Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1710: Energy system

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What he didn't expect was that when Hongyu heard Pei Junlin's words, his face was disappointed. Just when Pei Junlin was about to go out, Hongyu stretched out his hand and grabbed his arm.

Before Pei Junlin could react, he was pulled back to the room by Hong Yu and closed the door with a plop.

There was no light in the room, Pei Junlin could only feel his ear, a hot cheek pressed to his ear, and said in a very depressed and excited voice: "You don't need to be responsible, how about it?"

Pei Junlin was stunned for a moment, but soon understood what had happened. He didn't expect that he would be slammed by a strange girl here.

The atmosphere became a bit embarrassing for a while, because Pei Junlin didn’t know how to refuse. At this time, if he refused, it would undoubtedly be the biggest insult to a girl, but Pei Junlin didn’t have any feelings for Hongyu, and he also scorned this simple girl. Nothing, she really didn't want to hurt such a girl.

"Forget it, you probably don't like it. If a man hesitates, he must just not like you. Let's assume that we never knew each other." Hongyu let go of Pei Junlin, with a lonely look on her face.

Pei Junlin did not speak, and silently opened the door and walked out. He didn't know how to explain this to Hongyu.

In all fairness, this Hongyu figure is absolutely good, it is a hot type, but the character makes Pei Junlin not feel that she is a woman, facing Hongyu's hot and bold confession, it really makes Pei Junlin a headache.

Pei Junlin took a sigh of relief when he fled to the street outside. After he calmed down, he completely forgot about this matter. Soon Pei Junlin walked into a chamber of commerce.

Although it is a period of war, that is, a period of war between human monks and demons, the supplies are very short, but most of the things in this chamber of commerce still have not increased in price.

It seems that the material reserves of the Heavenly Kings City are still very sufficient, at least some refining materials, etc., these daily consumption items have not increased in price.

"Do you want to buy something, this friend?" The shopkeeper had a pair of sharp eyes and stared at Pei Junlin accurately, because he could feel that this inconspicuous man should be a potential huge customer.

As the saying goes, there is no business, no evil, this is the shrewdness of the businessman. Before Pei Junlin could answer, the voice of a soft and charming woman came from behind the scenes.

The woman Jin Kuan came, waved her hand towards the shopkeeper, walked towards Pei Junlin, and said to Pei Junlin in a soft and soft voice: "I have been watching you for a while, and I see you treat these The things in the cabinet are not very interesting either. You probably want to sell something. Come upstairs with me. Let’s talk upstairs."

Pei Junlin didn't expect someone to observe him in secret. It seems that this firm is definitely not ordinary, but Pei Junlin has nothing to fear. The city of Kings is very safe in this day. Do these people still want to eat black?

Pei Junlin didn't worry about it, so he followed this charming woman upstairs.

"How much is this thing worth?" Pei Junlin casually took out a few top refining materials that he had obtained in the stars.

When seeing these things, the woman's eyes suddenly brightened, because each of these materials is extremely precious, but Pei Junlin suddenly took out so many, for example, the name of the metallic substance that shone with blue light Star sand gold is an extremely rare mineral. It is stored in a small amount in the starry sky, and even a planet has only a few milligrams.

Pei Junlin actually took out a fist to hit such a piece once, which is simply a sky-high price.

"If you want to exchange something, our Chamber of Commerce is strong and definitely has the ability to eat so many things." The woman stood up in excitement, her full chest also fluctuated up and down, and she seemed to fluctuate greatly.

Pei Junlin didn't lift his eyelids, he looked a bit listless, and said in a lazy voice: "Since I dare to come here to explain, I have done an investigation with your chamber of commerce. I have a certain understanding of you. As long as you are not too dark, I have all these things for sale here. I only have one, which is to exchange all these things for me to become the best or king-grade spirit stones. The more the better."

Hearing that Pei Junlin was asking for snacks, the woman had a wonderful look in her eyes. He didn't expect that the pie would fall from the sky, and the customer in front of him would be so easy to deal with.

In fact, the most afraid of doing this business is the obligation. If the other party makes a strange request, such as the material that the chamber of commerce can’t come up with to exchange it, it’s difficult to do it, but Pei Junlin needs a lot of spirit stones. This is not a problem at all for a chamber of commerce.

Although the best-grade spirit stone or the king-grade spirit stone is precious, it is hard currency for a chamber of commerce, and there will definitely be a large amount of inventory, so there is no difficulty in taking these things out.

"The customer waits for a while, I will calculate the specific value now, and I will report a number to you immediately. If you are satisfied, we will close the deal. If you are not satisfied, the price can be discussed again." The woman stood up and turned towards Pei Junlin Said.

Pei Junlin nodded and put away these materials again. Pei Junlin would not give these things to the other party until the other party had not brought out enough exchangeable things.

As a top cultivator, Pei Junlin took out these things, and the other party can weigh with his eyes alone, and he can estimate the approximate weight and value. There is no need for close contact or touching at all, so Pei Junlin puts away These things are not very significant to the woman.

At the end of the month, Pei Junlin waited for a cup of tea very quickly, and two old men accompanied the woman back downstairs, holding a paper in his hand with a series of numbers written on it.

Pei Junlin took the paper, and after a closer look, he nodded very simply.

Seeing that the woman Pei Junlin nodded, and the two old men behind him were all caught in a huge surprise, as if they could not believe it. They thought that Pei Junlin had agreed. If it was really done at this price, then they This time I made a lot of money.

The commission alone can make them eat and drink for ten lifetimes.

"What I mean is that the price is not bad, but it has to be five times higher on this basis! You promise us to close the deal, if you don't agree, I will take the things and leave to find the next one now." Pei Junlin said without any muddling. , There was a cold look in his eyes.

The three of them had not completely calmed down from their ecstasy. When they heard that Pei Junlin was asking for 5 times the price, the three of them were directly shocked.

The two old men were a little angry instinctively, and even a hint of killing intent appeared in their eyes. However, Pei Junlin inadvertently yawned, revealing the token from General Kamo hanging on his wrist.

Seeing the general's token hanging on Pei Junlin's wrist, the three of them looked at each other, and their faces showed a look of fear.

If they had acted rashly just now, I am afraid that they are now in a different place. You must know that General Camo is now in full swing. If this person is offended, the prospects of the Chamber of Commerce are worrying.

If it were in peacetime, a monk army like General Camo wouldn't have any use, but now it's not the same as the invading demons, and the entire Celestial City must rely on these monks to fight on the front line.

If you offend these monks at this time, then there is only one dead end. The chaos is not as good as the peace dog. If you offend these monks, then the end is obvious.

"Although the price of 5 times is a bit high, it is not too outrageous. Our Chamber of Commerce won it." The woman thought for a while and gritted her teeth.

The price they quoted before was actually very low, and the price quoted by Junlin Pei only reduced their profits, but it was not without profit, enough to show how black their previous prices were.

This time it was Pei Junlin's turn to eat it up. He didn't expect the price quoted by the other party to be so outrageous. UU reading increased by five times, and the other party still agreed, which made Pei Junlin feel incredible.

As the saying goes, there is no profiteer, no business, no business, no rape, these profiteers are really hateful. The value of these materials is actually not clear to Pei Junlin himself. After all, it was only accidental when he obtained these materials. Pei Junlin was also surprised by the value of these things.

Now that he has obtained tens of billions of best spirit stones at once, it is enough for Pei Junlin to say once.

Of course, if you follow the current energy design, these tens of billions of snacks will actually not last long, but Pei Junlin has determined to transform the entire aircraft's energy system, although this is time-consuming and labor-intensive for Pei Junlin. An extremely long-term thing, but Pei Junlin has made up his mind to do it, so he sharpened his knife and didn't cut wood by mistake.

With so many spirit stones, Pei Junlin went back contentedly. After returning to the rest station, Pei Junlin immediately began to arrange the formation, making the entire room tightly closed, and not giving the other party any chance to spy.

After doing all this, Junlin Pei once again entered the world of Chaos Golden Fight, this time Liji Pei Junlin plunged into the work of transforming the aircraft.

The area to be modified is not only a large number of calculations, but also a lot of metal materials that need to be smelted, because the materials used when Master Baoyu knew this aircraft were also very economical, and many of the materials were very low and not enough. In order to withstand such a strong combat power, it will produce such a high energy consumption.

But now it's different. Pei Junlin is transforming and making aircraft almost at any cost. A lot of materials have been replaced by Pei Junlin with high-end materials, and the entire formation of the energy system Pei Junlin has been transformed from beginning to end. ?

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