Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1897: dynamic equilibrium

"Rebirth of Shura Return (

In fact, Pei Junlin knew very well that Luo Yan was good to herself and didn't want to let herself fall into this trap, but Pei Junlin also had her own considerations.

The so-called firewood gathering flames are high, Pei Junlin does not think that this only exists in theory that cannot be achieved. In fact, sometimes you have ambitions in supporting roles, and this is about formations. Pei Junlin has even more intense interest.

If a person is not interested in something, then he will not delve into how to promote it, but if a person is interested in a thing from the beginning, then he will care about it without being urged by others.

For example, in this matter, we must rely on endless manpower to calculate huge data, and finally aggregate them into an array to break the space barrier.

In the eyes of some people who don't understand the formation method, this is simply a fantasy, something impossible to accomplish. However, in Pei Junlin's view, there may be a shortcut, after all, Yugong Yishan is a thing of the past.

Everything is developing, such as a mountain in front of him, Pei Junlin can gently move the rules of heaven and earth, and then this mountain can move gently.

So in discussions with these people, Pei Junlin found that although these people have paranoid obsessions, overall the goal is correct.

So in the end Pei Junlin decided to join these people, because he has to fight for himself, not for others. Pei Junlin firmly believes that this goal will be achieved. If this goal cannot be completed, then there is no need to continue to live. Up.

"If I can't wake up in the ranks of this calculation array, and eventually fall, then you will leave me and I will give you freedom." Pei Junlin said while looking at the gold swallowing beast.

The two masters and servants who have reunited after a long time have not yet been together. They stayed together for a while, and they were separated like this. The Gold Swallowing Beast is a very fierce creature, but at this time, the eyes of Pei Junlin are full Home.

Pei Junlin joined the zombie-like team. As the team slowly moved forward, he closed his eyes, and the calculation matrix of the formation began to appear in his mind!

Lines of data flickered in Pei Junlin's mind, and his eyes gradually changed from confusion to clarity. One day has passed, and the blink of an eye is one day short. The short one month seems to have passed in the blink of an eye. With the passage of time, Pei Junlin’s calculations are getting deeper and deeper, so Luo Yan saw this scene only deeply. Sigh, after all, he and Pei Junlin are just meeting together.

Pei Junlin gradually became unshaven, but he did not become as withered as others, and the bird's nest was sunken. On the contrary, Pei Junlin’s steps have always been firm as if tirelessly, and he continued to calculate day and night. Pei Junlin’s energy is still abundant, her eyes are still clear, and a lot of data is constantly flashing in Pei Junlin’s mind. Key information.

Eventually someone fell, but the latecomers continued to move forward, and some people joined the team of calculators, which formed a dynamic balance.

There are people who get old and slowly fall behind in the team, and fresh blood is added.

One year passed in the blink of an eye. During this year, Luo Yan became particularly melancholy, because there were already dozens of people that year, and eventually fell down because of the excessive computational consumption. In this year, dozens of outsiders also joined the ranks of calculators.

The team of calculators has formed a kind of dynamic balance, the number has never increased or decreased or fluctuates slightly, but there is Pei Junlin in the crowd who is very different from ordinary people.

Pei Junlin not only has strong muscles and a flushed face, but also his hair and beard are meticulously groomed, and his steps are firm and strong.

Luo Yan gradually discovered a surprising fact, that is, Pei Junlin seems to be getting stronger and stronger. It seems that Pei Junlin can benefit from this calculation and make his body stronger and stronger, which is simply impossible.

Everyone who comes here knows that in this void world, ordinary people can't absorb energy, because ordinary cultivators have insufficient energy levels, and they can't increase the energy here.

So once you enter the area of ​​the dark abyss, it means that life has entered a countdown state, consuming energy every day, and when the energy is completely consumed, it is the moment of death.

But Junlin Pei was different. Not only did her body not consume, but she was constantly replenishing her strength and getting stronger, which attracted the attention of almost everyone including Luo Yan.

Especially the guys wearing gray robes, they call themselves law enforcement, independent of the calculator, they do not participate in all the activities of the calculator, this is to protect themselves, there are no other activities every day except for sitting.

In their view, sitting meditation can preserve energy to the maximum and prevent it from dissipating, so this state can live here for a few more days, at least double the life.

"This newcomer Pei Junlin is not bad. You see there is absolutely any secret in him. If he is used as a calculation, it will be a waste. It is better to get her over and ask him about the secrets." some The law enforcers are already tempted. After all, the secrets of Pei Junlin are too much experience. In the past, everyone can survive here.

No one does not want to continue to live, even if they are lingering, the ants are still alive, if they can not die, most people want to live like this.

So when Pei Junlin unintentionally reveals his abilities, it will make these people almost crazy, so at this time, these gray-clothed law enforcers don’t even care about whether Pei Junlin is a calculator or not. They want to get from Pei Junlin’s body. Get the secret to not consume.

"Do you people have a conscience? People help us to charge ahead and become calculators. It means that all of us survive, hope and sacrifice your lives. You actually want to calculate people." Luo Yan was angry. Said towards these people.

It's a pity that his words quickly aroused the anger and resentment of these gray-clothed people. These people did not express anything on the surface, but secretly calculated the fallen leaves. Finally, they felt that the time was right and they started to do it.

Luo Yan, who was walking alone in the woods, suddenly felt a burst of power, and then collapsed to the ground with soreness and numbness. Luo Yan did not fall into a coma, his eyes were open with all his strength, but he didn't listen to his commands.

Several law enforcement officers appeared in front of Luo Yan, with indifferent expressions on their faces, and even a trace of ridicule in their eyes. With a desperate look on Luo Yan's face, he knew that his end had finally come, and these people were finally about to take action against him.

"If you are to blame, you're talking too much. You look pretty good. Let's enjoy you first, and then send you home." Several law enforcement officers showed shameless faces, haha ​​grinning grinningly.

Luo Yan gritted her teeth, the anger in her heart almost burned her whole body, but he couldn't help it, because he didn't have any strength in his whole body, he knew he was poisoned.

Luo Yan closed her eyes, and a few tears slipped from the corners of her eyes. She was angry, but she was weak and helpless. He knew that his life would eventually end in this humiliating way. Although he was very unwilling, he did not. Method.

Maybe this is fate!

Luo Yan closed his eyes. However, he waited for a long time but didn't notice anything happened. A few drops of warm liquid fell on his face, making Luo Yan opened his eyes in surprise. When he opened his eyes, he was caught in front of him. The scene of stunned, several law enforcement officers separated their heads, and the warm liquid dripping on their faces was really their blood.

A weird little beast is squatting on a tree not far away, staring at all this coldly.

"I know you used to say something for the sake of my master, so I will save your life at this time, but you are also a confused person, leave these people as soon as possible." The gold swallowing beast stared at Luo Yan coldly.

Luo Yan gradually recovered a bit of strength, she got up from the ground and looked at the weird creature in front of her, she couldn't hide the surprise in her eyes.

"Your master will not be Junlin Pei? Thank you for saving me, UU reading, you are amazing." Luo Yan, who was left after the catastrophe, was not very happy, but his expression was a little more relaxed. .

The golden swallowing beast saw Luo Yan's eyes with disgust that could not be concealed: "Is there a problem with your woman's ears? I have already expressed it very clearly just now, so don't talk nonsense with me anymore and go quickly."

She once seemed to be extremely disgusted with women, and looked at Luo Yan, a woman who swallowed gold, with an impatient expression on her face.

"You are really interesting. I won't let people say a word of nonsense after saving people. I want to say. Since you know so many things, why didn't you stop your master from joining the ranks of calculators before?" Luo Yan was curious. Said.

Hearing Luo Yan's question, the gold swallowing beast showed a mocking look on its face, and seemed to disdain to speak, but soon the gold swallowing beast said coldly: "You can't even think of what you said, and you His brain is so stupid. I can tell you that my master is definitely not what you suspected. He has a high level of wisdom and decisive ability for his own behavior. He has his own reason for doing so."

The gold swallowing beast praised Pei Junlin, and even showed a look of infinite worship in his eyes. This was unbelievable in Luo Yan's view, because a discerning person could tell at a glance that Pei Junlin's strength was actually not as good as this gold swallowing beast.

"It's true that what you said has a certain truth. Your master is absolutely extraordinary. Just by relying on his body, he won't be sold here, it means that he is very different from ordinary people. What I don't understand is the method of calculating data. Is it possible to build formations?" Luo Yan was full of curiosity.

But at this time, the Golden Swallowing Beast seemed to no longer want to speak, the disdain expression on his face could no longer be concealed, and he turned and left the disappeared Luo Yan's gaze. ?

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