Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1912: Black Bull Essence

"Rebirth of Shura Returns (

After leaving the Ten Thousand Demons Palace, Pei Junlin and others continued to climb up the snow-capped mountains, finding the final goal and vowing to never give up, but soon Pei Junlin and the others came to a piece of snow.

This piece of snow is different from other places, because the capable grass on this piece of snow grows out of the snow. And when Pei Junlin carefully inspected these grasslands, he discovered that petals were slowly blooming on the grass.

But these petals are not ordinary petals, but light yellow, lavender petals dotted, like the fragrance of the stars in the universe, which makes people dazzling.

"Look over there, there seems to be a cow grazing there." Luo Yan reminded Pei Junlin and Yun Yao.

Pei Junlin turned his head to look, and he really found that there was indeed a cow standing there, grazing with his head down, and eating very focused and slow, and acting very seriously.

This is a cultivator like the Kunlun Mountain, and it is impossible to come here. Pei Junlin can get to this point step by step because of his ancient **** body structure.

Along with the divine suppression of the Kunlun Mountain step by step, it will be unparalleled. Except for people like Pei Junlin, it is difficult for ordinary cultivators to reach the saint level step by step.

There must be a demon if something goes wrong, this looking ordinary cow is not so ordinary in the eyes of Pei Junlin. If it is an ordinary cow, it is impossible to survive in this ice and snow, and it is impossible to graze so calmly here, then this shows that this cow has a history.

Pei Junlin observed the cow carefully, and found that the cow's skin showed a bluish-black color. The cow is extremely majestic when viewed from the back, and from the side, it can even give Pei Jun a strong pressure.

"You two are waiting here. I will go over and take a look to see what happened." Pei Junlin waited in place at the two people ordered by Luo Yan and Yun Yao.

The reason why the two were not allowed to follow the past was out of consideration for protection. Although Yun Yao's strength was also very strong, as a man, he had a natural desire to protect a woman.

Pei Junlin watched this blue-black giant cow walk step by step, but when he approached, this head still didn't respond and was still bowing his head to graze.

"Seniors, what are you doing?" Pei Junlin said politely.

Although this is a cow, Pei Junlin still calls him senior, because this may be the Kunlun sacred mountain, and an ordinary toad here is not simple, so Pei Junlin dare not care.

It’s a pity that it was this bull that made Pei Junlin angry. He ignored him at all, and still blew his head there, as if he hadn’t seen Pei Junlin at all. In desperation, Pei Junlin could only Go around to the front of the cow.

"This senior, the junior came here and got lost. I want to ask you about it. If you continue to go up the mountain, which way should you take?" Pei Junlin politely asked a cow for advice.

Now he is very educated and polite, but this cow just doesn't give Pei Junlin face, this is Pei Junlin's second question, but the cow still turned a deaf ear to it, not only did he puff up his **** and let it fart.

So insulting and gentle, even if Junlin Pei had a good temperament, his face was a little dark at this time. This is no longer a problem with Pei Junlin's temperament, it is a problem of bullying people, but Pei Junlin did not do anything, but his face became slightly cold.

"Let's continue to move forward." Yun Yao walked over and quietly said to Pei Junlin.

Pei Junlin nodded. He knew that there would be no benefit in continuing to consume this cow. This cow, full of energy, is definitely a strong man, but Pei Junlin is not afraid of him.

Before being polite, it was just that Pei Junlin respected the other party, but now that the other party is so innocent, Pei Junlin also directly ignored the black bull.

But Pei Junlin wanted to leave politely and wanted to pass by, but the **** bull seemed to have refused to agree. At this moment, the **** bull suddenly rushed over the pointed horns from behind, yes. Pei Junlin's midfielder was approved.

Everything happened suddenly, but Pei Junlin didn’t panic at all. He turned around abruptly, grabbed a foot of the **** cow, and pushed it aside. The cow’s head was measured. In a direction and passed by Pei Junlin.

It’s not that I didn’t give you a slight coldness on your face, but there was a smile on the corners of your mouth. At the moment the cow passed by, Pei Junlin raised his foot and slammed on this end. The cow kicked on the ass.

The power of this foot is not obvious, but Pei Junlin plunged into the mud with his legs, and the body of the **** bull staggered forward for several steps before it stopped. Come down.

In the first confrontation, Pei Junlin gained the upper hand, but only slightly gained the upper hand. Even Pei Junlin was a little surprised by the strength of this bull.

"Why didn't the predecessor suddenly attack the younger generation without warning? It seems very bad for you to rely on the old and sell the old like this." Pei Junlin smiled.

"Go ahead, you're afraid that you won't even be able to find a person who collects the dead body. If you die on the mountain, then the water I drink will be contaminated by the feces of you people, so I want to prevent you from letting you Continue to go up." The black cow was eloquent, vomiting.

Hearing the strong words of Da Hei Niu, Pei Junlin felt a little speechless, even Yun Yao and Luo Yan next to him were speechless.

"Why? Am I wrong? The place where I drink water is in the creek next to here. If you continue to go up, all the places you pollute will pollute my water source. Am I right? So I want to stop you from continuing to go up." The **** bull continued to be plausible and arrogant.

Pei Junlin noticed that the cow's eyes had changed a bit compared to before. After all, the confrontation between the two had come to an end, and the **** cow had suffered.

Everything in this world depends on strength to speak, Pei Junlin just showed his strength in the show, so that the tone and attitude of this **** bull dare not be too presumptuous.

"We want to keep going, too, you're afraid you can't stop it." Pei Junlin sneered, and he put the bull in his eyes.

Sure enough, as soon as Pei Junlin's voice fell, Da Hei was so angry that Qiqiao made smoke, and finally made a moo, and rushed towards Pei Junlin again.

Seeing that this whole body muscle was about to explode, the **** cow rushed over with all four hoofs, Yun Yao and Luo Yan both paled.

The oppressive power of this cow is too strong. The power of the whole body seems to be able to turn the world into an explosion. Only Pei Junlin did not change his face in front of the Taishan Mountain. In this critical situation, he can still be able to Walking in the courtyard, with a faint smile on his face.

Pei Junlin did the same trick again on his side, but this time Pei Junlin didn't grab the horns of the **** bull, instead he clenched a fist with one hand and hit the horn on the lower cheek.

The power of a punch gathers Pei Junlin's body, all the strength, the power of a punch can be described as earth-shattering, this cow flew out with a swish next to Pei Junlin, turned into a black spot with a boom, and flew directly To the distance.

There was a rumbling sound from the snow-capped mountains in the distance, and Pei Junlin immediately noticed the avalanche.

The three looked at each other, all a little speechless. The most speechless was Pei Junlin. He didn't expect that he was still caught in the trap of this cow. It seems that this cow was already vulnerable just now, and it was completely pretended. , Now the avalanche is, and the heavy snow is blocking the road ahead. Even if you intend to continue going up, it will be difficult.

There were bursts of hearty laughter, and Pei Junlin saw a **** man walking down from the mountain. Although he turned into a human form, judging from the other's behavior and demeanor, it was the **** bull before.

"I haven't had enough fun just now. Now let's have a good time. It was just a warm-up. You two siblings stand back to avoid accidental injury. I have never beaten women in my life." Da Hei Niu laughed. The axe in his hand suddenly slashed towards Pei Junlin.

Pei Junlin had a great time seeing the tricks and the **** The tricks between the two seemed rough and rough, but the outsider watched the doorway, the insider watched the excitement, and the cloud stood by. Yao furrowed her brows tightly, her eyes flashing with worry.

Lao Niu's tricks look superficial, just like a woodcutter in the mountains and old forests chopping firewood, but in Yun Yao's view, every move and style of this old cow contains the principle of heaven and earth.

On the other hand, Pei Junlin, although it seems that he is dealing with a leisurely stroll, confident like the wind, but only Yun Yao can feel that Pei Junlin's every step is very thrilling, and if there is a slight difference, he will suffer a disaster.

Although Yun Yao was willing to help at this time, she couldn't help. After all, in this area, the divine power of heaven and earth is enough to make her breathless. It is impossible to do it. Just standing here is already exhausted. Tried my best.

If it weren't for Pei Jun's body to exude a strong energy aura from time to time, replenishing life energy for the two of them, I am afraid that the two of them would not be able to insist here.

The battle between Pei Junlin and the **** bull continued, and the tactics between the two changed faster and faster. Gradually, even Yun Yao couldn't see their movements clearly.

Pei Junlin suddenly stopped to feel comfortable, and pointed towards the sky with a flying sword, brightly illuminating the night sky. It turns out that the battle between the two has continued from day to night. Except for the white snow, there is a quiet night sky. When Pei Junlin’s flying sword was unsheathed, the dazzling white light instantly illuminated the entire snowy mountain. !

Obviously, Pei Junlin sacrificed his flying sword at this time, precisely because the battle had reached the most critical moment.

This is already the key time to decide the victory or defeat. Pei Junlin looks a little serious, but there is no coldness in his eyes, and he is not half murderous. ?

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