Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 279: Citron

The sword is violent, Changhong runs through the sun!

The cold sword light is like lightning, with an amazing chill, directly covering Pei Junlin's whole body.

"Good job!"

Pei Junlin, standing on the wall, suddenly gave a light drink, and his fingers were empty. A branch that had fallen to the ground appeared in his hand. The branch was blessed by mana, giving off a bright glow, comparable to the hardest Bailian Stainless steel.

Ding Ding! Ding Ding! !!

The crisp sound of clashes sounded in the air, and Pei Junlin and Wang Ziqiong had already fought together. Of course, Pei Junlin did not use a powerful mana at all, but only responded with pure physical power.

Based on his current strong cultivation, even if it is purely physical strength, it is enough to crush any strong in the Grand Master Realm. This time, Pei Junlin was all about pointing to Prince Qiong.

In the blink of an eye, the courtyard was full of sharp sword air, and the sword light shone like a cold star.

"Slow! The sword is too slow and the power is too small!"

"Angle, pay attention to the angle! Something tricky!"

"Prince Qiong, you are practicing a top-level sword technique contained in Taiqing Yuxu Gong, called Taiqing sword technique. The core essence of this sword technique is the strange and changeable sword tricks, unexpected! "

"Are you kidding me? Is the sword move so monotonous that it will simply stab and stab?"

"I'm going, are you a pig? Why just attack and don't care about your body's defense? The empty door is wide open. If I were an enemy, you would have been dead many times!"

"Prince Joan, you are really blind to your qualifications. The true essence of swordsmanship is not just attacking and defending. You have to learn to integrate with the sword in your hand, it is part of your body!"

"Sword intention! Sword intention is the most terrifying and most essential part of swordsmanship. Only when you understand sword intention can you have the qualification to become a peerless swordsman!"

With the passage of time every minute and second, Pei Junlin, who was originally pointing at the prince Qiong swordsmanship, had no idea when, he was already so angry that his poisonous tongue flew, and the roar rang throughout the courtyard. The members were so embarrassed that they even lightened their footsteps.

In the impression of many members of the Pei family, Pei Junlin is actually very good-tempered. Although it is colder, it is still good for everyone, but today it is so furious that it is unprecedented.

In the courtyard, the prince Qiongxiang was sweating and his face was pale. No matter how badly Pei Junlin scolded his tongue, he just bit his teeth and said nothing, and that stubborn cheeky face was full of stubbornness.

Finally, I don't know how long it took, Wang Ziqiong suddenly exhausted, and the long sword in her hand was shot down on the ground. She wanted to bend down to pick it up, but found that her wrist was swollen, and even the sword was unstable.

Everywhere in the body hurts again, but Wang Ziqiong still gritted his teeth and said nothing.

Pei Junlin returned to his mind and noticed that Prince Qiong was nearing the limit. He couldn't wait to give himself an earscraper in the next second. He just focused on Qi and blood and completely ignored Wang Ziqiong's physical condition.

"I'm ... sorry, I'm getting bloody!"

Pei Junlin is somewhat indifferent. He originally thought that after this time he returned, he could restore the relationship between husband and wife. Who ever wanted to have an accident again, his temper is really not suitable for being a people's teacher!

Wang Ziqiong sat idly on the ground, motionless, as if he had not heard Pei Junlin's apology.

This once again made Pei Junlin a little helpless, and finally reached out and grabbed one of Wang Ziqiong's arm, controlling the mana to help Wang Ziqiong recover the energy it consumed, and at the same time foster the strained muscles and muscles.

Who would have thought that his mana had only begun to be instilled, and Wang Ziqiong suddenly broke free and said coldly, "I don't need you to help me!"

After speaking, Wang Ziqiong struggled to get up from the ground, lifted his heavy legs, and walked towards the room.

But before she took a few steps, suddenly, the whole person was picked up and leaned against a strong chest.

"Pei Junlin, who asked you to hold me, you let me go!"

Wang Ziqiong's face changed greatly, and his anger was scolded. A pair of cold beautiful eyes were covered with thick frost. Even if it was a bit fragile at this moment, the momentum of the 100 billion female presidents was still full and majestic.

If he were to change into an ordinary person, he might be bluffed, but unfortunately, Pei Junlin ignored all this.

On the contrary, his lacquered black eyes were low, with a touch of drama: "Wang Ziqiong, put up your president's shelf less, others may not know me, do you not know me yet? Do you think I eat you That one? "

Originally full of majesty, Wang Ziqiong with frost in his eyes gritted his teeth directly, and was almost angry to bite the teeth.

How could she forget that the man in front of her was just a hooligan and a rogue product, and really wanted to provoke this guy, but everything could be done.

For this reason, she had not suffered a loss twice or twice. She was fainted by the **** in front of her several times ...

Looking back on the past, Wang Ziqiong was really afraid of the man next to him, and he was so magical again!

Sure enough, in order to testify to Wang Qiong ’s conjecture, at this moment, Pei Junlin saw a twinkling of evil in his eyes, glanced up and down at the exquisite body line of Prince Qiong in his arms: "Wife, you are Did n’t you miss me, so you just posed for me? ”

"Asshole, the ghost just misses you, Pei Junlin, I warn you, if you dare to mess around ... ah, asshole, what are you doing ?!"

"I'll heal you! Our husband and wife haven't practiced together for a long time. It happens that your body is very weak now, and I can help you tonic!"

"You bastard, please put me down, otherwise, I ... I can't spare you!"

"Then you can wait for your own cultivation to come up and say, now you are a weak chicken!"

Gradually, the screams in the depths of the room gradually changed, and replaced by another noisy tone ... It was more than an hour after Pei Jun got out of bed and dressed.

He was refreshed, looked down at the soft big bed, and fell into a deep sleep, and smiled proudly.

Contradictions between husband and wife cannot be solved in bed. If not, then do it again, unless the man is too wasteful to satisfy the woman.

Otherwise, all contradictions will gradually fade away as they climb to the top of the cloud.

In fact, Pei Junlin didn't want to get up so soon. Even if the outside world is a big thing, how can it be more comfortable than holding Wen Xiang nephrite in her arms and holding her own woman to sleep, but Hong Tianlei keeps sending messages to urge him. Can't stand it, there are guests again at home, and there is more than one set, it is a bit too powerful ...

When Pei Junlin rushed to the front living room of the front yard, he saw the large parlor living room. In addition to the group of people in Yan Qingshan, there were two other groups of horses. One of them also knew Pei Junlin. It is Li Xiurong who once had a relationship, that is, Li Chaoran's dad, the owner of the dizige Pavilion in Hengduan Mountains.

The iconic beard and the violent lion-like atmosphere on his body are really eye-catching!

As for the other group, they are two men. The same breath is unfathomable, with a strong **** body. The head is slender and elegant, which is the opposite of Li Xiurong. Temperament.

In the corner of the parlor, the butler Hong Tianlei stood silently, motionless, even with a slight twitch in the corner of his mouth, which could make Hong Tianlei such a dignified master of the top nine masters. Extraordinary.

Seeing Pei Jun coming in, Hong Tianlei felt a sigh of relief as if he saw a savior. Pei Junlin would never come again. He really couldn't stand it.

What kind of people are coming from the living room in front of me. The inadvertent breath alone makes him the top master of Jiupin, shivering, which is a majesty born in the depths of the soul. Suppresses the soul of the Grand Master.

It's as if in the jungle, the King of Beasts was born to suppress ordinary weak animals.

"Today, how many magpies in my Pei family are squeaking and crying, why are there so many big people suddenly! Really prosperous!"

Pei Junlin laughed loudly and walked in.

"Oh, it was Uncle Li. I have n’t seen you for a few days. Your beard is still so dazzling! Transcendence is okay now?"

Pei Junlin took the lead to say hello to Li Xiurong. After all, this Li Chaoran's dad, who traverses the mountains and the land of the pavilion, does not look at the monk's face but the Buddha's face.

"Haha, my little cub is okay! King Lin, you really surprised your uncle!"

When Li Xiurong saw Pei Jun coming in, a pair of eyes suddenly showed a strong surprise, and he stood up from the chair first.

"Everything you do to transcendence is in your mind!"

Pei Junlin said with a smile: "It's okay! It's okay! Transcendent is my brother, and I can help if I can help!"

During the conversation, Pei Junlin turned his head slightly to Yan Qingshan, and then his eyes fell on the elegant man: "Presumably this is the senior Yuan Ye, the master of the Tianzi Pavilion in the Taihang Mountains subdivision. It is better known to meet. Long after long! "

When he was with Li Chaoran, Pei Junlin already knew the three major divisions of the Yanhuang organization through the mouth of Li Chaoran. The simple high-level situation, through comparison, determined the identity of the elegant man in front of him.

The elegant man's eyes with different light, looked up and down Pei Junlin standing in front of his eyes, after a long time, sighed: "It is truly terrible after birth! Incredible! It is incredible!"

"Pei Junlin, when you stand here, I suddenly find myself very old. In the future, you will be the world of your young people!"

"Master Yuan Ge is too modest, you are at the golden age of your life. At the peak of martial arts, the real backbone of the country ~ ~ where can we compare to the younger generation!" Pei Junlin laughed.

"Come here, everyone sit down!"

"Today's big brothers gathered at my Pei's house. They must have good wine and meat, and not get drunk!"

Pei Junlin warmly greeted everyone, and it is difficult for anyone to imagine. At this moment, in this small living room, China's most powerful force, which belongs to the three parties of the Yanhuang organization's three subdivisions, was the best.

Such a big man, any one of them, is all around the world, and is a god-like existence in the minds of countless soldiers and even martial arts circles.

The three congenital nine products, such a situation even Pei Junlin felt a great deal of pressure, not to mention that the people around these big men are all innate realms, in the large living room, the number of innate strong Reached eight!

Such a powerful position is enough to push a small country across!

PS: Let ’s change it today first. Let me slowly sort out the outline and ideas. The next plot will be the entire book *. Whether the results rise or not, it ’s all here. Be careful again!

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