Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1846: Golden Body Thunder Tribulation

"Rebirth of Shura Return (

A circle of light appeared behind Pei Junlin's head. This is a compassionate power. When this power touched the innate flying sword behind Pei Junlin, the power contained in it was completely absorbed.

Pei Junlin walked in this gorge, every step he had paid unimaginable hardships, the flying swords here seemed endless, but these things were all integrated into the body by Pei Junlin, and these belonged to top metal substances. , And those top mineral veins are no different.

However, the rich killing aura, after Pei Junlin's body was completely transformed, was often all input into the Xiantian Flying Sword.

After these killing auras are strong to the extreme, they enter Pei Junlin’s unintentional whirling pure land. This Buddhist world has a powerful transformation ability. The endless killing auras are washed and purified here, and finally transformed into the power of great compassion .

At this time, Pei Junlin is equivalent to a sharp weapon absorber. Walking in this valley is the most infinite murderous aura, but after Pei Junlin's body reaches a critical point, it finally stops.

At this moment, Pei Junlin knew that he was on the verge of promotion, not only his body, but even his cultivation realm began to be mobilized at the same time.

Pei Junlin breathed a strong wind around him, and his eyes had changed color, and his entire eyes had turned into a golden color.

The original Nirvana Meridian flows in the body meridians. Another point is that the divine power flow of Pei Junlin's body is also fusing those top metal veins.

The two sides moved forward together, making Pei Junlin as if he had entered the finals, his body began to rotate quickly, and his progress was rapid.

"Vientiane is starting again, the golden light cover is on top."

The clothes fluttered all over, and the whole person was in a strong aura. At this time, Pei Junlin was like a **** descending to the earth, with the rotation of the sun, moon and stars all over his body, and Pei Junlin looked up in the underground world as if it became transparent, and Zhou Tianxing appeared in front of him.

The life of a star is only a moment, Pei Junlin realized that there seemed to be an extra star in the sky echoing with him in the distance, and his life was intertwined, and the two were entangled from the beginning.

"Have you seen it? Someone has cultivated a life star." At this time, on the vast land, countless masters were observing the sky.

When they observed a rising star, everyone felt uncomfortable, jealous and envious, and some people sighed.

Mingxing is not something that ordinary people can cultivate, it has nothing to do with realm, it is a mysterious and mysterious level. There are some masters of the real king realm, it is possible to cultivate the life star, and the sage-level powerhouse can not cultivate at all, no one can explain this kind of thing.

For countless years in this continent, thousands of people have come to study such a thing, the relationship between Mingxing and the cultivation of cultivators.

It's a pity that no one has been able to see through the secrets of the heavens through the thousands of years, what is the relationship between the Mingxing and the cultivator? What opportunity does it take to cultivate to become a life star?

No one can explain this clearly, and even the slightest clue cannot be figured out.

At this moment, Junlin cultivated her own fate, and at this moment, she felt the world and insight into some secrets. When she closed her eyes, she could only feel the rotation of the sun and the moon around her, and the glory of the world was flying. Be with yourself.

This feeling is very strange and weird. It makes Pei Junlin seem to be with this universe forever, light and shadow flying between walking, thousands of roads hanging down, it seems that I am the universe and the universe is me.

This is an extremely rare real Pei Junlin who has an understanding of the Great Avenue of Heaven and Earth. Of course, you have to catch her and immediately sit down and close your eyes. Zhou Weixia's energy is steaming with a thousand spirits, as if Pei Junlin has soared in a glow.

As time passed by, Pei Junlin was quickly comprehending the Dao Yun around him, and the Dao Yun around Pei Junlin looked like an ancient fairy.

Once Pei Junlin's body also absorbed a lot of Dao Yun. These are these islands, and his existence in his body will not last long, and it will slowly be wiped out by the time.

But at this moment, the surroundings of Pei Junlin surrounded by these Taoist rhymes add a special charm to his cultivation.

Pei Junlin looked up and seemed to be able to see through hundreds of millions of planets, focusing on his own destiny star. This is a planet suspended high in the sky, forming a star, but it is between nothingness and reality.

In other words, the fate star is not a real planet, it is virtual or real. In an instant, it is difficult for ordinary people to understand this concept, even Pei Junlin now seems to understand.

"The Fate Star appeared in Luzhou, North Ju, is there a genius flying in that area?" There are countless people looking up at the starry sky in the entire world, on the countless smooth land.

At the moment when Pei Junlin cultivated the fate of the star, a brilliance rose slowly and attracted everyone's attention. Some experts were speculating that Tianji was spying on where this person came from.

This is the Dragon Emperor Dojo in Nanfang Buzhou, and it is not peaceful.

A Qingtian official entered the high-level core area of ​​the Dragon Emperor Dojo overnight and reported the situation. They noticed that the situation is very complicated, because this Ke Ming star surrounds the stars where the Dragon Emperor is present, and the violent crape myrtle astrology can be described as a rush!

In other words, Pei Junlin's fate star is equivalent to directly rushing into the place where Dragon Emperor is present. To the Dragon Emperor Dojo and those who have summed up the astrology for thousands of years, this is a great shock.

"You must find out who this person is at any cost, and completely kill him before he achieves the golden body." Orders were passed from the center of the Dragon Emperor Dojo.

Even some powerful characters were shocked, the earth's crust rumblingly vibrated, and some people looked up at the stars.

The cultivation of Mingxing is also very rare in this continent, and the sky full of stars is only tens of thousands. There are even some powerful characters who have not been able to cultivate their fate.

Therefore, at this time, the fate of Pei Junlin's cultivation has received many attentions. Not only are there many big forces who want talents like the Internet, there are also some people who secretly speculate about the secrets.

Pei Junlin Xiucheng Mingxing will fight overnight. Education caused such a huge sensation because Pei Junlin's star is too special.

If calculated according to the fate of the nine palaces, Pei Junlin's fate belongs to the wolf star, and belongs to the killing god. That is to say, this fate star will cause a **** storm on this land, countless heads fall to the ground, countless supreme masters will update and iterate, and even collapse due to this.

Countless people can’t sleep this night, because the screenwriter is really too big. It is called a big change that has not happened in thousands of years. This is a huge variable, full of uncertainty, what will the future be? Look like? Although it is not clear.

At this time, Pei Junlin didn't even know that he had become a life star, and it would cause such a huge sensation, and almost set off a huge wave in this night.

At this time, Pei Junlin was sitting on the ground and slowly opened his eyes and exhaled. This breath turned out to be like a rainbow. After Pei Junlin exhaled this breath, the pores all over his body began to glow with golden light, and the surroundings It's the thunder and drums, and the petals are floating down.

Pei Junlin looked towards the sky and there were countless phantoms in the middle of the sky. These phantoms showed countless auspicious atmospheres, and could even see the palaces in the sky exuding golden light.

Just when Pei Junlin was caught off guard, a golden thunder suddenly fell in the air. Pei Junlin couldn't avoid being severely smashed by this thunder, and instantly a scorched smell spread, while Pei Junlin was in pain, almost numb.

"What's going on? Does it mean that you will encounter thunder robbery when you are promoted to the undead golden body?" Pei Junlin's brain was almost stopped for a while and stood there, not knowing the reaction.

At the moment when Pei Junlin was too late to react, the second sky thunder fell again. This time Pei Junlin was worse than the first one. One of her arms flew out, instantly turning into blood in this thunder. fog. UU Reading www.

Pei Junlin wanted to dodge, but the golden thunder chased him like a shadow. The whole ground was full of potholes. Pei Junlin was struck by a bucket of lightning, and the whole person instantly disintegrated in place.

Pei Junlin's brain is still turning, he can see the scene of his suffering, because since he stands in place, he can see his body being destroyed with his own eyes.

"What's going on? Why is there such a sight?" Pei Jun looked at himself blankly.

At this time, Pei Junlin found that he was a group of golden light and shadow, a human-shaped light and shadow, but under the thunder of this competition, he was unscathed, and the physical body was damaged.

"The change of your physical body will also undergo the tempering of thunder tribulation. This is normal. You have not yet been promoted to the realm of the saint level, but your physical body has to break through in advance, so naturally you have to experience it." Jin Ye's voice Passed over, there seemed to be a trace of worry.

Pei Junlin looked up at the sky, where a cloud appeared. Above the cloud group, Pei Junlin saw a mysterious figure, and Pei Junlin, who had a very strange appearance, was even more confused.

Could it be that the Thunder Tribulation was also made by someone, then who is it? Numerous doubts arose in Pei Junlin's heart.

The torn apart body began to slowly merge, and within a moment, a brand new Pei Junlin was born again. Pei Junlin looked at his brand new body, his face was completely shocked!

"Is this the immortal golden body? The physical body cannot be destroyed, and the recovery ability is amazing." Pei Junlin muttered.

I soon fell down with another robbery thunder. This time the body's disintegration speed was obviously much slower, and it took a few breaths for Pei Junlin's body to fall apart. ?

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