Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1889: Cross the river

"Rebirth of Shura Return (

"But if you don't say anything, I won't ask. After all, we know something between the two of us. If you want to exchange this ingredient list with me, then you can just raise it directly, and you don't have to be so circumspect. ."

Hearing Pei Junlin's words, Zhang Lei showed two expressions on his face. He said with a smile but not a smile. If I wanted to exchange something with you before, I think I am stingy.

"Forget it, just treat this thing as I gave it to you. The ingredients for this thing are very simple, listen." Zhang Lei looked at Pei Junlin and said.

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Lei told Pei Junlin about the required ingredients, but after hearing the contents of these ingredients, Pei Junlin looked a little surprised, because indeed, as Zhang Lei said, he wanted to mix this kind of medicine. It takes a lot of hard work, it is impossible to complete it in less than ten years, and it also requires extraordinary luck.

One of the common medicines is called ten years of morning dew. This so-called ten years of morning dew is the first time when the sunset glows during the vernal equinox.

It takes ten years to collect the dew alone, which is indeed not something ordinary people can do.

"Let’s wait to cross the abyss, you must remember not to talk, that thing is very strange, once someone talks, he will get angry, and trouble will put us in the endless abyss between the two of us, then we will die. Very unjust." Zhang Lei said jokingly.

As the two of them continued to deepen and soon Pei Junlin found that there was a road leading directly to the bottom of the cliff, but if the two of them kept going down, a ferry appeared halfway up, and there was no water in the abyss, but Pei Junlin didn't know what was the use of this ferry.

Zhang Lei took out a few pills and threw them into the abyss. He didn't know how long it had passed, or how long it had passed, but there was still no response. Zhang Lei's mood became a little impatient.

He took out a strange joss stick and inserted it there. After lighting the joss stick, the smoke that came out was also very strange, winding round and round.

"It should be coming soon, let's not talk before the two of us." Zhang Lei was very nervous, and talking to Pei Junlin seemed to ease his mood.

Instead, Pei Junlin stood there by himself, his expression was flat, not as nervous as Zhang Lei, Pei Junlin's gaze looked towards the deep abyss, which is like a big open mouth, deep and unpredictable in it. An indescribable fear.

"Do you think there is light coming over there?" Pei Junlin said towards Zhang Lei.

When he approached, Pei Junlin's heart seemed to be grabbed by someone's hands. It was a huge creature, and his whole body seemed to be covered with a kind of rotten straw.

The walking posture of this huge creature is also very strange, especially the two beams of light from a pair of eyes are like two very bright flashlights.

As for what this monster is, Pei Junlin doesn’t know. He just saw Zhang Lei’s face changed and grabbed Pei Junlin and said: “This thing is not something I want to summon at all. Let’s go quickly. I’m afraid it’s slow. To die in the hands of this thing."

Zhang Lei's reaction was quick, and Pei Junlin's reaction was not slow. The two disappeared beside the mountain road in the blink of an eye. Pei Junlin and Zhang Lei were hiding behind a huge boulder, quietly observing the weird creature.

The weird creature is hundreds of meters tall and covered with long hair like rotten straw. His eyes are like two bright flashlights shining on the place where Pei Junlin and Zhang Lei were just standing. The nose seems to be inhaling and sniffing. The smell in the air.

In the end, the monster didn't find anything and turned around and left slowly.

There was no danger in a false alarm. Pei Junlin and Zhang Lei breathed a sigh of relief. Soon, Yujun saw that there seemed to be a ship in the abyss, slowly floating over, and there was a ship on the ship. The lamp stood a strange creature on the bow.

After this scene, Pei Junlin was extremely surprised, because this biological co-biography was almost exactly the same as the scene he had seen in the underground world before, but the ship was only a little bigger than that.

"Come here, this is the Abyss Ferry. The two of us must not talk. They don't need money, as long as this pill is used as hard currency." Zhang Lei took Pei Junlin and walked towards the ferry. After the ship was docked, Zhang Lei Without speaking, you pulled Pei Junlin and jumped onto the boat, took out 5 pills and handed them over.

Pei Junlin has been carefully observing the creatures standing on the bedside, covered in a layer of snow-white clothes. The whole body was wrapped tightly, showing only two hands and one pair of eyes.

At that time, the monster stretched out his hand to Pei Junlin and found that the monster's hand was like a chicken paw, covered with a thick shawl.

"The creature that punts the boat is definitely not a human." Pei Junlin secretly said in his heart.

It is a pity that these words cannot be said, because Zhang Lei had said before that he could not speak nonsense here, so as not to offend the creature who punted the boat. Pei Junlin looked down at the boat and saw that there was no water under the boat. The boat was suspended in the abyss.

Slowly swimming towards the other side of Pei Junlin's heart, and gradually relieved, there is wind blowing in this abyss, but it is not cold.

Strange sounds came from over there. Someone was playing the flute. Pei Junlin tried to distinguish which direction the sound came from, but he always found that these sounds seemed to come from all directions.

The sound in the abyss is very noisy, each section of the road has a different background sound, some places are very quiet and deep, like a black hole in the universe, and some places are filled with all kinds of chaotic sounds, with women crying Sounds, children’s laughter and so on.

Pei Junlin once thought that he was hearing voices, until after exchanging a glance with Zhang Lei, he realized that he was not alone.

This section of the road was very slow, but very gentle. In the evening, Jin felt the atmosphere around him casually, and it was a bit unusual. In the distance, a huge creature was thrown into the abyss. It was a huge humanoid creature, hundreds of meters tall. Walking in the abyss, it was covered with blue runes gleaming light.

When the giant walked, there was lightning flashes around him, and violent storms surrounded him.

"Things are broken, I'm afraid the two of us will be planted here." Zhang Lei told Pei Junlin with a voice transmission that his face was ugly.

Hearing Zhang Lei's constant apology, Pei Junlin felt that there was nothing to do. It was risky to do anything. Zhang Lei could not predict the danger in advance, so he was also comforting Zhang Lei with his spiritual thoughts.

Seeing the huge monster getting closer and closer, Pei Junlin and Zhang Lei's expressions became more and more nervous. At this moment, the guy in the white cloak standing on the bow suddenly stretched out a palm like a chicken paw. Junlin and Zhang Lei were calm.

No one can calm down at the moment of life and death, especially Pei Junlin and Zhang Lei are both very weak. In this raging abyss, their strength is almost like ants.

Finally the giant finally turned his gaze to the boat, and looked at Pei Junlin and Zhang Lei. In this short moment, Pei Junlin felt numb all over, and felt that his breathing was not smooth.

Zhang Lei, who was standing next to Junlin Pei, was not much better, and was even far less calm than Junlin Pei. Zhang Lei was already sitting on the ground, drenched in sweat.

At this moment, the guy in the white cloak standing on the bow of the ship suddenly held a small flag with his chicken paws! He waved the small flag in his hand back and forth, and the giant raised his head and roared when he saw it, and then left.

There is no danger in a false alarm. Pei Junlin and Zhang Lei look at each other, and they have a feeling of aftermath. The giant is too powerful. Just a look makes Pei Junlin and Zhang Lei have a disaster. feel.

What a saint-level powerhouse, standing in front of a giant, it's just shit. Pei Junlin deeply felt his own insignificance and the mystery of the universe. There were still many unsolved mysteries in this universe, and not all cultivators knew these secrets.

"Look at that giant's back, there seems to be a huge wound on his head. UU Reading www.uukā" Zhang Lei suddenly pointed to the giant's back and said.

This giant is very powerful. Pei Junlin doesn't believe that any creature can hurt the giant, but when he follows Zhang Lei's gaze, Pei Junlin has to admit that the giant is indeed injured.

Part of the giant's brain tissue hung on the back of his head and looked terrifying, and Pei Junlin's back had a huge hole in the back of his head, with pus constantly flowing out!

This horrible scene stunned Pei Junlin and Zhang Lei directly, and no one thought that the giant would be injured.

The two looked at each other, and they both had a secretive feeling. Just like this giant, someone could hurt him. It seems that there are indeed strong players in this universe.

The boat slowly landed, and Pei Junlin knew that he had reached the other shore, and both of them were relieved and finally arrived successfully.

This time Zhang Lei led the way, and Pei Junlin followed behind them and climbed up to the cliff on the other side of the abyss. The cliffs are very steep, and from time to time there are huge boulders falling from above. Pei Junlin looked into the distance and heard a rumbling sound.

At first I could only hear the voice, but gradually Pei Junlin saw a huge voice, another giant, but it was a little different from the giant just now. This giant was extremely thick and tangled. Muscles.

The giant was pushing a boulder on a **** next to the cliff. After the boulder is pushed up for a period of time, it will roll down, and one can only start again, from the beginning, and then push the boulder step by step.

The giant's expression was very focused, and he didn't notice Pei Junlin and Zhang Lei at all. The breath of Pei Junlin and Zhang Lei was weak in front of the giant, just like ants. ?

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