Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1808: Universe

"Rebirth of Shura Returns (

And Pei Junlin gradually discovered a terrifying thing, that is, within the scope of the universe, all the mana has been emptied, which means that it is consuming mana quickly, but it can't get any supplement.

That is to say, within the scope of this universe, Pei Junlin can only passively consume his mana without getting any supplement, so the person who will lose in the end must be Pei Junlin.

No wonder the other party has a confident expression, Pei Junlin knows the reason why the other party is holding the winning ticket, that is, relying on the universe to block all mana. Makes Pei Junlin's endless consumption, unable to fight this war of attrition at all.

Pei Junlin was still fighting his body unyieldingly, getting bigger and smaller, getting bigger and smaller, back and forth. However, Pei Junlin had a ray of life, that was in Chen Jianghai. On the other side, Chen Jianghai was still fighting fiercely with the powerhouse of the Daming Saint level, and the two were almost shrouded in divine light.

There was a wave of Taotao blood around Chen Jianghai, a blood-colored figure emerged from behind Chen Jianghai, and the ground was trembling with a fierce fist.

That battle will not end in a short time. Pei Jun is looking forward to the deal and can free up his hands to rescue himself, but that is just a good wish.

But Junlin Pei did not have my complete hopes placed on Chen Jianghai, and I can't completely rely on others at any time. Junlin Pei has other means.

Although the mana was consumed very quickly, Pei Junlin did not lack mana for the time being, because his body did not completely rely on mana to fight this universe.

The second point is also because the mana in Pei Junlin's body is very large, and this period of stalemate has only consumed less than 10% of Pei Junlin's body.

If the tug of war is carried out with the current intensity, and the stalemate continues, it will not be a problem for Pei Junlin to persist in this universe for a month and a half, so Pei Junlin is not in a hurry.

On the surface, he pretended to be very painful and was going all out. In fact, Pei Junlin's mind was very calm. He was observing and observing the principle of this universe.

Seeing treasures is undoubtedly very rare, it should be a holy artifact. Pei Junlin is a master of formations, and his understanding of formations far exceeds that of ordinary people. In addition, Pei Junlin has gradually developed a lot of interest in refining weapons, because he is currently cultivating Tianyun Thirteen Swords and needs to come into contact with refining weapons.

Moreover, the ancient **** training technique also gave Pei Junlin the enlightenment on the way of training Qi, so Pei Junlin was still very interested in this universe.

If a treasure is observed with eyes alone, it is difficult to discover the mystery of its formation, but now Pei Junlin is unusual, he is bearing the power of this sacred artifact in this universe.

So at this time, Pei Junlin is undoubtedly observing these treasures more closely, and even analyzing the effects of some of the formations and runes.

It was the first time that Junlin Pei had come into contact with such a top sacred artifact, and the power of it made Junlin Pei puzzled. This treasure could shrink the material of this world, which Pei Junlin had never thought of before, and this treasure was undoubtedly very unusual.

On the surface, Pei Junlin pretended to be irresistible. In fact, he was observing the working principle of the sacred artifact in secret, but gradually the residents discovered that there were many mysteries in it, which could not be directly observed. Perhaps only after calling this sacred artifact , May be able to observe the mystery.

"This year, this treasure is similar to Chaos Golden Fight, and it can also collect other people's treasures." Pei Junlin tried to talk to Jin Ye, in fact, he wanted Jin Ye to help and grab the treasure directly.

Pei Junlin said very implicitly and euphemistically, but Jin Ye heard the overtones. He hummed coldly and said with some dissatisfaction: "Don't compare this kind of garbage with me, okay?"

As soon as Jin Ye's voice fell, Pei Junlin felt that more than a dozen large formations in the Chaos Golden Dou were in full swing, and even unknown formations began to operate, and a whirlpool force instantly rushed into the sky.

In front of this great power, the power of the universe is like a pediatrics, but in the blink of an eye, the clouds are closed in the rain, and the vortex of the chaotic golden bucket is instantly shrouded in the vortex, which directly cuts off the contact with the old saint.

When Pei Junlin flipped his palm, a silver ring appeared in his hand. Pei Junlin carefully looked down at the treasure, and his face showed a smug color.

A pure spiritual power instantly poured into the universe circle in his hands, Pei Junlin was forcibly removing the mark of the saint-level powerhouse, and he wanted to completely refine this treasure.

Compared with wonton somersaults, this universe is really an inconspicuous thing. The reason why Pei Junlin wants to refine this treasure is actually to spy on the formations in it, and to increase some of his training tools. Knowledge and theoretical basis.

The old saint watched his treasure fall into Pei Junlin's palm, and he was so angry that he was struck by lightning.

He didn't even know what happened just now. He only remembered that Pei Junlin was shrouded in his own universe, he was already a trapped beast, and he was already in control.

But in the blink of an eye, things took a dramatic turn.

Pei Junlin not only escaped from the circle of universe in an instant, but also grabbed the circle of universe in the backhand. The elderly saint immediately used his divine sense to control his own treasures, but unfortunately he found that the universe did not follow his command. Immediately afterwards, he spouted a mouthful of blood because he felt that the connection between the treasure and himself was cut off.

At the moment when Pei Junlin controlled the universe, he threw this treasure out. What is meant by the way of the other and the way of the other body? Now Pei Junlin's method is like this, he wants to use the opponent's treasure to trap the opponent.

Pei Junlin really wanted to see how the other party escaped, knowing that this is a sacred weapon, and it also has a strong lethality to the powerhouse of the saint.

The circle of universe exudes a silver-white light, like a star falling from the starry sky. At the moment when this saint-level powerhouse was shrouded in its own mist, its body began to shrink, but the shrinking speed was very slow, after all, it was a saint-level powerhouse.

On the other side, Chen Jianghai has basically ended the battle. His opponent was completely suppressed by Chen Jianghai. The little monkey actually lay on the head of the saint-level powerhouse, with his mouth slightly open, and he was sucking his opponent’s spirit. .

Pei Junlin was surprised to see a golden soul, which was sucked out by the little monkey and swallowed directly into his mouth. After inhaling this soul, the little monkey's hair seemed to be extremely shiny, and his body seemed to be a little bigger.

This little monkey is a treasure opened by Chen Jianghai in that innate fruit. Pei Junlin originally thought it was an ordinary creature, but he knew that it had such a power, and it could directly devour the soul of a powerful saint.

It is necessary to know that the soul of the saint level is extremely powerful and complex, which not only has a huge and disparate memory, but even has all kinds of incredible powers, even Pei Junlin dare not easily refine the soul of the saint level.

Once contaminated by the soul fragments, it is difficult to get out of it. But this little monkey didn't know what magical powers he possessed, so he could directly take the soul of the saint as a tonic and **** it, which really shocked Pei Junlin beyond words.

"Don't kill this old guy directly and leave it to me. This makes my little monkey eat it as a tonic." Chen Jianghai walked over, standing in a different position from Pei Junlin invisibly, sealing the old man to death. The way the saint escaped.

People left and right completely blocked all the roads. There were a total of five saints on the field, but at this time only this old saint was left, and the strong were still fighting against the beasts.

The Universe Circle that Pei Junlin saw could actually shrink the surrounding objects, which was a bit surprised.

"When did you have such a fun treasure, and it was still a holy artifact, wouldn't it be your means to press the bottom of the box?" Chen Jianghai looked at Pei Junlin with envy.

A holy artifact is also no small thing. It is not an ordinary cultivator who can obtain such a treasure, and its power is huge.

"What's the matter with this stuff? You are not even afraid of imperial soldiers, and now I don't know what your black coffin is. UU reading www.uuká seems invincible." Pei Junlin laughed.

At this moment, the strong man suddenly roared at the level of that saint. As if unable to resist the control of the universe, his body began to narrow his eyes rapidly, watching a big living person turn into a fist-sized person, becoming a miniature villain.

Pei Junlin exhaled a long sigh, and today's action was finally successfully completed. As long as this saint-level powerhouse was killed, he could leave here quickly.

He looked at the ape around him that he hadn't known for a long time, and the entire underwater city had become a vast ocean. The city had been destroyed once and became a ruin.

"Be careful, this old guy hasn't completely lost his resistance, he is acting for you." Chen Jianghai kindly reminded Pei Junlin and said.

Just before Chen Jianghai's words fell, a strong brilliance broke out in the universe, and a huge explosive force instantly flew out of Pei Jun.

The violent explosion shock wave, even Chen Jianghai could not withstand, the focus was on the two people's horror. When they didn't understand what happened, a golden light suddenly broke through, and the envelope of this submarine city disappeared in an instant. In the sea.

Pei Junlin realized at this time that it turned out that the saint-level powerhouse had exposed himself, and that the chaos sacrificial artifact was about to be destroyed. In the self-exposure just now, it was finally destroyed.

This victorious battle finally ended with such a flawed result, and Pei Junlin had regrets in his heart. Jiang was still hot, Pei Junlin finally understood the truth of this sentence.

That old saint deserves to be a solid and steady player with extremely rich combat experience. Even in this last desperate situation, he can make a comeback, sacrificing his body, allowing his true spirit to escape. ?

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