Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1767: Bone of the Ancient God

The snow-white wolf uttered words, and his face was full of fear.

This is the spirit of the Hunshi Demon Spear. After he had a foreboding of Pei Junlin's thoughts, he was the first to jump out to stop Pei Junlin.

When Pei Junlin heard the Wuji Wolf King say this, he felt a little disappointed. It was really difficult to get the essence of this innate gold.

Since you can't get it directly, then think of other ways to go indirectly. If you don't get it directly, just ask in the song. Pei Junlin did not give up.

This innate gold essence is not a place, there is nowhere to find its trace in this vast universe. It's fate to encounter them all here, so this time Pei Junlin must seize the opportunity to refine it into the first sword of the Tianyun Thirteen Swords.

This fist-sized congenital Gengjin star, Pei Junlin had no reason to give up.

"Jin Ye, do you have a way to take out this innate provident fund?" In desperation, Pei Junlin could only ask Jin Ye for help.

When Lord Jin was not communicating with Pei Junlin, he was asleep most of the time, and at this time he slowly awakened when he heard Pei Junlin's call.

After realizing the surrounding scenes, Jin Ye's tone was also a little surprised: "Where exactly is this place? In addition to time and space, there is another power of rules, which is really amazing."

Jin Ye didn't seem to hear Pei Junlin's inquiry, but was very curious about the rules here. After discussing with Jin Ye, Pei Junlin was surprised to find that there is really no concept of time here.

According to Jin Ye, there is a mysterious power of rules that integrates the rules of time, so there is no concept of time in this world, which means that people will not grow old here, nor will they consume lifespan, but will only last forever. The existence of.

It's just that this so-called eternity is not true eternity, maybe in a kind of dream-like space, time is eternal. But the true traceability is still consuming, but it is infinitely prolonged in human subjective feelings, so that people feel that life has become infinite.

"Regardless of the power of the rules here, first tell me, is there any way to take out the Innate Gengjin in the Innate Gengjin Qi?" Pei Jun Linchao's Jin Ye asked.

Jin Ye seemed to be in silence, and he seemed to be looking for a way. It took a long time to hear Jin Ye say: "This innate Gengjin aura is not something anyone can provoke. This thing is extraordinary. I remember you. There is a school of ancient gods that can condense the power of the ancient gods. This innate thing has no effect on the ancient gods. Perhaps it can be entered into it with the help of the ancient gods' power."

Hearing what Jin Ye said, Pei Junlin suddenly opened his mouth. He sat cross-legged on the ground without a heart. A golden villain jumped out in an instant. The golden villain was condensed by Pei Junlin using divine power, and it contained a trace of his divine consciousness. .

A golden villain looks exactly like Pei Junlin in appearance, just like a mini version of Pei Junlin. And he looked extremely clever with blinking eyes. He hesitated while standing beside the innate Gengjin Qi, and jumped in.

After entering this only mid-term, Pei Junlin really found that this innate Gengjin aura had nothing to do with Shen Liqiu, which means that Pei Junlin could use this mystery, including a trace of his own spirit, to enter this innate Gengjin aura. .

The golden little man walked and wandered continuously in this stream of light, but he walked slowly, like a snail. Gradually, the golden villain came to the side of the Xiantian Gengjin Essence, used the strength of the milk, slowly raised the daily follow-up funds, and then walked towards Pei Junlin step by step.

Pei Junlin found that his divine power was rapidly consuming. On the one hand, it was constantly condensing divine power, and on the other hand, it had to insist on directing with divine consciousness, and the golden villain came towards him.

Every step made Pei Junlin feel a sense of collapse. This feeling is like Pei Junlin carrying a huge mountain on his back, but Pei Junlin never thought of giving up. He gritted his teeth and persevered, and every Pei Junlin persevered. .

Seven days and nights passed, Pei Junlin insisted every day these days, using his mind to control the golden villain to walk towards him.

At the moment that the golden little man threw the Innate Gengjin Star into the air, Pei Junlin collapsed, and he slowly closed his eyes while lying on the ground.

Time did not know how long it had passed before Pei Junlin slowly regained consciousness. He opened his eyes and saw that there was a silver-white metal not far from his face, the size of an egg.

Pei Junlin had never seen such a wonderful metal before. It looked like it had a faint halo and could not describe the beauty of this metal in any language.

Pei Junlin knew that his 13th Heavenly Cloud Sword finally made the first substantive part. The first is not that the sword refers to the use of the essence of the innate gold to be able to train into other materials. It is not too much for Pei Junlin Big problem.

If these materials are not available to Pei Junlin now, as long as they can get out from here, it will be easy for Pei Junlin to find those materials.

Pei Junlin's gaze suddenly looked into the long river of air current composed of Xian Gengjin herself, and she found that there seemed to be a tail of something, looming in the light.

Except for the essence of the innate Gengjin, Pei Junlin couldn't think of anything that could persist in this innate Gengjin spirit without being damaged for so long.

After carefully observing it for a while, Pei Junlin found that this thing was a little unusual, it should be a bone, shining with an unusual color.

In the end, Pei Junlin determined that this should be a bone of an ancient god, and the divine power contained in it made this Gengjin Qi innocent against these bones.

The ancient gods are the most mysterious creatures in this world. Before the heavens and the earth were first opened, the ancient gods already existed.

The power of the ancient gods is undoubtedly natural. The Google they left behind is naturally the top crafting material in the world. If this bone can be crafted into a supreme spiritual treasure or even a holy or imperial weapon, it is possible. .

However, Pei Junlin is already strong and not enough now. It is enough for Pei Junlin to be able to get this innate Gengjin fund, and it has exhausted all his strength.

For the next period of time, Pei Junlin meditated every day, and Chen Jianghai didn't know where he went, and did not bother Pei Junlin from beginning to end.

Time passed like this one minute and one second, and it took several months for Pei Junlin to stand up from the ground, and she realized that a layer of dust had fallen on her body.

After shaking off the dust, Pei Junlin was arguing, and he looked at it from his innate Gengjin breath. The bones were still there, and it seemed to be even stronger, Pei Junlin felt a strange feeling in his heart.

He didn't care about the bones of these people, he was not reconciled at all, and finally Pei Junlin squeezed a golden villain from the center of his eyebrows and walked resolutely into the airflow.

If the previous time went to the Innate Gengjin Gold, it would be the most unbearable pain in the world for Pei Junlin, but this time Pei Junlin was determined to experience this pain again.

It's like a living person being grinded on the brain with a gear. That kind of pain is not something ordinary people can bear, but for this bone, Junlin feels worth it, because it is the bone of an ancient god.

The golden villain once again entered into the airflow, and started to pull the bone to the side of Pei Junlin according to Pei Junlin's control.

This time I don’t know how long it took. Pei Junlin only knew that he fainted in the middle. When he woke up, the bones were still in the aura of innate gold, and it was like a river by the innate gold. Scour.

Not once, Pei Junlin read the second time. After three times in a coma, Pei Junlin finally got the bones. A bone the size of a palm, but weighs thousands of catties.

Pei Junlin held this section of bone in his hand and kept groping, his face was full of a feeling of great affection. He could feel that the divine power condensed in the center of his eyebrows finally had a home, as long as he used the divine power to continuously forge this section of bone. Then the second sword among the Thirteen Swords of Tianyun had already fallen.

Suddenly they became two swords among the Thirteen Swords of Tianyun, and Pei Junlin was overjoyed in his heart. Although the materials were insufficient and could not be refined, this was already a certainty.

The power of Tianyun Thirteen Swords, Pei Junlin knew well, the power of this sword formation was far beyond ordinary people's imagination.

Pei Junlin started to stand up and look around for Chen Jianghai's traces, but after turning around, Pei Junlin found that Chen Jianghai seemed to have disappeared, and there was no trace of her around.

This discovery directly shocked Pei Junlin. Could it be that Chen Jianghai secretly left with his back and abandoned himself here?

When Pei Junlin was in a suddenly there was a sound of footsteps behind him. When Pei Junlin turned around, he saw Chen Jianghai standing not far behind him.

On Chen Jianghai's shoulder, Pei Junlin saw the torn wound, which surprised Pei Junlin, because Chen Jianghai's appearance was clearly just having a life-and-death struggle with others.

"I have been poisoned by a corpse, and I need at least three months to recuperate. You will help me protect the law during these hours." Chen Jianghai didn't have too much nonsense and jumped directly into the coffin.

Chen Jianghai relied heavily on this dark coffin. Pei Junlin knew about it a long time ago. Seeing Chen Jiang still hiding in the coffin, Pei Junlin guessed where Chen Jianghai had gone these days?

Doesn't Chen Jianghai still give up? Isn't he looking for his dead wife outside these days?

The word "love" is the most difficult to explain. Even if Chen Jianghai was the poor man who was abandoned back then, it was clear that he still did not give up that feeling in his heart.

Pei Junlin was so bored that he actually began to wonder about the magical power of the Thirteen Swords of Tianyun, which was as profound as the entire universe for Pei Junlin. _

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