Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1874: Chen Ping

"Rebirth of Shura Return (

If the Heavenly Soul Palace takes the opportunity to make a move at this time, it will definitely provoke the top masters of Xuankong Mountain and some super evolutionary bodies to resist desperately.

The life of a top expert has been exchanged for half of Xuankong Mountain. Pei Junlin feels that it is not worth it, because a top expert must have worked hard to this step, and it is also rare in the entire universe.

However, Xuankong Mountain has a profound heritage of countless years, and it may be worthwhile for a top master to trade half his life for half of the mountains and mountains of Xuankong Mountain.

But all of this is not what Pei Junlin wants to care about. He is now greatly increased in strength, and now he only wants to enter the Heavenly Soul Palace.

Among these chaotic and complicated phantoms, Pei Junlin found a familiar figure, it was Zhang Lei, the master of the Soul Palace that day.

Obviously, among the masters sent by the Heavenly Soul Palace this time, Zhang Lei happened to have a place. Before Pei Junlin had a gentleman agreement with Zhang Lei, there was some incense between the two, although they were not friends, they were considered acquaintances.

At this time, Zhang Lei was already a rising star of the younger generation of the Soul Palace. Last time in the underground world, he became famous in one fell swoop and became the new king of the Soul Palace.

At this time, Zhang Lei was completely immersed in the shock just now. Like Pei Junlin, he felt that the three views of life had been subverted. Such a top-level master super evolutionary body has no resistance when facing the heavens. Force, this made Zhang Lei a kind of confused emotion in his heart.

The cultivator competes with the heavens for fate, then will the final outcome be completely controlled by the heavens and become the pawns of the heavens? A super-evolution body as strong as this one is not the enemy of Heaven's Dao, which has caused many cultivators to reflect in their hearts.

Perhaps the way of heaven looks at humans just like humans look at ants, the sense of powerlessness that cannot be resisted cannot be eliminated at all.

"Zhang Lei." Pei Junlin passed a divine thought, making Zhang Lei's whole person struck by lightning.

Zhang Lei's first reaction was not to look around, but to begin to express his divine consciousness very cautiously, slowly searching for that trace of Pei Junlin's divine consciousness, and soon the two of them connected their heads.

To communicate with each other, this kind of Pei Junlin directly expressed his true intentions in the past, but he quickly got feedback from Zhang Lei, helping Pei Junlin to enter the Heavenly Soul Palace, but Zhang Lei had one condition.

This condition is not a condition for Pei Junlin at all, that is, Zhang Lei wants to know some secrets about Xuankong Mountain from Pei Junlin.

This is exactly what happened inside the Xuankong Mountain. Even the people in the Heavenly Soul Palace may not be able to figure it out. If Zhang Lei can get first-hand information from Pei Junlin, he will definitely become the master of the Heavenly Soul Palace at this time. Hero!

Pei Junlin naturally understands Zhang Lei’s intentions, and he also understands what Zhang Lei thinks in his heart. Such a credit is of no use to Pei Junlin. Entering the Heavenly Soul Palace with his current strength will obviously be met by some people. Suspect, if you take out this thing as a nomination at this time, you will not get any benefits but will get jealous!

It is not the same to give this great credit to Zhang Lei. Zhang Lei's advancement can be fed back. Pei Junlin has cooperated with Zhang Lei before. Although this person is a bit insidious, overall he is still trustworthy.

Pei Junlin defined Zhang Lei as a real villain, not a hypocrite. Why should Zhang Lei be given the title of a real villain? That's because Zhang Lei had to unite and average his fellow apprentice brothers before, so in Pei Junlin's mind, Zhang Lei's behavior is not so open and upright.

This is a person who swears to achieve his goals, even if it harms the interests of others, he will achieve his goals, so in Pei Junlin's mind, Zhang Lei is a real villain.

The reason why Pei Junlin is sure that Zhang Lei is not a hypocrite is because he will teach you Zhang Lei’s style of behavior in the follow-up cooperation. This person has his own principles in doing things. Although sometimes he does not use any means, he is on the issue of big right and wrong. Still very trustworthy.

So at this time, Pei Junlin did not hesitate to directly transmit the information he knew to Zhang Lei after modification and processing. The two communicated in mid-air through spiritual thoughts, and Zhang Lei soon showed a smile on his face.

Pei Junlin provided him with a lot of information, which is exactly the news that Heavenly Soul Palace urgently needs to know now. Even some top masters, I am afraid they are still wandering around the periphery, and there is no way to know what happened in the hanging mountain at this time.

As long as he knows these news, then Zhang Lei can use this first-hand news to gain appreciation inside the Heavenly Soul Palace, and he will be on the same track from then on.

"Don't worry, as long as you want to enter the Heavenly Soul Palace, it's very simple. Recently, some people have some means I can tell you." After Zhang Lei's news was passed over, Pei Junlin was delighted.

Pei Junlin has a small goal in entering the Heavenly Soul Palace, and that is to know some of the top-level masters of the Heavenly Soul Palace. As long as he obtains these top-level mental techniques, he can heal his apprentice An Tie.

An Tie’s soul was injured so that he had been in a coma all the time, but Pei Junlin had a hunch that An Tie was not in a pure coma. There was a problem with his soul, and it was not caused by trauma. Obviously it was an external cause. The internal cause that caused An Tie to fall asleep was due to his own internal cause.

An Tie is a reincarnated body, and the problem with his spirit is the internal change caused by external factors, which makes it impossible to protect the details of An Tie's spirit.

In the entire world, there are a lot of legends about the Heavenly Soul Palace. According to Pei Junlin’s cognition, there are the most advanced mental methods in the Heavenly Soul Point. These mental methods are all about the cultivation of the soul. These high-level cultivation methods may be able to redeem some of the security issues.

So after leaving Xuankong Mountain at this time, Pei Junlin's first goal was to enter the Heavenly Soul Palace.

"Now wait for me here for half a month, I will come to you, rest assured, I will honor my promise, you have provided me with great news this time, I will never treat you badly." Zhang Lei's voice Passing on is a promise to Pei Junlin.

Pei Junlin left quietly. He had to wait half a month for Zhang Lei's message to himself. In the last one and a half months, Pei Junlin could use this period of time to carry out some cultivation matters.

In order to adapt to his new body, Pei Junlin entered the world of Chaos Golden Dou. This new thing is that as soon as the human body enters the world at the end of chaos, Pei Junlin senses that the original power of the entire world seems to have changed.

This body is completely modeled after the ancient god's body, and every detail of the body is exactly the same as that of the ancient god. The ancient ancient gods were the ancestors of humans in this universe, but now the human body structure is completely incomprehensible with the original ancient gods. Pei Junlin doesn't understand why.

However, the powerful strength of the ancient gods is the objective existence of some historical documents, and some observations and records of Pei Junlin can prove this fact.

The ancient gods are extremely powerful, just like the dinosaurs that once ruled the earth. Then why such a powerful Holy Spirit disappeared into a legend once in a while, this is also a question that Pei Junlin has always been puzzled by.

Countless Supreme Masters have tried to solve this mystery for countless years, but many people have devoted a lifetime of hard work and cannot get close to the edge of the truth.

Before that, Junlin Pei had many questions about this issue, but recently because of the matter of the Hanging Mountain, Junlin Pei was empowered, and he understood a lot of things in an instant, such as the will of heaven and so on.

The morning is like a huge chess board, and the practitioner is like a chess piece on this board. The stars are scattered, and the stars are moving. They are all ants of heaven and earth.

It is as powerful as a super-evolved body, and it is not yet an enemy of the will of heaven. Although the ancient gods are powerful, they are still inferior to some super-evolved bodies.

The question of the extinction of the ancient gods is not difficult to understand. Obviously, the way of heaven played some role in it. Of course, this is just your guess of the supporting role. Without actual proof, no one can give a positive answer. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

In a flash of half a month, Pei Junlin jumped out of the chaos and entered the world, and came to the original space. Just the moment when Pei Junlin appeared, he could feel a familiar breath, hovering around.

Pei Junlin looked around, and soon saw that a familiar voice was Zhang Lei.

"The things you entrusted are all done for you. It is loaded with things you need to know. When you enter the Heavenly Soul Palace, it is easy to be suspected, so I helped you find an identity." Zhang Lei said involuntarily. The memory crystal was handed over to Pei Junlin.

Memory crystals are very precious. This kind of memory crystals is not to capture the memory of others, but the owner himself injects his own memory storage into it.

My memory crystal is not an ordinary memory extraction. Once I inject my memory into the memory crystal, it means that its owner will lose this memory forever, and no one will actively use the memory crystal unless Some dying people will inject their own memories into the crystal, telling posterity some knowledge by precept and deeds.

Pei Junlin got this pale yellow crystal and it portrayed someone's memory, but Pei Junlin didn't know what method Zhang Lei used to get this memory.

"You mean let me pretend to be another person to enter the Heavenly Soul Palace, does that mean?" Pei Junlin was slightly unsatisfied with this arrangement.

After all, the impersonation of someone else will sooner or later be exposed. But at this time, there are not many ways. After all, entering the Heavenly Soul Palace in this way is the least likely to attract the attention of others, and a new master can easily attract the attention of others.

Pei Junlin silently picked up this memory crystal, and soon discovered that it was a young man named Chen Ping. ?

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