Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1769: 4 sacred beasts

The four great sacred beasts bowed their heads at the same time, which made Pei Junlin frightened, because he deeply understood how powerful these four great sacred beasts were.

But the body of that white tiger is conceived with the innate energy of Gengjin, and the bodies of the other three great beasts are definitely not bad, and there must be various top treasures.

But at the moment this woman appeared, Pei Junlin could feel a strong pressure, and it seemed that the world would be crawling under the feet of this woman.

"Don't look at him with your eyes, otherwise he will be found out, and the two of us will be dead. We watched to climb up." Chen Jianghai kicked Pei Junlin's shoulder, his face was strangely serious.

At the moment when Pei Junlin hurriedly retracted his gaze, I glanced at it, but Pei Junlin's eyes were firmly attracted, as if attracted by a magnet.

Even this woman's face was covered with a layer of mist, making Pei Junlin couldn't see clearly, but at this moment, at the moment, Pei Junlin suddenly saw a little sign of the woman's true face from the corner of his eyes.

At this point, Pei Junlin's heart set off a stormy sea, because this face was so familiar to him, Pei Junlin almost exclaimed.

Because this face does not belong to others, but belongs to Tantai Jingxuan. Thinking that the scene of Tantai Jingxuan desperately saving her life is still vivid, Pei Junlin did not expect that he would have the day when she reunited with Tantai Jingxuan.

"You want to die." Chen Jianghai almost snarled at Pei Junlin in a low voice.

Everything was too late, and the little voice that had just caught the woman's attention, Pei Junlin only felt two huge pressures shrouded, causing the vine that continued to stretch to the sky to collapse in an instant.

The two fell again on the island from mid-air. At this time, Chen Jianghai's expression was strangely ugly, but he firmly protected Pei Junlin behind him.

"Hurry and hide in the coffin just now." Chen Jianghai said toward Pei Junlin with an unquestionable voice.

The coffin of Chen Jianghai is extremely mysterious and possesses unparalleled defensive capabilities, which Pei Junlin has naturally experienced. And at the most dangerous time, Chun Jianghai actually gave this safe place to himself, which really shocked Pei Junlin, because it subverted his judgment on Chen Jianghai.

"What are you still doing in a daze? Get in quickly. Don't worry about me. I have lived for so many years and there is a way to save my life." Chen Jianghai turned and stared at Pei Junlin.

But Pei Junlin didn't move, because Tantai Jingxuan had already appeared in front of the two of them in an instant.

Seeing this familiar and beautiful face, Pei Junlin's eyes were sour, almost crying.

But gradually Pei Junlin realized that there was a slight difference, because Tantai Jingxuan's eyes were too indifferent, and there was no emotion in his eyes.

It was not at all the expression that an old friend should have when meeting, so gradually the smile on Pei Junlin's face disappeared, because he felt that Tantai Jingxuan in front of him seemed to have forgotten herself.

Yantai Jinhuan opened his hand, and Pei Junlin realized that his body was completely out of control. It seemed that he was lifted by a powerful force to levitate towards the sky.

Pei Junlin’s current strength has no resistance at all, and Chen Jianghai on the other side is exactly the same as Pei Junlin’s situation, and there is no resistance. This power does not belong to the rules, and the power does not belong to any magical powers. In short, it is impossible to resist. .

There was severe pain in the limbs, and Pei Junlin gradually understood that it turned out that Tantai Jingxuan was about to kill herself, which made Pei Junlin an incredible look.

I never thought that the former partners who fought side by side turned out to be facing each other with swords when they met, and Tantai Jingxuan would use killer moves on herself without even asking about it, and it was still this cruel method of death similar to five horses.

"Tantai Jingxuan, you can see clearly, I am Pei Junlin." Pei Junlin exhausted the last bit of strength and roared at Tantai Jingxuan.

It seemed that Pei Junlin's roar made Tantai Jingxuan hesitate, and Pei Junlin felt that the tearing force of the limbs of the limbs gradually calmed down.

As for Chen Jianghai on the other side, the situation did not ease in the slightest. The five thick regular chains would completely tear Cheng Jianghai's limbs and head in five directions.

Pei Junlin's eyes were distraught, he couldn't see his companion being killed so cruelly. Accompanied by the heavy pulling of the regular chains, Chen Jianghai's whole body shone with a faint black light.

And the dark coffin that fell on the island suddenly whizzed and flew, slamming against the regular chains, and finally a regular chain was directly broken, Chen Jianghai's pressure was greatly reduced, and he couldn't help but gasp for breath. .

Pei Junlin stared at Tantai Jingxuan, and gradually he discovered the truth of the matter. The real Tantai Jingxuan may have already died, but now Tantai Jingxuan is a walking corpse.

I don’t know why Pei Junlin suddenly felt sore in her nose. Didn’t that girl escape her fate after all?

Knowing why I stopped when I heard my roar just now? Could it be that Tantai Jingxuan was not dead, but a trace of saneness.

When all kinds of thoughts came to his mind, Pei Junlin was in a state of confusion, even though he had not completely relieved his life from the danger. On the other side, as soon as Tantai Jingxuan reached out, the coffin began to shrink and flew to Tantai Jingxuan's palm.

Tantai Jingxuan's eyes showed a thoughtful look, as if she was attracted by Chen Jianghai's treasure.

And Pei Junlin took this opportunity to observe Tantai Jingxuan carefully. Tantai Jingxuan gave Pei Junlin the feeling that he was not dead, but he was not alive, but between life and death, which gave Pei Junlin a hope.

That powerful Yang Fan slept here after his death, and was in a state between life and death for a long time, to gain eternal life, so Tantai Jingxuan might also be here for this reason.

"You are not wrong. This place is equivalent to a dormant cabin of life. People who are dying can delay death when they come here." Jin Ye seemed to know what Pei Junlin was thinking, and even said in Pei Junlin's ear.

Perhaps it was the great battle that made Tantai Jingxuan so badly injured that she lost her mind, so that her body is now full of breath of life and breath of death, and the two breaths are intermingled with each other.

"Do you really don't recognize me? I am Pei Junlin." Pei Junlin walked towards Tantai Jingxuan step by step.

He wanted to wake Tantai Jingxuan, because Pei Junlin felt that the rope of the bullet trajectory was not completely annihilated. Maybe he was trapped in some kind of deep dormancy. As long as he was called by his former friends, he might be able to renew Wake up.

Seeing Pei Junlin's crazy behavior, Chen Jianghai on the other side went crazy. He didn't expect Pei Junlin to be so bold that he dared to walk towards Tantai Jingxuan step by step.

Pei Junlin could clearly see Tantai Jingxuan's gaze, there seemed to be such a hint of agility. So Junlin Pei intends to take a risk and wake up Jingxuan in Tantai.

Although Chen Jianghai yelled loudly from the side, Pei Junlin did not stop. Instead, staring at Tantai Jingxuan's eyes, he walked towards each other step by step.

You can feel Tantai Jingxuan's growing hostility, but Pei Junlin did not stop, he continued to move forward, and when this hostility reached its peak, Pei Junlin shouted.

Immediately after that, Pei Junlin found that the hostility in Tantai Jingxuan's eyes seemed to be getting weaker. When the two people were facing each other, Pei Junlin could not feel Tantai Jingxuan's hostility at all.

"Do you know me?" Tantai Jingxuan said in a harsh tone.

But just such a sentence made Pei Junlin tears in his eyes and almost choked up. He didn't expect that Tantai Jingxuan really still had a will.

"Yes, we used to be friends and very good friends, but later because of certain things you came into this state to save me." Pei Junlin said while looking at Tantai Jingxuan.

Tantai Jingxuan seems to be caught in some kind of long-lasting memory. His eyes gradually become clearer, but soon become confused again. It seems that there is a force suppressing Tantai Jingxuan's mind and keep him from waking up~www Just when Pei Junlin thought he was going to succeed, he failed again. Pei Junlin's face was a bit ugly, and he was a little disappointed. At this moment, the sea rose in a vortex, and the gray figure appeared in the vortex, and a pair of eyes stared at this side coldly.

The person in this whirlpool is the mighty Yang Fan, and Chen Jianghai's enemy of life and death. Yang Fan has already seen Pei Junlin and his eyes are on Tantai Jingxuan.

Any unnecessary nonsense, Yang Fan actually shot it directly, Pei Junlin could feel the power that the world trembles for, and moved in this area.

This is the ability of a person to take action, and the heaven and the earth will be destroyed when they point out, the gray smoke envelopes the fields, and the entire island is almost silent.

Tantai Jingxuan's eyes became confused again, but soon became clear again, only for a moment.

"You go quickly." After Tantai Jingxuan said these three words in a blunt tone, she turned around and rushed towards Yang Fan.

The two fought together, and the surrounding seas set off huge waves, and the terrifying energy seemed to make the whole world subvert.

When a huge wave came over, Pei Junlin felt that the power of his whole body instantly imprisoned his body at this moment, and Pei Junlin felt that he was so close to death.

The aftermath of the battle of a powerful character is enough to destroy the world, and the entire space is folding and expanding, expanding toward the surroundings.

Only at the core of the fight, Junlin Pei can feel that the power of rules there has been completely destroyed, and even the extinguishing of the material that saves lives, and the birth of a new material.

Destruction is not terrible, but being able to give birth to a new substance means that the battle between two powerful characters is enough to generate incredible energy.

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