Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1798: 3 fruits

"Rebirth of Shura Return (

This Shadow Demon Clan man is obviously difficult to deal with, but Pei Junlin has already seen the opponent's weakness, that is, the mysterious candle can illuminate the opponent's position, making the opponent's hidden breathless magical powers.

However, at this moment, the other party issued the supernatural power of the lore, and it made Pei Junlin really suffer a big loss. At this time, trapped in this chaotic quagmire, Pei Junlin felt the incomparable corrosive energy.

However, for a while, this corrosive energy did little harm to Pei Junlin, but it’s hard to tell after a long time. Therefore, Pei Junlin is very anxious now. On the one hand, he expects Chen Jianghai to return to his teacher to rescue himself. On the other hand, I also thought of using my own strength to break through here.

The magic spear in Pei Junlin's hand drew a circle in the air, forming a golden circle around it. This is also one of the tricks of the Tianyun Thirteen Swords. This trick is used for defense. Although Pei Junlin only comprehends the fur, but this Tianyun Thirteen Swords is too magical, so although Pei Junlin only learned some fur, Still has a strong defense capability.

This golden aperture is almost like a copper wall and iron wall, generally wrapping Pei Junlin, so there is no need to worry about the corrosion of the dark energy for the time being.

But Pei Junlin hadn't been happy for too long, and soon he felt an incomparable gravity. It seemed that his body had become incomparable, and he couldn't even lift his feet.

This is the power of the rules changing, causing Pei Junlin to feel a sense of fear. What method did the man of the Shadow Demon Race use? Is it so terrible?

After a treatment course of thinning to the limit, Pei Junlin’s body unexpectedly appeared cracks, which is unacceptable to Pei Junlin. The divine light around him was released, and the whole person flew high like a luminous sun, starting in this gravity ball. Strike a set of punches.

At the same time, a light of Buddha appeared behind Pei Junlin's head, which was the body protection supernatural power of Buddhism, and it also allowed Pei Junlin to resist the unparalleled gravity here.

Pei Junlin played a set of boxing techniques, and at the same time attracted the 5 great souls in the chaotic golden fight world. The combination of these 5 primordial spirits allows Pei Junlin to use force to punish the five emperors' fist and swing, causing Pei Junlin to appear a golden ring around his body, which seems to have the influence of the five ancient holy emperors.

Pei Junlin seemed to be possessed by the ancient emperor, wearing golden armor, breaking through the black sphere with an invincible posture.

The moment Pei Junlin broke through the black sphere, the black sphere exploded in an instant, and another time the shadow demon man showed an incredible look on his face, and a trace of blood was exposed at the corner of his mouth.

But when Pei Junlin had a chance to breathe, the huge black sickle once again carried a huge shadow towards Pei Junlin to recover. At the same time, the huge demon shadow behind the demon man also roared, and a pair of scarlet eyes seemed to sink. In fury.

At that moment, the violent wind was violent, and the black chains shrouded toward Pei Junlin, and the sickle that harvested life also harvested toward Pei Junlin's throat.

But at this moment, Pei Junlin was not nervous about her, his eyes were slightly cold. The double fists once again hit the invincible boxing technique, drew the power of Chaos into the inner world, and blessed it on his body, making Pei Junlin's power infinitely higher at this moment.

Not hitting a punch was like a thunderbolt, and the rumbling sound seemed to destroy the entire space. Even the masked woman not far away showed a look of horror, turning back frequently to watch Pei Junlin.

There is no doubt that Pei Junlin was the most inconspicuous among all the people present, but at this moment Pei Junlin has become the most dazzling star. He defeated the man of the Shadow Demon Race with the strength of the late True King Realm. Withdrawal step by step, miserable.

Pei Junlin had to admit that the man of this demon race was indeed very powerful, even far surpassing his first emperor's blue robe man.

Recently, the men of the Demon Race know how to hide their strength, and the methods are endless. Every method is earth-shattering. This person should be the supreme genius of the Shadow Demon Race. If not, he would definitely not have such high attainments.

On the other hand, the young man in the cyan robe did not have such a good background. When he came, he showed a mad and cool expression, threatening to put all the fruits here in his own pocket.

But in the end it proved that the man's reliance was nothing more than a broken imperial soldier. In fact, his strength was not outstanding, so he was easily suppressed by Chen Jianghai.

And even though the black and white Shuangsha are not ostentatious, they are not low-key at all, showing a strong edge from the beginning, seeming to occupy a mountain and get a piece of the pie.

But in the blink of an eye, the two brothers lost one of them, and the remaining one was nothing to worry about, being trapped by the masked woman and unable to rush out.

The man with this demon race not only possesses incredible strength and background, but the most important thing is that this person is very low-key and can’t stand up, often at the most critical moments use the power of four or two to draw all the benefits into his own. In the pocket.

If it weren't for Pei Junlin today, the man from the Shadow Demon Race would probably take all the fruits present and take all the benefits into his own pocket.

It's a pity that he met the nemesis of his life, Junlin Pei. Although Junlin Pei does not appear on the surface, and his true strength is only in the late stage of the real king realm, when the real Pei Junlin erupts, the horrible background is Even the man of the Shadow Demon couldn't keep up with his horse.

First of all, the background of Pei Junlin's body is too terrible. And Pei Junlin also has a very mysterious treasure, that is, the Chaos Golden Dou just awakened in the Chaos Golden Dou, and it was repaired seven or eight eight. .

And Pei Junlin's 5 primordial spirits have merged with this chaotic golden capital into one. The 5 great primordial spirits incarnate in this chaotic golden bucket world into 5 natural gods, in charge of the world's 5 natural elements of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth.

When Pei Junlin fought the Five Emperors Fist, he blessed almost the chaos that had just become a journey, and the power that shocked the world, these powers.

Pei Junlin's methods are too overbearing, and Pei Junlin, who possesses the Holy Physique, is definitely not comparable to this Shadow Demon Clan man.

Therefore, when the Shadow Demon clan man launched a fatal attack on Pei Junlin again, Pei Junlin did not rush, but punched a set of boxing techniques to crush all the shadows that came.

When the key was released, the man of the Shadow Demon Race was completely desperate, because he suddenly discovered that Pei Junlin was almost invincible, and that the weakest person seemed to be the most difficult person to deal with.

"Your methods are almost exhausted, now it's my turn." Pei Junlin held the mysterious crock with a sword in one hand, and the mysterious candle was suspended around Pei Junlin, illuminating the surrounding space.

Another set of punches was punched out, and the primordial magnetism turned into a thin needle, and instantly assassinated the man of the Shadow Demon Race.

Everything happened between the electric light and flint, Pei Junlin played a real move, and there was also Yu Chao's hidden weapon, which was Pei Junlin's real method, and the whole law was Pei Junlin's superficial way to suppress the opponent.

Under the combination of the two methods, one light and one dark, the man of the Shadow Demon Race showed a look of despair on his face, and turned his body into a huge black bird, unexpectedly trying to break through the space barrier and escape from here.

The Shadow Demon man who had received the two fruits was actually satisfied, but he originally wanted to get more benefits, but now that his wish has been lost, so now it is the best choice for him to escape.

However, Pei Junlin had the advantage and had the upper hand. How could he escape without saying a word, so Pei Junlin's office of a phantom body disappeared completely, and he appeared behind the shadow demon man here in the next second.

Just hearing a puff, the huge flying bird incarnation of the Shadow Demon clan man had one of its wings torn apart by Pei Junlin.

The Shadow Demon clan man screamed, UU reading www.uukanshu. com held the black sickle in one hand and waved it towards Pei Junlin, but Pei Junlin stretched out his hand and hit the sickle with one punch. Only seeing this weapon, there were cracks, and eventually it broke.

Before Pei Junlin judged from the power of this weapon, this weapon should be a bit extraordinary, but now, this weapon was broken inch by inch under his fist, which really surprised Pei Junlin.

This is too casual. Pei Junlin slapped a big question mark in his heart. Of course, Pei Junlin could not react. The man of the Shadow Demon clan snarled at Pei Junlin, his face turned into bones.

Before this man had been hidden in the black fog, Pei Junlin could not see his appearance, but when he saw the real body of this Shadow Demon clan man, Pei Junlin was surprised, it turned out to be a skeleton.

"This is not the true appearance of the Shadow Demon Race, it should be just an external incarnation. It seems that the people of this Shadow Demon Race are reluctant to let their heavenly pride in danger." Jin Ye's voice sounded in Pei Junlin's ears. Somewhat joking.

Pei Junlin was also a little surprised. It was just an external avatar with such a powerful force. It seems that this Shadow Demon Race is indeed one of the few powerful races in the universe, and even takes a place in this vast world.

"Let me go, otherwise, after the hatred is formed, I will not be able to meet in the future." The shadow demon man was abruptly torn a small wing by Pei Junlin, and the whole person looked particularly manic at this time.

But even in this case, the Mozu men have spoken very hard recently, and they are not in a negotiated tone with Pei Junlin, but an order or a threat.

There are indeed some risks to offend such a supreme race, but Pei Junlin is naturally not threatened by others. Hearing this threatening tone, his anger does not come out. ?

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