Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1876: Handsome man

"Rebirth of Shura Return (

This man is so handsome, Chen Yuan just took a look and couldn't help himself. Looking at the unruly man in the vicissitudes of life in front of him, Chen Yuan blushed instinctively.

"Have you heard clearly what I just said? There is no difference in this matter according to what I said, right?" Pei Junlin said, looking at Chen Yuan in front of him.

At this moment, Chen Yuan has completely lost his will. It's just that you don't know what to say when watching the tragedy with a white belt. The demeanor of the man in front of you exceeds all Chen Yuan's imagination.

After so many years, there has never been a man who can really fascinate Chen Yuan, but the man in front of him wants Chen Yuan to feel desperate.

At this moment, Chen Yuan felt that he had turned into a moth and rushed forward desperately.

Pei Junlin didn't expect that Chen Yuan in front of him would be like this. He didn't expect Chen Yuan to be a nympho, he couldn't walk when he saw a man.

"I am willing to follow you and say anything." Chen Yuan blushed as he watched Pei Junlin's words, even he himself was shocked.

As a girl, Chen Yuan is undoubtedly self-cleaning. After so many years, no man can approach him. Even in the most desperate moments of life, Chen Yuan did not find a man to marry him.

But when he met Pei Junlin, Chen Yuan did something for the first time. He never thought that he would completely let go of his reservations for a man.

But when Pei Junlin saw all this, he was extremely speechless. After all, he came here specifically for Chen Yuan. Pei Junlin came here for a purpose, that is to save Chen Yuan, this is Pei Junlin's guilt for Chen Ping.

It was because of his own reasons that Chen Ping ended his life early, which was a bit of regret for Pei Junlin. Therefore, in order to make up for the shortcomings, Pei Junlin decided to come to this area to find Chen Ping's sister.

But when I really saw Chen Ping's sister Chen Yuan at this time, Pei Junlin was a little worried, because this girl Pei Junlin expected.

In Pei Junlin's imagination, Chen Yuan must be a dignified and generous self-esteem and self-love woman. But when he really met Chen Yuan and saw the other party's funny look, Pei Junlin was still disappointed.

But soon Pei Junlin cleared up my mind and figured out my purpose. She came here to save Chen Yuan and give herself a psychological comfort. As for what Chen Yuan is like, and what character she is, it has nothing to do with Pei Junlin.

"I ask you a word, shall we leave here, or seek revenge on Niu Er and kill him?" Pei Junlin looked at Chen Yuan.

At this time, Pei Junlin asked these words. In fact, he had his own purpose. He wanted to look at the girl's mood again. If it was really not suitable for cultivation, then he would not force it. She would leave some for Chen Yuan. Wealth makes him worry-free for the rest of his life.

If Chen Yuan is a fierce and decisive character, then you will decisively take her away in training, and personally accept Chen Yuan as a disciple and teach him some cultivation experience.

This is his brother Chen Ping recorded some thoughts in the memory crystal. Before he died, Chen Ping hoped to let his sister embark on the road of cultivation.

As Chen Ping's successor, Pei Junlin feels he has the responsibility to bring Chen Yuan to the right path, and also to fulfill Chen Ping's unfulfilled dream.

"This Niu Er has done a lot of evil and hurt a lot of girls. Even if he kills him, he will not be wronged at all." After Chen Yuan gritted his teeth, he said something that shocked Pei Junlin.

But after hearing these words, Pei Junlin was relieved. The girl Chen Yuan was not weak at all, but made Pei Junlin feel admired.

"Well, I'll take you to Liu's house and destroy the whole house now. Niu Er has done a lot of evil, and his family is not innocent." Pei Junlin smiled coldly, and took Chen Yuan to another city with a grab.

This area is the home of Niu Erzhi in another finale. At this time, Liu's family is hosting a party, and the entire banquet is full of guests.

However, Pei Junlin's arrival eclipsed the entire banquet, because after being rained into the yard, the killing started instantly.

No one here is innocent. Since they can give you Niu Er birthday, it means that these people do not have a good thing and all are to help the evil.

When Pei Junlin killed a few people, he quickly stopped. Then Pei Junlin reached out his hand and pointed a force into Chen Yuan's body. After this force entered Chen Yuan's body, it quickly changed his body tissue in the body, forming a temporary dantian in Chen Yuan's lower abdomen.

Pei Junlin almost instantly turned Chen Yuan into a cultivator, and his strength was not weak. Of course, it was just that Pei Junlin used divine power to create a small Dantian in Chen Yuan's body in a short time. .

The moment it was sold in Beijing, I was dumbfounded. When he became a cultivator in a very short time, the surging mana in his body made him feel strange and seemed to pay attention.

At this time, a shaky figure appeared in the yard, and Niu Er in a red shroud stumbled out. After seeing the scene in the yard, he became furious. He didn't expect that someone would come out to make trouble at his birthday banquet.

"It turns out you are a bitch, how dare you come here? Did you figure out how to be my woman?" Niu Er stared directly at Chen Yuan with a pair of eyes.

The expression in Chen Yuan's eyes gradually faded, replaced by calmness and cruelty, a look of hatred in his eyes flashed, and then Pei Junlin saw Chen Yuan gently raise his hand.

A burst of power burst out, bursting out through Chen Yuan's palm in an instant. It was a ball of light that flew directly towards Niu Er, exploded in mid-air, exuding a majestic force.

Niu Er is not actually a cultivation practice, his strength is only just getting started, facing this sudden attack, he has no power to fight back.

The other guests only heard a thunderous explosion. The entire courtyard was silent, and some of the guests were already stupid on the spot with **** meat foam on their faces.

No one thought that the weak members would become cultivators at this time. Not only that, but they also killed their enemies.

Chen Yuan stared at his palm blankly, as if he couldn't believe it. The violent power just now radiated out by himself, but at this time Chen Yuan felt that the power in his body seemed to be gradually weakened, and it would soon be Scattered invisible.

At this time Chen Yuan was a little panicked, because people didn't know this feeling when he hadn't tried strength, but once he took it, Chen Yuan never wanted to forget it.

He looked at Pei Junlin eagerly, as if he wanted to know some information from Pei Junlin.

"The grievance has also been reported, so follow me now." Pei Junlin said towards Chen Yuan.

At this moment, a buzzing sound came from your ear, it was a bug similar to a bee. It looks like an ordinary insect, but Pei Junlin's hairs are upright in an instant, and the row of insects in his backhand immediately turns into fleshy flesh.

"Something's wrong, there is an evil sect master in this small town, and he has practiced the technique of guarding beasts, specifically to drive this kind of poisonous insects." Pei Junlin looked at the insect corpse on the ground with a serious expression.

His current strength is comparable to the legendary realm. A person who can make Pei Junlin feel difficult, his strength is definitely not low, but at this time Chen Yuan's face does not have any expression of fear, as if following Pei Junlin's side, this is the world The safest place.

Of course, Pei Junlin was not worried about his safety, he was worried about Chen Yuan's safety. There is no problem with his current strength self-protection, but Chen Yuan is different, Chen Yuan is just an ordinary person.

Pei Junlin could feel that this hidden master should also be a master of the legendary realm. As for why the opponent was hiding in this area, Pei Junlin didn't know the reason.

This was the first time that Junlin Pei had a head-on confrontation with a master of the legendary realm. Although Junlin had the upper hand, he did not dare to be careless.

If you are facing a saint-level powerhouse, UU Reading will accompany you with ease and will not be so nervous at all, but facing a legendary master, the situation is completely different.

A master in the legendary realm is a legend. Only in the legend can such a master be encountered, but now Pei Junlin has to face a real legendary master, which makes him feel a little at a loss.

If it was an ordinary time, Pei Junlin wouldn't worry, but at this time he was accompanied by an oil bottle, Chen Yuan.

What Pei Junlin can be sure of is that Chen Yuan has been stared at. The legendary master has already stared at Chen Yuan, and Chen Yuan will suffer a devastating blow only when two of them do it. .

Although I don't think the opponent is very boring, this is not a combat strategy. The opponent is very cunning, and Pei Junlin needs great wisdom to alleviate this dangerous situation.

"Why don't we do anything on earth?" Chen Yuan looked silly and sweet. She didn't understand why Pei Junlin stopped here after seeing a bug, and his face was extremely solemn.

The world of men and women are incomprehensible, especially in this situation, Chen Yuan is not only dependent on Pei Junlin, but a kind of attachment or obsession.

Not only does Pei Junlin have a handsome face, he will satisfy all the crew members have to say about men, and Pei Junlin has great strength.

After possessing these two advantages at the same time, Pei Junlin has become a superb son-in-law in Chen Yuan's mind. Flowing water deliberately falls and flowers are ruthless, and now in your mind, there is no childish love at all.

This time, the reason why he came all the way to find you Chen Yuan was actually to fulfill a wish. But the matter has arrived, and this step has not tolerated Pei Jun's retreat. ?

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