Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1817: Never existed

"Rebirth of Shura Return (

Pei Junlin walked out of the chaotic golden fighting world and looked up at the starry sky. There were countless stars in the sky, which were all the life stars trained by some masters.

Junlin tried to absorb the starlight emitted by the Mingxing Star. No matter how the Nine Heavens Stars Art worked, these lights were gathered in Pei Junlin's body but could not be used.

This made the celestial sacrament that Pei Junlin cultivated in the Great Thousand World almost abolished. This is also something that Pei Junlin has been worrying about every day.

Pei Junlin raised his head and looked up at the vast starry sky. Each of the stars in the sky corresponds to a master. The formation of the stars is smooth, but in fact it is no different from the original stars.

Even Pei Junlin was able to sense the sky, it was not that there was no real formation, but the light of the stars in it was too dim, as if it was blocked by something.

Pei Junlin concentrated his mind and looked at a star in the sky. In the distant galaxy, this star seemed to have something to do with Pei Junlin's heart. At the moment when Pei Junlin put all his attention on this star, it seemed that the star moved slightly.

It can sense changes in the heavens and the earth, echo the surrounding magnetic fields, and constantly absorb the power of these stars. Regardless of the power of these stars cannot be used by Pei Junlin, but Junlin Pei is studying the difference between these forming forces and the original origin forming forces.

Staring at this fate star, Pei Junlin doesn't know which master this planet corresponds to, but the power of this star makes Pei Junlin feel familiar, is it the fate star of the old man?

A lot of doubts arose in Pei Junlin's heart, but he couldn't get any confirmation. Deep in his belief, a huge net is formed between the heaven and the earth. This net has a magnetic field, the energy of the mysterious universe between the heaven and the earth, as well as the dense and dense rules of the heaven and the earth like rain.

Pei Junlin's eyes seemed to be able to see through everything, the geography of mountains and rivers, the sun, the moon and the stars, but the trajectory of the fate stars in the sky gave Pei Junlin a different feeling.

The Nine Heavens Star Art can not be cultivated for the time being, but the powerful stored energy of Pei Junlin's body is still enough for her to use it for a long time, at least Pei Junlin's current powerful body is far more than the average saint-level powerhouse.

With the depletion of the starlight power stored in the Nine Heavens Star Technique, Pei Junlin's Xinchen body will disintegrate or even disintegrate step by step. This is what Pei Junlin cares most about and worry about now.

I don’t want to think about it, Pei Junlin began to look at his eyebrows, thinking that there is a young sapling in his mind world. This sapling, the shining light of life, is exactly the tree of life at Pei Junlin’s eyebrows. .

But Junlin Pei said that he has an extra green seed, which seems to be called by the tree of life. This seed also emits a green light. If Pei Junlin can do anything, this seed has turned into one. Something like a green star rose slowly, finally stuck to Pei Junlin's eyebrows, and disappeared by himself.

At this moment, Pei Junlin felt that the tree of life seemed to have undergone a certain change, and there was more than the breath of life in it.

"This tree has changed now. More abilities should be developed. You can try what kind of abilities it has." Jin Ye also reminded Pei Junlin.

With the extension of Pei Junlin's thinking, light green branches seem to appear in the air. These branches are like Pei Junlin's tentacles. You can feel any emotional changes in Pei Junlin and any changes in the surroundings.

After bleeding derived from these branches, Pei Junlin discovered that many things that had not been discovered before, such as those mysterious cosmic energy, could be absorbed through these branches.

Pei Junlin can absorb some mixed cosmic energy from it and transform it into what he needs. After the previous battle in the submarine city of the Abyssal Maw, Pei Junlin's body also left some scars. Although these injuries did not affect Pei Junlin's life, it would take some time to heal.

When the tree was completely formed, Pei Junlin discovered that a mysterious energy was drawn from the void between the shaking of the branches and transmitted directly to the body. The scars on his body were healed quickly.

Pei Junlin discovered that this tree is now like an energy capturing machine, capable of piercing its roots into the deep void to extract energy.

There are not many types of energy that can also be drawn. It can draw aura and some other energy, but it is extremely pure.

"In time, the fruit on this tree is comparable to some medicinal pills." Jin Ye's tone was a little excited, as if he was happy for Pei Junlin.

Pei Junlin let out a long howl, his body leaped high, and jumped into the light blue sea area in the sea with a plop. Pei Junlin wanted to explore it a long time ago, because this sea area is unusual and should be It is a treasure.

Sure enough, after Pei Junlin entered the sea, he immediately felt the endless breath of water around him, and the violent water energy breath almost enveloped Pei Junlin's whole person.

Pei Junlin took a deep breath, and the entire sea immediately rolled up the waves. When he exhaled this breath, the waves rolled back again.

A piece of the sea has almost become Pei Junlin's lungs. During his breathing, the sea follows Pei Junlin's breathing rhythm. The waves come and go, which is very spectacular.

Pei Junlin didn't want to extract something from this sea, nor did he want to take possession of something here. He then carefully felt the natural changes and the subtle gaps in the regular energy of heaven and earth.

Pei Junlin stood on the sea, and the whole person was like a sea **** in the sea. It constantly undulated with the waves, and the eyes of the whole person became more and more wise. Pei Junlin opened her arms slightly, and she was like an incarnation. Become like the sea.

Pei Junlin released all his gods out like tentacles, heading towards the sea.

Pei Junlin has entered a state of emptiness, and he found that his mood is growing rapidly in this state. The cultivator finally practiced, and Pei Junlin has always neglected the cultivation of the state of mind. He has always been pursuing pure power and has never moved forward in the pursuit of power.

Now that Pei Junlin has discovered that he has absolute power, it is also a huge pain for his mood not to keep up. So when Pei Junlin faced this sea, he began to refine his mood. He wanted to accompany his mood with the sea, assimilate together, and feel the emotions of the sea.

Pei Junlin has completely entered the realm of selflessness. Even if someone peeping nearby, he did not realize that it was Jin Ye's early discovery. He secretly guarded Pei Junlin to prevent someone from suddenly attacking Pei Junlin.

When the practitioner enters the things I forget, it is easy to be attacked by others, because at this time, the practitioner has no defense, just like a baby lying in the mother’s stomach, ignorant and ignorant, and all perceptions of the outside world change. It was very slow.

Top cultivators, when they enter this realm, they often deploy large formations to give themselves enough security, but the cultivation level of Pei Junlin entering the state of mind this time is too sudden and casual. Therefore, no barriers were set up at all, and this was peeped from the side.

"It's incredible, it's a genius of heaven. I haven't seen such a person in 30,000 years. Who is he? Where does he come from?" An old man with a white beard looked at Pei from a distance. King's Landing, his eyes are full of wonder.

"Definitely a powerful character. If it is allowed to grow up, this world will surely fight, and the future world will inevitably have its place. You find that when he is not running his mental power, the surrounding world rules seem to be surrendered. At his feet, this is a natural king." Another gentleman, like a scholar, also made a surprised voice.

Both of them stared at Pei Junlin who was floating on the sea, and sighed in succession. In comparison, their aptitude was also very strong, far more than ordinary people, but compared with Pei Junlin, they were ashamed.

Pei Junlin did not try to attack the semi-sacred level, because although he is in the late stage of the real king realm, but the realm is not stable enough, but it needs fierceness, Pei Junlin did not rush to advance, and does not care about a city. A pool of gains and losses.

But now this opportunity is a rare opportunity for Pei Junlin. As long as he tries to break through the bottleneck, it is possible to directly enter the semi-sage level, or even directly promote to the saint.

But Pei Junlin is not in a hurry, he is deliberately suppressing his own level, so that his sense of spiritual level can rise.

Slowly returning his spirits to his body, Pei Junlin seemed to have retracted his body with countless tentacles. He slowly opened his eyes. The moment Pei Junlin regained control of his body, the two in the distance It was discovered by Pei Junlin.

Pei Junlin was not surprised, because there was Lord Jin guarding him, he was not worried about any danger. This is the two people spying on others' cultivation. This is a big taboo in the cultivation world. Pei Junlin coldly hummed and appeared there in an instant. In front of the two.

The old man with white beard only felt a flash of white light in front of him, and a man with a smell of sunshine all over his body stood in front of her. The old man was so frightened that he took two steps back, and his companion quickly reached out to support him.

Until Pei Junlin appeared in front of him, the two people woke up like a dream, and they were busy apologizing to Pei Junlin, with expressions of regret.

Pei Junlin's expression on his face was extremely cold, and the two of them did not look at the sincere apology, but they were actually extremely shameless. They spied on others' cultivation and had to apologize afterwards.

However, Pei Junlin did not intend to kill him. After all, with the strength of these two people, it was impossible to carry out a sneak attack on him.

"You two spied on my cultivation, but now you want to apologize. How can there be such a light thing in this world that wants me to let you go, I have a condition, if you two can do it, you can live." Pei Junlin said on his face. Cold and deliberately frightened these two people. ?

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