Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1704: Fate

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However, Pei Junlin's embarrassment was not a real embarrassment, but a pretense. He deliberately retreated, his body leaned backwards, and crashed a huge pillar on the street.

This pillar was the load-bearing pillar of the entire house structure. After Pei Junlin hit it, he easily smashed the pillar into two sections.

The entire house that had lost its load-bearing pillars collapsed. For a time, the entire interface was covered with smoke and dust, and even other houses were implicated one after another and began to collapse.

This is the huge movement Pei Junlin wants. How can Marshal Silver Fox's attention if there is no movement? The louder the noise, the better, Pei Junlin was not afraid at all, but the two guards' complexions changed drastically.

The movement here quickly attracted the attention of the guards in the mansion, and soon the figure fell from the sky, surrounding Pei Jun.

Without waiting for Pei Junlin to have any room for resistance, the chains directly entangled his body firmly.

"I'm not a spy of the Demon Race, I just have something important to report to the Marshal, and this matter is related to the safety of the entire Celestial City." Pei Junlin deliberately said loudly that his voice spread far, almost half of it. Everyone in the mansion heard it.

The strength of Marshal Silver Fox is definitely not low, according to Pei Junlin's speculation, he should be a powerhouse at the Saint level. A powerful person of this level can definitely hear what he says, so Pei Junlin deliberately amplifies his voice in order to arouse the idea of ​​this silver fox general.

"Suck her mouth shut, don't let it make any noise, go to the dungeon, and interrogate again in the future." A guard like the boss said to Pei Junlin without hesitation.

"Bring people here, I'm going to ask questions myself." A majestic voice came without anger and prestige, with an indisputable iron blood and coldness in his kindness.

Pei Junlin's heart was suddenly ecstatic. He knew that his goal had been achieved, and he attracted the attention of Marshal Silver Fox. As long as he could see Marshal Silver Fox Pei Junlin, he would be sure that he had a way to move the purple opponent.

Hearing Marshal Silver Fox personally ordered several guards, it also felt incredible, because a big man like Marshal Silver Fox would not easily meet outsiders.

But Marshal Silver Fox had personally ordered several guards, and he did not dare to disobey. Soon Pei Junlin was taken to a huge mansion. In this hall, Junlin saw a Marshal Silver Fox in a silver robe.

Marshal Yinhu was full of white hair and white beard. He looked very holy, but there was a smell of iron and blood in his eyebrows, and he was not angry.

"You came here deliberately to get my attention. Let's talk, what news do you want to report to me." Marshal Silver Fox's voice was very kind, making people unable to hear any of his emotions.

Pei Junlin didn't waste the opportunity, and said straightforwardly: "Hello Marshal Silver Fox, I am a subordinate of General Kamo, I have an extremely important news to report to you now. Because General Kamo has discovered a demon. The clan’s newly built fortress has been framed and robbed of credit. It has now been reduced to a prisoner and may be threatened with death at any time."

Pei Junlin deliberately distorted this matter, but the purpose was to attract the marshal's attention.

"The portal of the demon clan's fortress, are you true?" A pair of Marshal Silver Fox's eyes burst out with a strong light.

"Of course it is true. If there is a half lie, I dare to fall to the ground." Pei Junlin said decisively.

Hearing Pei Junlin’s resolute tone, the silver fox general’s eyes finally showed a hint of appreciation. He watched Pei Junlin for a long time before he said with a smile on his face: "You should have been in Iron Armor before. The one on the battleship who was saved by Camo, you are not some of Camo's subordinate."

Marshal Silver Fox actually chuckled, and with a single sentence, Pei Junlin was exposed. Pei Junlin did not expect that the other party knew him well, and he never expected that General Kamo would tell Marshal Silver Fox about such a trivial matter.

"Didn't you expect Kamo to tell me this?" General Silver Fox looked at Pei Junlin with a smile on his face.

Pei Junlin was indeed deceived. He didn't think of a small matter, that Camo would actually report to the banking system. Is there any special reason for this?

"Kamo told me at that time, you have great luck and chance in your body, and the whole star field or the event of repelling the demons this time will really be fulfilled on your body." Silver Fox The marshal smiled, as if the fish he had caught finally got the bait.

Pei Junlin felt that he was like a prey stepping into a cage.

"Don't be surprised, do you know that Camo has another identity. He is the ghost eye clan, the only heir of this generation." Marshal Silver Fox said a surprising secret abruptly.

As for what the ghost eye clan is and what it does, Pei Junlin doesn't know at all, but it feels that it should not be simple.

"The so-called ghost eye clan means that their eyes can see the emptiness of luck in this world, and some simple secrets. Don't you believe it, Camo is very accurate when he reads one. He said that this time the strategy to break the enemy It is on you, I also believe. He told me a few days ago that you will come back, and there will be a huge earth-shattering thing in this heavenly King City." Marshal Silver Fox talked freely.

Pei Junlin was silent, he had already acquiesced to Marshal Silver Fox's statement in his heart, but Pei Junlin did not agree with what opportunity Marshal Silver Fox said.

For this study of fate, Pei Junlin far surpasses the silver fox general in front of him. Pei Junlin knows that the long river of fate is like a rushing river, which is uncertain.

There is no definite number in this world, and it changes every minute and every second. Even someone who can deduct the secret of heaven can only recommend a rough idea.

"Marshal Silver Fox, I came to you mainly to rescue General Camo. Since you are General Camo's mentor and his bole, I believe you should be able to repay him innocent when he is in trouble this time." Forget the original purpose of coming here.

Pei Junlin thought that after he had said this, General Silver Fox would definitely accept it, but he didn't know that General Silver Fox had a trace of melancholy on his face. It seemed that this matter was very difficult to handle.

"If you report the demon fortress you mentioned, this great contribution is indeed enough to save Camo, but there are people behind who want to kill Camo. There is a complicated relationship in this matter. Understand." General Silver Fox's white hair seemed a little blank, and his eyes showed an angry look.

A powerful person like this kind of saint seldom expresses personal emotions, and the emotions shown by General Silver Fox now show that he is extremely angry.

"If there is anything that I need to do, I will never refuse. General Camo is kind to me, and I am a person who knows the kindness and must repay." Pei Junlin's speech is very simple and does not procrastinate.

General Silver Fox showed a hint of appreciation, and looked at Pei Junlin with his eyes for a long time before shaking his head: "You are a trump card. How can you be beaten at this time? You can rest assured that General Camo's affairs are covered. On me, I promise him nothing."

Hearing the words of Marshal Silver Fox, Pei Junlin breathed a sigh of relief, and General Camo was finally saved, and his mission was completed. Next, Junlin Pei would figure out how to leave here.

"I heard Camo say that you really want to leave this area and go to the Sky Cloud Sect. Now I tell you that it is a wishful thinking. The Sky Cloud Sect, or the entire Sky Cloud Star Fortune is not peaceful, a lot of The demons invaded that area, which also caused a catastrophe." Marshal Silver Fox seemed to see through Pei Junlin's mind.

Hearing what the other party said, Pei Junlin felt worried in his heart for an instant. He was worried about Yun Yao's safety.

I heard Marshal Yunhu say that it is impossible to return to the Sky Cloud Star Territory, which caused a little shock to Pei Junlin's heart, but Pei Junlin calmed down very The world is messy, every minute and every second has huge variables. Pei Junlin believes that the demons have invaded. This is definitely not the first time in history. The human race can also survive this time. It is just a matter of time. That's it.

"That's okay. I am not in a hurry to go to the Sky Cloud Star Territory. It just so happens that I am also a member of the human race. The demons invaded, and I have the same responsibility as a member of the human race. If I have the opportunity, I will give myself. Thanks to the marshal for his suggestion." Pei Junlin arched his hands towards the original color of the silver fox and walked outside as soon as he turned around.

Pei Junlin thought Marshal Silver Fox would stop him, but he didn't know that he had walked out of the gate of the hall, and Marshal Silver Fox still didn't say a word.

Pei Junlin could only feel that there were two eyes watching him behind him, until Pei Junlin turned a detour, that look completely disappeared.

"Master Marshal, since you said that this person has a chance to save our star field, why don't you keep her?" A man like a counselor walked out from the curtain behind.

"The secret secret cannot be revealed, and the secret secret does not dare to speculate and intervene arbitrarily. So let this matter go with the flow, remember that this matter must not be leaked out, and must not interfere with all activities of this person, just Let it move naturally." The marshal's eyes flashed with wisdom.

Pei Junlin returned to Hongyu's residence, and she found that Hongyu was still hiding in the sewer. Resident Jiang Hongyu called out, telling him that the matter has passed, General Camo will be released soon, and everything will be restored to its original state.

After hearing the news, Hong Yu looked very excited and grabbed Pei Junlin, as if he wanted to hug Pei Junlin, but in the end he gave up. ?

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