Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1862: Close the door and hit the dog

"Rebirth of Shura Returns (

This is destroying Pei Junlin's spiritual world and eradicating his maturity. The opponent's shot can be said to be merciless. But at this time, Pei Junlin had nothing to say. He had no choice but to grow lotus flowers under his feet, and Pei Junlin began to recite the scriptures.

Along with the Buddhist scriptures, a light of Buddha appeared on Pei Junlin's body. Her whole body looked like a holy instrument. In front of Pei Junlin, a mysterious stone stele appeared, on which there was infinite aspiration condensed in it. .

As the aspirations of these sentient beings began to revolve, the magic path condensed in the air finally felt a slight threat, trembling and trying to fly away, but slowly began to crack, and finally scattered on the ground piece by piece.

A long rainbow flew out of his fingertips with a finger, and suddenly blasted the black shadow that had sacrificed the magic sword before.

When the light of this Buddhism entangles the spirit of the opponent, Pei Junlin can feel that the surrounding power is completely squeezing towards the opponent for a moment, and then the spiritual power has been under tremendous pressure, and Pei Junlin is here. Very easy.

"You don't want to watch the show, he cleaned me up later, and the only thing left is for the three of you to help me out and break this kid's spiritual world so that they can retreat." After Pei Junlin was trapped, he immediately asked for help from the other three shadows.

After the other three black shadows heard the call for help, they suddenly reacted and began to twist into a huge mental power to attack Pei Junlin.

One of them raised his hand, surrounded by a black light, hitting Pei Junlin's mental body, and the powerful Pei Junlin's body trembled.

It was not an ordinary light, but a spiritual magic weapon. Pei Junlin did not expect that there would be such a treasure in the world that was completely integrated into the spirit, causing irreversible changes to the opponent's spiritual consciousness at the most critical moment.

The pain on the body is often the strongest. Pei Junlin’s feast encountered an attack from the other party, and immediately felt the pain into the bone marrow, ten fingers connected to the heart, it was like a good person who had his nails stitched with a bamboo stick. That kind of pain is simply hard to use. Language to describe.

Pei Junlin was unprepared and encountered each other's poisonous hands. The other two roared when they saw that Pei Junlin was injured: "Don't miss this opportunity. Take advantage of his illness and kill him to smash his spiritual world. There is no such person."

These three rays of light and aura flowed through Changhong, and began to unfold towards the Pure Land World where Pei Junlin was located. They bombarded a wave of powerful spiritual power, exuding it, and condensed a huge axe in the air.

Seeing this strong aura, Pei Junlin's expression began to become a little nervous, because he could feel that this axe was not an ordinary responsible person, but a sky-opening axe that imitated Pangu.

Pei Junlin can see the primordial rune on this huge axe. The flashing light of the primordial rune seems to shatter everything, destroy everything, give birth to everything, and create everything.

The destruction is right in front of him, it is false if Pei Junlin says he is not nervous.

When this Pure Land of Posuo was destroyed, Pei Junlin was equal to being uprooted, the whole person's will was destroyed, and it would become a walking dead.

It’s actually very clear in your heart that this result matches, so he definitely has to escape this cut. If he can’t escape, then it is a symbol of death.

The world's martial arts can only be broken quickly, but there is also a saying that the best defense is offense. At this time, Pei Jun has no choice. The opponent's attack methods are extremely sharp and extremely powerful, which is to destroy its foundation vigorously.

But at this time, the tricks with huge attack power often require long-term preparation time, and it will take a long time for the huge axe to land. This time, it left Pei Junlin with reaction time.

Two flying swords appeared in front of Pei Junlin. Of course, these two flying swords were not real flying swords, but the sword spirits of flying swords.

The phantom flicked a ray of light, and appeared beside the four rays of light at the same time. At the same time, the flying sword went around an area.

An immense magical power swept past. This is the symbol of Pei Junlin's power. In this area, he dominates, especially the door stone stele in front of him, which is the photo of Pei Junlin and his root.

"The powerful mental power is like a mental storm. What's going on? How can this kid's mental power suddenly become so strong, and how can those flying swords enter the spiritual world?" Pei Junlin heard a horror. the sound of.

Those people's opponents were also dumbfounded, and the huge axe began to slowly collapse, this move was disintegrated by Pei Junlin.

"In the spiritual world, it is impossible for matter to enter here, so there is only one possibility. The flying sword is also condensed from spiritual power, and it is definitely not a real flying sword.

"Isn't this more terrifying? There seems to be a special aura on it. Could it be the innate flying sword drawn from the fruit of the immortal vine in the early days, no wonder it can be transformed into spiritual power."

Among them, a dull voice came from a phantom, the other party turned out to be very wide, and he could see through the origin of Pei Junlin's flying sword at a glance, and it made Pei Junlin extremely shocked.

"This is nothing, you three will protect the law for me, and I will deal with him." There was another dark figure, and a determined and confident voice came from it.

As soon as the voice fell, Pei Junlin found that your shield of opportunity was enveloped. This was a shield formed by mental power, and his flying sword could not be penetrated. In this area, the opponent had completely enveloped the four spiritual powers.

Pei Junlin stopped the attack, but completely integrated his spiritual will with the stone monument in front of him. There are endless aspirations in the stele. The aspirations of sentient beings are also another kind of spiritual power. The vast spiritual power began to impact the entire wandering pure land.

I soon discovered that my power could not control this stele at all. The huge power in it was like a sea, and in turn wanted to control his spirit.

Pei Junlin was horrified, and wanted to withdraw from his consciousness. At this time, he had a huge willpower, completely like an octopus, and the surface of the mental power attached to Pei Junlin made his whole person cold and sweaty.

Pei Junlin has always thought that this stone tablet is a treasure. How can he know that it was a scourge that stabbed him at the most critical moment. Pei Junlin knew that he had to be calm at this time. If he was caught by his opponent, he would There is no burial place for death.

"The mental power is too strong. The few of us are like little pigs in the waves. They may be broken at any time. Who is this Pei Junlin who has such a powerful power? This is definitely not what a young cultivator should Yes, I suspect that he is an old monster at all." Among the four phantoms, some people disturbed each other in crazy discussions.

Pei Junlin's performance gave these people a great shock. Each of them had been shocked. Although they were some patriarch level characters, they were also shocked by Pei Junlin at this time.

But how do they know that Pei Junlin looks beautiful on the surface, but is actually being taken away. This stone stele is a spiritual seed hidden in Pei Junlin's body. It is a mysterious reincarnation with a deep malignant tumor.

Pei Junlin is experiencing the most difficult moment of his life at this time. His spiritual power is being penetrated, and every ray of spirit and every ray of memory is being spied on.

"Did you find out? We seem to have lost contact with the outside world. I can no longer contact my deity, and the projection of this spiritual imprint will soon dissipate. Our action failed." Someone said. Sigh.

The mental power projections of the four masters have never revealed the appearance of the deity. They are enveloped in a layer of dark chaotic light, making Pei Junlin unable to see their original features.

"Don't be discouraged, this Pei Junlin is definitely an evildoer. She came to our Xuankong Mountain to cause trouble and disturb us Xuankong Mountain. Maybe she was the spy of the Soul Palace that day." A gloomy voice said.

This voice finally didn't hide it, because he was the original voice of Patriarch Xuantian. But at this time, Pei Junlin was already unbearable.

"Then what can we do? This kid seems to be in trouble now, UU reading is too mentally powerful, and his tail is too big to get rid of. Now he can't control it." Another voice said jokingly.

Although Pei Junlin can listen to these people's voices carefully into his own mind, he can't stop him. After all, he has no spare energy to struggle in his current situation.

"That's not easy. If our four projections are combined, the power will surpass him. Using some secret techniques, you can completely kill this kid." Another voice said.

A huge altar appeared in the air, which was a virtual creation of the spirit. The moment this altar was formed, Pei Junlin felt a cold eye opening and staring at him.

The creation of spiritual power appeared on the altar, showing four phantoms, but I hope to worship the mysterious **** on the altar at the same time!

With the prostrations of these people, Pei Junlin felt a monstrous force shrouded, as if in the deep universe, in a deep world, a master locked himself in.

The most critical moment of these four masters is to use the most senior power as a sacrifice, and completely sacrifice to move, and a mysterious existence in the ancient void is separated from the void to kill Junlin Pei.

Although Junlin Pei was also aware of this situation, he cannot struggle now because his spiritual power has been completely penetrated. This mysterious stone wall is like a parasite, parasitic in Junlin's spiritual power. The parasitic in his soul began to spread slowly, and a paralyzing force pushed Pei Junlin to fall asleep.

One eye on the altar was opened, and the blood-colored pupils stared at Pei Junlin, a force shrouded from the endless void, and launched the final spiritual destruction on Pei Junlin. ?

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