Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1852: Leaps and bounds

The first chapter 852 of the text is advancing by leaps and bounds

When Pei Junlin was promoted in strength, he immediately turned into a dragon when he encountered the situation. The strength has improved by leaps and bounds, and he has become a giant-level figure in a sudden.

Thousand-year giants can only be called small giants, but Junlin Pei’s current strength has reached the point of eternal giants, and it can also be called the backbone of a school, and even in some medium-sized schools, Pei Junlin’s strength It is enough to start a school.

Now that Pei Junlin has been promoted to the realm of a saint, a passage is opened in the sky, and a golden glow is shed. This is the power bestowed on Pei Junlin by the avenue, and this power is bathed in Pei Junlin’s body. It is worthy of Pei Junlin's absorption, his strength skyrocketed after entering the body.

The strength reached the point of a saint, was recognized by the heavens, and gained the power of the heavens to hunt. After being approved by the Dao of Heaven, using the power of a sage to teach the world, this is the level of a strong saint, and it is also a high degree of mutual agreement with the Dao of Heaven.

Pei Junlin now feels a faintly in sync with the heavens around him, as if he is the heavens, and he is a pointer of the heavens. He wants to teach the people of the world, enlighten the wisdom, and preach and preach. ,FAQ.

There is a feeling that the sky does not give birth to me, Pei Junlin, the way of heaven is like a long night, rising from his chest, making Pei Junlin feel a strong desire to enlighten the world.

At this time, the flame in the refining furnace began to burst violently, and a regular force began to converge toward the furnace. A force of rules visible to the naked eye from the grasp of both hands was condensed into a rope by him, suddenly pulled down, and invested in the stove.

Then Pei Junlin rubbed his hands together, and the world was like a huge funnel, and countless fierce sword qi around him began to gather in the pill furnace.

Unparalleled, unparalleled power began to envelope this area, Pei Junlin's power is getting closer and closer to the peak, and running to the ancient **** refining art with his current strength is almost at the peak, some of the subtle places Pei Junlin can only at this time feel that.

When your mother roared, a huge vortex appeared in the sky. The vortex began to slowly twist downwards, as if squeezing water out of a sponge, and then the golden droplets began to leak. He opened the mysterious earthen jar and poured a drop of Heavenly Dao blood into the building.

The blood of Heavenly Dao is an unusual thing. It is the essence part of the Heavenly Dao of a world. It is integrated into the two flying swords by Pei Junlin, and it becomes the finishing touch in an instant.

Pei Junlin only heard the buzzing sound in his ears, a azure blue sword and a blood-red sword, suddenly flew from the stove, making a roar of dragons. The two flying swords waved around the surroundings. Feijian stopped in an instant.

Then there was a strange scenery in the sky above the head, and the flying swords all over the sky began to worship, showing a kneeling attitude toward the two newly refined flying swords of Pei Junlin.

"Wan Jian Chaozong, my goodness, is there really such a sight?" The Old Wu in the soul umbrella exclaimed.

At this time, even Jin Ye let out a sigh, it seemed that the surprise Pei Junlin made was not enough to shock him. Pei Junlin is a person who can always surprise others. He will grow his mouth every minute and he can't close it.

At this time, a ghost appeared again in the air, it was the sword spirit child. Jian Ling looked at Pei Junlin still showing an old-fashioned look, but the sharpness in his eyes was gone, and it was completely shocking at this time.

"Before I practiced such a high level of kendo, I was really clumsy. I didn’t expect that your kendo was far better than my master back then. It’s just that your cultivation is still shallow. If you do it now, I’m afraid you are not mine. Opponent." The sword spirit sighed towards Pei Junlin, seeming to release his kindness.

As the saying goes, it’s also to see Pei Junlin. Although Tangshan announced that he had just walked on the road of beginners, it did not make people feel contemptuous. After all, Pei Junlin walked out of a bright road. He was better than all from the starting point. People are tall.

Pei Junlin naturally knows the power of Qingyun Thirteen Swords. Although the power of Tianyun Thirteen Swords will surely sweep everything in the universe at the end, he is not the opponent of this sword spirit.


"Senior is really ridiculous. With the junior's current strength, he dared not do anything with his senior. Before the senior, the junior only has to learn, so he can only be a student obediently and stand at attention." Pei Junlin smiled. Pretend to be well-behaved.

Pei Junlin’s guess is correct. Although this sword spirit looks like a child, he is old-fashioned, showing that he loves face and his inner self-esteem is very strong. Pei Junlin is now doing what he likes, taking the initiative to abandon his posture, quietly, immediately It won the favor of the other party.

However, Jian Ling was not polite to Pei Junlin in his mouth. The person who fits the other party is Knife Mouth Tofu Heart.

"Don't think that I will let you go if you say a few compliments, but you are indeed a manufacturable. Since your current opponent is indeed not my one place, if I destroy you now, it is equivalent to destroying one. Good seedlings, if it is spread out, others will say that I am jealous and can suppress the rising star." The sword spirit said with a clear head.

Pei Junlin nodded his head like an echo worm just like a chicken pecking rice on one side, and his face was full of expressions of admiration and high mountains. Looking at the eyes of the spirit, he felt a little relieved. Made of material.

"The admiration of the younger generation for the senior is like surging, and the river is endless. After seeing the senior, the younger generation knows how big the sky is and how wide the earth is. Before, the younger generation has been sitting in the well and observing the sky, thinking that the sky is only this big. , Now the senior has finally let the younger generation see that there is a day outside the world, and there are people outside the world." Pei Junlin burst into a large compliment, and they were all fresh words. After these words were said, Pei Junlin even felt numb to himself.

Hearing these words in the sword spirit's ears was like Xian Yu Lun Yin, his eyes showed a light of excitement, watching Pei Junlin also became more and more happy, there was a feeling of excitement.

"Remember that the most taboo thing for people you see is to slap horses and slacken their beards. We who use swords must have arrogance and integrity in this life. But I think you are also a craftsman, especially your sword. Trick, even I can't understand it, it must be the most advanced and powerful magical power in the universe." The sword spirit also thought about it. Hearing Pei Junlin's endless praises, he probably felt that Pei Junlin had exaggerated. , In turn, began to make commercial bluffs against Pei Junlin.

The two people who were fighting back and forth just now turned out to be as friendly as they are now in the blink of an eye. Just like brothers, Pei Junlin asked the sword spirit for some common sense problems in kendo training, and the sword spirit always desperately wanted to get from Pei Junlin. Here are some things about his cultivating Tianyun Thirteen Swords.

Pei Junlin is very generous. After all, although the Tianyun Thirteen Swords are secret, the one standing opposite is only a sword spirit. The so-called sword spirit is actually a suggestion that the drawing is not that human beings have no flesh and blood, even if this day The Yun Shisan Sword was entrusted to the other party, and the other party could not fully comprehend it.

There are many things in this world, but they are not shifted by human will. For example, the sword spirit is not a human being, and there are some things that he cannot understand, such as human feelings, human will, and so on. Understandable.

The Qingyun Thirteen Swords are something tailor-made for the human race. Pei Junlin did not hesitate to give this thing in his pocket. Naturally, the sword spirit became more and more in love with Pei Junlin, and now I can’t wait to become one with Pei Junlin. .

"The people I meet are all trying their best to dance their unique skills, and I have never shared them with others so generously. Now I don’t have any grudges against you. The more I look at you, the more pleasing to the eye. Don’t call me seniors. Let’s talk about friendship between the two of us. It’s only a matter of time before you surpass me with your strength." The sword spirit started to be generous, and came to Pei Junlin's side, patted Pei Junlin's shoulder with old age. UU reading

Hearing that Pei Junlin couldn't ask for the strength of the sword spirit, he simply stood up high. With Junlin's feeling, although the strength of this sword spirit may not be able to sweep the Xuankong Mountain, it is definitely much stronger than the level of the ancestor Xuantian.

How can such a sword spirit make friends with the invisibility behind the strength of the sword spirit, Pei Junlin does not know how strong he is, and may not be able to compete with the hanging mountain, but he can definitely be his backer.

"Yes, yes, we are now brothers. We don't want to be born in the same month and the same day, but we want to die in the same year, the same month and the same day, so that we can share the blessings and share the difficulties." Pei Junlin knelt on the ground and actually inserted three incense sticks in front of him. , Kneeling on the ground with a demeanor, began to worship his brother.

As I looked at the sword spirit baby, I didn’t know what Pei Junlin was doing. Pei Junlin saw the dazed expression of the other party, and then stood up and explained to the other party: "This is called worship in my hometown. The ritual means that we played for a few days and found out that this vow is equivalent to being a brother. From now on, no one will be able to violate the vow. You must treat your brothers sincerely, and you must not hide yourself, let alone rape."

The sword spirit was taken aback for a moment, followed by a joy. Although he was a sword spirit with incomparable strength, he was a sword spirit's existence.

It’s just a bit naughty by nature. After all, he looks like a child. When he heard that Pei Junlin did such a fun thing, he immediately became interested: "Where is my hometown? I didn’t expect it to be so interesting, and I found that the vows are almost like stories, it’s really nice . Do you really want to die the same year, the same month and the same day as me? Do you really want to share the blessings with me when you are in trouble? Are these the truth?"

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