Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 195: Danzong's Treasure Array

Danzong is located in the deepest part of the Funiu Mountains. All the way is dangerous, rugged mountains, constant cliffs, more poisonous snakes and beasts, misty swamps, and it is definitely an inexplicable and dangerous place for ordinary people.

However, all this is nothing for Pei Junlin and his party. They met mountains and mountains, saw rivers and rivers. As for the snakes and beasts, they became the food in their belly.

"Who is coming? Here is Danzong's forbidden area, wanton trespassing, killing without pardon!"

Finally, after knowing how many dangerous barriers were crossed, a towering and magnificent mountain was in the distance, and they came to the foot of a mountain and jumped out of the dense forest, wearing strong clothes, holding swords, and savage figures. They are the guards of Danzong. They are alert, and the person headed by them is a great master.

But before the shouts of the guards dropped, suddenly, they saw Dan Dingzi, who was bruised and swollen, and could not help exclaiming: "Senior Dan Dingzi?"

"You ... you are ..."

Dan Dingzi is a big celebrity of the entire Danzong. No one knows, no one knows. Anyone who sees Danzong's children on a weekday is bright and beautiful. He has seen Dan Dingzi like this before. , Can scare off the eyes.

"It's Liu Huwei!"

Luo Dan Dingzi recognized the leader, but then he shouted, "Everyone, run away! Run! Call and inform the suzerain, it is said that Pei Junlin attacked our Danzong Laowo ... oh!"

The painful cry sounded, Dan Dingzi bent down and squatted on the ground, his body twitched, his mouth was spitting out sour water, and the whole face was completely distorted.

A group of escorts became emaciated, but then his face changed drastically, especially that Liu Weiwei's pupils shrank violently, turning around and shouting to run!

How strong Dan Dingzi ’s cultivation is, they are very clear, and they have become so embarrassed in front of him. He wants to know the horror of Pei Junlin three people with his ass, so he turned without hesitation and ran, while running He also took out a special rune in his arms, something similar to a flare gun, and prepared to report to Zongmen.

At the same time, several other members of the guards were like scared rabbits and ran away.

Pei Junlin sighed softly, a pity of compassion appeared on that cold and stern face, and his fingers protruded slowly, grabbing in the void!

Soul Soul Technique-Blocking!

For a moment, an invisible wave shrouded the tens of meters, and the children of the guards who had fled rashly one after another seemed to be subject to some form of imprisonment. Those who were striding in midair or still jumping in midair were all motionless.

Even everyone's expressions were completely frozen at this instant, and the situation was like time stopped. Although the children of these guards still had normal thoughts, their physical bodies were already out of control, and their eyes were chaotic. , But weirdly found that they couldn't control their own bodies!

This is the latest awakening of a powerful soul-soul technique-the banning technique, after Pei Junlin devours the remnant soul of the idol.

This method is definitely a powerful and incomparable spirit technique, which will be strengthened with the strength of Pei Jun ’s own soul and spirit. In the end, one thought can even ban one world, thousands of people are born, and the domineering is overbearing. No match, killing by heart, from magic to magic!

However, at present, Pei Junlin's spirit power is not enough to support this powerful spirit technique, let alone supernatural power. The opponents who can be banned are only those who are equivalent to him, and there is time limit, but this Everything is enough!


The ground at Pei Junlin's feet suddenly exploded, and his figure had disappeared. Because of the speed, he was left with shadows all over the ground. These shadows were linked together, and in the blink of an eye, he flew around a few escaped guard children. Return in a circle.

"Let's go!"

Pei Junlin spoke gently, then took the first step and stepped into the towering mountain in front of him. Although Li Chaoran and Julia behind him were frightened by the powerful magic that Pei Junlin suddenly showed, they also Say nothing, keep up.

跟 Since following Pei Junlin, things like this have been used to!

However, Dan Dingzi was dumbfounded, stammered his lips and said, "What the **** did you do? What happened to my children of Danzong?"


Pei Junlin turned back faintly, with a hint of irony.

what? !!

If Luo Dandingzi was struck by lightning, then his body trembled with anger: "They ... they didn't offend you!"

"Yes, they did not offend me, but they died because of you!"

Pei Junlin said indifferently: "I didn't intend to kill them at first, but at best I was stunned. You shouted for them to report, so they had to die!"

It seems to be proof of Pei Junlin's words. At this time, a dull down sound came one after another. The children of the guard who had been stiff in the original place fell to the ground, motionless, everyone's face still looked The restoration is generally the first, but the breath is already gone.

"Devil, you devil!"

Luo Dan Dingzi was about to be furious, and he was so mad that he couldn't believe that the children of these guards died because of him.

"You're wrong. I'm not the devil. The devil only deserves to be my little brother, and I'm the leader of the devil-Shura!"

Pei Junlin corrected: "Don't forget, I have another name called Pei Shura!"

Luo Dan Dingzi was cold all over his body, creepy.

所以 "So, if you want your people from Danzong to die as soon as possible, then you will yell happily. It is best to call out all the remaining Danzong disciples, and I promise to keep them all!"

Pei Junlin sneered, striding like a fly, but Dan Dingzi's legs were weak, and he was mad with anger, among which he carried unprecedented fear.

The next journey was indeed a lot easier. Dan Dingzi, whom he encountered all the way, never dared to speak out, and Pei Junlin didn't make any shots. He just let Li Chaoran and Julia meet. People, stunned one by one.

Not long ago, the group has reached the top of a mountain, looking down from here, the panoramic view of the city of Danzong below, magnificent and magnificent, houses, buildings, among which there are many middle children of Danzong in the city In the middle of walking, the smoke was billowing in some places, and the flames were spreading across the sky.

The entire Danzong occupies a land area of ​​tens of thousands of square meters, with a number of thousands. These forces are indeed the famous Danzong, the strongest hegemon in Zhongzhou, and even Pei Junlin ’s powerful consciousness has noticed that There is a terrestrial fire vein that traverses the base of the mountain no less than the Yanhuang organization.

"Dan Dingzi, in order not to waste everyone's time and some unnecessary lives, you still directly tell me where the Zongbao Pavilion of Danzong is located?" Pei Jun stood on his hands and looked down at the city below.

Dan Dingzi sneered: "Pei Junlin, don't think about it, Danzong's treasure chest is the lifeblood of the entire Danzong. The most important thing is, even if I tell you where you are, you will never get in!"

"There is a lore formation method there, even the innately strong one has no choice but to die. No one in Danzong knows the way to enter except the suzerain himself!"



He responded to Dan Dingzi with a slap in the air. The powerful energy was directly thrown on Dan Dingzi's face full of sneer, and the opponent who hit directly blew blood again and again, and mumbled towards the mountain.

"I only ask you where the treasure chest is. Why do you have so many tongues?"

Luo Dandingzi looked terrified: "On the east side!"


Pei Junlin took the lead and rushed to the east side of the city. Behind him, Li Chaoran grabbed Dan Dingzi with blood on his face and ridiculed: "Deserve it, if you answered earlier, where would you get this kind of flesh? Suffering! "

He said, with Julia, quickly followed.

To the east of Tancheng Po, Pei Junlin galloped all the way and came here. Wherever he went, he saw a lot of signs standing on the ground, which read: Forbidden Land! Do not step in!

In response, Pei Jun gave a smile. He really didn't know what some people thought. He also intentionally erected such a sign. There was a feeling that there was no silver in the place. I was afraid that others would not know that this is the treasure hall of Danzong. It seems.

Once, when Pei Jun was in the world, he also robbed the treasure halls that swept through a lot of forces, but each of those treasure halls was exquisitely set, and some simply created another space, and some even It will not open up space, and it will seamlessly set up the treasure hall. Even if someone really breaks into it, it is just an ordinary building. Without real eye detection, you ca n’t see any fuss at all.

Who likes Dan Zong in front of me, there are signs of forbidden places all along the way, for fear that others don't know ~ ~ There must be a treasure in it, the meaning of that brand is clearly written on it-come! come! You all grab it!

After walking for about three or four minutes, the scenery suddenly changed, and there was a huge courtyard. There were hundreds of artificial rockeries in this courtyard. There were hundreds of them, like a giant eye stone guarding here. .

Through these rocky hills, a quaint three-story tower-like building can be seen erroneously at the end of the landmark.

"Pei Junlin, this is where my Danzong Treasure Pavilion is arranged. If you want to enter the Treasure Pavilion, you must break the formation here, otherwise you cannot enter it at all!"

The voice of Bing Dan Dingzi suddenly sounded, an unprecedented self-confidence exuded in the sound, as if the formation here gave him great confidence.

Pei Junlin stood in place and stood with his hands in his hands. In his pair of lacquered black eyes, two clusters of flames gradually appeared, and the light of the light burst, as if he could see through the essence of the world. After a long time, he said, "Nice! Really good!"

"Unexpectedly, there are such masters in Danzong in Danzong. They can borrow the potential of the mountains and rivers to communicate the yin and yang of the heavens and the earth. Based on the principles of Qimen Jiajia and the yin and yang gossip, they have buried the magic instruments in various key parts to build such a powerful The formation method! "

Dan Dingzi's complexion changed slightly. He did not expect that Pei Junlin would be able to destroy Dan Zong's most proud matrix method in just a few minutes, but he soon calmed down and sneered, "Pei Junlin, since You already know how terrible this formation is, so don't leave quickly, otherwise, be careful your life is gone! "

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