Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1746: Large 0 world

"You can say the same, or say nothing. As for many things you can't understand at all now, no matter how much I explain, you won't understand. You are not a person in this world, I will naturally send you away. And there is a huge cause and effect in your body, maybe I will need your help in the future." With a faint smile on his face, the old man in straw hat seemed to regain his humanity.

The words are mysterious and mysterious, revealing infinite mysteries. Pei Junlin had just clearly heard that the old man said that he would advance and retreat with the world and fall into the silence of death with the world. Why has he changed his mind now?

"Do you know why this world will eventually vanish." The old straw hat had a cold expression on his face.

Pei Junlin trembled, as if standing in front of him was a carnivorous beast, which might be culled at any time.

"In fact, there are some things I didn't tell you. This world is not dead. According to the true life of the world, this world has countless epochs. It is impossible to cut off and become extinct. This world of Sanqing is a new world. I haven't even stepped out of the baby period." In the eyes of the old man, there was a hollow light, and there was a breath of killing, rising into the sky.

Pei Junlin was also frightened. He didn't know why someone, or someone with power, could actually cause the destruction of a world artificially, so who was it?

Is it the escaping **** or someone else's?

"You are really very clever and guessed a little clue. In fact, the reason why this world is destroyed so quickly has nothing to do with my second brother. He colluded with people in that world and wanted to sacrifice this world. Because this world is too Prosperous, with countless populations, countless souls, and those people are focusing on the pure souls here." The youngest third’s tone was filled with grief and anger. He clenched his fists, but his eyes were open. There was a deep sense of powerlessness.

Sure enough, it was so strong, but it also had the power to recover, which gave Pei Junlin's survival shock. He did not expect that the strong who had reached this step would have no choice.

What is the level of the strong who made the world? Pei Junlin had no way of knowing, even his master Linglong fairy might not be able to do this step.

But the simple-looking old man with a straw hat in front of him is a shocking super-evolutionary. Back then, their three brothers could create a world, but faced with someone trying to destroy the world, they could do nothing.

"You are an alternative, and also a seed of opportunity. The long river of fate sent you here, allowing you to stay in this world for such a long time, naturally there is its truth. Perhaps in the near future, my Dao body, Maybe it can be revived because of you." The old man with straw hat looked sad and lonely.

"Some people leave, but some people have to stay. Everything in this world will eventually be wiped out. But I promised you two things before, I can help you do it." The old man turned towards Pei Junlin Said happily.

Pei Junlin was ecstatic, he knew that things had finally turned in, and he returned to the original world. It was no longer a idiotic dream, but at his fingertips.

I originally had two problems in front of Pei Junlin. The first problem was how to find the Dragon Girl, and the second problem was where exactly Yun Yao was?

He can only make two requests, one of the inevitable options is to return to the original world of Xiao Qian. Now there is only one requirement left, and that is to choose Dragon Girl or Yunyao?

Pei Junlin's heart is undoubtedly painful, because he doesn't know how to choose, and choosing one undoubtedly means giving up the other.

"I will use all my power to open a path to another world, which is the world you were originally in. Some of the elite power of this world will follow you into your hometown." The old man seemed to be Did not see Pei Junlin's painful expression clearly, but said to himself.

Immediately after the old man stretched out his hand, Pei Junlin felt the changes in the surrounding space, and there seemed to be countless images circulating in front of him.

Picture after picture, it's like looking at the lives of hundreds of millions of creatures. Pei Junlin just glanced at it and felt that his head was about to explode, because this kind of information capacity was not something he could handle now.

But the eyes of the old man seemed to have countless pupils, which could overlook the unsurprising sentient beings.

In the surrounding space, the young people that Pei Junlin saw came down. These young people were born with visions, and there were countless opportunities shrouded in them.

I am afraid that the population of that mountain-green world will reach one trillion. It may be a very difficult task to select some top talents from such a huge population group.

It makes all of this seem so simple in front of Tiandao. Tiandao's will is like a supercomputer. It can spy on everyone's life in the entire world, and even plan everyone's life trajectory.

In less than a few minutes, Pei Junlin found that there were hundreds of young people around him, including men and women. All of them reveal a vigorous aura, but their general strength is not high, and some of them are even ordinary people, and they have not even entered the fundamental realm of cultivation.

Among these people, Pei Junlin unexpectedly found a few familiar faces, such as Dragon Girl, which made Pei Junlin ecstatic. Since this old man helped him find Long Yu, she didn't bother to look for it.

There were also two faces that surprised Pei Junlin, the white-haired old woman and the young girl Ning Ning, both of whom were also impressively listed. In addition, Pei Jun also saw Little Fatty, Chen Hao and others, these friends, Pei Junlin did not see any of them, and it was inevitable that he felt a little disappointed.

"Are these people going to Xiaoqian World in the future?" Pei Junlin asked the old man in front of him.

But the old man suddenly looked at Pei Junlin with a weird look for a while, and then firmly shook his head: "Why go to the world of Xiaoqian is just a shadow of a world? Everything is nothingness. Go there. It will be a meaningless existence, these people will be sent to the great world, and you will also go with them."

This time Pei Junlin was completely stunned. He didn't expect that the old man in front of him would ruin his promise like this, and he had promised to send himself back to his hometown. Why did he suddenly change his mind?

It was like a basin of cold water, suddenly poured down from the head, making Pei Junlin almost lose the ability to think.

"Don't look at me with this kind of eyes. It's not wrong that your hometown is the Big Thousand World, but you stayed in the Little Thousand World for a while. I can't explain the specific reason to you, and maybe you will gradually understand it in the future. "This old man is a super evolved body, and the world he understands is completely different from ordinary people.

Just as ants could not understand human thinking, Pei Junlin couldn't understand what the old man said like he was listening to the heavenly book, but he suddenly understood that maybe the old man said something reasonable.

Pei Junlin stopped arguing. He had only one question last, and that was to ask Yun Yao's whereabouts. The dragon girl had already fallen, so Pei Junlin had only this last wish left.

"The person you're looking for should have gone to the Great Thousand World, and you will meet bye bye in the future. I can only stop here." The straw hat old man seemed unwilling to say anything.

In front of Pei Junlin, there were countless grids, and in each grid there would be a person. These people were chosen by the old man.

How do you say these people are chosen by nature? It’s because before the destruction of this world, hundreds of young people were lucky to survive, and all the others, whether they were cultivating saints or powerhouses at the emperor’s level, they would all transform into this world together. Fly ash.

"I promised you two requests, one of which is to send you back to the original world, but now there is another request, what do you want me to do for you?" The old man tilted his head and looked at Pei Junlin, his tone a little impatient .

Pei Junlin's brain was turning rapidly, and without a doubt, he immediately asked the old man to find his old friend. But what Pei Junlin didn't expect was that he was immediately rejected by the old man.

The reason is also very simple. The number of places to pass through the barriers of the world is very limited. It is known that even if the old man is the strength of the will of heaven, he can only send hundreds of people to the past, and one more person will not work.

"Let me want to take away a planet." Pei Junlin said without hesitation.

If there is any most mysterious place in the world of Sanqing, Pei Jun thinks that there are two places. The first place is the planet where the flesh and blood of the immortals become, and the other place is the star where the remains of the ancient gods become.

Whether they are immortals or ancient gods, they are the two most mysterious overlords in this world. So before leaving, Pei Junlin wanted to choose, so he could only take away one of the planets.

"It doesn't matter if it is one or ten. Anyway, the world will be destroyed. UU Reading" The straw hat old man did not hesitate, and he reached out and caught Pei Junlin and saw that the flesh and blood planet had arrived directly. The palm of the old man.

But the huge planet in the palm of the old man turned out to be as big as a peanut. Pei Junlin couldn't conceal his regret, and the whole person became dumbfounded.

"Simple is not easy? No wonder you want this planet to be a flesh and blood planet with the blood of an immortal. It is also integrated into it by your external avatar, and it has been refined a lot." The old man was surprised.

When Pei Junlin spoke, the old man suddenly reached out and grabbed it again. A planet with a yellow bone revealing a desolate atmosphere once again appeared in the palm of the old man's other palm.

The planet is also the planet of the ancient gods that Pei Junlin fancyed, but the planet that the ancient gods fell into death after the war.

"The two planets are not simple, so if you have a big chance, I will give it to you." The old man didn't talk nonsense at all, and he reached out and grabbed the two planets and came to Pei Junlin.

The two peanut-sized objects in front of you turned out to be planets. This surprised Pei Junlin. He wanted to reach out and grab it but penetrated directly through the past. Only then did Pei Junlin realize that he was not a physical body, but a mass. spirit. _

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