Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1923: Break the illusion

"Rebirth of Shura Return (

Pei Junlin's gaze began to have the same certainty before, and gradually became a little at a loss. He was sure that everything here was an illusion, but the illusion here was too real, and even every piece of sand was completely different. Pei Junlin expected everything.

In Pei Junlin’s concept, all illusions have a special place and a special loophole, because the construction of illusions requires a lot of special details. If the details are more realistic, the more energy is required to construct the illusion. .

For example, in some illusions, only the details of the illusion are enlarged, and you will find that the illusion is actually exactly the same as many things. For example, the general illusion. It is impossible for each of these fools to look different. According to Pei Junlin’s estimation, only enlargement. At a certain multiple, every piece of sand in this desert is the same.

But obviously after Pei Junlin's formality and practice, this place is obviously different from Pei Junlin's imagination. This desert is real.

Pei Junlin had a flustered and funny mood in his heart. Could it be that he was moved out of thin air and came to a real desert, but Pei Junlin quickly denied this idea because it was too unrealistic. , With his current strength, if he was moved by time and space, he would definitely not go undetected.

So it shows a problem. The desert in front of you may be real, but it is only limited to this small area. It was caused by the person who created this illusion intentionally or unintentionally.

Pei Junlin walked straight forward. After walking more than a hundred meters, he stopped and grabbed a handful of sand again, but this time, Pei Junlin's mouth overflowed with a smile, and the expression on his face relaxed.

You are Pei Junlin who clearly discovered that this time you grabbed a handful of sand. Every grain of sand is exactly the same. It is exactly the same as the other sands. This shows that only the one sent in by yourself just now That small area is real, and everything else is constructed virtual.

This is indeed an illusion, it's just a one-minute nine-minute holiday. The people who construct this illusion are very smart. Even Junlin Pei was almost fooled by him, but in the end Junlin Pei saw through the scam.

If the body is caught in the illusion, it needs extraordinary insight to discover the magic of the illusion, find a breakthrough point, and destroy the illusion in one fell swoop.

Pei Junlin was walking around. Gradually, Pei Junlin realized that the area he hadn't walked through was actually repeated. In other words, the desert was endless. As long as he was willing to go on, he would not even be able to walk even if he walked to the wasteland. Go to the side, because here is the illusion constantly evolving.

Pei Junlin stopped and started to dig the sand with his hands. It seemed like a silly behavior to others, but Pei Junlin was playing happily. He was like a naughty child, constantly digging with his hands under his feet. sand.

Pei Junlin moved quickly, and soon dug a big hole under his feet, and the big hole was still extending downwards. Soon, Pei Junlin's whole body could be submerged.

Draws a large hole with a depth of one person. Pei Junlin is still not satisfied. He has to continue to dig down. When the deep hole is dug to twice the height of Pei Junlin, then Pei Junlin gradually discovered that a layer of transparency appeared below. Glass.

But the other side of this transparent glass is also a fool. Pei Junlin bowed his head without any hesitation and smashed it with his fist. This piece of glass was easily smashed. After breaking the glass, Pei Junlin continued to dig down, and soon Digging through, another piece of sky also appeared at the bottom of his hole.

Pei Junlin crawled out from the other side of the cave entrance and found that it was also a desert, except that there was a dumbfounded person standing not far away, this person was Luo Yan.

Unprepared Luo Yan suddenly discovered that a gray-headed person jumped out of the ground, and a closer look turned out to be Pei Junlin, which made the isolated and helpless Luo Yan look surprised.

When the divine thought swept out, he knew that Luo Yan in front of him was real, not the result of an illusion, Pei Junlin exhaled in relief.

"No, Brother Pei, you mean you dug through the ground from the illusion where you are, and you dug into the area where I am. This is incredible." Luo Yan's expression was full of disbelief.

Pei Junlin didn't explain much, because the illusion that Luo Yan was in was almost exactly the same as the desert he had mentioned before, and even every detail was exactly the same, which was like the front and back of a piece of paper.

I found Luo Yan, but the problem that made Pei Junlin feel thorny comes again, how do I find Yunyao and Big Black Bull?

"Big Brother Pei, how are we going to find the other two people? Shall we continue to dig down?" Luo Yan stood beside Pei Junlin, as if more anxious than Pei Junlin.

However, Pei Junlin calmed down. After coming down, he shook his head. He pointed to the distant sky and said: "This time the break point is not underground, but at the end of the world. We must find the horizon."

"Find the horizon?" Luo Yan's face was full of doubts, because in his opinion the words Pei Junlin said were completely nonsense.

There is no edge to the sky, and it is totally unrealistic to find the end of the world and walk to the edge of the sky. However, Pei Junlin was carefully observing some of the surrounding details. Gradually, Pei Junlin seemed to find a clue. A sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth and he pulled Luo Yan straight forward in one direction.

"Big Brother Pei has no boundaries, don't waste our energy, let's think of other ways." Luo Yan is already a little desperate, because he doesn't believe Pei Junlin's theory.

But Pei Junlin didn't care what Luo Yan said. He snapped his fingers and a shiny flying sword appeared on the soles of his feet.

Pei Junlin stretched out his hand and grabbed Luo Yan and jumped up. With a buzzing of flying sword, he quickly flew in the direction that Pei Junlin identified. The speed of flying sword will soon reach the point where it is swift and fast. Light and shadow.

After a short while, Pei Junlin stopped. In fact, the model of the entire illusion was not big, and soon came to the edge of the illusion, but if you go further, the illusion will automatically extend and copy, and Pei Jun will see It is the place where the two illusions meet repeatedly.

When Pei Junlin stopped, Luo Yan instinctively showed a look of surprise. He was surprised at why Pei Junlin stopped in this unremarkable place, because there was still a piece of yellow sand around him, and the scorching sun was hanging above his head. Any sign of the horizon.

I, Pei Junlin, didn't explain much to Luo Yan. He stretched out his hand and flew to the top of his head with a buzzing sound of the flying sword, first showing the scorching sun in the sky.

Seeing Pei Junlin's actions, Luo Yan almost thought that Pei Junlin was crazy. How could the sun in the sky be cut down with a flying sword, but soon, his mouth widened and his face was full of incredible expressions.

Where Pei Jun approached the flying sword, where the blade was facing, the scorching sun was cut through a huge hole. With the angle of splashing, the scorching sun soon fell, and the whole world fell into darkness. in.

"No, Brother Pei, you broke the sun." Luo Yan didn't expect that the sun could really come down.

The surrounding area was plunged into darkness, but there was a trace of shiny lumps scattered on the desert not far away. It looks like shattered luminous jade, but it is actually what was left after the sun was shattered.

"Seeing that this is the sun in your mind, it's just using a small formation to focus some light energy." Pei Junlin smiled faintly.

Luo Yan suppressed the shock in his heart. He squatted down and took a closer look at the sun shards and found that the sun’s shards started as glass, which contained some fluorescence and was not very hot

"Big Brother Pei, is this world fake? This piece of sand under our feet looks too real. I was almost deceived." Luo Yan was surprised and happy, watching Pei Junlin's expression full of worship .

What Pei Junlin needs is not this kind of worship. He has a meal at his feet flying up into the sky, leaving a hole in the sky at this time. This hole is the two worlds, you or the passage between the two links. . UU Reading

Pei Junlin brought Luo Yan through this hole to the scorching sun of another salt desert. As expected, when Pei Junlin just came here, he saw the **** cow wandering alone in this desert, carrying an axe in his hand. Crazy hacking in the desert.

Before Luo Yan saw the same scene, the world on the **** cow was actually the same. Pei Junlin destroyed the fake sun. Both worlds were plunged into darkness. Big black cow smashed the sun fragments with an axe. Shattered, the stars scattered throughout the yellow sand desert.

Pei Junlin and Luo Yan both fell from the sky. At first, Da Hei Niu didn't think they were real, and even wanted to face each other.

"You two are not what I imagined, are you? But you two are definitely not true. I see my old cow is responsible for splitting the two of you into pieces." The **** cow will come up with an axe as he speaks, Pei Junlin But Jun Lin stretched out his hand and pointed the flying sword suddenly flew out.

In Weng's voice, Da Hei Niu's hair was erected. She was leading me to Fei Junlin's flying arrows. At this time, a smile appeared on her face.

Pei Junlin did not talk nonsense with the **** cow, but commanded Feijian to start digging the sand under his feet. Soon Pei Junlin dug out two worlds. When everyone jumped over this cave and came to another piece of heaven and earth, it was beautiful. When he arrived at Yunyao, he was sitting blankly in the desert.

Everyone was finally there and completely penetrated the entire illusion, but now that the four people gathered together, they didn't really break the illusion. It can only be said that the four have successfully joined forces.

"You find that it's actually very simple without this illusion. It's like four rooms, but with our feet facing our feet. We just shot out the walls of the room, and didn't get out of the whole room completely." Pei Junlin moved towards the other people. Said. ?

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