Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1788: Blood Gate

"Rebirth of Shura Return (

Hearing the old blind man's words, Pei Junlin was also surprised. He had doubts before, but now he finally got confirmation from the old blind man's mouth. As expected, it was really a trap.

"Who is so bad? To arrange such a trap in the sea, isn't this harming others and detrimental to yourself?" Pei Junlin said angrily.

Chen Jianghai and the old blind man had ordinary looks. Both of them were old antiques who had lived for countless years. They were naturally familiar with the sinister heart of the people, and they had already looked down on them and saw clearly.

Since this place is not the entrance, Pei Junlin and Chen Jianghai took the old blind man to step on a few suspicious places nearby, but after turning around, all the efforts Pei Junlin and Chen Jianghai had made these days were completely denied.

"Old blind man, I haven't found the entrance for three thousand years. Do you think you can find it in three days? That old blind man, I might as well just die." The old blind man was disappointed when he saw Pei Junlin and Chen Jianghai. The appearance, could not help but sneered.

It was another empty space, Pei Junlin was a little disappointed, but it was not easy to tell that the three returned to Chengdu, and the old blind man went to the street stall as usual.

Pei Junlin soon had a question in my heart. Since this old blind man is the heir of the Great Dragon and has the supreme status and cultivation base is not low, why would he do such repetitive and meaningless work? Does it make sense for him to sell these small accessories on the street?

Pei Junlin's suspicion was not groundless, because based on the understanding of the old blind man, Pei Junlin felt that the other party would not do such boring things.

What is the reason for a person to sell some waste products on the street without any hindrance, when no one buys things at all?

"Take out all the things you bought before, and I will take a closer look." Pei Junlin said quickly towards Chen Jianghai.

Hearing Pei Junlin's reminder, Chen Jianghai seemed to have realized it suddenly, and took out all the big bags of shells and the like.

Soon Pei Junlin found an inconspicuous thing in these shells. These things turned out to be small piles of mud, but the mud was blood-red, emitting a strange aura.

"People have been deceived by this old blind man. He should be looking for the descendants of the owner of the tomb. The blood is connected, and the breath has attracted the old shrimp. It has been selling this kind of stuff on the street for ten years, and no one cares. , The purpose is to find people with the same bloodline. Only the people who have blood connections with the owner of the tomb can sense the breath of blood in the mud and take the initiative to find the door." Chen Jianghai took a few blobs of blood-red mud. Inadvertently analyzed.

Pei Junlin nodded again and again, and a faint smile appeared in his eyes. Now that the truth finally came to light, the old blind man might have already found the entrance of the tomb and even entered it to explore it.

Obviously, the old blind man did not enter it smoothly. Perhaps a certain level completely blocked him from entering. He needed the blood of the descendant of the tomb owner to open the door and walk in.

After some analysis, Pei Junlin and Chen Jianghai agreed that this conclusion must be the closest to the true answer. Both of them were a little angry at the cunningness of the old blind man. They did not expect that they would be turned around by such an old blind man. To play.

People are selfish. No one wants to share the wealth they have acquired with others. This is a fact. After some discussion and discussion, Pei Junlin and Chen Jianghai finally decided to temporarily hold this secret in their hearts.

In the past few days, Pei Junlin and Chen Jianghai wandered around as usual, looking for the entrance everywhere, so that the old blind man would not notice anything abnormal.

But secretly Pei Junlin and Chen Jianghai are discussing a countermeasure, that is, is there any other means to open the door of blood.

Many top glorious figures often create various organs in their tombs after their deaths, among which are piles of various treasures and heritage.

Death knows everything is empty, but some strong people who have cultivated to the top are not reconciled to die. Some want to pass on what they have learned throughout their lives. Some people create tombs with pure evil taste and attract those tomb robbers.

In short, there are a variety of purposes, but bloodlines like this kind of door should be prepared for future generations. If future generations can find the location of the tomb and open the door through the bloodline to enter the tomb passage, they can get the inheritance of the ancestors.

It is extremely difficult to accurately find the bloodline of the descendants of the tomb owner among thousands of people. The old blind man has been looking for it for many years, but he is still at a loss. It is even more difficult to find the bloodline inheritor. , Basically impossible.

Therefore, after discussion, Pei Junlin and Chen Jianghai wanted to find some alternative ways to see if they could use other things to open this bloodline.

Yang Hai lived a long time ago, and his background is all over the sky. He naturally knew some unusual secrets, but even he didn't know any other way to open the door of blood.

Pei Junlin is a formation master who has quite a lot of experience in studying formation runes and so on. As long as the formation is definitely involved in the organization, Pei Junlin is like solving this problem from the origin of the formation.

Anyway, trapped in this underwater city, and nothing to do, Pei Junlin began to study the opening method of the bloodline and the basic operating conditions of the formation every day.

These days, Pei Junlin didn't want to eat tea every day and didn't want to hide in the room every day. He studied something, calculated a lot of data and arranged countless simulation formations.

Three months passed in the blink of an eye, Pei Junlin still did not find any breakthrough on the way to open this door. Just say that Pei Junlin's hard work these days was a waste of effort, meaningless, Pei Junlin's eyes also revealed a depressed look.

Pei Junlin closed his eyes exhaustedly, and a few Heavenly Devil Pills were supplemented by the excessive consumption of consciousness in his mouth. Pei Junlin slowly felt that the headache relieved some and his body gradually became better.

At this moment, Chen Jiang also walked in from outside, holding a jade card in his hand. Please put this jade card on the center of your eyebrows, and soon there will be information transmitted to your mind, and Pei Junlin's expression is also clear.

Jade cards are not ordinary jade cards, but some information. After the entire underwater city is the abyss, there are newspapers in this place every day, conveying the great things that have happened to the human land and the world.

The information Pei Junlin obtained from this newspaper was mainly information about the Dragon Emperor Dojo, and the information about the powerful awakening in the sword grave was also reflected in this newspaper.

There is really a brain that has awakened. It's not an error. It's just that this great power is very powerful. It takes a while to wake up. It finally wakes up completely half a month ago.

At this moment when the power was awakened, the other major forces and awakenings had already united and deployed heavy forces and pressed toward this area of ​​the southern border.

This area covered by the dark clouds of war is almost inevitable. I know it is good news for Pei Junlin. After all, the Dragon Emperor Dojo was under siege. This is something that Pei Junlin loves to hear.

Your mighty figure sits in the sword tomb, and there is no sign of leaving, which makes Pei Junlin a little disappointed, because he urgently needs to rush to the sword to forge his flying sword.

"How is it? This is good news. How is your formation calculation? I have some materials that I have collected these days. You can look at it." Chen Jianghai put a pile of thick books on the table.

These books should have been bought on the street by Chen Jianghai, and they recorded some ancient anecdotes, including some array layouts and traditional experiences in tombs and burials.

Among them, Pei Junlin can easily find the information of the bloodline gate, but the bloodline gate is nothing more than a power-level figure, except for the power-level figure, ordinary people can't arrange it at all.

Therefore, the information recorded in this book is very limited, and there is not much description in a few sentences. But Junlin Pei found or refined important information from these few sentences, that is, the materials needed for the refining of the bloodline gate, one of which is familiar to Junlin Pei~www.mtlnovel. Com~ turned out to be Wannian Corpse Oil.

Before Pei Junlin didn’t have any idea about the people of this bloodline, but now seeing these materials, Pei Junlin can reverse the operation of its formation. As expected, it took another half a month and after a lot of calculations, In the early morning of a certain day, Pei Junlin finally opened up.

Using the power of the bloodline to arrange the formation, allowing future generations to use the same power of the bloodline to solve the formation. This is just a false proposition here in Pei Junlin, but recently Pei Junlin’s research has finally made a breakthrough, allowing him to solve it overnight. This question is clear and straightforward.

At this time, Pei Junlin fell into ecstasy, because the layout of this formation has been completely controlled by Pei Junlin. It does not require the power of blood, and it is not difficult to open this door. You only need to prepare a lot of materials. Up.

The so-called solitary yin is not long, this formation also has a fatal weakness. It’s just that after a long time in the formation, the materials of the formation will definitely have some decay and decay, so Pei Junlin will have the opportunity to take advantage of the mysterious magnetic field generated by some formations, which can affect the operation of the formation, even Open the door directly.

"Then don't have to wait, enter the tomb now, you go to the old blind man and tell him that you can open the wooden door without finding a bloodline, and see if she can tell us where the wooden door is. If the old blind man must eat alone, give it He came hard, and directly choked him to death." Pei Junlin said very aggressively.

These days and nights of calculations made Pei Junlin look quite embarrassed, and he didn't have time to take care of his messy hair and even his beard.

Chen Jianghai heard the good news from Pei Junlin and hurried to the street to find the old blind man. At this time, Princess Long Shisan and the Jinsha girl walked in with a smile. ?

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