Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1879: The pleasure of revenge

"Rebirth of Shura Return (

Pei Junlin absorbed Chen Ping's memory. In fact, from a certain aspect, Pei Junlin was already an easy continuation of Chen Ping's life.

In order to achieve a more realistic and seamless disguise, Pei Junlin can be described as deliberate. But now this result is also the best choice for Pei Junlin, after all, under this situation, Pei Junlin has not encountered any difficulties.

Of course, Pei Junlin has his own personality, and he will not be contaminated by Chen Ping's personality casually. He is still an independent himself, his soul is still pure, but he has received part of Chen Ping's memory.

Pei Junlin flipped through Chen Ping's memory, like flipping through a heavy book. This genius boy showed his sharp edge when he was young and became a young genius who was admired by thousands of people, but finally ended with a sad song.

Pei Junlin inherited Chen Ping's memory, and of course he could also feel Chen Ping's depression and pain, such as the unfairness and oppression he encountered when he first entered the Heavenly Soul Palace, including one of them.

Pei Junlin had cold eyes and stared at a man with a scab on his face. This man was an extremely annoying character in Chen Ping's memory.

"What do you look at? I even gave you a three-pointer when you were beautiful. Now that you are a shit, don't you dare to be awe-inspiring in front of Lao Tzu? Believe it or not, I punched you with a punching bag. Xitian." The man with the scabs on his face shook his fist towards Chen Ping.

Pei Junlin's face was cold, as if he hadn't heard the other party's words clearly, and still staring at the other party coldly. Slowly, the man finally became a little uncomfortable, and the few friends around him felt a strange atmosphere.

The person in front of him is Chen Ping. He is not as languishing as in the legend. According to the legend, Chen Ping has suffered from a strange disease. Her soul is shrinking, and there is no hope anymore, but the Chen Ping in front of him is full of vigor and eyes. With a dazzling light, can the legend still be wrong?

"To be frightened by him, this kid was bluffing. He didn't have a few days to survive. Before I heard my cousin say very clearly that this kid has a strange disease, and her soul is constantly shrinking. In the end, it will rot slowly, and he will definitely die miserably.” The man with a huge scab on his face stared at Pei Junlin triumphantly.

Pei Junlin still did not speak, but there was a ray of light in his eyes, because this light was Pei Junlin's presence. Looking up some memories about Chen Ping, Pei Junlin soon searched for this so-called cousin, who should be in the sky. There is also a small boss in the soul store, who is the backer of this man with a scowl on his face.

"If I didn't guess wrong, your cousin should be called Yang Yun. I am not afraid of him if others are afraid of him. If I kill you now, will your cousin avenge you?" Pei Junlin suddenly smiled. , Senbai's teeth make people feel cold.

Every friend and friend finally couldn't bear the pressure in their hearts. Although they knew that Chen Ping had not been alive for a few days, some legends about Chen Ping still became various stones in their hearts, even if Chen Ping had already fallen into Pingyang. People didn't dare to bully at will, so they turned and left, leaving behind the loyalty of their friends.

The man who was abandoned by her friend finally couldn't hold herself back. Her emotions were a little out of control for a while, her eyes stared fiercely at Pei Junlin, a little irritated and angry: "If you can kill me now, then your ending will be very miserable. , My cousin will dig out your bones one by one and break them into pieces, leaving you to die in extreme pain."

Pei Junlin was not angry. Instead, he looked at the man in front of him with a smile and said, "If I remember correctly, your name should be Liang Peng. You are a sad person. Since you don't want to die today, I Just save your life and let you see with your own eyes how your cousin avenged you."

After Pei Junlin finished speaking, before Liang Peng could speak, he suddenly reached out and grabbed one of Liang Peng's arm, squeezed it hard, only heard a click, Liang Peng's entire arm was completely crushed by Pei Junlin.

The huge pain caused Liang Peng's entire face to be distorted. He looked at Pei Junlin in surprise, and the anger in his eyes gradually turned into sadness and fear.

"Your biggest mistake is that you shouldn't provoke me today. You shouldn't go out today because of the passing years." Pei Junlin looked at Liang Peng indifferently and suddenly stretched out his hand, and pierced Liang Peng's chest directly, piercing his ribs. Pulled out abruptly.

Living with cramps and bones, this kind of pain cannot be tolerated by ordinary people. If placed on ordinary people, they may soon pass unconscious or even die, so they will not suffer too much pain, but Liang Peng does not In the same way, his mind was unusually clear, and the intensity of suffering was not reduced at all.

Liang Peng wanted to numb himself and fall into a drowsiness, but in the end he failed. He found that his mind seemed to be protected by a mysterious force. The pain directly penetrated into his heart and made Liang Peng hate it. Go to death immediately.

"Sorry, I was wrong, kill me." Liang Peng Yangtian roared, his eyes full of despair.

This kind of pain is too strong, and it cannot be tolerated by ordinary people. As a result, Liang Peng no longer had the same energy as before, and his eyes were full of balls. If Pei Junlin could eat, she meant that Pei Junlin believed in Liang Peng, and he must be grateful when he was dying.

Liang Peng had already succumbed. Without the arrogance he had before, Pei Junlin no longer had any interest in torturing Liang Peng. He stretched out his hand and threw Liang Peng on the ground as if he had thrown a piece of rag.

"Please kill me, I don't want to live anymore. It's too humiliating to live like this. I'm useless. I'm already a useless person. Chen Ping, please kill me!" Liang Peng paired Looking at the sky with dull eyes, he was completely desperate.

Pei Junlin didn't feel a little bit of revenge in his heart. After letting out a sigh, Pei Junlin turned and left. Pei Jun walked away on the front foot, and a man jumped out from the dark on the back foot. This man was not someone else, it was Liang Peng's form, and he was also a rising star in the Heavenly Soul Palace.

Seeing his own form came in front of him, Liang Peng couldn't help flashing a touch of emotion in his heart. There is hope in his heart. If his cousin is willing to save himself, please use some Taishang elders to take action. Perhaps he can recast his physical body. At that time, there is the possibility of revenge.

So just now, Liang Peng, who was still crying and begging for death, suddenly burned her faith in life. She struggled to sit up and said to her cousin: "Brother, you must help me. That Chen Ping is really hateful, this kid, I must take all the meat off her body piece by piece."

Liang Peng was getting more and more excited, as if she had already gotten revenge, but after she finished talking, she realized that she didn't get any response at all when she said something. She just turned around and saw her cousin's grim look. expression.

Before Liang Peng had time to generate any fear, he suddenly felt a chill in his heart. He looked down at a dagger to pierce his heart vein!

"Cousin, what are you doing? We are brothers, are you going to kill me?" Liang Peng showed an incredible expression on his face. He never thought of his closest cousin, too The gravedigger who ended his life.

Before Liang Peng died, his vision was a bit blurred, and his body's strength gradually dissipated. He knew that his life would end with a sad song. But what made him unable to figure out was why his cousin wanted to kill himself. There were other deep-seated reasons.

"You **** is a **** if you survive. I cut your life so that you can reincarnate early. Isn't it good for you?" Liang Peng's cousin stared at Liang Peng coldly, and the corpse's face was gradually cold. A little bit guilty.

Liang Peng's consciousness gradually became blurred. He stayed in this world, his last look was endless anger and regret. He did not expect that he would die in front of the closest person. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Liang Peng died, but there was no sadness in his form. Not only did he seize all of Liang Peng's possessions as his own, he kicked Liang Peng's body into the air and fell under the cliff.

A few vultures smelled the breath of death, hovering and falling from the mid-air, and a gluttonous meal was about to begin.

Although Pei Junlin left, he watched all the evil and indifference of human nature in the dark, and he showed it to the fullest at this moment. Pei Junlin did not expect that such a thing would happen, nor did he expect Liang Peng to end up like this.

In fact, by combing through Chen Ping's memory picture, Pei Junlin also found some details. In fact, there are many things that are not as simple as they might seem.

For example, Liang Peng or Liang Peng's cousin, these people live in this way, they have no affection, no feelings, and they only know that the weak can eat the weak and grab resources. In their eyes, there is no emotion at all.

It was the first time that Pei Junlin had entered the Heavenly Soul Palace as Chen Ping. He could feel the profound background of this sect, no less than Xuankong Mountain.

But Junlin Pei can also feel that the Heavenly Wedding Hall and Xuankong Mountain are completely different, and they are not two identical places at all. The feeling that Xuankong Mountain gives people is a sense of vastness, the road is ruthless.

That was an extremely gloomy feeling to Pei Junlin in the Heavenly Soul Palace. Most of the disciples encountered on the road were expressionless, and when they met each other, they were indifferent.

The cultivators’ hearts are very indifferent, because their hearts are only themselves, but the disciples of this Heavenly Soul Hall are more different from other places. For example, this Heavenly Soul Hall is respected by strength, and there is no teacher at all. The relationship between friends and so on. ?

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