Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 234: Commercial Bidding

It was almost an hour after Belin's gratitude left.

Pei Junlin Luo listed more than 70 complex prescriptions, and strictly ordered that these drugs must be gathered within a month, because Belian's extreme cold disease has been near the end of the disease.

If you don't get all the medicines within a month, then even after one month, even Da Luo Shenxian is helpless!

This deeply stimulated Beilian's wave of people. After all, no one in this world does not care about life, otherwise, they will not travel far from Italy to Huaxia to find a way to save lives.

Pei Junlin's extremely accurate diagnosis made Miss Belian, who was tortured by the disease, see the hope of life, so after the diagnosis was completed, she could not wait to leave, apparently preparing to report to the Italian family. By the way let me purchase herbs.

A month is not long or short, and the power of the O'Briens should not be too difficult.

"Brother-in-law, why is there still spar in the medicine? I remember this is not the treasure you have been eager to cultivate?"

After Beilian and they left, Wang Ziyu suddenly asked.

Pei Junlin gave a light sigh, surprised at the little aunt with bright eyes in front of her eyes: "You still know the spar?"

Compared to sister-in-law Prince Joan ’s ill-fated thousand-year encounter with pure yin body, her sister Wang Ziyu ’s qualifications are somewhat mediocre, but slightly better than ordinary people. This is the result of Pei Junlin ’s transformation with jade muscle regeneration. There is also not much effort in cultivation, and now it is only just entering the mid-level of the dark energy.

Pei Junlin didn't expect that Wang Ziyu even knew about the spar, and raised his eyebrow and smiled, "What? Your brother-in-law, can't I use power for personal gain?"

As soon as Wang Ziyu stayed, even the original Prince Qiong who was cleaning the tea set on the table was still stiff. It didn't seem that he would say this from Pei Junlin's mouth.

"Hey, what's the expression of your sisters? I'm not a saint, just a little special vulgar, it's not normal to get something for myself, isn't it normal!" Pei Junlin stared.

"Hee hee!"

A chuckle came, Wang Ziyu came to Pei Junlin, and a pair of beautiful eyes glowed: "Brother-in-law, we haven't said it's not OK, why are you so anxious?"

"But do n’t say it. You can say such things, it ’s really beyond my expectation! But you are more intimate like this, and there is always a very cool and cool male **** there, which makes people involuntary. Fear, hee hee! "

"Sister! Are you right ?!"

Wang Ziyu looked at her sister not far away.

Wang Ziqiong's face was expressionless and expressionless, and he continued to lower his head to clean up the mess on the table. After a long time, he just hummed softly, which was a response.

Coincidentally, the sun was refracting in, wrapping her whole body, as if coated with a layer of gold, sacred and perfect. That was a woman's perfect exquisite lines, crisp peaks, slender waist, round but full, Pei Junlin looking straight. Ready to move.

The emotions in my mind can't help but the pictures of some river crabs and beasts last night may never be thought of. Such a perfect goddess actually looks different in the bottom of the bed.

"Ziqiong, if you are going to sign a contract with this O'Brien family in the future, you must be careful! I always feel that this family is far from as simple as it seems!"

Pei Junlin instructed that if he knew about people's abilities, he had lived for three or four hundred years, and he had already cultivated a pair of jealous eyes. He was an enemy and a friend, who had misconduct and who did not. In the picture, he can almost distinguish who is sincere and sincerely worthy of friendship.

However, there is always a layer of mist on this Miss Belin's body, which is elusive, especially the female bodyguard Talisa, an ordinary family child who is capable of carrying a master who is always comparable Jiu Pin's strong awakener, and that Talisa is also very young, a little older than Pei Junlin.

Such qualified awakeners, Pei Junlin does not believe that there will be a lot of foreign countries, which has already caught up with the outstanding qualifications similar to Li Chaoran.

The reason why he has so troubledly listed so many precious medicinal materials, including even spar and ganoderma lucidum, in addition to treating Miss Belin's extreme cold, the other thing is to test the O'Brien family. Details.

If the other party can get all these medicines together in a month, then the power of the O'Brien family may be unimaginably powerful.


Since Wang Ziqiong had other business matters to deal with in Shencheng Modu, so, Pei Junlin also temporarily stayed in Shencheng Modu, which is a rare relaxation!

Since his rebirth, he has been busy every day, and even has no time to accompany his woman. This time it can be regarded as a kind of compensation!

When Wang Ziqiong was idle, the two people hand in and out of the major shopping malls, pedestrian streets, tourist attractions, food streets, etc. of the magic city. As one of the most developed cities in China, the magic city is full of prosperity and everything.

At night, the couple is naturally unavoidable. With the improvement of Wang Ziqiong's current practice, his physical fitness is becoming more and more exquisite, and the number of pleasures under the bed between the two is increasing. Especially, Pei Junlin also taught the prince. After some of Joan's know-how in double cultivation, the two were more than happy.

On the one hand, they can be happy, and on the other hand, they can promote each other's cultivation. Why not do it?

In this way, half a month has passed, and these days, under the hard work of Pei Junlin, Wang Ziqiong ’s cultivation has broken through from the third master to the fourth master, and his strength has doubled again.

Pei Junlin, who was so envious of the breakthrough of such evilness, was also very envious. The pure yin body that is rare in a thousand years is definitely not covered!

And Pei Junlin also faintly noticed that his 9th turn of the Ninth Turn Nether Ning Gong, which has been imprisoned for several days, has also made a little progress. Although it is only a little bit, the biggest gift is naturally the pure Yin body from Wang Ziqiong.

The reason why the pure yin body is hailed as a rare body for thousands of years is not only because of its own evil speed in cultivation, but also has all kinds of incredible abilities. In the past thousands of worlds, any woman with such a rare constitution , Is the best cultivation furnace tripod of all giant sins, heroes, alien gods.

For this reason, there are many great sins and gods who can fight with their hands, kill millions, and destroy the planet!

That is, Wang Ziqiong's current cultivation is too shallow, otherwise, once it is comparable to Pei Junlin, a double cultivation between the two is the real beauty.

With this period of companionship, the relationship between Pei Junlin and Wang Ziqiong has also heated up again, and it gradually feels like paint.

These young couples are exactly the type that gets on board first and then buys tickets!

However, within the past two days, Pei Junlin had sensitively noticed that there was something in Wang Ziqiong's heart. Although he was with him every day, the smile on his face was much less. Even when eating with him, the mobile phone only had The phone came in, picked it up quickly, and apologized to go aside.

Pei Junlin took all of this clearly in his eyes, silently took out his mobile phone, and called his aunt, Prince Yu.


When Wang Ziyu received the call from Pei Junlin, he was surprised. Pei Junlin heard various messy voices from the phone. It seemed that Wang Ziyu was in a nightclub or the like.

"You go to a quiet place, I need to ask you a few questions!" Pei Junlin frowned.

Then he heard Wang Ziyu's apology. It was not long, and the phone was finally quiet. Wang Ziyu asked, "Brother-in-law, is there anything wrong with calling you at night?"

"Ziyu, you tell me honestly, is there something wrong with the company?" Pei Junlin asked directly.

He thought about it, and only Junlin International could make Prince Qiong so embarrassed that he didn't even tell.

Hearing Pei Junlin's questioning, Wang Ziyu's tone was indifferent. By this time, Pei Junlin had understood what was going on, and frowned and asked what had happened.

You have to know that Junlin International is already a 100 billion-level large company. The thing that can make Prince Qiong difficult is definitely not a small thing.

"Brother-in-law, my sister didn't let me tell you, don't blame me!"

Feeling that Pei Junlin seemed to be angry, Wang Ziyu immediately persuaded and immediately explained the matter.

It turned out that recently, Modu is officially bidding for a plot of land located in Huangpu New District. The total area of ​​the plot is over 3,000 square meters. In a lot of land like Huangpu New District, Modu is more than 3,000 square meters. The total value of cakes is incalculable, reaching tens of billions.

Once this news appeared ~ ~, it immediately attracted all the large local groups of Modu and surrounding areas to participate in the bidding. Basically, every capital wanted to eat a bite of meat, naturally it was inevitable.

At some point, although the war on the mall is not as **** as the real battle on the battlefield, it is even more cruel and ruthless. Everyone is playing the power of power and connections. The competition is who has a wider network and who has a more background Stronger, then naturally who wins in the end!

Originally, King Lin International was very competitive. As a newly emerging business empire, King Lin International has a good reputation in the business circle of China today. However, if King Lin International is stronger, it will not be able to hold back the more powerful ones this time. Capital power.

Wang Ziyu told Pei Junlin that there are three of Kinglin International's biggest opponents, two of which are from the hometown of the magic city, and one is the famous Yang family. As one of the oldest names of the magic city, the power of the Yang family Strong and incalculable.

The second is the Qianxi Group, which became the richest man in Modu last year. Any one of them is far superior to Junlin International in terms of qualifications and assets. At least the assets are estimated to be about 200 billion yuan.

In addition, the third one is from Hongsheng Real Estate in Zhuchuan City. This real estate company is also a rookie force that has newly emerged in Zhuchuan City in the past two or three years. In just two or three years, its speed has been developing rapidly. Than Junlin International.

In the past two or three years, assets have accumulated up to 100 billion yuan, and the whole of Zhuchuan City is in the limelight!

The Magic Capital Tendering Conference is definitely a fight for the best!

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