Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1884: Zhou Bai

"Rebirth of Shura Return (

So this week, although Bai seemed to be aggressive, he did not cause much harm to Pei Junlin. When the violent energy encountered Pei Junlin's body, it was bounced back in an instant, and Pei Junlin's body was almost as strong as steel, Zhou Baiyi's hands trembled slightly, and almost all of his ten fingers were broken.

Sudden events were unexpected by everyone. There were countless pairs of eyes staring at this battle. Because the ghost of the ghost had just made a white shot, everyone thought that Jun Pei was dying, but in the end they didn’t know that a miracle had happened. It was still what special treasure Pei Junlin had on his body. At the most critical moment, that Zhu Bai let out a scream, and his two palms fell softly.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that this ghost hand is basically useless. In fact, all of his kung fu is in the palm of his hand. Now that both hands are scrapped, he will undoubtedly become a useless person in the future, without any chance of turning over.

But at this time Pei Junlin has become the focus of the audience. The countless pairs of eyes around him are full of interested looks. These people want to know what method Pei Junlin used to scrap the pork chops. You must know that this is a Big news.

Zhou Bai's strength is obvious to all, but in the Heavenly Soul Palace, he belongs to the middle and upper levels. Although he is not a favorite of heaven, he is definitely not a nameless person.

From the beginning, almost everyone was not optimistic about Pei Junlin, thinking that Pei Junlin's failure was doomed, but the final outcome made everyone's eyes stunned, and some even almost bit their tongue.

Zhou Bai was defeated, and he was defeated very simply. Pei Junlin seemed to have no effort at all, just standing there and letting Zhou Bai jump around like a clown, and finally scrapped Zhou Bai with one move.

These people here are not fools, they are like human spirits. Seeing the result of such a battle, in fact, everyone is clear at a glance, and basically has a general understanding of Pei Junlin's strength.

Pei Junlin usually does not show the mountains and dews and does not be evil with his neighbors, but at the critical moment he can say that the overall situation can be overwhelmed by his opponents. The views of these people around Pei Junlin are completely 180 degrees. Turn.

Zhu Bai failed. The unexpected failure caused everyone's eyes to fall apart, but at the last moment, Zhu Bai's spirit was truly crushed, and the last straw that crushed the camel was not Pei Junlin, but the mysterious woman. .

This woman is the woman who came with the motherboard. This woman is also the frosty beauty. It is a pity that the moment Zhou Bai was in danger, that woman seemed to have made a decision. When everything was honest, this The woman found Pei Junlin alone and told her own wish. In fact, her wish is very simple, that is to be separated from Zhou Bai at a distance and never want to meet Zhou Bai again.

The man was injured and the woman ran away. This seems to be an eternal law, but when the real Jun Pei Lin Chi Guoguo saw it, he still felt that some things were really cruel.

However, Junlin Pei felt that he would have a lot of things to do next. After all, the mess left before takes a long time to rest, and it can't be done overnight.

In these days in the Heavenly Soul Palace, Pei Junlin has already figured out the things around him, some things about concealment, etc. These things do not need to be taught by others, Pei Junlin has learned it by himself.

In a blink of an eye, it’s another year from winter to spring, and this month Pei Junlin

The second storm seemed to disappear soon, but the pork chop that was defeated by Pei Junlin was unwilling to fail. He made more than a dozen calls and seemed to be re-election, but Pei Junlin was not worried about this. Things are sitting on the sidelines.

From Pei Junlin's eyes, it can be easily seen that these so-called people have no ability at all, and their usual food and clothing costs, etc., have reached their limits. He drove around every day, but soon he found that the number of kilometers did not increase slowly.

This man and a woman came to provoke, the man has been abandoned, the woman turned away without hesitation, and finally left a mess. Pei Junlin was very disappointed when he saw this picture, but in the end Pei Junlin can only bear it.

It’s still common for a man to leave behind a lone woman, but Pei Junlin doesn’t want to do that. He is expected to become an electronic device hung on the wall instead of a living person, every day and night. Talking with the neighbors, this is what should be done.

It's a pity that no one wants to listen to these things anymore, after all, now is different. With Pei Junlin's current strength, these neighbors are now too far behind.

He may have been operating the occupied area for many years, and he has a little bit of knowledge, so when he speaks, he will be a little shocked. Pei Junlin guesses. There is a high probability that this person will not have a price. Maybe there is only one and the second will not work. .

When Pei Junlin was in ecstasy, he didn't expect that there would be his daughter and boyfriend here, etc. The two people together should be singular, the limit.

But the twists and turns in this, ordinary people can't figure out at all, even if they can bypass the city management and go directly, the top of the mountain may not be able to draw people. This is a very cruel reality.

Everyone's destiny is destined. Some people are very rich, and some people are just getting their salary back. But who can take them away with these things is hard to say.

Pei Junlin never expected that there will be so many things here. He thought he could leave quickly if he came here for a bite to eat, but in the end his tires were placed in the trunk, and there was nothing to say, maybe a little. A sense of security.

Seeing the people watching the excitement in front of him gradually faded away, Pei Junlin also calmed down. He carefully hid Zhu Bai and Pei Junlin lying on the ground for a while and didn't know what to do.

What is Zhou Bai's disease?

In fact, Pei Junlin is very clear in his heart that they are all trivial things, but now that Zhu Bai has something to do, it is difficult for the area of ​​this area to calm down, and then there will be a large number of discipline inspectors searching around, and Some burning chairs and so on.

These things are enough for him to sentence to ten or eight years, and there is no room for running.

"Now all the hopes are pinned on that person. If it doesn't work this year, next year will be difficult, so we must seize this opportunity at this time." Pei Junlin said lightly.

In fact, these remarks were not made by Pei Junlin, but because Pei Junlin saw some information when he checked the files this afternoon. He knew the ins and outs of the matter and so on.

A family like ours doesn't have any backers. At this time, it's very unnatural to forcibly oppress these migrant workers.

But how to do the next job and how much property you have can’t be determined. After all, there are a lot of people who report it, and the number of people who can really be checked and selected is already very few, even if there are only three or two people. Pei Junlin also felt happy and satisfied.

These things are small things in Pei Junlin's eyes, but in the hands of other cadres in the area, if there are no big things, if nothing can be done, ordinary people still respect ordinary car keys.

Pei Junlin carefully screened the events of the past two days, and summed up three points. The first point is to practice, the second point is to carefully consider things, and the third point is to keep your mouth shut and not talk nonsense.

Next year will be a year of great ambitions, but the premise is that you can never make mistakes, and you can't do some sideball things. This thing requires absolute cleanliness, so after Pei Junlin repeatedly rejected his resignation, he moved slowly. Go home.

During the days when he returned to the cave, Junlin Pei had been thinking about the affairs of that week. UU read, so he almost forgot about the woman, but recently Pei Junlin remembered a lot of things, such as this data can connect a lot. Information.

But Junlin Pei also told the truth that if so many people are all at home, these furs are definitely not enough. This is the biggest problem before him.

The old world is dying, and a new world is taking shape. Most people go to cities such as counties. They enjoy convenient transportation and high welfare. This is the only advantage of living in the city, but other than that After that, they didn't have anything. For example, they chose the Bora black and white interior. This little money is nothing to Pei Junlin.

After listening to them, Pei Junlin could only smile faintly, not directly angry.

Of course, a cup is not too strange, and there are many things that are incredible in the follow-up, so Pei Junlin just gave a few words, don't let him get overwhelmed, etc. These words are what you should say of.

"It turns out that when we were here, he was a bit more rampant, and he had less quality. I would never care about it. But recently, drones and environmental monitoring systems have been used. Whoever smokes will be caught immediately, so This matter is very serious. I hope you will quit smoking, either quitting or blowing cigars and so on.

If you say that you want to make tea, that’s okay. Next year, I will help you apply for three acres of land. There is no hesitation at all. I just hope that when I call you, you don’t say you don’t know me. , My last name is Liu.

Pei Junlin was very excited, and almost forgot the unhappiness just now. Two groups of people came to challenge one after another. This was a huge hidden danger for anyone, but Junlin Pei didn't care at all. ?

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