wife, he couldn't help but make a soft snore, and even broke into the master three grades, and also added a touch of nobleness to the original temperament. This is the effect of practicing Taiqing Yu Xu Gong ...

In just two months, three grades can be broken. Although it is attributed to the reiki effect of Pei Jiayuan's Oriental Taiyi Formation, the more important thing is Wang Ziqiong's rare pure Yin body in a thousand years!

This kind of constitution, even Pei Junlin's eyesight and heart can't help but envy. As long as the prince Qiongken cultivates, he will surely bloom in the future!

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