Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 226: Play with fire *

Although Shen Tianci and Yan Qingsi already know that Pei Junlin's cultivation is a strong man in the realm of reality, they don't really recognize it in their hearts. After all, Pei Junlin is too young!

Even if you have the qualifications and are under the age, where is the strength of cultivation and accumulation, which is like how a child who has just learned to walk can race an adult?

What's more important is that after Pei Junlin used the method to unlock the hidden breath restraint on John, at that moment they sensed the powerful awakening energy fluctuations contained in John's body!

That shocking energy fluctuation, even the two of them were a bit shocked, at least they were afraid of a terrible practice equivalent to the congenital three products. Such a terrible practice coupled with a sudden violent rise, Pei Junlin would face an unprecedented moment. Dangerous!

At the moment when he saw the violent John flying towards the unprepared Pei Junlin, almost everyone in the audience was quicker in heartbeat, couldn't help closing his eyes, and didn't want to see the cruel ending.

In the field, if you talk about calmness, only Li Chaoran is the same person. He is the person who knows Pei Junlin's horror and knows the power of Pei Junlin deeply. Even if the energy of John Awakener is very afraid, but he wants It is impossible to seriously hurt Pei Junlin directly!

It seems to be just to testify to Li Chaoran's conjecture. Not far away, a radiant ray of light ascends into the same round of scorching sun. For the first time, the mana belonging to the Eastern practitioners and the energy of the blood of the Western Awakeners have a close collision.

In the sound of a thunderous collision, the hard concrete floor of the dock was cracked, and the wind battered, and the ground was cut an inch deep, and in the sound of this horrible energy explosion, a figure flew backwards. Hit **** the hard pier ground in the distance.

The ground was deep, showing a herringbone pattern. When the dust was gone, the crowd who could not bear to look directly burst their eyes and bulged outward, one by one, full of unbelievableness, like a ghost.

I saw the embarrassing figure lying in the human-shaped pit turned out to be the John from the kingdom of Michigan.

At this moment John, his beard radiated, and his eyes were filled with incredibleness. Regardless of the injured body and the scarlet blood flowing from the corners of his mouth, his eyes stared at the front, where the aftermath of boiling energy dispersed and finally revealed a body. Slender young figure.

Incredible exclamations kept coming from all around, and Shen Tianci and Yan Qingsi, who were anxious in their original expressions, were still stunned, their faces gazed at each other.

What did they see?

Pei Junlin's whole body was intact, and even his clothes were spotless. He stepped out from the aftermath of boiling energy, like a high king, looking down at the ants who were defiantly fighting on the ground, the unrivaled anger. The market and nobility, can't help but want people to worship, and produce a kind of awe and consolation.

"What exactly is this Pei Junlin doing?"

Shen Tianci and Yan Qingsi were completely shocked. The scene in front of them overthrew all of their cognitions. The two of them originally despised Pei Junlin and thought that the other was too young. Even if their qualifications were more wicked, would they be famous for years? Accumulate strong opponents.

But all the facts now make them incredible!

With a pair of incredible eyes, Pei Junlin took a steady step, step by step towards John fell to the ground.

Seeing Pei Junlin's indifferent gesture, John on the ground couldn't seem to accept this reality. Suddenly, under everyone's attention, a beast-like roar was issued in his throat, and a dazzling flame burst into his body, and numerous pores were in Spit fire outward, flames blazing!

He turned out to be an awakener who controlled the element of fire, like a divine house in flames, and mighty!

The awakeners in the western world are different from the practitioners in the eastern world. They rely on the various means of awakening by blood genius. There are more tricks. Some people control the flames, some control the thunder, and others control wind, snow, ice, water and other nature. element.

In addition, the awakened people in some countries through a variety of experiments, the blood awakening talent finally awakened to contain the ability of beasts, some can be transformed into werewolves, some can be transformed into bearmen, lions, tigers and so on.

The end is all-encompassing and dazzling, but in the same way, Eastern practitioners also have his strengths, such as the most mythical sword technique, taking the first level of people thousands of miles away, and a variety of powerful martial arts practices that give people a powerful drop. Ten terrible powers.

In addition, the strong man who is proficient in the technique, the sky thunders out when he thought about it, and the flames, wind blades, ice thorns, thorns of trees, etc. were not worse than those of foreign awakeners.

The East and the West have fought for this for many years.

"Pei Junlin, I will kill you even if I have exhausted my life tonight!"

At this time, the roaring sound of endless resentment and anger suddenly sounded, and John, who became the flame giant, once again flew towards Pei Junlin with a lightning flash, a gesture of incineration.

Because John knows that it is impossible to run away tonight. Instead, he might as well draw a back, and Pei Junlin is naturally the best candidate!

However, the response to John was a sneer full of disdain: "Kill me? Is it just your little child's fire?"

The words didn't fall. With a pair of shocked eyes watching, Pei Junlin, who was approaching John, strode forward. Suddenly, a blue flame started to burn.

In this scene, countless people were stunned again. Except for Li Chaoran, no one knew that Pei Junlin was in control of a powerful flame technique.

Under the gaze of each eye, Pei Junlin's cyan flame finally covered his whole body in a short span of time, and his entire popularity was set off. Soon, the two flame giants started a shocking collision.

The horrible flame dragon, roaring and groaning, the hot heat forced everyone around to retreat, and still felt the hot waves blowing their noses, and the hot pain in the nose and throat between breathing!

Fortunately, the entire pier has been cleared long ago, and it is still night at this moment, otherwise it will definitely cause great confusion, but even so, those soldiers with ammunition and ambitious spirits are still terrified.

They are just more powerful special forces. Although I have heard of the incredible magic skills of martial arts, some people can control the fire, some can control the thunder, wind blade, ice, etc., but this is the first time I have seen it with my own eyes. .

After tonight, they finally have the capital to brag with their comrades!

"I think the mighty A-level awakeners. What kind of power is there? It turned out to be just a few fire skills that simply understand rough techniques!"

"Disappointed! Too disappointing!"

As everyone was shocked by the battle between two flame giants in the battlefield, a sound of arrogance and contempt suddenly sounded in the burning fire.

With this voice falling, all the raging fire in the distant flame giant suddenly disappeared, showing the true content of Pei Junlin. His eyes were full of arrogance and disdain, and he stared at John with a blistering flame on the opposite side, his face full of It was a disappointed expression.

"Ah !!! Pei Junlin, let me die!"

The expression of Pei Junlin deeply stimulated John's inner dignity. He is a class A awakener from the mighty Milican State and possesses the supreme status. He has a strong sense of inbornness, has been worshiped by the world, and was once regarded by others. So contemptuous and insulted?

Under extreme anger, John's whole body flames increased by three feet out of thin air, erupting endlessly bright colors, and the blazing flames appeared like a volcanic eruption.

"I've said that the flames on your body are as rough as trash and useless!"

"Since you don't believe it, let me show you today what is the true flame technique!"

"What is playing with fire *, asking for help ?!"

At the moment when John launched all his strength and prepared to give Pei Junlin a heavy blow, Pei Junlin's cold voice sounded again, and then everyone saw an incredible sight.

I saw Pei Junlin, who had originally converged on the flames. Deep in the black eyes, two blue flames suddenly shot out, facing the raging fire that was overwhelming to John!

Compared with the raging fire of John, the two blue flames were too weak, just like the ants facing the giant elephant, causing a burst of exclaim.

How can such a weak flame compete with the opponent? !!

Even John's face showed a touch of excitement. He thought that Pei Junlin was too proud and confident, and he dared to contend with such a tiny flame.

In this case, he will make Pei Junlin regret his decision today!

But before the excitement on John's face had time to dissipate, suddenly his expression was frozen, and he suddenly exclaimed, "This is impossible!"

At the same time, there were all kinds of horrifying whispers outside the field, and everyone looked like a ghost.

I saw that the two kinds of flames and lightnings that could not be directly proportional to each other in the void were not expected to be shocking, and there was no uproar, but the two blue flames ejected from Pei Junlin's eyes were like this world. The hottest high-temperature steel needle pierced the snowdrift fiercely.

Whenever the flames touched by the two cyan flames ~ ~ at this moment, it seemed as if they encountered natural enemies. In a sudden rustling noise, they were quickly melted away, and they were accurately devoured!

Nether industry fire, one of the most terrifying fires in the world, is incombustible, can burn the sky, refining everything!

Although John is an A-level fire awakener, isn't the inherent fire talent in his blood veins an opponent of the heaven and earth, such as Nether Karma?

This is like an adult fighting a child, a child is always a weak chicken!

"This ... this is impossible!"

John's expression was astonished, and he watched the flames released by him be swallowed up by Pei Junlin's two inconspicuous blue flames, and finally the two flames fused while John was in a daze John's body disappeared!

what! !! !!

Suffering from endless pain suddenly came from his body, John felt that his internal organs would be burned and ruptured, and the whole person was alive and painfully, rolling on the ground!

"Boss! Stop! This person cannot be killed for now!"

Finally, Li Chaoran woke up from his sluggishness and quickly stopped to stop.

At the same time, Shen Tianci and Yan Qingsi, who were in a daze not far away, also began to stop, exposing excitement.

John is a powerful A-level awakener. He knows too much. People of this status are now being arrested. It is definitely a good thing for the whole China!

PS: Thank you, big brothers for your reward! Grateful ...

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