Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1857: level?

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"Master, don't doubt me. The cow is most afraid of death in this life. Master's strength has stabilized and stabilized my head. If I fight desperately against the trapped beast, then I will die in the end. I have already thought about it. Struggling is useless, it's better to lie down and enjoy." The old man shook his head and shook his head and opened his eyes wide, looking at what Pei Junlin said was justified.

The front is pretty good, but Pei Junlin feels more ridiculous as he listens to it. What does it mean to lie down and enjoy it? Isn't it possible to do that to you?

"Sorry, there is really no shortage of servants like you by my side. If you don't mind, I want to eat some beef and taste your taste." The flying sword in Pei Junlin's hand instantly became smaller and became as thick as a toothpick. , Even holding the flying sword and began to pick the teeth.

The old cow looked terrified, and heard that Pei Junlin was going to eat his own meat, and a pair of eyes crazily rushing out of his body began to flicker.

"My meat is really not delicious. If my master really wants to eat meat, I have an idea. An old goat lives next to me. His meat must taste good." The old cow blinked his eyes. , Sold his old neighbor.

There are indeed two lord-level creatures living here. The reason why Pei Junlin shot this old cow first is because the other goat has a weak aura and does not seem to be at home.

If two lord-level creatures were together at the same time, Pei Junlin wouldn't dare to do it even if he had a hundred guts. Just hearing this old bull say so, the betrayal neighbor didn't even blink his eyes, making Pei Junlin angry and funny.

"Then the old goat is probably not at home, right? What do you mean by that now?" Pei Junlin's head shook his head, his eyes flashed with deep light, and he was uncomfortable seeing the old cow.

Lao Niu stepped back two steps, just like a wronged little daughter-in-law, blinked his eyes and stared at Pei Junlin and said: "Don't take you so shamelessly, I sincerely take refuge in you, and even want to eat my meat, this spreads. In the future, whoever dares to take refuge in you, sooner or later you will become a polished commander. The old sheep next door is not at home, but is hidden deeply. He has a mysterious connection technique that can completely hide his breath."

The **** cow said that he was right, shook his head and shook his head, and sold his old neighbor. It was not ashamed at all. On the contrary, there was a proud side in his eyes.

Seeing the saliva that the old bull said, Pei Junlin was also tempted. There is also a lord-level creature next door. If he can also surrender, then his own meaning can be full. It is really true in the underground trial site. Can call the wind and call the rain.

But at this moment, a mountain not far away suddenly began to rumbling down, and a giant sheep shone with white light rushed out.

"The thief man betrayed me. I cursed you not to die, and was put on the fire to be cooked." After the old goat put a harsh word on, he didn't even look at Pei Junlin's body turning into a ray of light. Drilled into the boundless void.

Pei Junlin wanted to reach out and grab it, but it was a pity that this old goat escaped too fast, and Pei Junlin couldn't understand the other party's methods.

"Haha, I'm leaving too, we will have a period later, little guy." The old cow's figure shook, his body began to spin rapidly, and it quickly turned into a whirlpool, disappearing in front of Pei Junlin.

All this is too weird, Pei Junlin touched his head and almost thought he was dreaming.

What kind of strength Pei Junlin is now, but a saint-level powerhouse, the monsters on the two ends of the ground have disappeared directly in front of him, and even he can't catch a chance to stop him, this match is extremely shocking.

It seems that he was fooled. From the very beginning, the old bull was not pregnant, and the subsequent surrender was to amuse himself.

Pei Junlin shook his head and was not angry. It seems that the identity of this old cow and the old sheep next door are not simple.

After the two big guys left, these disciples Sun Pei Junlin had no interest in slaughtering him. He turned around and walked out of the valley. As for the top grade mineral veins buried under the valley, Pei Junlin was not interested anymore. Being teased by someone like this made him very injured.

Pei Junlin continued to walk down the river, because according to the records on the map, along the river to the end is a large lake, and there is an island in the lake, and on that island is the entrance to the dark **** .

Pei Junlin was trying to sort out his memory, it seemed that after the mysterious old way in the memory took him into the dark hell, he didn't take such a path.

Distance also once doubted whether the sword spirit baby was lying to himself, but in the end he was decided to believe it. Following the surging river net, Pei Junlin finally came to an alluvial plain, where Pei Junlin encountered a large number of monsters, because there are countless mushrooms growing in this area, these mushrooms exude a slight light, but they contain With the supreme magic.

The monsters that are widely distributed here should all be directed at these mushrooms. Pei Junlin doesn’t care about him, and will not take the initiative to kill these low-level monsters, but if the other party does it first, then Sister Pei Jun will have nothing. Scruples.

With his current strength, it was easier to kill a medium-power underground monster than to kill a mosquito. Easier, it was the collapse of a mountain. After Pei Jun came to the city to reach the level of a saint, his strength improved by leaps and bounds.

Pei Junlin pushed all the way, his points are still growing. But Junlin Pei didn't care about this, even if he got the first place and how to reward those things, he really didn't like it.

Pei Junlin even thought of throwing away the credit card directly before, but later felt that it was a little inappropriate, because after he left here, he still had to return to the Xuankong Mountain of Xuankong Mountain. There were many secrets Pei Junlin etiquette had to figure out.

Passing through this alluvial plain Pei Junlin, I saw a vast freshwater lake, here is an underground river, the river is extremely clear, some creatures that grow in the river water, such as some fish, fish and shrimp, etc. are not long-eyed Yes, because it’s dark all year round. The eyes of these creatures became useless and gradually degenerated.

Perhaps it was infiltrated by the devilish energy. Some organisms in the river water are relatively large, such as some fishes, with these sharp teeth growing in the mouths of the hard iron armor covering their bodies.

If Pei Junlin wants to choose to spend this lake area, he must find a way to get a boat on the island in the lake. You are now promoted to the strength of the saint level, but it is still somewhat difficult to cross such a long distance with his strength.

The rules of the Great Thousand World are very suppressed, and the powerhouses of the saint level are also suppressed. They can’t fly for a long time. If you must follow Feiyue, Pei Junlin has calculated that he must stay on the lake for at least a period of time. Restore mana.

So just find a boat, it will be much more convenient at that time, just row the boat directly. There are some huge mushrooms growing on the shore, but if Pei Junlin wants to build a ship, these mushrooms are useless.

When I fell asleep, someone would send a pillow. Pei Junlin soon thought of another way.

The fish in this lake are very fierce, and they are very large. It is not difficult for Pei Junlin to catch a fish as his mount. I also tried several fishes in the water with Junlin Pei. Once caught, even if Junlin Pei couldn't kill him, these fish would kill themselves quickly.

After busying for a long time, Pei Junlin realized that he hadn't even caught a live fish, which really made him feel a little weird.

The area has been infested by the devilish energy of the demon world for too long. Some ordinary creatures have brought some models, their body structure has undergone some subtle changes, and their personalities have become irritable and cruel.

Ordinary fish will never take the initiative to attack humans, but Pei Junlin is standing by the lake. For a while, there are waves of fish and thunder attacking Pei Junlin. There are also some huge underwater fishes that are not weak.

"You want to cross the river, is there a gate to the dark **** on the lake island?" A voice sounded behind Pei Junlin.

This is a familiar voice. Pei Junlin did not turn around because he knew it was his old friend Zhang Lei.

When the old friend is here, Pei Junlin naturally doesn't need to be nervous. He and Zhang Lei have had an agreement before, and they will never make black hands. But when Pei Junlin was surprised, how did Zhang Lei find this place accurately? Did Zhang Lei also know the secret of the island in the lake?

Pei Junlin is not nervous, but there was a time when the relationship between him and Zhang Lei was very complicated. Although the two had saved each other, they had this affection, but they were still jealous, let alone comfortable. At all.

Residents don't want to share their findings with Zhang Lei, so this is where Pei Junlin's inner conflict lies.

"I found here by myself, and I didn't find any clues. I followed you all the way. You are very special. From the beginning, I believe you will be able to find the entrance to the dark area." Zhang Lei used a kind of cloud. Said in a light tone.

You are not angry, he is a little frustrated, because he found that he was calculated by this guy from the beginning, this Lei looks harmless to humans and animals, how can he know that he is a conspirator.

Pei Junlin was fooled by others, and naturally felt very uncomfortable in his heart, but Zhang Lei was understandable. Originally, everyone came here to find the entrance to this dark hell, so as to clear the obstacles for the two major gates to explore this area.

Each is his own, and there is nothing to resent, but now that there is a light bulb like Zhang Lei, Pei Junlin no longer wants to use his key to enter the dark area.

"I don't think we need to go there. You see this lake is very deep, and no one of us knows what kind of huge creatures are hidden in the lake, so it is not easy to cross this lake." Pei Junlin These remarks were naturally addressed to Zhang Lei, who was persuading Zhang Wei to retreat in the face of difficulties.

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