Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1967: Mysterious soul

Text Chapter 197 Mysterious Soul

When the time comes to completely crush these mechanical creatures with Pei Junlin's strength, there will be no such problems. After solving these problems, Pei Junlin hurried to catch up. The two were one after the other. However, during the exercise, it was found that the body of the other party seemed to be disintegrating. The silver metal turned into a ball of metal balls, just like from the body. Like flying droplets.

You can also follow the opponent's back to continuously collect these metal balls. These silver metal materials are like rubber when they start, with a soft elasticity. It feels extremely heavy in the hand, but Pei Jun is coming. After collecting these silver metals, it was discovered that the properties of this metal are extremely magical, just like human muscles.

Pei Junlin tried to separate a group of divine minds and entered the silver-gray metal, only to find that the silver-gray metal instantly transformed into his own appearance, becoming a metal villain, the metal villain commanded by Pei Junlin, sitting and lying down, unexpectedly It's like directing one's own arm.

This thing is too strong, it is simply a natural incarnation, Pei Junlin's whole person is in a state of awkwardness, but soon Pei Junlin reacted, if he doesn't follow up quickly, he will be lost. .

Pei Junlin's speed is very fast, like a windstorm, there are a large number of mechanical creatures along the way who want to organize Pei Junlin and continue to hunt down the subject, but these attacks on Pei Junlin's body are like tickling.

The strength of Pei Junlin's current Great Immortal Eucharist body far exceeds that of ordinary magic weapons. Such strength is almost like a natural shield. Pei Junlin doesn't even need to evade the attack of this kind of mechanical creature.

Passing through the city full of gunpowder smoke, part of this city was almost turned into ruins under the fierce fighting just now. Pei Junlin walked along the road and found that the mechanical creatures on the street showed a look of horror. They saw Pei Junlin screamed as if he saw a plague god.

These mechanical creatures have lost control of the situation, and Pei Junlin has become an alien. They arrested Pei Junlin and brought Pei Junlin to their base camp, but found that they had completely brought a huge disaster to themselves.

Pei Junlin is not a simple cultivator. Pei Junlin is a human cultivator who has cultivated the Great Eucharist. His body strength has surpassed many metal machines.

Even the experimental bodies that these mechanical beings have worked hard to forge with countless efforts are not Pei Junlin's opponents.

The experimental subject wanted to meet the old man to repair his body, but Pei Junlin did not give him this opportunity at all. A huge pyramid structure also appeared in the center of the city. The shape of the pyramid is light blue, just like a virtual one. Composed of arc.

In this pyramid, Junlin Pei can feel a special kind of energy. In the center of the pyramid, Junlin Pei saw a metal ball. It was a rune carved on something similar to a Rubik’s Cube, but these With the continuous rotation of the Rubik's Cube, the runes are arranged in various combinations, constantly stirring the surrounding rules.

Pei Junlin was stunned. He had never thought that someone could make such a wonderful idea to create such a rune cube. The concept of the rune cube alone can make people and the whole person be stunned.

This energy cube is definitely a treasure. The energy in it is almost endless. It can absorb energy from the universe, far exceeding Pei Junlin's tree of life at the center of his eyebrows.

Pei Junlin only glanced at this kind of thing, and there was a desire to get her, but the metal life experiment body came here to get the energy cube, so as to recharge the body.

If you let the other party get this thing, then you have no way to survive. Of course, Pei Junlin is not stupid. He chased after him as soon as he flashed, but just after passing through this transparent wall, Pei Junlin felt a force. Seems to control himself.

This force was so powerful that Pei Junlin could not move his legs and hands, and his eyes could not even move.

At this moment, Pei Junlin seemed to hear a voice, that is, the voice of a woman. He seemed to want to convey some information in his ears. A deep void appeared in front of Pei Junlin's eyes, and everything around him seemed to disappear, Pei. King's Landing is like a thing floating in space.

In the deep black hole of the universe, there is a coffin. Pei Junlin has never seen the appearance of this coffin. It is like a stone monument. In it lies a woman with long silver hair. Exquisite figure and almost perfect face.

This coffin was wandering in the universe, and I don't know how many years it has been floating, but at this time Pei Junlin can feel the idea in the coffin and is communicating with himself.

This is an asymmetry of information exchange. Neither person can understand the meaning of the other. That group of consciousness seems to want to be resurrected, but it must abandon its own memories and some things. This is some of the information Pei Junlin is receiving now.

From the beginning of the communication with the other party, the strangers couldn't communicate. Later, the chicken and the duck talked about it again, and then Pei Junlin could initially understand what he meant.

Under this particularly funny exchange, Pei Junlin gradually understood the meaning of the other party, and could communicate smoothly. In the communication with the other party, Pei Junlin realized that the other party is also a kind of special in the universe. The life form, after being captured by the machine race, wants to transform it into a powerful killer!

After communicating with the other party, Pei Junlin discovered that the other party was also unwilling and was also captured by the machine race. This machine race has great ambitions. They want to rule the ten thousand races. Their purpose is to create A big killer.

Pei Junlin has already seen the power of this experimental product. It is indeed very strong. If the machine race is really successful, the consequences will be really unimaginable.

But now it seems that the free soul in this universe seems to have awakened, and his own consciousness wants to resist, he is communicating with Pei Junlin, asking Pei Junlin to take him away.

The exchange between the two quickly reached an agreement, but according to the other party’s statement, after the soul came out of the coffin, it would become a brand new life form, just like a tree formed on the top of the tree. Fruit, he is no longer him.

Because he is controlled by the machine clan, if he wants to escape completely, he must be reborn with a broken arm, just like exchanging his own life for the life of the offspring, but Pei Junlin no longer cares about these details. This super experimental body is very strong, if it is true If the opponent's rush can be successful, then whether he can defeat the opponent himself is still a question.

Now the two have reached a settlement secretly, which is great news for the Pei Junlin chain. Pei Junlin feels that the imprisoning power of the surrounding void seems to be slowly disappearing, and finally Pei Junlin came to the front of the demon and saw the Rubik’s cube in front of him. Pei Junlin issued a series of exclamations.

"This is the crystallization of our race, and it is also the most powerful core thing of our race. Now I will give it to you to save." The mysterious soul said in Pei Junlin's ear.

Soon Pei Junlin felt that the other party's voice was getting smaller and smaller, and fell into a kind of extreme weakness. Gradually, Pei Junlin felt that a new life was sprouting, and a transparent soul appeared by Pei Junlin's side.

It is a group of transparent things, but it makes Pei Junlin feel that the other party is not a young life, but has the wisdom of an adult. The other party is cold and has no memory, but there is no hostility to Pei Junlin.

I stretched out my hand to put this Rubik's Cube away, but found that this Rubik's Cube contains a huge amount of energy, which is not something he can control at all. At this moment, Pei Junlin feels a power, as if from this transparent next to him. Passed over from the living body.

Immediately after, Junlin Pei felt that this transparent life body was gradually shrinking, and the Rubik's Cube was also integrated with this transparent life body.

Money lost the mysterious metal you collected, and it slowly flew out of Pei Junlin's body, and a mechanical creature gradually formed in the gathered midair.

This mechanical creature looks much softer. UU Reading is not as sharp as the previous experimental body, so aggressive, at least it makes Pei Junlin look a little soft and feminine.

After this metal life formed a rough outline, it didn't change anymore. It looked like a human-shaped clay sculpture. It had no facial features or four arms. It looked very funny when it walked around.

Pei Junlin tried to walk a few steps, and he found that the metal life form actually followed him, no matter where he went, the metal life actually followed him firmly.

"Big brother, you have to follow me, but your appearance is really ugly, and I can't take any action if you follow me." Pei Junlin was speechless for a while.

As soon as Pei Junlin's voice fell, he seemed to feel that this super life form was communicating with himself, and seemed to be asking his own views on appearance.

It was Pei Junlin's mind that generated a picture, the robot in front of him also changed with Pei Junlin's mind, and finally turned out to be a mechanical kitten.

Pei Junlin was not satisfied with the final result. Under the control of his mind, the robot gradually became a Transformer.

"Your name is King Kong, and you will be a thug by my side in the future. Your ability is very strong, and I won't suffer with you." Pei Junlin smiled and seemed very satisfied.

Pei Junlin felt that this so-called King Kong seemed to be a little dull and slow to react. But this was an unexpected gain, and Pei Junlin accepted it. He wanted to know if this King Kong was the so-called experimental body before, and how big is the difference in strength between the two?

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