Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 201: Let's go to heaven!

boom! boom!

Pei Junlin had only two short sentences, each of them was like a thunder, severely smashed into the hearts of all the people in Danzong, setting off a violent ocean wave, and almost nine out of ten Danzong's children were still.

The culprit who caused the massacre three years ago turned out to be the elder? !!

But even if the elder is the murderer, this first condition is barely understandable. What about the second one?

This Pei Junlin was so daring that he wanted the entire Danzong to change his name and change his name to become the world of the last name Pei. Is this the forcible grabbing of Guo Guoguo, and you are not afraid of the wind flashing your tongue? If Danzong is so hard today The dignity was taken away by outsiders, so what is the dignity?

"Pei Junlin, you are wanton!"

The roar roared loudly like a thunder blast. Sure enough, at the moment Pei Junlin's words fell, the lord of the ancestor Dan was completely blown up in the formation, and a terrible momentum erupted throughout his body. A white robe automatically swelled without wind.

"Don't I be bullied?"

The words didn't fall, and a flaming fireball burst out in the hands of Dongfang Ao, which was launched against Pei Junlin Lightning!


When the fireball approached Pei Junlin's moment, it immediately exploded and turned into a fierce fire dragon, growling and opened its mouth wide.

This is the dragon fire control technique practiced by Dongfang Ao. It is one of the most powerful fire control skills in the entire Danzong tradition. Since the entire Danzong passed down to this day, this dragon fire control technique is basically a basic skill necessary for every monarch, because the dragon control fire It can be used not only for alchemy, but also for the enemy.

"Well done, today I will be the famous Danzong suzerain for a while, and the children of the whole Danzong in the province will have doubts about this new suzerain!"

Seeing that the flame dragon roared, Pei Junlin sang and sang, but the voice did not fall, but the body also burst into boiling flames, but the color was blue, as if it did not belong to this human fire, more like hell. Ghost ghost fire.


火焰 The two flames collided in mid-air, and the flames erupted all over the sky. A hot high-temperature heat wave erupted around them, and a powerful King Luohan was lifted out under the powerful aftermath of mana.

"Oriental pride, these King Kong Lohan are not easy to make, it is a pity to damage them. So, follow me, let's go to heaven!"

Dongfang's brow fluttered arrogantly, because Pei Junlin's words carried a new master identity that had replaced him and became the suzeraint of Danzong, thinking of Danzong everywhere, and he seemed to be an outsider ...

"Okay, this is exactly what I think!"

In the midst of anger, Dongfang Pride calmed down and replied with a cold smile.


Pei Junlin took the lead in dragging the Yufu into the sky, and turned it into a ray of light into the sky. Under the shroud of Yufu, the formation did not attack him. Below him, Dongfang Pride followed closely. The two turned into two bright Changhongs, one behind the other, and with the eyes of countless pairs, they opened the protective cover of the array method and appeared above the altitude of 100 meters.

In the next second, a fierce battle has begun. One is the newly-increased super dark horse, the talents are out of the dust, the martial arts is double-repaired, and the real dragon is the double title. The flame method, this battle is really a pinpoint against Mai Mang, full of unknowns.

Under the gaze of tense eyes below, in the sky, the flames and dragons roared, and from time to time, horrible collision sounds erupted. The flames filled the sky and stained a thousand kilometers of high altitude. The high temperature brought by the hot air waves, even the insulation At a distance of 100 meters, it makes people breathe hot and uncomfortable!

"So strong !!!"

Many children of Danzong issued the same exclamation, staring dizzyly at the timeless battle in the sky. Pei Junlin was obviously about the same age as them, even smaller than two-thirds of the people, but possessed such horror. Its strength really makes countless people ashamed.

At this moment, the three figures rose into the sky and rose up into the sky. It was the middle-aged beautiful woman, the elder, and Dong Bao. After the strength broke through the innate or real world, they all had the Royal Air Flight. ability. It's just that the stronger the repair, the stronger the ability to stay in the air.

The three took up three different positions, staring at the world-fighting battle in the field. Each of the airframes firmly locked on Pei Junlin. Once they found something unexpected, they promised that they would not hesitate. Siege.

"Haha, Dongfang Pride, do you people of Danzong want to get together and attack?"

In the face of such a dangerous situation, Pei Junlin in the middle of the battlefield not only did not have any fear, but instead laughed loudly and arrogantly.

"Since I am Pesura dare to let you out of this formation, it means that I am not afraid of your group attacking, and I am not afraid of death. Just come and I will take it all!"


The lingering voice didn't fall, Pei Junlin's cyan flame soared again by three points, and the whole body was completely turned into a flame god. In this boiling flame, a long flame of the flame leaped out, and it was chopped down in front of the east proud!

The horrible flame of the sword is three feet long, and the crying ghosts and gods in the east are jumping wildly. He noticed that the cultivation shown by Pei Junlin is not weaker than him at all, which makes him somewhat incredible. After all, Pei Junlin's age is really too young!

Even the young Tianjiao, the famous shrine of martial arts shrine, has not achieved so much!

"Dragon Dragon Wagging Tail!"

In his wrath, Dongfang Ao was indeed a big man at the supremacy level. The flame in his hand suddenly changed into a long sword with the same blazing fire, and his whole body boiled, giving Pei Junlin a blow.

The gestures, moves, and moves are not martial arts but martial arts!

He turned out to be a genius in martial arts.

Seeing this, Pei Junlin's eyes were bright, and he shouted, "Okay! Then you will pick me up and repair the sword technique!"

As soon as the words fell, Pei Junlin's flame knife suddenly changed dramatically. The whole person put on a weird starting gesture, followed by the flame sword. The horrible sword light was like a heavy rain, dense as raindrops, even Into a slice, cut off to the east proud.

"The cloud curtain is empty!"

Dongfang Ao didn't delay the startling action. The flame of the sword in his hand changed, the imperviousness of the dance was completely turned into a misty cloud, getting bigger and thicker!

Dang Dang Dang Dang! !! !!

Mars was splashing and flying in the void. Within a few breaths, Pei Junlin attacked 749 knives, and all of them were taken over by Dongfang Ao. However, Dongfang Ao was totally horrified by the horrible power. The quake struck out hundreds of meters across the sky, the cloud screen was completely shaken, and the mouth was sweet.

Dongfang Ao knew that he had suffered internal injuries, but he swallowed this blood into his stomach. He didn't dare let anyone see this scene, otherwise it would definitely be the biggest blow to the morale of all the children of Danzong.

"Come without indecent assault, Pei Junlin! You also take this trick!"

The roar blew up, the Oriental Pride stepped in the void, and the flame sword in his hand suddenly changed. In the end, it turned into a green sword with a length of about three feet. The momentum of the whole body converged, and the flame on his body disappeared. Thoroughly transformed into an ordinary person.

The strong wind blew on Dongfang Ao's body, his clothes were hunting and hunting, and a black shawl with long hair flying in the wind, his momentum and charm were like those of an ancient swordsman in ancient times. The shot is a shocking sword!

Among those under the command of Pei Junlin, the only one with similar temperament is the swordsman Aoigawa from East!

"It turns out that you are best at swordsmanship ... let alone, I will defeat you where I am most proud!"

Seeing the sudden change of momentum in the opposite Dongfang Ao, Pei Junlin's eyes lightened slightly, and the flaming sword of the finger between the mind movements also changed into a similar three-foot green front. The sword body was wrapped in flames. The crisp sound of the sword sounded like a peerless magic sword.

With the sword technique, Pei Junlin will naturally, and he is very exquisite. When he conquered the swordsman Aoigawa from the east, the same day he put on a sword-style and let Aoigawa bow down.

来 This way, Pei Junlin has never used his swordsmanship. It is not that he does not move, but that no opponent has compelled him to perform the peerless swordsmanship!

When he confronted the enemy, it was enough to have a Shura sword and boxing skills. When he met the strong one, he used that Ogi longevity formula. Now Dongfang Ao shows the temperament of a peerless swordsman. Pei Junlin can't help but see hunting. Heart hi!

There is only this kind of swordsmanship he is proficient at ~ ~ This swordsmanship is called the Nine-Story Mantra of Swordsmanship. It is a peerless swordsman named Honourable Beast from the thousands of worlds. His Holiness relied on this sword to cut the stars, destroy thousands of nations, and kill countless starry horrors.

"Pei Junlin, if you can take the sword of the next seat, then my Dan suzerain would just let you?"

In the silence, Dong Ao's voice came suddenly, his face was without sorrow and joy, and his eyes were clear, as if he had forgotten all the secrecy of this world, and returned to life, just like a newborn baby, pure and immaculate.

However, as soon as the words of Dongfang Ao fell, the faces of the middle-aged beautiful women, the elders, and Dong Bao, who stood in the void around them, had changed as never before.

The biggest change is the elder, the muscles on that lonely face are beating wildly, and there is no peace before.

Previously, the reason why he could be so calm was his self-confidence in his own strength and the belief of his suzerain, that he did not believe how much trouble Pei Junlin could cause to a behemoth like Danzong!

Have you ever witnessed a giant's revenge on ants, do you particularly care?

But since it was learned that Pei Junlin broke through Danzhuang's proud yin and yang upside down the Arhats, it was inextricably indistinguishable from the Eastern Pride. When he did not fall into the wind, the elder's face finally changed!

After all, this battle is about his life and death. Once even Dongfang Ao is not Pei Junlin's opponent, then how can he be Pei Junlin's opponent if he is comparable to the congenital Sanpin?

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