Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1803: Fair share of spoils

"Rebirth of Shura Returns (

Pei Junlin didn't try to save Bai Yuan. Although he knew that Bai Yuan was involuntarily involuntarily, Pei Junlin knew that there must be some masters waiting for him to get the bait. He jumped out at this time and would undoubtedly fall into a trap.

Pei Junlin and Chen Jianghai quietly withdrew according to the instructions of Princess Long Shisan. The eldest sister came to the small alley. Following the introduction of the Jinsha girl, the four of them soon came to an extremely hidden place.

"I thought you two got some news that you left early. I didn't expect to be back now. Those people are all from the Dragon Emperor Dojo! If you made a move just now, you would instantly be suppressed by the hidden saint-level masters. It's hard to escape with wings." Princess Long Shisan said with some worry looking at Pei Junlin.

Pei Junlin looked a little solemn at this time. He frowned and shook his head and said: "How long have the people in the Dragon Emperor Dojo found here? I have to find a way to rescue the white ape."

Hearing what Pei Junlin said, Chen Jianghai and the Jinsha girl who stood by showed a look of surprise, and Chen Jianghai even cursed: "The monkeys have betrayed you, and you still treat him as a brother. Are you thinking about this? Showy?"

The Jinsha **** the side also quickly persuaded Pei Junlin: "I believe those people in the Dragon Emperor Dojo will not embarrass the monkey, so don't worry about him."

Pei Junlin didn't say anything. In his heart, the ape must have had no choice but to betray him. If he didn't save it, Pei Junlin couldn't justify his emotions. It's just that under the unanimous opposition from everyone at this time, Pei Junlin didn't want to say much.

At this time, he was brave and would undoubtedly pull everyone into the water, presenting a dangerous state. So at this time, Pei Junlin could only hold back. After everyone left the city safely, he was trying to come back and save the white ape.

"The two of us have been exposed, but you two are still safe, we have to get out of the city as soon as possible." Princess Long Shisan said towards Pei Junlin.

Recently, I didn't expect that Jinsha girl and Long 13 princess had been exposed first, but Pei Junlin was impressed by the fact that the two could escape the hunt of the Dragon Emperor Dojo.

"It's easy to get out, we can leave now." Pei Junlin said.

As soon as he waved his hand, a dark whirlpool appeared on everyone's heads. The dragon was when the princess naturally knew that this was Pei Junlin's treasure. The chaotic golden bucket, with the small world inside, was hidden in it, so naturally it would not be discovered.

Princess Dragon Thirteen was the first to be sucked in by the dark vortex, and the Jinsha girl did not resist, she also entered the world of Chaos Golden Dou, only Chen Jianghai's expression was somewhat unusual, and she did not enter the world of Chaos.

"I guess you should save the monkey. I'll stay with you. If you are caught alone, everyone will be finished." Chen Jianghai shook his head, with an ugly rope on his face.

The two of them have known each other during this period of time, and they have deepened the character of Pei Junlin. Chen Jianghai naturally knows the bottom line. He knows that the person in Pei Junlin's heart is the most loyal, although the monkey and Pei Junlin have not been together for long. But the apes are good and obedient, and Pei Junlin's character will never leave the apes alone.

That's why Chen Jianghai dared to conclude at this time that Pei Junlin would not leave the monkey and leave alone.

"There is nothing to say. Everyone will naturally not leave him behind. He betrayed me out of helplessness. Let's go back and save him now." Pei Junlin didn't have anything to squeeze, and brought Chen Jianghai together again. Came to the street.

At this time, the street food market was surrounded by countless seas. The little demon and the little demon craned their necks to look at the field. The ape was hung on a rope, and the flames under his feet were burning the soles of his feet.

Then did he scream, the expression on his face was extremely painful, this kind of torture was simply not unbearable for ordinary people, and the ape also screamed, screaming more harshly.

But even with such pain, the ape didn't have the aura of the cartilage head before and began to yell loudly. At the same time, he was yelling at the surrounding crowd, letting Pei Junlin leave him alone.

"I really underestimated this monkey before. It's quite spine. It won't be wasteful for the two of us to come back and rescue her, but don't take any action. Look around the situation clearly before talking." Chen Jianghai held down Pei with his hand. On Junlin's shoulder, he even jumped out at this moment when Pei Junlin impulsively.

These people in the Dragon Emperor Dojo are undoubtedly shameless, and there is no lower limit, so torturing the apes is to force Pei Junlin to show up.

They may have caught some clues, knowing that the ape came to this abyss with Pei Junlin and others, in this underwater city, so they did not catch it. Under the premise of Princess Long 13 and Lady Jinsha, the monkey Caught.

They tortured the monkey desperately, just want to use this monkey to draw Pei Junlin out, so as to arrest and suppress in one fell swoop, Pei Junlin did a lot of things before, and undoubtedly challenged the bottom line of the Dragon Emperor Dojo.

Knowing that Pei Junlin borrowed the little son of the Dragon Emperor Dojo, whether the name of the big fish was borrowed everywhere, or Pei Junlin broke into the residence of the Dragon Emperor Dojo or killed the Quartet, this directly challenged the bottom line of the Dragon Emperor Dojo.

Although the Dragon Emperor Dojo and another Supreme Master are at war during this period, when they vacate their hands, they will search for Pei Junlin as soon as possible, and have sent a lot of personnel. According to Pei Junlin’s observations, at least Five saint-level masters lay in ambush all around.

"The idea is a bit awkward, but there is no risk for our two brothers to cooperate. It shouldn't be difficult to rescue this ape." Chen Jianghai said confidently after observing for four weeks.

However, Pei Junlin shook his head with a resolute look on his face. He said to Chen Jianghai: "It's just too boring to save people. All these people should be killed."

When Pei Junlin spoke, there was a bloodthirsty look in his eyes, and even Chen Jianghai felt a little frightened by the smell of iron and blood.

It is undoubtedly the snake swallowing elephant and the snake swallowing whale to kill these five saint-level experts at once. But Chen Jianghai felt that Pei Junlin was very confident in speaking, and maybe Pei Junlin had unknown strength.

"If you want to do it, do it quickly. If you want to keep all the five powerful saints, are you sure? If you don't make a mistake, our two brothers will be buried here." Chen Jianghai still focused on persuasion, and didn't want to Enraged Jun Pei.

Because even a fool now can see that Pei Junlin is very emotional. Pei Junlin, who usually looks very courageous and courageous, seems to lose his mind once he meets these people in the Dragon Emperor Dojo.

"My parents died in the hands of the Dragon Emperor Daochang people, killing their father's vengeance, but the calcium tablet shouldn't I let them go?" Pei Junlin turned around and his eyes were a little red, and the bloodthirsty color made Chen Chen Jiang Hai was surprised.

Chen Jianghai heard a buzzing sound like the sound of a bee. He raised his head to find that Pei Junlin's head was suspended with a silver handle. The small sword shone with crystal light, but it was extremely secretive.

"There is a feeling that this little sword is a bit extraordinary, even if it is to slaughter a saint, it is very simple, let's take a gamble." Pei Junlin gritted his teeth.

This sword was something Pei Junlin had drawn from his congenital mistakes. He has not yet tried its power. This is the first time he has taken it out for actual combat. Pei Junlin doesn't know what strength he has.

Even Chen Jianghai felt that Pei Junlin's words were a little unclear. At this time, he couldn't refute Pei Junlin.

"You can do whatever you want. In short, even if our brothers die, they will die together today." Chen Jianghai gritted his teeth.

Pei Junlin looked at Chen Jianghai in amazement. Chen Jianghai's performance today has completely violated his impression of Chen Jianghai. This guy has been sneaking, sneaking, and running the train with his mouth full. He didn't expect to be so powerful at the critical moment.

A **** light burst into the sky, and it was Chen Jianghai who took the lead. The two saint-level powerhouses had not had time to resist and were shrouded by this **** light. Chen Jianghai used his own actions to attack Pei. King's Landing proved that his brother deserved it.

At the moment Chen Jianghai started his hand, a powerful aura appeared in the other three directions. It was the three saint-level powerhouses who noticed that the situation had changed and moved instantly.

Pei Junlin knew that if he was half-beat slow, he would fall into an incomparable passive situation, so he reached out and pointed a finger in front of him, floating in front of him, the silver small sword suddenly burst into a shocking light, and the speed was incredible towards a powerful The breath flew over.

A saint-level powerhouse only felt a flash of silver light in front of him. When he reacted, a blood hole appeared in his chest, and a silver light passed through his chest, instantly destroying his heart.

Knowing that this was a saint-level powerhouse, even Pei Junlin was a little unbelievable. He opened his mouth wide and froze in place. He didn't expect this innate opinion to have such a powerful power.

Even if the heart of the saint-level strong man was destroyed, he would not die immediately. He let out a roar, knowing that his life had entered the countdown, but he was still a little unwilling to culminate in Pei Junlin. .

The other two sage-level powerhouses were not idle either, and at the same time they shot towards Pei Junlin, instantly the whole street became a pot of porridge, and the sky shrouded in Shenhua, shining light on most of the city.

Pei Junlin had been prepared for a long time, he abandoned the magic spear of the mixed world, and began to draw the Wudi boxing with his bare hands.

Pei Junlin relies on the awakening of Chaos Jindou or the invincible boxing method. This boxing method is evolved from the supporting role. There is a major event in the world. It seems that the sun, the moon and the stars are all rotating around Pei Junlin. Although the two saint-level powerhouses Possessing great power, but he couldn't get close to Pei Junlin for a while. ?

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