Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 252: Go to the dark web again!

Under the skyscrapers of the bidding conference, Pei Junlin, Wang Ziqiong, and Li Chaoran were talking and laughing with a group of people including Yang Weiguo and Feng Zhibang. Li Chaoran invited Wang Qiong to entertain and must celebrate.

Wang Ziqiong agreed, expressing no problem, at a time when the atmosphere was extremely harmonious, all of a sudden, everyone saw a team walking towards them. After seeing the people, everyone stopped and laughed.

"Congratulations, Mr. Wang! Congratulations on this successful bidding, Junlin International will take it to the next level! Thank you!"

The magnetic voice sounded, and the handsome Xue Yang approached the team and stood in front of everyone.

Wang Ziqiong smiled slightly: "Thank you, Mr. Xue, for your blessing. I am lucky to be able to bid successfully this time. I would also like to thank the withdrawal of Hongsheng Real Estate. If it was n’t your company ’s last problem that caused the bidding qualification to be cancelled, this We really don't necessarily succeed! "

Hongsheng Real Estate? !!

Hearing Wang Ziqiong's words, Pei Junlin frowned, and the people in front of his feelings were the biggest competitors of Junlin International.

"Hehe, Xue has long heard that a commercial dark horse has recently appeared in this business circle. Not only are people beautiful, but also their abilities and wrists are outstanding. Rare rivals have become famous leaders in just over a year. enterprise!"

"I didn't believe it before. Fortunately, I was able to meet President Wang today and compete with him. Xuemou has realized the ability and wrist of President Wang!"

Xue Yang said with a smile, but the tone and content of the speech couldn't help making people frown, and some of them were not intentional.

Sure enough, at this moment, the expression on Xue Yang's face suddenly became extremely cold, and a pair of cold eyes stared at Wang Ziqiong's unique and beautiful face, showing a faint expression.

"However, President Wang, I want to ask you, at such a large commercial bidding conference, you exposed my tax evasion and other problems in Hongsheng Real Estate, which caused us to be disqualified from bidding. Do n’t you think this approach is too terrible? ? "

The original and peaceful situation, with Xue Yang's words falling, suddenly became daggers.

At this moment, I could only hear Xue Yang continue to say, "Mr. Wang, have you ever heard of a sentence that cuts people's wealth, like killing parents?"

Forced by Xue Yang's aggressive momentum, the smiling Prince Wang Qiong had already faced with frost, and he replied without hesitation: "General Xue, since you are asking so, I will send you In a word-the mall is like a battlefield! "

"Since you and I are competitors, naturally they are enemies. Will you be merciful to treat them? It's ridiculous like a child. I don't know how you became this boss!"

In a word, Wang Ziqiong emerged a strong field of cold and iron blood, the momentum of the billions of bosses show relentlessly, that style is comparable to the top martial arts strong, and Pei Junlin is extremely surprised.

This is the first time he has witnessed Wang Ziqiong ’s aggressive and business-like aura in his business. These qualities are indeed the chief executives who can control the 100 billion group and decisive. Perhaps this is why Wang Ziqiong was able to become the commercial empress One of them!

From ancient times to the present, successful people at any level cannot be achieved overnight. Calm and calm, their wealth is piled up with thousands of bones and blood. Kindness is definitely the most luxurious thing for successful people.

Feeling Wang Ziqiong's aggressive and powerful aura, Xue Yang first glanced slightly and then smiled angrily: "Okay! Very good! Today I am really taught Xue!"

"That being the case, let's just walk and see!"

After all, Xue Yang waved his arm, and the angry team walked away. The whole process, he did not even look at Pei Junlin, as if he never knew Pei Junlin's identity.

"Mr. Yang, Mr. Feng, let's go to the restaurant. There is no need to affect the mood for such narrow-minded villains!"

After Xue Yang's departure, Wang Ziqiong quickly put away the coldness on his face, and warmly invited Yang Weiguo and Feng Zhibang and others.

"Haha, President Wang is indeed a famous business queen. What I heard today is really an eye-opener for me! Compared to President Wang's demeanor, I really want to kill all the bunnies in the family!"

Yang Weiguo laughed and didn't know the specific meaning of the words.

Feng Zhibang did the same, and gave a thumbs-up directly to Wang Ziqiong, saying that he wouldn't let his eyebrows be raised!

A group of people talked and laughed, got on the bus together and walked towards the booked restaurant.

"Junlin, detached, what are you doing walking together?" Prince Qiong touched Pei Junlin in a daze.

Pei Junlin and Li Chaoran turned back to each other. The two looked at each other, and they saw a strange light in each other's eyes.

After getting on the bus, Li Chaoran said directly, "Boss, do you feel that there was a strong man in the Xue Yang's team that was very hidden?"

Pei Junlin smiled, and Li Chaoran is now a real congenital powerhouse. The title of true dragon, whether in cultivation or perception, has been greatly improved.

"Of course, that's a congenital three-class powerhouse. In the mundane world, it is enough to push the invincible existence!" Pei Junlin laughed.

"At the same time, the Xue Yang or whatever has a good qualification. The cultivation has reached the top five master grades. It is indeed an overseas Qinghongmen. The details are indeed deep enough!"

Li Chaoran nodded, and then couldn't help sneering: "They thought we didn't know their identity, it was simply ridiculous! We all know that we already knew him thoroughly."

"Boss, this Xue Yang is the only elder of the Twelve Elders in Qinghongmen Overseas. This third elder is rumored to have built up the heavens and earth, and has reached the level of congenital seventh grade, which is very scary!"

The conversation between the two was not covered, and the prince sitting on the side heard it naturally. He could not help but change his face. Now she also belongs to a warrior. She has been trained to reach the third master's grade. Naturally, she is no longer as white as before. , Know many things in martial arts.

The four words of congenital Qipin fell, and Wang Ziqiong couldn't help showing nervousness.

In the shopping mall, no matter how the situation changes, she is fearless. She is tactical, resolute, and ruthless. But martial arts and the business world are completely different worlds. How can she not worry.

"Oh, Zi Qiong, don't worry, as long as I am there, don't say what the congenital Qipin is, even if the strongest in the state of congenital Jipin comes, I can let him come back forever!" .

With the promise of Pei Junlin, Prince Qiong felt relieved, but he could n’t help but said, “No matter what, I think we still need to be careful. I always think that Xue Yang will not stop there, and maybe he will come up with some conspiracy. ... "

At this moment, Xue Yang and the middle-aged man who was born in the third grade were sitting opposite each other in a luxurious RV on the other street of Modu. The two were tasting each other's red wine, and each person's feet Kneeling is a uniformed office girl with a bumpy body.

At this moment, the heads of the two girls were buried in the abdomen of the two men, and they kept busy, and sometimes made a murmur of grunts, which attracted Xue Yang and the congenital powerman to show a comfortable expression from time to time.

"Uncle Xiong, if you can kill Pei Junlin, will there be a generous reward in the door?"

Suddenly, Xue Yang said quietly.

Uncle Xiong opened his eyes violently, and two terrible vertical lights burst out. For a moment, the originally dim car was bright as daylight, and finally calmed down.

Uncle Xiong frowned: "Master, according to information, this Pei Junlin is also likely to be a top performer who is congenital third grade or higher. After all, the twelve elders who have disappeared are already congenital third grade. I did not He kills with certainty! "

"No no no !!! Uncle Xiong you misunderstand me!"

Unexpectedly, Xue Yang waved his hands again and again, and on that handsome face, the twinkling eyes under the gold-rimmed glasses flashed a chilling light.

"Why do we need to kill?"

"Everyone in the martial arts world admires powerful force, but many people ignore an equally terrible rule!"

Uncle Xiong was puzzled: "What ?!"

Xue Yang slowly spit out two words: "Money!"

"There is an old saying in Huaxia state that ancient times are unchanged, that is, money can make ghosts grind. Anything in this world has a certain value. As long as we can afford this price, it even exceeds the goods several times or even higher. , Naturally there will be a lot of people working for us! "

Uncle Xiong's eyes lit up suddenly: "Master, do you mean ..."

Xue Yang smiled and drank the red wine in the glass ~ ~ reached out and grabbed the hair of the woman under her hair, and then pushed down hard, her voice coldly spit out two words again: "Dark Web ! "

The Dark Web, the composition of the most famous underground forces in the world today, brings together the top powerful men of all underground forces in the world, including many terrible assassination killers. As long as they are rewarded by people hanging on this forum, basically Ninety-ninety-nine percent will die!

Because few people can escape the terrible killers on the dark web. They are all-pervasive, with fierce means and cunning temperament.

Once, just after being reborn, Pei Junlin was rewarded on the forum by a crazy woman Zhao Feihuang of the Zhao family for up to two billion US dollars in prices on that forum, attracting assassinations from countless killers on the dark web, but only to the surprise of countless people. What is more, these killers who have never been disadvantaged have not only failed to assassinate successfully, but have been surrendered by Pei Junlin's suppression and have become Pei Junlin's men.

Unexpectedly, now someone will bring up the dark web again, and he is going to reward him again!

Since the creation of the Dark Web, examples such as Pei Junlin have been absolutely incomprehensible and very rare. I did not expect it to appear again today!

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