Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1805: Kill the saint

"Rebirth of Shura Returns (

He only heard a click, Pei Junlin punched the saint-level powerhouse in the back, instantly breaking a spine.

The body of the saint-level powerhouse is still very powerful Pei Junlin, a series of fists hit this saint-level powerhouse, but he did not finally kill him.

Pei Junlin stretched out his hand and the innate silver sword flew back in an instant, only to hear a swish, and a buzzing sound came from his ear.

When Pei Junlin looked back, there was only a blood hole left on the brow of the saint-level expert. The half of his head was completely gone, and the whole person fell towards the ground like one by one. Go down.

And at this moment, the other two saint-level powerhouses had already killed Pei Junlin, a flying sword made a buzzing sound, and instantly strangled him behind Pei Junlin's head.

Feijian is the most powerful thing in the world. With Pei Junlin's current body, it is impossible to fight against this top-level weapon. Therefore, without any hesitation, Pei Junlin will escape the opponent's blow.

But soon Pei Junlin realized that it was too late. It turned out that Feijian didn't have one mouthful, but a sword formation had seven mouthfuls. These flying swords slashed towards Pei Junlin in a series. Although Pei Junlin avoided the first flying sword, the subsequent flying swords made it too late for Pei Junlin to dodge.

Pei Junlin's fists emitted a bright light, and the golden fists were shot out instantly, only to hear the clang of a flying sword being beaten by Pei Junlin.

Immediately after Pei Junlin developed the fist technique again, a series of flying swords were beaten to pieces by Pei Junlin, but Pei Junlin's palm had become bloody.

After this flying sword was shot down by Pei Junlin, it did not completely disintegrate, but turned around and arranged it into a sword formation again, strangling towards Pei Junlin.

Picking up one after another is like a long rainbow, like a thread, thousands of sword lights gather together and become an unstoppable force.

King's Landing revolved the celestial body, and a dark soul umbrella appeared in front of him with a wave of his palm. The spirit of this soul umbrella, Lao Wu urged ten formations in it, and it ran in an instant, only a buzzing sound was heard, and thousands of heavenly demons stimulated their spiritual power at the same time.

When the powerful sword light encountered the Soul Umbrella, it was almost like a silver bottle. And Pei Junlin rushed past the moment the Soul Umbrella blocked the sword light.

Surrounded by the light of stars, Pei Junlin is like a **** of war. The speed is incredible, even directly surpassing those flying swords.

Just in the blink of an eye, Pei Junlin came to the middle-aged saint and threw the flying sword at the same time, blasting towards another young saint.

Pei Jun's troops were divided into two groups, killing one person and stopping one person is extremely powerful. The middle-aged saint saw Pei Junlin attack like a shooting star, frowning slightly, but his body rotated in place, and a big golden bell appeared around him, covering him.

This is an amazing defensive method. Jun Lin frowned slightly, but the person changed direction in the middle of the air, and instantly sprinkled on the young strong man.

No one would have imagined that at such a high speed, Pei Junlin could change direction halfway, but he came to the young saint in the blink of an eye, and it was a punch.

Pei Junlin had just killed a sage-level powerhouse. It was just when the momentum was so great that he was unstoppable and killed with a punch. The young sage only felt that there was a crack in the world.

All he could see was a brilliant golden light shrouded, and the world seemed to lose its brilliance. Of course he was still in place with his open mouth, and he simply forgot to defend.

It was the old saint who stretched out his hand and pointed at the golden clock, and suddenly enveloped the young strong man. Pei Jun was in the golden clock with a fist, making a buzzing sound.

Pei Junlin didn't expect his opponent to be so difficult. Although the young saint had inexperience in fighting, the old saint was an extremely difficult character.

After the fierce battle, Pei Junlin felt that his whole body was about to fall apart, especially with the blow just now, how strong he hit it, and how strong the feedback came back, Pei Junlin felt that the whole arm was broken.

"This person's methods are really too overbearing, not like the cultivation method of our world." The old saint looked at Pei Junlin with a pair of eyes in amazement, and there was even a hint of love in his eyes.

I don't care about this, Pei Junlin, he hates the people who the Dragon Emperor is here, no matter who is on the battlefield, don't go out alive today.

Pei Junlin pointed at the silver long sword with both hands, once again drew an arc, in mid-air, and instantly came to the dying saint who was seriously injured. He only heard a puff, the saint's body was split into A rain of blood.

From the beginning of the battle to the present, in a mere moment, a saint-level powerhouse truly fell. This had to allow the Dragon Emperor to be present. Everyone was completely shocked, and some people felt fear in their hearts. Some people have a feeling of anger.

Even Chen Jianghai was stunned by Pei Junlin's speed. He didn't expect that Pei Junlin would slaughter a saint-level powerhouse so quickly, which is simply incredible.

"You come here and die." Pei Jun's hand kept pointing at the young saint.

The young man had just entered the realm of a sage, and he was proud and regarded the hero of the world as a stubborn man. Originally wanted to come here, kill Pei Junlin, make contributions, and the good young generations have come to the fore, but they didn't know it but kicked the iron.

When I met Pei Junlin today, he was beaten to disgrace as soon as he met each other. It really made him feel shameless. Pei Junlin stretched his hand out of the fire in his heart, and he was even more angry.

"Dog things see if you can still bounce for a few days. No one who provokes me at the Dragon Emperor Dojo can survive." The young saint-level powerhouse pointedly cursed Pei Junlin evilly.

Pei Junlin turned his eyes and didn't put the curse on the other party in his ears. He closed his hearing and couldn't hear what the other party was saying. Instead, with a wave of his palm, countless black shadows disappeared into the air.

The demon king level demon is very powerful, but it is not enough to deal with the saint level powerhouse, so Pei Junlin released these films, not to target the sages of the Dragon Emperor Dojo, but to clear the corners and corners. fish.

I only heard the screams coming from the two rows of tall buildings around the street. These people didn’t know what was going on. Some people were so embarrassed that they picked up their weapons and started killing each other. Suddenly they attacked the seniors around them. Slaughter.

The heavenly demons are invisible and intangible, bewitching people's hearts in the invisible, especially the demon-like-level heavenly demons have absolute bewitching power to masters below the real king level.

So almost in an instant, Pei Junlin disintegrated the middle and lower-level forces that the Dragon Emperor was present, leaving only these five saint-level powerhouses alone and helpless, and one was killed by Pei Junlin.

As long as we solve one more, the situation will turn sideways. By then, everyone present today will not want to escape alive.

However, if you want to kill a sage-level powerhouse, it is easier said than done. At the beginning, Pei Junlin just took advantage of the first shot, and it was not a sudden innate, leaving the opponent unprepared for a while.

Now that the old saint has taken great care of his actions, he is steadily fighting, making it difficult for Pei Junlin to find opportunities.

However, Pei Junlin was not reconciled. He must keep everyone here today, to give the Dragon Emperor a heavy blow, and to kill the five saints who were on the scene at one time. This is undoubtedly a great feat, and will restore Pei Junlin’s heart. Some anger.

Although it is impossible to destroy the Dragon Emperor Dojo all at once, it is always possible to withdraw a little interest first.

"Since the old saint is blindly sheltering the young saint, then you can attack it. Let him be busy with defense, and then reverse the attack at the most critical moment, and kill his old master. I will help you every moment." The voice of Lord Jin came into Pei Junlin's ears. UU reading www.uukanshu.cóm

This was Jin Ye's tactic, and it was similar to what Pei Junlin had planned before. The two hit it off and Pei Junlin immediately launched an attack. Almost in an instant, a strong conflict broke out. When Pei Junlin rushed to the sky and fell down again, he had two more weapons-like soul umbrellas in his hand, which were mainly used for defense, and the other was the mixed world magic spear.

The magic spear in Pei Junlin's hand collided with a hook and sickle weapon sacrificed by the old saint, emitting today's spark. The block was hit by this shock wave and instantly razed to the ground. The battle was extremely fierce, and almost destroyed the entire city of Abyssal Maw to ruins.

Pei Junlin tried his best to attack the young saint. The young saint's strength was weak, and he was unable to resist under Pei Junlin's repeated attacks, while the old man tried his best to protect the younger generation, so, This old saint has been presiding over the defense since one episode.

All the attention was placed on the companion next to him, but some of his own defenses were ignored. Pei Junlin was particularly fond of this step. At the most critical moment, Pei Junlin instantly turned the muzzle, the color of innate flying The sword was sacrificed by Pei Junlin again.

Dodge's silver light instantly killed the old saint at an incredible speed, and when the opponent had no time to resist, he came to the opponent with a hum.

Obviously, Pei Junlin underestimated the old sage’s cunning degree. Just when Pei Junlin’s flying sword came to the old sage’s neck, he was about to cut its throat, but at this moment, the old sage’s surroundings suddenly A circle of apertures appeared.

A shining bracelet flew high in the sky, and instantly wrapped the flying sword that Pei Junlin had opened from the innate fairy vine. This bright bracelet has a huge effect on the weapon of the gods and has a similar mystery to the chaotic golden fight. ?

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