Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 204: Guiyuandan effect

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Since the world has proliferated, I do n’t know how many years have passed. No matter the age, the law of weak meat and strong food is an eternal truth. There has never been a fundamental change. Therefore, in each era, it is a troubled world, peace and peace. Something unfair broke out!

There are superiors who want to play with everything and formulate rules. For their own sake, consider the bottom person to be ants and trample. Each accumulation of wealth pagodas is poured from blood and bones. I do n’t know how many souls are sacrificed.

However, unfortunately, Pei Junlin is not a small person who is willing to be abused. He is a Shura warrior who has a lot of worlds. He is famous and fierce, and he has always been a force to seize others, When will it be others to trample him!

Therefore, no matter whether it is Snow Temple or Danzong, everyone involved in the tragedy of Pei family in Qingzhou in that year must accept his brutal revenge!

As for the maiden of the last protagonist, Snow Shrine, Pei Junlin will visit in person and ask each other whether his young master ’s heart can be used perfectly.

人 No one in this world has ever been able to obtain something so easily from his Pesura, let alone the heart of a young master of great value ...

When Pei Junlin did not hesitate to cut off the head of the elder, Dongfang Ao directly ordered to kill the elders' minions together. In a moment, the human head was rolling on the ground, blood flowed into the river, and the air was everywhere Thick **** smell.

The **** and cruel picture was so scary that many of Danzong's children were wet with crotches, shaking and unable to speak.

"From today, Mr. Pei is my new master of Danzong! I am willing to retreat to the second line and serve the suzerain before the horse."

At this moment, the piercing sound of Dongfang Aoyun containing the true yuan was thunderous. It thundered loudly throughout the world, and it was clearly introduced into the ears of each Danzong's children. When they heard that sound, the face of each Danzong's children changed again. Even Wan Miaozhen and Dong Bao, the deputy suzerain, have extremely complex faces.

On the land of Danzong, only Julia and Li Chaoran are the most excited, even if they have always had a strong confidence in Pei Junlin, but at the moment, the ending is far beyond their expectations.

Danzong in the land of Zhongzhou, but it is a large force in the entire Huaxia national martial arts circle. The master of such a religion can affect the fate of less than half of the Chinese martial arts circle in a single thought, especially the forces like Danzong are good at it. Alchemy, the elixir from which it is refined is highly sought after by the martial arts community in China.

其中 The relationship among them is almost as dense as a cobweb, and it is intricate and complicated. Not to mention Dan Zong ’s strong heritage that has been passed down for hundreds of years, even this terrible network of relationships is an amazing asset.

Today, Pei Junlin turned out to be the master of such a powerful force. With such a status, even the most noble and most dazzling family Li Chaofan is a bit envious. If he can have such achievements, his status in the entire family Will instantly improve a lot.

At this moment, Pei Junlin became a high-profile existence. Although his clothes became tattered due to the war, the peerless edge was still difficult to hide, and the whole person exuded an indescribable nobility.

Under a pair of unusually complex gazes, Pei Junlin took a step in calmness, and instantly, his figure appeared on a high platform.


His voice has no sorrow or joy, and he has not become the joy of a master of such a powerful force as Danzong, and his voice is clearly transmitted to the ears of every child of Danzong.

"I know that I want everyone to accept my new suzerain, I am afraid it will be difficult for a while!"

"But it doesn't matter, I never thought about making everyone happy!"

"After all, I am actually not interested in the position of the ancestor of Danzong. After all, the reasons are all related to the grudges that affect my Qingzhou Pei family!"

"Three years ago, due to Xu Yanchang's greed and selfishness, my Pei family in Qingzhou was almost extinct. In this case, I will pay back all this to Danzong today, but it is a grudge!"

Pei Junlin's gesture is very calm, and he does not hide his usual behavior style, which makes some Danzong children who do not belong to the elders camp resent the dead elder Xu Yanchang. If there is no elder, then Danzong will not Suffering from this calamity.

诸 "Everyone, the essence of Danzong Lizong lies in the unique and wonderful alchemy, and it is a coincidence that I am also involved in alchemy!"

既然 "Now that I have become the new lord of the Danzong, no matter what your inner thoughts are, my new lord must show some skills, and it can be considered a gift for the big guys!"

At this time, Pei Junlin's voice sounded again, and his voice did not fall. With a pair of eyes watching, Pei Junlin took out three porcelain bottles of different colors from his arms. The porcelain bottle was filled with what he had recently. At Ziding Manor, the three elixirs were refined.

"I have three kinds of elixir here, they are primary, intermediate, and advanced, all of which were made by me when I was in Ziding Manor of Luoyang City not long ago!"

"The target group of primary elixir is the warriors of bright and dark levels or the masters of the early stage of the practice, while the intermediate elixir is specifically targeted at the master level and the middle of the process, and the advanced elixir The target is the top powerhouse named Real Dragon and Real People! "

Pei Junlin stood on the high stage and introduced the three elixirs in front of them. All of them were immediately attracted by the three elixirs on the high stage, including Dongfang Ao, Wan Miaozhen and Dong Bao. No exception, they were all attracted by the last advanced elixir in Pei Junlin's introduction.

For Xiu Xiu to reach the level of real people and true dragons, ordinary elixir can no longer have any effect. Only elixir above the level of advanced elixir can make them be impressed.

However, the refining of high-class elixir is difficult, and there are very few alchemists that can be refined. There is no one among them. Even if the entire Danzong alchemist who can refined high-level elixir has only four people in total, It is Dongfang Ao, Deputy Suzerain Wan Miaozhen, Elder Xu Yanchang, and Second Elder Liu Yuebai.

Now that the elder Xu Yanchang is dead, the second elder Liu Yuebai is working in the Yanhuang organization, so the senior alchemist has only two people, Dongfang Ao and Wan Miaozhen, which are really scarce resources.

"Dongfang Ao, Wan Miaozhen and Dong Bao all suffered minor internal injuries. Each of them stepped forward to collect one, and personally experienced the medicinal effects of my Guiyuan Dan and the advanced elixir you have refined. What a difference! "

Pei Junlin said to Dongfang Ao, Wan Miaozhen and Dong Bao who stood below.

As his words fell, the atmosphere immediately became silent, almost everyone's eyes turned to these three people, and their looks were mixed.

This special thing, elixir, is not taken at random. Who knows whether some elixir has been manipulated? Some elixir can be replaced by a certain medicinal material. The elixir can instantly become a deadly poison ...

"Since it is the elixir made by the suzerain, I am looking forward to the East!"

In this quiet atmosphere, Dongfang Ao took the lead in smiling freely, walked towards the high platform, and then with a pair of eyes watching, quickly picked up the jade bottle containing Guiyuandan and poured out the size of a longan The red crimson medicine is swallowed directly into the mouth, and its action is full of sharpness and refreshing.

"Sovereign, we each come one!"

Wan Miaozhen and Dong Bao, who were seriously injured, approached with limping steps, their faces filled with calmness.

Both are smart people, and they have thought about everything for a few short breaths. If Pei Junlin really hurts them, the two are so severely injured now, they do n’t need such extra means to kill them directly. That is, why waste such a twist!

On the high platform, Pei Junlin grinned and waved his hand, and immediately there were two elixir shots in the bottle, shot at Wan Miaozhen and Dong Bao respectively, and then Pei Junlin also took one out and opened his mouth. Swallow.

In the previous battle, his mana was also consumed a lot, and it must be restored as soon as possible, otherwise, some unpredictable consequences are likely to occur.

"Master, you elixir ..."

At this moment, Dongfang Ao, who was the first to take Guiyuan Dan, suddenly whispered ~ ~ Taishan's face that has not been changed in color, rarely showing a shocked expression, seems to have been greatly impacted!

At the same time, two successive exclamation sounds, Wan Miaozhen and Dong Bao taking Guiyuandan also noticed Guiyuandan's immensely powerful energy. It is more than double that they take high-quality elixir on weekdays!

With such horrible medicine, the three directly uttered incredible whispers, and could not help but cast their shocked eyes on Pei Junlin.

面对 However, in the face of all this, Pei Junlin just smiled indifferently, didn't answer anyone, and sat quietly on the high platform with her knees closed, closed her eyes, and entered the state of recovery.

Seeing this, Dongfang Ao, Wan Miaozhen, and Dong Bao did not care about the shock in their hearts, and quickly sat cross-legged and began to absorb the energy of Guiyuan Dan boiling in the body ...

Time elapsed in minutes and seconds. In an instant, more than an hour passed. During this period, thousands of children of Danzong did not dare to make a noise. They just widened their eyes and focused their eyes on the four cross-legged figures. Body.

There, the horrible coercion emanated from the four figures sitting cross-legged. This momentum became stronger and stronger with the passage of time, and shrouded in all directions, until finally, suddenly, a figure soared into the sky. Then it seemed like a dazzling white rainbow!

Afterwards, two figures sitting cross-legged rose to the sky, the momentum broke out, and the former decadent downturn was replaced by a dazzling sun-like glory!

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