Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1786: God's Eyes

"Rebirth of Shura Return (

Taking advantage of this time, Pei Junlin had already fled to another sea area thousands of miles away.

After this set of procedures, Pei Junlin is already familiar with it. Its current advantage is that the enemy is bright and I am dark, and it flashes after a wave. This is Pei Junlin's current strategy.

Junlin is like a black hand behind the scenes, constantly in the dark to demand the Dragon Emperor dojo, leaving the other party confused, even not knowing who the enemy is.

But in fact, Pei Junlin also understood in his heart that doing things should be limited. At this time, the people in the Dragon Emperor Dojo are like being stabbed, and the hornets in the nest are desperately looking for people. At this time, if they commit crimes again, they are likely to be arrested.

So the most sensible and appropriate way at this time is to find a place to hide for a while and wait quietly for a while. The change of the sword mound. If the power-level character really wakes up and sits in the sword mound from then on, then Pei Junlin wants to practice. The idea of ​​making two flying swords was completely lost.

The migration of a large number of Demon Kings to this unfamiliar sea this time was also a brand new experience for Pei Junlin. In the boundless sea, Pei Junlin also saw the fantasy and weirdness of the great world.

In this blue sea like a gem, even the sand is clean. Although there are no large ships passing by here, Pei Junlin can feel that this place is not alone. It seems that in this deep blue sea, there are countless creatures living in it.

"The sea is not alone, and there are cities in the sea. Dear guests, let's enter the underwater city now." Jinsha smiled and said to Pei Junlin and others.

Those demon kings are naturally not strange, but Pei Junlin came to the bottom of this sea for the first time. He didn’t know that there would be a city on the bottom of the sea. With curiosity, he took Chen Jianghai and the apes and others along with Jinsha step by step. Dive into the sea.

With the magical powers of the apes, the two humans, Pei Junlin and Chen Jianghai, can also fly freely in the sea. In addition, the magical powers of the Dragon Thirteen Princess are also very peculiar, walking on flat ground in the sea.

Everyone was not hindered by any obstacles in this sea area. In the process of sinking gradually, Pei Junlin also saw the fantasy and magnificence of the seabed.

There are bizarre landscapes and creatures everywhere, and the sun shines through the sea surface, making the entire sea area look like a dream.

All kinds of fish are swimming back and forth around, not afraid of the people and the demon kings, but they are used to living in the water and are not afraid of the sea.

When a piece of light appeared on the bottom of the sea and gradually approached, Pei Junlin realized that it was really a city, and the feeling of the lights of thousands of houses instantly hit his heart, causing Pei Junlin to have an inexplicable shocking emotion in his heart.

"In the end, there really is a city. Does this city have a name?" Pei Junlin said with some excitement.

His range of activities in the previous life was mainly in the Little Thousand World, where the rules were not perfect, so the whole world was not so much a projection as a dream, but after he really came to the Big Thousand World, Pei Junlin could feel that this is a The whole world, a real world.

"Of course this city has a name. It's called the Throat of the Abyss." Jinsha happily introduced to Pei Junlin.

A girl has constantly released kindness and goodwill toward Pei Junlin from the beginning, and he has not concealed his curiosity and yearning for Pei Junlin.

When I heard this name, Pei Junlin frowned. It seemed that the name of this city was a bit strange. The whole city was covered with the entire seabed, and it looked like a large human city.

However, this city is not completely immersed in water. In most places, there is a layer of transparent air covering the sea, which is impossible to enter. And those levels are all humanoid creatures coming and going.

When Pei Junlin continued to approach, he discovered that the city was antique and there were many sculptures of buildings that were completely different from the civilization of the land.

Generally speaking, the buildings on the sea floor give people a peculiar dreamy feeling. For example, the style of those buildings will give people an impression of a dream castle.

Two armored crab soldiers were guarding the gate. When they saw that Pei Junlin and Chen Jianghai were tired, the two sea creatures clearly showed a look of fear and resistance.

"After you said that there will be human abyss, human race is not welcome to enter here." The crab soldier resisted without hesitation, and refused to let Pei Junlin and Chen Jianghai enter.

But when the girl named Jinsha showed the token, the two guards retreated naturally. Pei Junlin followed Jinsha and various demon kings into this city. The prosperous city made Pei Junlin amazed and was gradually discovered by the residents. It seems that humans are not uncommon here, and there are also many humans living leisurely here.

The monsters and humans here coexist peacefully, and they will not attack or defend each other, and most of these seabed creatures are kind and don't have much scheming appearance.

Your group walking on the street attracted curious eyes from the people around, because the Deer King's strength was extraordinary, he suddenly entered the city and quickly attracted attention.

"We are going to stay here for a while and experience the exotic customs." Pei Junlin smiled towards Chen Jianghai.

Chen Jianghai looked indifferent, but there seemed to be some confusion and weirdness in reality.

"Miss Jin Sha, I want to ask about when this city was founded? How old is it?" Chen Jianghai suddenly asked a strange topic.

Jinsha heard Chen Jianghai’s question, and was a little confused, but quickly replied with a smile: “I don’t know much about the history of this city, but according to the older generations, the age of this city should not be short, at least it should. It was 100,000 years ago. After the turbulent years of ancient times ended, this city was slowly established."

Pei Junlin once heard Chen Jianghai say that there was a period of darkness in the Great Thousand World, which is called the era of ancient darkness and turmoil. In that era, gods, Buddhas and demons fought warfare everywhere, and the whole land was beaten everywhere.

However, in the end, there were people of the power level who took the action to finally end the chaos, and humanity finally entered the age of prospering.

The history of a city can be hundreds of thousands of years, which makes Pei Junlin amazed. He walked on this street and saw many antique buildings. The age of these buildings must be very long, because the history above is very rich. .

Pei Junlin liked this feeling very much, especially these creatures in the sea, which gave people a feeling of tranquility and peace, without any hostility.

Compared to the land where ordinary humans live, the sea is also a treasure house. A variety of top crafting materials and a variety of spiritual flowers and grasses are also spread over the vast sea area. The sea is rich in products. Lose on land.

Although the human race and the sea race have always been incompatible, the trade between the two has never stopped. There is a large chamber of commerce in the middle of the media, and the continuous flow of materials in the sea will be transported to the land and sold at high prices.

On the street, Pei Junlin saw the stalls on both sides of the street and saw some rare materials sold on them. The prices were very low, which was indeed tempting.

Suddenly, Chen Jianghai stopped, and it stayed in front of a strange stall. The stall owner of this stall was a blind man, or the stall owner was a human race, not a sea race.

Of course, this was only the preliminary judgment of Pei Junlin. After Jinsha's introduction, Pei Junlin knew that this person was not a pure human race, but a human race with a quarter of the sea blood.

That is to say, this person should be a mixed race. His ancestors had intermarried with the Sea Clan, so he retained some characteristics of the Sea Clan.

The old man's eyes have lost two eyeballs for unknown reasons, and the whole person looks a bit special.

However, when everyone stayed in front of this strange booth, the old man still raised his empty eye sockets and looked at the empty eye sockets of the people, and they could still see the shadows of the people.

"You can take whatever you like, leave the money to me, no bargaining." The old man speaks very tone is also very slow, but there is a special kind of elegance.

Pei Junlin looked at Chen Jianghai. This stall was actually not special. The stalls only sold some ordinary shells and accessories, and there were no crafting materials or treasures that practitioners could use.

He didn't understand why Chen Jianghai stayed in front of this stall. Did she not know this blind old man, or was there something special on the stall that attracted Chen Jianghai?

Chen Jianghai has a mysterious background, a mysterious and powerful background, and incredible. So no matter what Cheng Jianghai did, Pei Junlin felt that it was very meaningful. At this time, it stayed at this stall, which also made Pei Junlin doubt about this mediocre stall.

Pei Junlin quietly displayed magical powers, his eyes exuded a faint golden light, and he began to screen all the goods on the stall.

However, under his busy schedule, Pei Junlin did not realize that any goods on the stall were worth buying. These were just ordinary things, or insignificant. The prices of these items are also very low, even the price of each item is only one spiritual stone.

"I have all the things the old people have at the stall. You can give me a price." Chen Jianghai said abnormally.

Hearing Chen Jianghai's words, everyone was blinded, and even Dragon Girl showed an expression of incomprehension. Because there are just some ordinary shells and other decorations in the sea at the booth, which is of no value at all.

"If you want it all, then don't have the money, you can take it all." The blind old man waved his hand lavishly and ignored it at all.

The stall owner left Pei Junlin with a blank face, but Chen Jianghai, with a heavy face, tidied up all the things on the stall and put away directly. ?

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