Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1977: Fateful Enemy

This young man became more angry as he fought. Seeing that he couldn't get his storage ring back from your hand with Pei Jun, his expression gradually became distorted.

Perhaps he had never encountered such a setback before. After meeting Pei Junlin, he encountered the first enemy in his life, and this young man was very depressed.

Pei Junlin is calm, because he has always regarded his opponent as an object to sharpen himself, and has not resorted to some strong or hidden means.

In fact, Junlin Pei can also see that this young man with a small inch still has a lot of methods to press the bottom of the box. They only have six points of strength between them, so it is difficult to tell the victory or defeat, but Junlin Pei knows that the main event is still In the back, a storm may be coming soon.

Although the prolonged battle was not physically exhausted by the two of them, they were a little irritable mentally. Although Pei Junlin was calm, he knew that the young man with a short head might soon be unable to bear it, and some methods might have to be used.

On the surface, Pei Junlin was very relaxed and extensive, but in that episode of Yili was very vigilant. His spirit was highly concentrated and his eyes were sharp, like a falcon.

The Jin Guang Yinfang shook in the hands of the young man with an inch head, and the golden long sword in his hand was put away, and it became a fan. The fan was blown by a violent wind, and Pei Junlin could feel a biting hot wind.

The hot breath brought Pei Jun to the whole body tissue. Under the high temperature of tens of thousands of degrees, Pei Jun, although you have trained to form a body, you can't help the high temperature at this time.

Sure enough, the opponent has the means to press the bottom of the box, and this method is so vicious and cruel. Using this superb temperature to deal with the opponent, I am afraid that some unsuspecting opponents will be roasted into corpses in the blink of an eye.

But Junlin Pei was not someone who was not unprepared. He reacted at the moment when the opponent started to act. First Junlin used the chaotic progress array to transfer these high temperatures, but soon Junlin Pei discovered that the temperature was too high. High, it has approached a high temperature of one hundred thousand degrees, and this temperature is already close to the temperature of the stellar core.

Some treasures have even begun to melt, and Pei Junlin’s clothes are beginning to turn into ashes, but at this time Pei Junlin is very calm. He is enveloped in a layer of stars with a chaotic atmosphere, plus the mysterious earthen jar. The value of, can still last for a while, but as the temperature continues to rise, Pei Junlin also knows that if he does not come up with some means, it will definitely not work.

The blue flame enveloped him, Pei Junlin felt a burst of coolness in an instant, the superb temperature no longer existed in front of him, and the blue flame seemed to be a barrier.

At the moment when this mysterious blue flame enveloped the whole body, his counterattack was froze by the sword spirit, and his counterattack was light and ingenious, and he took the time very quickly.

Just as the light flashed, Pei Junlin froze out a thin as a hairy primordial magnetic needle and suddenly flew out from Pei Junlin's side! Under this superb temperature, this needle hides insignificantly.

Seeing that Cun Tou with his own eyes, Pei Junlin gradually guarded against it. This kind of super high temperature did not cause any damage to Pei Junlin, making him unwilling to attack Pei Junlin's younger brother. There was no bad feeling at all. Suddenly the young man felt a pain in his chest. When he lowered his head, he saw a hole in the position of his heart.

One arm was torn off by Pei Junlin before. This young man with an inch head has recovered, but now he has injured the vital part. The heart around the face of the young man with inch head belongs to the lord of the five internal organs. Now the heart is destroyed by others, and his vitality In the rapid loss, although he will not die, he must quickly find a place to heal his injuries.

But Junlin Pei was right, and all the other party's actions would definitely not let the other party escape so easily. At this time, a long spear appeared in Pei Junlin's hand, it was the mixed world magic spear, which was assassinated by the mixed world magic spear. , The gun shadow is heavy.

A black light shrouded from Pei Junlin's body, it was Pei Junlin's supernatural power to destroy the world. A ray of light shrouded it, and the bridge seemed to be the last light before the sunset disappeared. As soon as this ray of light fell, countless disasters came at the same time.

The young man frowned, watching the catastrophe shrouded in the sky, and his heart was ruined, and his livelihood was rapidly draining. It swallowed the pill while concealing its own injuries.

The golden long sword in his hand changed, and another sword reappeared. The shape of this sword was a bit peculiar. It turned out to be forged and grown by a copper coin.

It looks like a string of copper coins are superimposed on each other. It is the legendary money sword that has the effect of restraining the true yang. As soon as the opponent took out this sword, Pei Junlin, you felt a dangerous aura passing over. The opponent had obviously jumped over the wall in a hurry and took out the method of pressing the bottom of the box. This money sword is extraordinary. Once down, the sky was full of golden coins.

Pei Junlin only felt the buzzing sound in his ears, and his whole mind was a little unclear, as if he had fallen into a huge space.

At the moment when Pei Jun was absent, the old man with the inch head repeated his old trick, opened the space once again, and disappeared into the crack.

Seeing his opponent fled in a hurry, he was breathed out by the sword spirit. If he persisted, he might not be able to shed his hand. This young man with a small inch is very strong. That is Pei Junlin's well-matched opponent, and the opponent's luck is also It is also very strong, it is not realistic to want to kill the opponent.

It is impossible for a person with strong luck to kill, because the girl of fate is taking care of them, so it is impossible for Pei Junlin to defeat the opponent.

The fight between the two is destined to be the tip of the needle against the wheat, and no one can overwhelm the other. If they must consume each other together, then the other party's luck and fate will be consumed in the end, so Pei Junlin never thought about it from the beginning. I want to fight to the death with this young man.

Pei Junlin is actually very calm, with a long-term vision and a long-term perspective. Now is not the time for the east wind to overwhelm the west wind. Once the fire of one's own destiny completely overwhelms the opponent, then when the opponent is about to be destroyed, it will surely be Changhong all the way.

Pei Junlin had a hunch that he and this young man wearing a yellow robe with a short head will definitely have a deep fate entanglement. The relationship between the two should belong to old enemies.

The young man with a small head left Pei Junlin's state of mind and gradually settled down, but there was one thing in front of others, that is, he must have to find his own battle pet gold swallowing beast.

When fighting with that inch young man before, Pei Junlin found that he had lost contact with the Golden Swallowing Beast. Now when Pei Junlin's mood gradually calmed down, he found that there was still a trace of connection between himself and the Gold Swallowing Beast.

It means that if there is no connection, Pei Junlin can sense the general direction of the gold swallowing beast. It can basically determine the gold swallowing beast. There is no risk now, but the gold swallowing beast seems to be asleep now, or is in a certain evolutionary situation.

Pei Junlin showed a helpless smile. This gold swallowing beast may have gained some benefit. Now it is purifying this void world and there is void gold everywhere. This top-level metal material, once swallowed, will have a biological effect on the gold swallowing beast. It is too big.

These top-notch materials are too gluttonous to be used by the Golden Swallowing Beast to swallow. This kind of thing can be exchanged for a Golden Mountain and Silver Mountain at will, but here it becomes the food of the Golden Swallowing Beast.

Pei Junlin’s legendary planet within this planet has long been dug by the inch-headed youth, like an ant’s nest, in which there are countless passages, all of which are densely packed with mines, and they are connected to each other like a maze. .

It is very difficult to accurately find the gold swallowing beast in the underground mine tunnel, but Pei Junlin did not pass through these passages, but directly opened a passage with his own power to reach the destination.

Pei Junlin's whole body was shining with the light of stars, his body was like a deep turning of his head, and the hard soil that penetrated instantly opened a passage underground, like a dragon like a tiger.

After Pei Junlin tore a hard rock, the appearance he swallowed finally appeared in front of Pei Junlin. It’s just now that the gold swallowing beast looks like it. After seeing it, Pei Junlin was shocked. The gold swallowing beast lay on his back on the ground and snored. There was a strange creature not far away. Torn into several pieces.

Seeing the gold-swallowing beast this way, Pei Junlin was speechless for a while, and the gold-swallowing beast's abdomen was high, it is estimated that it was obviously swallowed a lot of things.

The Golden Swallowing Beast that has eaten so much is obviously digesting and absorbing these top-notch things. Pei Junlin saw that the back of his Golden Swallowing Beast seemed to grow lumps, but these lumps did not look ugly, and there was another one. Kind of special beauty.

Pei Junlin went to look at the void creature again. UU Reading this void creature also looks very strange, it looks like a huge frog.

After this thing was torn apart by the gold swallowing beast, it was not completely dead, only one eye was looking at Pei Junlin.

The universe is the weak and the strong, so this battle looks tragic, and it cannot arouse Pei Junlin's compassion. It’s just that this void creature that looks like a frog is really miserable. The body is torn apart, but it is not completely dead. It has to endure this pain. Pei Junlin, out of good intentions, enveloped a flame and wanted to envelop this void creature. Burn it completely, and end its pain.

But soon Pei Junlin's brows wrinkled, because the void creature's life aura became stronger and stronger under the scorching flames, and slowly his body began to fuse, and finally recovered as before.

Pei Junlin didn't expect to do a bad thing with a good intention, and even rebirth such a creature. This void creature that looks like a frog is covered with poison glands. This kind of thing is very difficult to deal with at first glance.

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