Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1737: Successful 1 and a half

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The so-called waking up the person in the dream, Pei Junlin is in this state now, he has never used this kind of thinking angle to think about this before.

But now Pei Junlin is waking up from a big dream, and suddenly he has a sense of relief. He knows that the little fat man has definitely already had an eye on this matter.

"Let's do this, I will find a way to help you solve the Tianyunzong's mountain guardian formation. You only need to attack the Tianyunzong when the time comes, and kill all of these Tianyunzong's clutter. Remember not to leave one." There was a cruel look on it, and it seemed to have a hatred of Tianyun Sect.

Pei Junlin suddenly stood up from the chair because he felt that today's things had changed too suddenly. The things that made him distressed and unable to solve in the last second were suddenly solved in the next second, which made Pei Junlin unable to adapt.

"In fact, some things are that simple. Sometimes, for example, if an ant makes it cross a river, that is impossible, but it's easy for a person." The little fat man smiled.


Along with Little Fatty's laughter, Pei Junlin found that the people beside him had suddenly disappeared from Little Fatty, as if he had disappeared suddenly, without any sign.

Pei Junlin knew that the other party had left, but still felt a little creepy, this little fat man was too weird.

"We have to leave this Cloud City as soon as possible. We must not let people find out that we have been here." Pei Junlin's expression suddenly lifted up, because everything has his eyebrows, it is just around the corner to step down on Tian Yunzong, not only in Pei. The problem facing King's Landing.

The next step is probably to solve the problem of Yimapingchuan, and everything goes smoothly.

If Pei Junlin had to wait for someone's news before leaving, it would be Tang Yujiao's news. Pei Junlin wanted to hear about Yun Yao's current situation from Tang Yujiao, so that he could be relieved.

A few more days have passed, Pei Junlin still hasn't waited for Tang Yujiao's news. Instead, Fatty came twice during the period.

There are no major issues, mainly with Pei Junlin and bragging discussions, discussing some questions about cultivation.

Regarding some questions about cultivation, as Pei Junlin, he always thought about it by himself. Sometimes he would ask Jin Ye something, but now suddenly he discovered that when he was with the little fat man, the question would often be tricky. The way to solve this problem is completely different from that of normal people.

Is this the thinking mode of the super evolutionary body? Pei Junlin was a little surprised in his heart to tell the truth. After a few days of discussions with the little fat man, this Pei Junlin benefited a lot.

There is a feeling that listening to your words is better than reading ten years of books. In just a few days, Pei Junlin’s cultivation level has soared from the early stage of the real dragon realm to the later stage. This is simply incredible to ordinary people. But it is true that Junlin Pei completed this process within a few days.

In fact, sometimes the breakthrough of the cultivation realm only takes a moment of epiphany. As long as the thought reaches that apex, the realm on the body will soon follow. For example, when Pei Junlin talks with the little fat man, many problems will be solved.

The problem that puzzled Pei Junlin was sometimes half-understood, but now he understands it thoroughly.

"I shouldn't use it tomorrow. The next time we meet, we will meet on this ruin after the Tianyunzong meeting." The little fat man smiled strangely and disappeared out of thin air in front of Junlin Pei again.

In fact, this situation has happened many times. Pei Junlin really wants to find the reason for the disappearance of the little fat man. Whether a normal cultivator crosses time and space or teleports, it is not without a trace.

But every time the little fat man left, Pei Junlin was puzzled, as if he had suddenly disappeared in this world, without any trace, nor caused any fluctuations, even the candle flame on the table did not swing.

And the little fat man said that the sky is not used, then how does he know that he is about to leave, then even Pei Junlin has no plan in his heart...

In the afternoon, Pei Junlin's door was knocked again, and a woman wearing a black hat came in, with a slender waist and a tall figure. After taking off the cloak, Pei Junlin saw that the person in front of him was him, Tang Yujiao who had been thinking about these days.

Tang Yujiao looked a little haggard, but the look on her face was not sad, but rather excited and eager to try.

Seeing Tang Yujiao’s look, Pei Junlin was actually relieved, because he could be sure that Yunyao had nothing to do and was still alive safely. As expected, from Tang Yujiao’s mouth, Pei Junlin knew what Yun Yao was doing. .

According to Tang Yujiao, Yun Yao has been living well recently, with a large supply of pills every day, and practicing in the special small world of the Tianyun Sect, the aura in this small world is one hundred times that of the real world. In other words, that small world can only be entered by top talented disciples.

Why does Yun Yao get such good treatment in Tianyun Sect? In fact, the problem is not difficult to explain, even if Tang Yujiao doesn't say Pei Junlin can figure it out.

In the hands of Tianyunzong, a saint like Yun Yao is actually a resource, a bargaining chip for the so-called Tianyue Dynasty people in the world of Yuexiaoqian.

Therefore, at this time, it is natural to invest in people like Yunyao, supply an unlimited amount of pills and cultivate a special kind of medicine for them. These are all Tianyunzong's investment in these saints.

"Big Brother Pei, Sister Yunyao asked me to tell you that she has nothing to do. He is very worried about your current situation and does not want you to have a conflict with Tianyunzong." Tang Yujiao told Pei Junlin.

Pei Junlin frowned slightly after hearing the news, but didn't answer anything. He just asked Tang Yujiao to leave as soon as possible, except that Pei Junlin gave Tang Yujiao something when he was parting.

These things are naturally very valuable, there are cheats for cultivation, and some top-quality spiritual treasures.

Although these things may not be very precious to Tang Yujiao, after all, Tang Yujiao's identity and status are there, but Pei Junlin just wants to use these things to make up for his shortcomings for Tang Yujiao.

Tang Yujiao left Pei Junlin on the front foot, and took two black-clothed men to leave them and walked on the street to avoid the interrogating guards.

But soon Pei Junlin discovered a sad fact, that is, the entire Sky Cloud Sect is now completely blocked, and it is basically impossible to go out.

If it is hard to break, then every minute may be targeted to death, so Pei Junlin is helpless now. And even if you want to return to the original hidden place, it is impossible to have mobile sentries everywhere on the street. The investigation is very strict. Pei Junlin can even feel that there are more than a dozen powerful saints in the sky above the Sky Cloud Sect. Cruising.

The entire city is not only solid, but also not a cryptic net. It prevents penetration from the outside and catches the ghost inside.

But just when Jun Pei was at a loss, a petite figure appeared, and this figure was Tang Yujiao.

"Come up soon." Tang Yujiao waved at Pei Junlin.

Pei Junlin understood, and immediately disappeared with a wave of the two men in black behind him. The two blacks were temporarily included in the Chaos Golden Dou Space by Junlin Pei, but Pei Junlin did not reveal any secrets to the two. The two were locked in the Golden Dou Space, which is also a mysterious black space.

After boarding the carriage, Pei Junlin realized that Tang Yujiao was alone in the carriage and the atmosphere of the two was a little ambiguous for a while.

"I'll take you out of the city, don't use any means, because any spiritual fluctuations will be discovered, even if you have treasures or use a small world to get out of the city." Tang Yujiao smiled at Pei Junlin.

Pei Junlin simply sat in the carriage without making a sound. It was a long time before he said to Tang Yujiao: "If someone finds out, will I hurt you?"

Pei Junlin thought that Tang Yujiao would definitely say that she would not know that Tang Yujiao actually nodded and said to Pei Junlin: "If you are really willing to be discovered, then you will definitely be involved. Then you will simply elope with me. Let's break out by force."

Hearing the words elopement, Pei Junlin's heart was a little bit Seeing to scare you, you can just leave me and run, they dare not to How am I? After all, my father and mother are both senior elders of the Tianyun Sect. "Tang Yujiao said nonchalantly.

Pei Junlin did not answer the conversation and seemed to be lost in thought. It was a long time before Pei Junlin said: "If you are really discovered, I will not leave you behind."

As soon as Pei Junlin's voice fell, Tang Yujiao's eyes suddenly became red, and two tears dripped down the corners of her eyes.

This shocking scene made Pei Junlin stunned, but he didn't say anything, because saying too much at this time is unnecessary.

"Just have your words, I don't need you to give me any promise, and I don't need you to like me." Tang Yujiao looked at Pei Junlin affectionately, although there were some tears on her face, but with a smile.

The carriage went all the way to the outside of the city, and was quickly interrogated, but when Tang Yujiao showed her hand, she was released.

It seemed that everything was under Tang Yujiao's control, but Pei Junlin felt an extremely uneasy feeling in her heart. This kind of uneasy feeling made Pei Junlin sure that something would happen next, because after he cultivated to the realm of Pei Junlin, he would not be upset for no reason.

The misty breath enveloped it, and it was the mysterious earthen jar, which shrouded Pei Junlin's whole person and concealed Pei Junlin's figure in.

Pei Junlin did not hide everything from Tang Yujiao, but did it in front of him, but Tang Yujiao was a little excited, and it was too late to stop Pei Junlin.

But Tang Yujiao soon discovered an astonishing secret, that is, when Pei Junlin displayed this humble earthen jar treasure, he did not cause any fluctuations in spirit and the rules of heaven and earth. ?

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