Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1823: Hell Trial

"Rebirth of Shura Return (

"Master Xuantian!" Four words immediately appeared in Pei Junlin's mind.

The Patriarch Xuantian did not speak, the Patriarch Huang Jin had already stood up tremblingly, and began to describe some consensus Pei Junlin taught him.

Patriarch Xuantian didn't speak, his eyes seemed to be open and closed, his eyebrows fluttered with the wind, and the whole person was filled with fairy aura. If it weren't for Pei Junlin to know this Xuantian Patriarch, he was just a powerhouse at the Tianzun level, and he would almost think that this person had become an immortal.

"Is it that difficult for you to track down one thing? I don't think you need to do it at your position. Now you go to the imperial horse supervisor, there is a suitable position for you." The ancestor Xuantian is also a hot-tempered The people who spoke out made the Golden Ancestor tremble and knelt on the ground, afraid to speak.

Seeing the appearance of the ancestor Xuantian, Pei Junlin was a little afraid of the matter being exposed, and hurriedly added some deficiencies in the matter to his clever teeth, neither humble nor overbearing, and immediately attracted the attention of the ancestor Xuantian.

"Who is this person? What status and identity does he have to talk to me." The ancestor Xuantian seemed to be angry, and there were thunderbolts in the air, exploding into big holes in the entire courtyard.

Pei Junlin stood there and didn't move, the golden ancestor with his usual expression was already scared to death.

"Tell Patriarch, this person is the disciple who has just received his apprentice." Old Patriarch Gold said tremblingly.

The whole day's staple food put away his anger, and the look on his face seemed a little strange. He stared at Pei Junlin for a while, and when he saw that Pei Junlin was a little hairy, he had a lot of secrets in his body. In case this old guy sees through, then The time is really bad.

"You are lucky to accept such an apprentice. Look at his head covered with purple air, he is not an ordinary person to come. This is the end of this matter, the trial is already there, and the sect does not have time to investigate this. This kind of thing." Patriarch Xuantian seemed to be a little emotional.

Two sage-level powerhouses suddenly disappeared and left the mountain in the air. Pei Junlin also felt a little surprised. What kind of trial is this thing that can prevent Xuankong Mountain Hall from trying to trace the disappearance of his disciple.

"Of course the two saint-level disciples are Zong, Xuankong Mountain will never give up, but this matter can only be put on hold for the time being, and I will investigate later. The most serious thing facing right now is the trial, that Xuankong Mountain We must press the soul hall that day." The ancestor Xuantian's eyebrows trembled, and his eyes flashed with anger.

Obviously, Xuankong Mountain and Heavenly Soul Palace are deadly rivals, and there is an irreconcilable contradiction between the two.

Pei Junlin stood aside and listened carefully, his eyes lit up when he heard the three words of the Heavenly Soul Hall. After all, the soul palace had the highest secret of the soul that day.

If he wants to put his apprentice An Tie out of the fire, then the Heavenly Soul Hall is a hurdle that Jun Pei can't get around. Sooner or later, he will go to the Heavenly Soul Hall to find the god-level secrets of the Heavenly Soul Hall.

"Little guy, are you interested in participating in this trial?" The ancestor Xuantian suddenly turned his head and stared at Pei Junlin with his eyes.

At this moment, Pei Junlin felt a great pressure. This was a strong man at the Tianzun level, only a short distance away from the official level. His eyes were suddenly projected, making Pei Junlin feel the burden of tens of thousands of catties. On the shoulders.

Although Pei Junlin knew that the trial was definitely not fun, he could only bite the bullet at this time. After all, if he refused the request of the ancestor Xuantian, I wonder if this old thing would suddenly become angry.

"Although the disciple has just started, but he also wants to contribute to the sect, if he has this opportunity, of course he will not let it go." Pei Junlin continued to say neither humble nor humble.

The ancestor nodded with satisfaction in his ears, and his eyes were full of approval.

I am standing next to Pei Junlin, the ancestor of gold, but he is a little anxious. He has been completely converted by Pei Junlin, and all he thinks about in his heart is Pei Junlin, so the ancestor of gold naturally knows that this trial is extremely cruel. The rate is really not high.

"To tell the ancestor, my apprentice is too superficial just now, and besides, the quota for the trial is already full..." The golden ancestor does not look at direct confrontation with Patriarch Xuantian, and his attitude is extremely tactful.

Although Old Ancestor Golden is called the Lord, he is not even a fart in front of Patriarch Xuantian, just like a primary school student.

The Patriarch Xuantian was not angry this time. Instead, he looked at Pei Junlin for a while and nodded and said: "This trial is very important. We must select candidates carefully. Any mistake can lead to a loss. You I have seen this apprentice with excellent roots and great luck. He is not a short-lived person, and he will have some achievements in the future, so it will not be dangerous for her to let her lose love this time, and it will greatly increase , Our winning percentage of Hang Kong Mountain."

This ancestor Xuantian made a good calculation, and completely calculated Pei Junlin, but Pei Junlin didn't know whether the old guy was selling poison or sweet talk.

Anyway, Pei Junlin was already on the thief ship, and it was too late to jump off the ship, so he had to bite the bullet and get on.

"Your name is Junlin Pei? You will enter the trial after one and a half months. You will prepare these days, and your Master Golden Ancestor will tell you the specific things." The figure gradually faded into nothingness quickly, a ripple appeared in the space in front of him, and Patriarch Xuantian left.

"What kind of experiment is it? Is it really dangerous?" As soon as Patriarch Xuantian walked away, Pei Junlin on his hind foot focused on Patriarch Gold.

The only trace of Old Ancestor Golden's obsession was firmly grasped by Pei Junlin, and now he serves Pei Junlin wholeheartedly, which is equivalent to a slave to Pei Junlin.

So no matter what question Pei Junlin asks, the golden ancestor must know everything, so soon the golden ancestor will tell Pei Junlin everything he knows.

"This trial is a decisive trial. We Xuankong Mountain and a nearby forbidden area have reached an agreement to fight through the ancient **** together. This trial is like you are fighting between two sects, no matter who wins There will always be a chance to enter the dark **** first." Old Ancestor Gold said towards Pei Junlin.

Pei Junlin was confused, is there really **** in this world?

"It's not a real hell, but the dark **** is a place created by ruthless people in ancient times." The golden ancestor seemed to keep secret of that person, even dare not to name it.

But when he heard the words "Dark Hell", Pei Junlin struck a violent spirit all over his body, because the place where the one-eyed Taoist was sleepwalking in his sleep was the dark **** not long ago.

When the palm of the hand turned over Pei Junlin's palm, there was an extra key. This key was what the one-eyed Taoist entrusted to Pei Junlin. According to the one-eyed Taoist, this key was the key to open the door to the dark hell.

Pei Junlin didn't expect things to be such a coincidence. He just learned about the existence of his position in Anhui. He didn't expect that the people of the Xuankong Mountain and the Heavenly Soul Palace would discuss how to wear the dark **** in the blink of an eye.

"What on earth is there in the dark **** that makes the top masters of the two giants covet?" Pei Junlin stared at the golden ancestor with confusion.

The ancestor of gold was embarrassed. Obviously, there were not many secrets he knew based on his identity and status. The news that he could tell Pei Junlin was actually very limited.

"According to the legend, the ruthless man once felt that this land was turned upside down in ancient times, and even some Supreme Masters were beaten up by him. This man searched for countless treasures and they existed in the dark hell." Golden ancestor thought for a long time before organizing the language, how to tell Pei Junlin.

Pei Junlin knew that the place where the one-eyed Taoist took him was definitely the dark hell. The dark **** is extremely mysterious, especially the golden hall, which is a step-by-step mechanism, but if there are a lot of treasures stored in it, he Pei Junlin Why didn't you see it?

This mysterious one-eyed Taoist, who is he? Why would you leave the key in your own hands?

Pei Junlin felt that he seemed to have a mysterious connection with this dark but he couldn't tell what it was.

Pei Junlin is very clear about his past and present lives. He knows that he comes from the earth. It has nothing to do with the plants and trees in this vast world, but why would the one-eyed Taoist find himself? Pei Junlin also couldn't figure it out.

"The trial is absolutely dangerous. If the master doesn't want to go, I will find a way to help you quit." After thinking about it, Old Ancestor Gold came up with such a method.

However, before the golden ancestor spoke, he was rejected by Pei Junlin: "This incident must not be rejected, I must go, no matter how dangerous I am."

Pei Junlin made up his mind that he would participate in this matter no matter what, it was a matter of the dark hell, Pei Junlin would never allow others to get involved.

The rumbling of thunder passed down, and a huge vortex appeared in the sky. A large number of green water droplets appeared in this whirlpool, and these green water droplets spread out and fell everywhere in the entire suspended mountain.

"It's the rain from the sky is a good thing." Before Pei Junlin could say something, Old Ancestor Gold opened his mouth and took a sudden inhalation. A small piece of green liquid falling from the sky was inhaled by Old Ancestor Gold.

Pei Junlin was carefully comprehending these green liquids, and could only feel the pure mana and some other powers contained therein.

Pei Junlin was indifferent, and she had no interest in this so-called Ganlin.

"Where did the things come from? Why did they spray such things?" Pei Junlin stared at the mysterious vortex in the sky, his expression a little curious.

This is the agreement reached between Xuankong Mountain and the forbidden area. Every half a month, he will try his best to sow the rain and help the students of Xuankong Mountain collectively improve their strength. ?

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