Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1835: Immortal body

"Rebirth of Shura Returns (

Pei Junlin may now find the real reason why he couldn't integrate these mineral veins, that is, he did not use the original power of the ancient god, that is, the divine power.

Only divine power can reverse all the original matter in this world, and can transform each other into each other, like the legendary turning stone into gold and turning water into oil, which can be completely realized under the divine power of the ancient gods.

After grasping this clue, Pei Junlin immediately began to use the acupuncture points in the center of his eyebrows, and began to produce a mysterious force, which was the divine power of the ancient gods.

Sure enough, the mineral elements that have gradually solidified in the Pei Junlin meridian have already begun to slowly rigidize Pei Junlin’s body, and eventually they can only turn Pei Junlin into a metal person, but after this divine blessing, Pei Junlin's cells seemed to have been activated with some mysterious power.

A scene of Pei Junlin's surprise appeared. Under the stimulus of victory, the cells in these bodies started to swallow these metal elements, which means that they had completely begun to fuse.

The two distinct forces began to swallow and merge with each other at this moment, and they are also adapting to each other.

The situation turned around in an instant, and Pei Junlin's mood began to become optimistic. This ancient magical refining technique really had various unique features, but he didn't know what the final result would be.

Pei Junlin was frantically stimulating the acupuncture points, constantly producing various top divine powers.

"Sure enough, you discovered the secret, you look over your head." Pei Junlin has been focusing on cultivation, but at this time Jin Ye took the initiative to remind.

Pei Junlin raised his head and looked at the top of his head, and saw a nebula whirlpool in it. Even Pei Junlin himself didn't find the reason for the mysterious sight. The power of the mind was like the great breath of the beginning of a universe, which made Pei Junlin's mouth open with surprise.

"There will be a kind of power second only to the fairy weapon, but you should not be able to absorb it now." Jin Ye's voice is a little lazy, it seems that he is not surprised.

Pei Junlin was also observing the situation, but suddenly he was blessed to his heart, and his mind was like a flash of lightning. At this time, Pei Junlin's mouth raised a smile, and he did not make any retort like Jin Ye.

In Pei Junlin’s body, a mysterious power began to operate again. This mysterious power was the power of the Primitive Nirvana Sutra. At the moment when the Primitive Nirvana Sutra was running, Pei Junlin could feel the top of his head, and that was formed. A Hongmeng breath seemed to be led into the body.

A small whirlpool appeared at the acupuncture point on top of Pei Junlin's head. The top of his head was like a funnel, and the power of the nebula began to be completely absorbed into the body.

At the moment when the Primordial Nirvana Sutra was running, Pei Junlin felt that mysterious power began to nourish his body, and this mysterious power made Pei Junlin even more surprised that this power can actually reconcile the body and the metal substances. The relationship between the two makes the two more closely integrated. You have me in you, and you in me. It is no longer two substances.

Things are constantly moving in a good direction, which also makes Pei Junlin’s mind transmit a wave of pleasant emotions. This pleasant emotion seems to infect the surrounding space, making the aura around it seem to be pulsating. With a hint of cheerful emotions.

Along with the combination and fusion of the body and those mysterious metal substances, Pei Junlin's body also changed, and his skin completely changed to another color, making Pei Junlin now look like a metal person.

You can feel the surging power in your body, and his punch seems to be able to break the universe, but of course this is just the feeling in Pei Junlin's heart.

"If you continue to use this method to refine your body, it won't be long before you actually use it, your body will become extremely powerful, even beyond the sacred weapon, so that the entire human body will become a powerful weapon. "Jin Ye looked at Pei Junlin's form, and there was a look of envy in his eyes.

Pei Junlin didn't speak, because he had more important things to do now, because Pei Junlin found that some impurities were still being discharged from his body.

These mineral veins are already very precise, and there are almost no impurities, but Pei Junlin knows that the body is striving for perfection. When the cells in the body swallow the droplets, they tend to be selective when they fuse, and the divine power is reconciling. Time is also selective.

At this time, Pei Junlin could feel how much benefit this mysterious aura brought to his body. But Junlin Pei could also feel that the things that flowed out were not impurities, but essences that his body could not absorb.

It is like a person who swallows a large amount of pills, his body is full, so a large amount of medicinal power will be completely wasted, and the body will be directly discharged out of the body.

Pei Junlin sighed a little. After all, he didn't have a new theology, he just transplanted an acupuncture point, not a degree from the original sound of the ancient gods. It is good to be able to continuously produce divine power, but the quality of the generated divine power is not enough.

If this acupuncture point at the center of the eyebrows can be continuously improved and strengthened to reach the level of an ancient god, then there may be unexpected discoveries in the future.

"All matter is the essence, and the essence must not be wasted. With your current strength, it should be able to help that Shura improve. That is your direct line of troops. When you fight with people, you can have one. A helper can also help you relieve a lot of pressure." Jin Ye started to talk too much, and even started to instruct Pei Junlin how to proceed.

For a long time, the exchanges between experience and Pei Junlin have been declining, and the intimate relationship between the two of them has gradually become unfamiliar.

After Pei Junlin came to the Great Thousand World, Pei Junlin found that this year seems to be becoming more and more active. It seems that the former Jin Ye has returned. Although Pei Junlin does not know the reason, it is very likely that this is related to something in the Great Thousand World. .

The mystery of Jin Ye far surpasses Chen Jianghai, so Pei Junlin does not pay much attention to the power of bending.

Hearing what Jin Ye said, Pei Junlin also felt the enlightenment. When he grabbed his palm, the Great Asura King within the Chaos Golden Dou incident was directly summoned by Pei Junlin.

King Asura's silver skin is covered in silver skin, a pair of wings are constantly inciting, the whole person is very handsome, almost without any blemishes.

"Do you have anything to call me?" King Ashura knelt on one knee and respectfully saluted Pei Junlin.

Junlin Pei carefully admired the perfect ecology of King Asura in front of him. Even as a human, Junlin Pei began to admire this kind of magical creature.

If you don't talk about the evil nature of this creature, then relying solely on the body and some external conditions, this is King Asura, which is perfect.

"Nothing else, you are my ordinary now. I have the responsibility and my own plan to help you improve your strength." Pei Junlin just said indifferently without any expression, but he heard it in King Asura's ears. Full of surprises.

Under King Asura's repeated gratitude, Pei Junlin stretched out his hand and grabbed the essence of his body. Pei Junlin instantly empowered him to enter King Asura's body.

After powerless entering the body of King Asura, the body of King Asura began to condense in an instant, and his whole person almost became a sculpture.

At this moment, King Asura's body seemed to be frozen. His body gradually began to give up, pass up, give up struggling, and seemed to accept his fate.

This is completely different from Pei Junlin's original appearance. After Pei Junlin absorbed these metal substances and could not fully integrate, his body did not immediately become stiff. Obviously, the old king of playing basketball does not have the physical fitness of Pei Junlin. UU reading www.uukanshu .com His body is far inferior to Pei Jun’s celestial body.

You become a silver sculpture of the Great Asura King. Pei Junlin does not have any worries. Just when these essence substances are completely integrated with the Asura King’s meridians, Pei Junlin reaches out and points to a fateful star. Victory, began to help King Asura melt these supernatural powers.

This Asura King is a semi-holy level of strength, but at this time when these mysterious elements are integrated into the body, Pei Junlin can feel that the Asura King's body is beginning to become stronger, but these essence elements are far from complete. To make up for the body of this great Asura King.

As Pei Junlin's divine power continued to reconcile, King Asura's body began to melt slowly, just like ice cubes, and became soft.

When Pei Junlin retracted his finger, the Great Asura King had completely recovered, but there was a burst of confusion in his eyes.

"Master, there seems to have been some changes in my body. My body's strength has become higher. It seems to be stronger than before, hundreds of times more than before. With my current strength, even facing a human saint level I'm not afraid of the strong." King Ashura looked at Pei Junlin in surprise and almost looked at this god.

Pei Junlin was very satisfied with the response of the great Asura King, she nodded, and suddenly she hit King Asura with a punch.

The power of a punch Pei Junlin pointed out a layer, but in an instant, Asura's body was penetrated. King Asura looked at Pei Junlin blankly and did not resist, but there was a look of pain and surprise in his eyes.

"I just try the strength of your body, you won't die if you don't hit you, so you don't have to be afraid." Pei Junlin said while looking at King Asura. ?

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