Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1956: Escape the black hole

Text Chapter 195 Escape from the Black Hole

"It's actually very simple to go back. The old man has actually researched some experience over the years, and the spacecraft has also been modified by me. In theory, it is not a problem for the spacecraft to escape the black hole, because its own strength has been greatly improved. The increase in strength, but requires a huge amount of energy, this has not been resolved by then." The old man was very frank and directly expressed his hope to Pei Junlin.

After hearing this, Pei Junlin was a little surprised. He didn't expect that the strength of these people was so strong, and the spacecraft that could be controlled to escape from the black hole. That is to say, as long as you follow the future powerhouses of scientific and technological civilization, you can directly escape this time and space. Black hole, back to the original world.

Everything is the best arrangement. Pei Junlin didn't expect that after he entered here, he would show that Yun Yao was found so smoothly, and then he found a way out.

But at this time, there is still something unacceptable in Pei Junlin's heart. That is where did the Da Hei Niu and others go? Is the **** bull betrayal in Yun Yao's mouth true? No answer yet?

For example, you think a lot, but he can't do many things by himself. After all, a person's energy is limited and some things are not very important and can only be temporarily put on hold.

"I can naturally provide the energy needed to leave here, but are you sure you can fly out of this area with the spacecraft?" Pei Junlin asked!

Recall those materials made of the take-off hull, which is extremely inferior, and this material simply cannot withstand too high speed and too high temperature.

Pei Junlin had previously said in the spacecraft that the materials of the spacecraft were very advanced compared to basic metals such as gold, silver, copper and iron, but these technologies have actually been eliminated now.

With Pei Junlin’s strength, a number of important resources have been scoured throughout the universe over the years. These resources are often some top metal materials that can forge some unexpected things. But at this time, he is in danger. King's Landing is not an example.

Pei Junlin stretched out his hand and pointed out that a saucer-shaped flying vehicle was located in the valley. The men and women in flying suits were surprised to see this scene from ear to ear.

Even the top powerhouse of scientific and technological civilization was surprised to see the spaceship Pei Junlin summoned from ear to ear. Standing on the ground, he could see the shape of the spaceship summoned by Pei Junlin, which was extremely strange, and Strange Just looking at the materials from the naked eye, you can feel Pei Jun's top class of this spacecraft.

The spaceship is constantly rotating, and a string of lamp beads emits a soft light. Seeing these eager gazes, Pei Junlin feels a little proud. At least this flying saucer is compared with the spacecraft forged by people of science and technology. The flying saucer is really advanced.

"If you use my flying saucer to escape here, you think there is a chance of winning a few percent, and energy can be supplied infinitely." Pei Junlin said with a smile.

That Pei Junlin said that the other party was also shocked, looking at the exquisite and incompetent flying saucer in front of him, the human powerhouse finally succumbed.

If you want to escape this black hole, you need to use Pei Junlin's flying saucer, but he also has a lot of secrets about Fang, which is what Pei Junlin has to learn.

Before leaving here, Pei Junlin had to find the Big Black Bull. Regardless of whether the Big Black Bull really rebelled or not, Pei Junlin had to give himself an explanation. He wanted to find the Big Black Bull, confronted him, and clarified the matter.

Although in fact Pei Junlin knew very well in his heart that today's **** girl may not be here, but Pei Junlin still wants to give it a try. After a few consecutive phone calls, without any response, Pei Jun came to this new conference.

The pitch-black flying saucer was spinning in the mid-air, emitting a peculiar light. As it slowly lifted into the air, Pei Junlin and the others were also a little nervous inside the spacecraft.

The appearance of Pei Junlin's SARS looks very small and delicate, but there is a cave in it, which can accommodate at least tens of thousands of people.

The interior of this spacecraft has more than luxurious areas, and all the design issues here have been carefully prepared.

The spacecraft began to take off slowly. Pei Junlin knew that he had left this chaotic time and space. This moment has arrived. He originally came here to find Yun Yao. Now that the goal has been achieved, Pei Junlin naturally has no reason to stay again for a long time. .

The sky gradually darkened. At this time, Pei Junlin, who was sitting in the spaceship’s internal control room, was looking at the data outside. Although he was a strong man of cultivation and civilization, he was still very useful to escape from this black hole. of.

Pei Junlin can feel the generation of a huge suction force, which seems to restrict SARS from being able to escape from this area, but the flying saucer is not willing to start to consume a lot of energy and generate a powerful force.

Everything was settled, Pei Junlin managed to do it, but when he appeared in the Kunlun Temple on the top of Kunlun, Pei Junlin saw the **** bull with anxious expression.

This surprised Pei Junlin and silently saw the people beside him.

Successfully escaped from the chaotic time and space, and all of a sudden the three of them got together again, but at this time, seeing the **** bull, Pei Junlin's interest was somewhat complicated.

Hei Niu is indeed a straighter person, but sometimes he can't distinguish the boundaries, and it is easy to make people feel resentful inside. Qiaogui Qiaoluguilu In general, Da Hei Niu, this person is still a very perfect companion, and sometimes even makes Pei Junlin feel like a brother.

Walking out of this chaotic time and space alive, Pei Junlin found that there were some places in the Kunlun Temple that seemed to have been touched. The whole place seemed to be brand new, completely different from before.

"There are still many energy creatures here. I arrested several according to the method you taught me, and took out an important secret from them. The most precious thing in the Kunlun Temple is not here. What treasures are there? It's not immortal, but because there was a boxing book once stored here." The **** bull couldn't wait to report his results to Pei Junlin, without noticing the suspicion in your eyes.

Yun Yao, who was standing not far from Junlin Pei, had cold eyes. Looking at the **** bull in front of him, Yun Zao's eyes were full of special emotions.

It is impossible to be sure that the **** bull in front of him is the **** oil that deceived herself before, but Yun Yao always felt a sense of horror. In order to take into account Pei Junlin's face, Yun Yao did not tell the matter in public.

But Da Hei Niu is not a straightforward fool. Sometimes his wisdom is similar to that of human beings, and even surpasses that of ordinary human beings. He can observe words and expressions and has extremely high emotional intelligence. At this time, he saw Yun Yao’s face and Pei Junlin’s face. Naturally, I also noticed the situation, something was wrong.

"Yun Yao said that in that chaotic time and space, you once betrayed him. Let's make this clear now." Pei Junlin put on a posture to talk about things, but said little.

On the other side, the **** cow was telling his grievances with his nose and tears. It turned out that he hadn't entered the chaotic time and space at all.

After a conversation, Pei Junlin and Yun Yao still had cold expressions on their faces. When Da Hei Niu saw this scene, he knew that the two of them didn't believe him at all. He thumped his chest and his face was full of annoyance.

"Forget it, if you don’t believe me, let me tell you one thing. In fact, I have survived since I was a child. In this Kunlun Temple, I was adopted by an immortal in Kunlun Temple, who was under his crotch. Mount. You said that I have a reason to collude with those energy creatures and harm you two young people, right?" Da Hei Niu had a sad expression on his face.

At this point, Da Hei Niu revealed such a secret again. Of course, Pei Junlin and Yun Yao should accept him and re-trust him, but Pei Junlin did not feel that way, but felt that things were getting more and more difficult to figure out.

Even the entire Kunlun Temple was a huge mystery, and then Pei Junlin noticed some unconfused clues in it.

"You may not be able to believe me for the rest of your life. I know what you two are going to do. I will send you out now. UU reading will be indefinite in the future." The black cow seemed to be really angry. Yima took the lead and walked towards the other hall.

After Pei Junlin and Yun Yao looked at each other, they followed silently. Sometimes, they didn't need much language explanation at all.

Once there is a crack in the relationship between people, it cannot be repaired. For example, Yun Yao personally identified the **** bull as a traitor. In Pei Junlin's mind, this matter is equivalent to laying a net.

"It’s also my honor to be able to meet your two friends. When Patriarch asked me to leave here, he left a lot of words, but now it’s meaningless to tell you. I know why you suspect me, but I I don't want to explain it now." The black cow showed an upright look.

But at this moment, Pei Junlin is not in the mood to go to Heze Big Black Bull to exchange anything, because after coming to this hall, Pei Junlin discovered that this is really a mysterious passage, through a mysterious portal here, you can communicate. To countless worlds.

In other words, the name of the celestial sphere of the Earth's Ten Thousand Realms is well-deserved. It used to be a crossroads of countless planes. This is also a well-deserved reputation.

It is no wonder that the earth has become a battlefield for all soldiers, and it has been suffering from sudden wars. If it hadn't been dragged by the mysterious carriage to the hometown, perhaps the earth would have been destroyed a long time ago.

This portal can lead to countless worlds, but as long as the person who enters this portal remembers the breath of the other world, the world that can be actively teleported, that is to say, Pei Junlin now only needs a thought and jumps into it. This portal can return to the Great Thousand World in the blink of an eye.

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