Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1801: Impersonator

"Rebirth of Shura Return (

It was terrible. I didn't expect to provoke other disciples and grandchildren, and the master in the back found the door. Pei Junlin didn't know where or who this big hand came from, but he could feel that this big hand contained an aura of grief and anger, and it should be here for revenge.

Pei Junlin and Chen Jianghai drove this black coffin, as if from a awning boat upstream in the long river of time and space, but the boat of friendship turned upside-down, and when they met the big hand, it was instantly Will fall apart.

There is not much time left for the two of them to think, and they are always frantically tempting beside death at any time. But in an emergency, whether it was Jin Ye, Pei Junlin, or Chen Jianghai, they were at a loss. After all, this situation was too special.

Here is a turbulent flow of time and space. It is not a sea, land or air at all. There is no place to go into the sea and there is no place to escape. Seeing this big hand has caught the back, Pei Junlin feels a chill in his back. The hair is almost upright.

Just as Pei Junlin and Chen Jianghai gritted their teeth and prepared to give their hands together, suddenly a special place appeared next to it. That place was like a cave, but also like a turning place, in which a guy in a black robe faced Pei Junlin and Chen Jianghai waved.

This guy is not someone else, it turned out to be the old blind man before. When the old blind man entered this tomb, he dazzled both Pei Junlin and Chen Jianghai. He let Pei Junlin and Chen Jianghai go first, but he did not enter.

It was when Pei Junlin and Chen Jianghai were facing a desperate situation, but they saw the old blind man again. At this time, Pei Junlin and Chen Jianghua didn't care about him at all. Chen Jianghai was driving the black coffin at his feet and suddenly came a nine. A big turn of ten degrees, instantly rushed into this curve.

And at the moment when the two of them first entered the curve, the big khaki hands rumbled along the construction and moved forward. At the time of this thrilling scene, Pei Junlin was sweating all over, and he passed by with death just now. If he held it with his big khaki hands, his life would be lost.

Pei Junlin didn't even think of breaking his head. The most critical moment was that the old blind man saved himself and Chen Jianghai. The old blind man finally entered here, not knowing for what purpose and what thoughts, he did not go with the two of them, but entered here secretly by himself.

Pei Junlin carefully observed the surrounding terrain and found that this place was like a snail, and it was like a passage next to it. This place was very strange. There was a dark red substance in the first place, but when the foot was on it, it felt like soil. Soft and warm.

There is also a tunnel inside and I don't know where it leads, and Pei Junlin sees the long river in time and space in the distance, and the twisted river water makes people feel frightened.

The first thing Chen Jianghai did after standing firm was to rush over and pinch the old blind man's neck with both hands, grab the old blind man's hair, and hit him **** the head a few times.

"Don't fight, don't fight." The old blind man avoided repeatedly, looking a little embarrassed.

Chen Jianghai was puzzled by his hatred, and raised his foot and kicked it: "My generation is superfluous to be your ancestor, you dare to lie to me, you are deceiving the master and destroying the ancestor, do you understand? Back then, I and your ancestor But you are a brother and brother, I didn’t expect you to have such an unfilial offspring. Your ancestor is dead. I will teach you for him."

Chen Jianghai gritted his teeth angrily, as if being tricked by the old blind man, making him angry into anger.

The old blind man took care of the overall situation. After being beaten by Chen Jianghai, he did not get angry. He hurriedly pulled the two of them towards the passage beside him: "Let’s get out of here quickly. This long river of time is not fun, any time-space snail. It's enough to swallow all of us."

Along this soft silver-white passage, Pei Junlin felt a little strange. The passage was like flowing mercury. People walking in this passage seemed to be walking in the internal organs of the human body, and it seemed to be walking in the intestines. .

Of course, Pei Junlin was just a guess, and he didn't dare to ask more, because everything came and went in a hurry, and this old blind man did not give people a chance to imagine.

It was because of the big earth-yellow hand that the road for Pei Junlin and Chen Jiao to leave here was completely blocked, and they might be able to find another way when they meet this old blind man.

The two followed the old blind man in this passage. The silver-white passage was able to see the figure. Suddenly Pei Junlin saw the figure on the passage a bit strange, because the figure taken by him and Chen Jianghai was stretched and twisted. , But still human.

But the old blind man was different. The shadow from the silver mercury above the passage turned out to be like an evil spirit.

The pupils of the dojo suddenly enlarged, and then gradually became silent. At this moment, Pei Junlin's hairs stood up, and he knew that both he and Chen Jianghai were deceived.

Pei Junlin tried to break his head and never thought that this old blind man turned out to be an evil ghost in disguise. This situation made Pei Junlin feel a little troublesome. If he continued to move forward, he would definitely step into the trap set by the evil ghost.

The big earthy-yellow hand should have been manipulated by this evil spirit. From the very beginning, Chen Jianghai and Chen Jianghai fell into a trap, relying on their imaginary enemy to push themselves into the trap step by step.

Pei Junlin forced himself to calm down and could not show any unusual look, because the evil ghost in the old blind man's body was obviously a cunning old ghost.

Who on earth can have such a huge energy to reunite and set up such a battle?

"What the **** is this old fellow Jin Ye? Can you tell?" Pei Junlin did not immediately inform Chen Jianghai, but secretly communicated with Jin Ye.

"This place is on the edge of the long river of time and space. It should be a strong person who can produce this kind of thing. This kind of thing is generally condensed from evil spirits, but ordinary cultivators will not form such a strong evil spirit after death. Only a strong man who astounded the past and the present could give birth to such a strong murderous aura." Jin Ye gradually analyzed, but his tone was calm and not nervous.

Pei Junlin humbly asked Jin Ye for advice, and quickly found the answer. There is really a way to restrain this evil spirit.

Pei Junlin tried to delay as much as possible along the way, trying to inform Chen Jianghai, who knew that Chen Jianghai walked forward with his head bored, but also looked thoughtful and worried.

On the road gradually moving forward, Pei Junlin suddenly figured out one thing, that is, Chen Jianghai might have discovered this secret long ago, and also did not tell himself.

Since Chen Jianghai accidentally cast a look at a corner to let Pei Junlin fully understand, in fact, the Spring Fair had long discovered this secret and the reason why he didn't say anything about it might be just to stop screaming.

The look Chen Jianghai gave to Pei Junlin was very simple, that is, don't be afraid that everything has my meaning. Seeing Chen Jianghe's confident appearance, Pei Junlin couldn't help but feel a lot of peace.

On the other side, Pei Junlin was not idle either, a flame was brewing in his palm, and this flame was the fire of the wild. According to Jin Ye, this wild fire can restrain this evil spirit, but the degree of restraint is still unknown. In short, this wild fire is enough for Pei Junlin to protect himself.

The silver-white passage in China continued to move forward. Pei Junlin found that the evil spirit took him and Chen Jianghai to a mysterious house, which was a house made of stones.

In the center of the room is an altar with mottled blood stains and dripping blood-red liquid around it. The whole altar looks very strange.

No longer able to go forward, Pei Junlin had such thoughts in his heart, his back was chilly and his hair was going to stand up, because this altar made Pei Junlin feel an extremely dangerous feeling, and it seemed that he would never step in again. There is no hope of survival.

"Do it." Chen Jianghai let out an angry roar.

A **** light flew on him, instantly entwining the old blind man, and on the other side, Pei Junlin did not wait to die. The same wild fire shrouded him and instantly wrapped the old blind man from head to toe~www People do it at the same time, the tacit understanding is unparalleled, but at this time the face of the old blind man is ordinary, but he is grinning, despite being enveloped by the wild fire, the old blind man has a scorch. The smell, but his look has not changed, instead there is a hint of mockery.

"The old thing has long seen that you are not serious, what the heck is it?" Chen Jianghai stared at the old blind man and said.

The old blind man just laughed and did not speak. The laughter grew louder and he became a little nervous, and the skin on his face began to peel off, revealing a skeleton, and there were even maggots crawling around.

The disgusting appearance made Pei Junlin's heart unbearable, but he stared at the old blind man's wild fire and began to blaze, scorching the old blind man's skin and flesh, giving out an extremely unpleasant smell.

"You two are here now, do you still want to go out alive?" The old blind man finally spoke, and his eyes became extremely strange.

As soon as his voice fell, the surrounding passages suddenly became weird and began to squirm, the silver liquid began to flow, and soon the way back was completely blocked, in front of Pei Junlin and Chen Jianghai. The weird altar was left, and the old blind man’s affairs had long since disappeared.

Pei Junlin was sweating all over, this thing was too weird, it seemed very difficult to escape. Unexpectedly, when Pei Junlin was about to move, he suddenly stretched out a hand under his foot, grabbed Pei Junlin's foot severely, and yanked it down. He puffed Pei Junlin half of his body. Caught in this mercury.

The viscous liquid wanted to wrap Pei Junlin's whole person, no matter how Pei Junlin struggled, but it got deeper and deeper, it seemed that there was a mysterious force that entangled Pei Junlin. ?

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