Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1820: Degree monkey

"Rebirth of Shura Return (

In the distance behind Pei Junlin, an ape appeared in the woods. This monkey was tall and powerful, standing like a human being, holding an iron rod in his hand.

The eyes of this ape are shining with flames, and the whole person gives people a strong pressure. The strength of this ape is even greater than that of the golden ancestor, but Pei Junlin can see at a glance that this ape and the golden ancestor are actually the same people.

In other words, this ape is the external incarnation of the golden ancestor.

Pei Junlin feels that the situation is a little bit bad. If he is just the ancestor of gold, he may be able to barely escape, but now that he is caught in the middle by the previous and future, Pei Junlin has no retreat at all.

"The saint's death must be found out." The golden ancestor gave Pei Junlin a vicious look, then suddenly stretched out his hand, and the monkey suddenly slaughtered Pei Junlin from behind.

The monkey and the golden ancestor were originally the same person, and the two cooperated perfectly. Pei Junlin walked right and left and was caught off guard. The whole person was defending, and there was no time to fight back.

With a bang, the iron rod hit Pei Junlin’s head, and only a click was heard. Pei Junlin’s head seemed to be fractured, but it seemed to be safe again, but only Pei Junlin knew that the stick almost completely destroyed her. Abolished.

This monkey is also at the level of a saint. Although it is an external incarnation, it has inherited many magical powers and strengths from the golden ancestor. At this moment, Pei Junlin was forced to death by this one and the next without the power to fight back.

Pei Junlin didn't sit still, he was looking for a chance to escape, and he was also looking for a chance to fight back. Pei Junlin made two-handed preparations.

"Little bastard, today even if you are a **** reincarnation, you can't escape, you just accept your fate." The golden ancestor watched Pei Junlin struggle, his face was a bit ugly.

Although he can completely suppress Pei Junlin with his strength, it is still very difficult to kill or capture Pei Junlin in one fell swoop. According to the current situation, the battle between the two will not last for a month. There will be results.

However, if this incident goes back to Xuankong Mountain, then his golden ancestor's name will be extremely dim, and even people will laugh.

Therefore, at this moment, the golden ancestor was very angry and wanted to solve the battle quickly, but suffered from not having such strength. This is a kind of anger into anger, because in the eyes of the golden ancestor, he has cultivated for a hundred thousand years, and Pei Junlin is just a hairy boy, and he can almost sit on the same level as himself.

If it weren't for this external incarnation, I am afraid that Pei Junlin can still share life and death with himself today.

With you constantly playing magical powers, the world-destroying magical powers instantly enveloped the surrounding sea, full of the light of disaster. The battle between the two spreads very widely. Pei Junlin is somewhat careful not to invade the forest in the sea at will, but this golden ancestor It's different, the methods are vicious and vicious.

Often when attacking Pei Junlin, the creatures in the surrounding sea were not taken into account at all. A battle between the two of them almost turned the surroundings upside down. This peaceful bay was completely overturned, and a large number of corpses of creatures in the sea were floating in the sea. On the sea.

Pei Junlin was temporarily forced again, and there was no way out. His heartless demon door finally opened, and a demon emerged from the mark of the devil.

This demon flapped its huge wings, holding a steel fork with black flames in his hand struggling towards the man, and the golden ancestor attacked.

The ancestor of gold suddenly saw a demon appear in a six-pointed star formation and was a little surprised. Before he could react, the steel fork had already arrived in front of him.

"Unexpectedly, you are still connected with Demon Dao, so it will keep you even more so." The golden ancestor's face is full of the expression of Demon Guarding Dao, and the eyes looking at Pei Junlin are even more disgusting.

Pei Junlin has no sorrow or joy, he is analyzing the advantages of this battle. Opening the Devil's Mark is also Fei Junlin's helplessness, and because it can summon the devil, but it cannot suppress this demon. Once the demon runs elsewhere, it will endanger the world in this world.

Even encountering this demon's backlash and being hit by the opponent, this is something that Pei Junlin has considered before, but now he can't manage too much in the emergency.


The steel fork in the devil's hand once again drew a tie with the golden ancestor, while Pei Junlin regained his senses and fought with the monkey.

After a few moves, a surprised expression appeared on the monkey's face. He looked at Pei Junlin in surprise in a golden old-fashioned tone and said, "Who are you on earth?"

Pei Junlin didn't answer the monkey's question. He had already determined to break off one of the golden ancestors' arms, and completely destroying this external incarnation would surely make his golden ancestor completely blow up!

Now taking advantage of the time that the demon is entangled with the golden ancestor, Pei Junlin wants to solve the battle quickly, so he develops magical powers.

In a magnificent hall, the phantom appeared in the void, it was the other side hall where the chaos entered. The moment the Great Hall of the Other Side appeared, there was a catchy sound of chanting scriptures in the air, and it seemed that countless people were reciting the Sutra of Saving People.

The voice of the scripture echoed in the void and confused, and the monkey incarnate outside his body felt a little hesitant when he heard the voice of the scripture.

Pei Junlin took a fancy to this opportunity, and the Great Hall of the Other Shore opened in an instant, a gap appeared in the ancient bronze gate, and a golden light shrouded it, instantly covering the monkey incarnate outside.

At this moment, Pei Junlin felt that he had established a mysterious connection with the external incarnation of the golden ancestor, and this external incarnation seemed to cut off the connection with the golden ancestor. At this moment, Pei Junlin Turned this monkey into a complete transformation.

Until this time, Pei Junlin knew that he had completely misread this monkey before. It was not the external incarnation of the golden ancestor at all, but that he had some kind of mysterious parasitism, forcibly entrusting a trace of his own spiritual thoughts on it. In the monkey's sea of ​​knowledge.

Pei Junlin pinned his spiritual thoughts on the monkey in the sea, and immediately felt the unyielding will in the monkey's heart. It turned out that this set of monkeys was forcibly controlled by the golden ancestor.

"I liberated you, I saved you, I am your master, you must convert to me in the future, listen to my words, I am your heaven." In the Great Hall of Duren, Pei Junlin put one hand on the monkey On the top of his head, it seems that he is giving the monkey the ordination.

The species of this monkey is not extraordinary, it should be some kind of wild alien species, otherwise, with the strength of the golden ancestor, he would definitely look down on an ordinary monkey.

When Pei Junlin took his hand away, a mark appeared on each end of the monkey, which seemed to tightly encircle his head like a golden hoop.

This is the new mysterious power unlocked by the Bi'an Hall, which can let the servants who have been transformed into a complete naturalization, and can be controlled.

The monkey is not a good kind. Although this monkey is a wild and exotic species, it is naughty and stubborn. It doesn't listen to people's instructions. Even after the transition, it may turn against each other in the future.

At this time, Pei Junlin simply resorted to forceful means, adding a layer of shackles to this monkey. The monkey kept grinning at Pei Junlin. Pei Junlin understood the meaning of the monkey. He wanted to jump out of this mysterious space and go out to fight the golden ancestor.

Although this time the monkey was saved by Pei Junlin by mysterious means, the hatred in his heart was not eliminated.

The moment Pei Junlin opened the chaotic Jindu space, the monkey jumped out of the stick in his hand, and slammed towards the golden ancestor.

The strength of the monkey itself is very strong, and the stick in his hand possesses a certain mysterious power. Now Pei Junlin doesn’t have to make a move. It’s just that the monkey and the demon work together to suppress the golden ancestor to death. dead.

"This demon is about to take off your control, fast, fast." You are also urging Pei Junlin. At this moment, the chaotic gold suddenly rotated, and it instantly enveloped the demon, and Pei Junlin could feel it. There seemed to be a mysterious power in the chaotic golden bucket, which swallowed and refined this demon instantly.

A mysterious portal appeared in front of Pei Junlin, UU reading is the gate of hell.

The gate of **** is one of the few powerful formations in the Chaos Golden Fight. Pei Junlin almost forgot him. Pei Junlin, who was driving the White Jade Immortal Bridge, rose into the air on this sea and began to practice sacrifice at the same time. This gate of hell.

"Dog bastard, you have some means to ruin my external incarnation." The old ancestor Huang was beaten up by the monkey, and took the time to curse at Pei Junlin.

At this time, Pei Junlin was relaxed and comfortable with the monkey. A single person could make the golden ancestor a headache. Now Pei Junlin has fully grasped the initiative.

Pei Junlin stared at the gate of **** suspended in the air. This portal seemed to be undergoing a certain mysterious extension. Then Pei Junlin saw that the gate of **** began to change, and it seemed to impact the portal into a building. Things.

"No, you need more demons, quickly open your demon mark." Jin Ye urged Pei Junlin, without giving Pei Junlin any explanation.

Pei Junlin did not hesitate, desperately urging the demon mark on his eyebrows. The portal of the six-pointed star reappeared, and demons lined up towards the outer space.

However, the moment these demons appeared, they were sucked in by the mysterious gate of hell, and the demons lined up to enter the gate of hell. Pei Junlin could feel that these demons should be transformed into pure blood and nourish. A mysterious formation at the gates of hell.

This gate of **** actually seemed to be promoted to Pei Junlin. In desperation, he could only desperately spur the demon mark, but there were thousands of demons in the blink of an eye. The demons who came to this world from the demon world entered the gate of hell.

"Not enough, not fast enough, fast, faster." Jin Ye's urging voice made Pei Junlin feel that this year's mood seems very impatient. ?

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