Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 285: Hot Sun Tianjiao (Part 2)

This group of people seems to be flying in the snow and ice. The speed is very fast. It instantly travels 10,000 meters away, appears in the sky over the snowy field, and then lands slowly under the eyes of countless eyes.

Under their feet, they stepped on a huge, crystal clear lotus flower condensed by millions of snowflakes. When it landed, the lotus flower turned into a snowflake, and it fell to heaven and earth.

Snow Temple!

The climate change that can affect the land of hundreds of miles and is good at controlling the ice, only Snow Temple, one of the two martial arts shrines today!

The person led by the Snow Temple is a beautiful woman in a white palace dress. She is elegant and luxurious, and is indescribably expensive. Behind the beautiful woman in the palace dress is ten. The young children of the famous Snow Shrine, both male and female, are all handsome and beautiful.

Especially those female disciples, who have skin-frosted Saixue, have a beautiful and refined appearance, have a strong breath, and exude a shocking sense of coercion. Counting that palace-dressed beautiful woman, there are eleven, more than Luohan Temple. One more.

Among them, the most noticeable was a female disciple standing behind the beautiful woman in the palace dress. All the people present couldn't help shaking her heart. The female disciple was so beautiful!

The beauty that cannot be described in words, she is like the most crystal clear crystal in the world, exuding a mist of ethereal air, like a true fairy in a fallen world, which makes people even produce no blasphemy What it means is just a kind of awe and appreciation.

Appreciating nature is the beauty of the other person, and the awe comes from the breath of this female disciple, which has even reached the state of congenital nine products.

"Elder Han, hard work!"

The shepherd will come forward and greet the beautiful woman with enthusiasm, obviously they know each other.

This beautiful woman in the palace dress is the elder of the Snow God Palace, named Han Bingning, and of course she is a powerful god.

"The shepherd will be polite, this is what I do within Snow Temple!"

Han Bingning's voice was cold and cold, and his expression was very cold, and the shepherd will seem to have been surprised at this already. The people in the entire Snow Temple are almost the same. The source of all of this should be the Snow Palace's town school. 【双双 寒Bing Jue's sake, regardless of gender, similar changes in mind and heart will occur after cultivation.

"Amitabha, I haven't seen it for many years, the donor's cultivation is getting better and better! Thank you for your congratulations!"

The master of delusion stepped forward and chanted the sound of the Buddha.

Han Bingning said indifferently: "The master of arrogance does not need to be arrogant, and master your six-character Daming curse, presumably has already reached the peak!"

When the shepherd will chat and talk with Master Prudence and Elder Han Bingning, no one notices that Pei Jun, who has been standing behind the crowd, is slightly uneasy at the moment. Of course, all these reasons are naturally with Snow God. The top of the palace.

At one time, I learned from Dan Dingzi and Elder Dan Zong that the most fundamental source of all the tragedies that happened in Pei's family in Qingzhou that day was in this temple of snow.

His heart was grafted onto the Snow Maiden's maiden, which saved that maiden's life, but for this reason, the entire Qingzhou Pei family almost destroyed the door, and Pei Junlin himself almost lost his soul. Fortunately, Only after the master exquisite goddess rescued her, could she survive.

Now that the people in the Snow Temple are in sight, how can Pei Junlin be calm?

Maybe what the so-called maiden is in this team of men and women, Pei Junlin's eyes fell on the face of the beautiful woman ... Congenital Jiupin is really terrifying!

If this woman was the maiden, he had to ask the other person a question-was that heart still good? !!

At the same time, he must also investigate exactly who was in the Snow Temple, and ordered people to look for the heart of a young master to treat the so-called virgin.

For Pei Junlin, the person who ordered was the real culprit. He used human life as a drama, knowing that a person must die after being taken out of the heart, but the other party still issued such an order. Life is a ant, slaughtered by others, wantonly!

However, right now is not the right time. After taking a deep breath, Pei Junlin forced himself to calm down.

The other party not only has a horrible divine power in front of him, but also so many powers from other forces. After all, he has waited for so many years and doesn't care about this time.

Now that Snow Temple is here to participate in this Sinkhole War, it is presumed that he will not leave for a short time. He will have a chance in the future.


When Pei Junlin was thinking, there were armed transport planes in the sky, which aroused the attention of everyone on the snowy field. Then, after the transport planes landed, there were congenital strong men from Tiannan Haibei rushing.

In this way, with the passage of time, the number of congenital powerhouses gathered on the snowy field is increasing, and finally it is approaching the 200-person mark.

Such a number is already very alarming. No one has expected that the number of innate powerhouses in Huaxia will be so large, and there are successively strong powerhouses arriving.

Buzz! !!

Suddenly, at this moment, there was an undulating wave in the calm world. The frequency was like an ultrasonic wave that was amplified by ten million times. When many people were still at a loss, suddenly, a vast snowfield Above, a dazzling white light appeared.

At this moment, everyone standing on the snowy field suddenly felt that the arms held tightly in his hands began to shake uncontrollably, as if to break free from their control and go with the wind.

"This is ... arms control !!!"

The knowledgeable strong man exclaimed, seeming very shocked.

"Isn't it possible that the family with the last name Xiahou came?"

"Haha! Don't you be late!"

Just as everyone in the snowfield looked in suspicion, a sound like a thunder rolled suddenly across the whole world, and then the horrible white light in the distance approached quickly and appeared in everyone's field of vision.

It was a group of people who walked on the flying sword and walked with the sword. They were full of evil spirits, just like the actual number. Although the number was small, there were only five, but the terror of the body was to let People are extremely distressed.

The leader is a man with white hair, a ruddy complexion, and a burly figure. His eyes are full of light, which makes people dare not look directly, especially under his feet, a giant sword like a door plate. Very compelling.

"It's not too late for Xiahou Gong!"

Seeing people, the shepherd will come forward with a smile: "You are the first hidden family to arrive!"

The fall of these words directly shocked the hearts of many strong men on the snowy field, and it turned out that the Xiahou family of the Hidden World family came!

According to rumors, the Xiahou clan, the Lord's killing, and the people in the clan are all fierce generations, and they master two kinds of anti-sky arts-control of weapons and peace and chaos!

Although the children brought this time are only four people, they are comparable to the two martial arts shrines of Luohan Temple and Snow Shrine. However, the four children of Xiahou who have the lowest cultivation are the congenital five grades. , Enough to prove the power of the Xiahou family.

As for Xiahougong himself, of course, he is also a **** of power!

"Is the first Hidden Family to come? I thought those guys who were rabbits had arrived ..."

Xiahou publicly stated that his voice had not yet fallen. Suddenly, the abnormality reappeared, and he saw that the energy that had just calmed down once again boiled violently.

Immediately afterwards, an extremely horrifying scene appeared, and a stout sole in the void appeared out of nowhere, enveloping the whole land, and crushing all the power of the world, facing the Xiahougong's head fiercely. Just step on.

The mutation came so suddenly, it scared a lot of people, but Xiahougong was not surprised. The giant sword on the doorstep under his feet suddenly issued a trembling sword sound, soared into the sky, and stabbed directly at it. Only huge feet.


The giant sword and giant foot collided in mid-air. The terrible energy was like a volcanic eruption. It swept out of nowhere. The heroes on the snowy field had to work for resistance. Some people who were relatively weak were humming directly and covering with their hands. His face was pale and pale.

When all this had subsided, I saw nothing in the sky. I do n’t know when a thin old man has appeared, with hair like a henhouse, full of hair, standing in the air, shouting with his hips screaming: "Xiahougong, Your grandson, dare to scold Lao Tzu's family for being a rabbit, believe it or not, your grandfather, I stepped on you! "

The people of the hermit family, the family of the Puli family, have arrived!

Don't look at this old man who is not astonishing, but he is a powerful **** in the Barry family, named Barryson.

Not far from Barryson, two men and one woman stood in the void, apparently the younger generation of the Barry family! One congenital eight products, one seven products, one six products!

There are a total of four hidden families in Huaxia, including the Xiahou family, the Baili family, the Nalan family, and the last Huangfu family.

These four hidden families are all of the same family name. The Xiahou family kills the family. The Baili family is good at speed, travels eight thousand miles a day, and the footwork is recognized as the world ’s best. It is known as the flying **** leg!

In addition, the Nalan family is good at flame mystery. Real fire can burn the river and cook the sea!

As for the last Huangfu family, they are proficient in the art of lightning and calling the power of lightning!

Each of the four hidden world families has a strong and unrivaled township peerlessness, and there are few rivals in the world.

At this moment, the Xiahou family and the Baili family have arrived, leaving the Nalan family and the Huangfu family.

"Oh, it's better to come early than it happened. I didn't expect to see such a lively event just now. Two go on! Go on! It's best to kill one to be lively!"

Just as Xiahougong and Plyson battled each other ~ ~ There was a light laughter in the sky. At first, the sound felt far away. When the sound fell, the sky was empty. The cloud of fire was approaching.

On that cloud, there are four magnificent shore-like figures, the first one, a black robe, a handsome and handsome, uncle charm.

"Old Nalanda!"

Seeing the men in black robes above the clouds, the rivalry Pelichen and Xia Hougong dissipated the energy fluctuations on their bodies, and both hummed.

Nalan Yunkong, a powerful man in the Nalan family, has two men and a woman standing behind him. They are very powerful, which are congenital nine, eight, and seven!

Although the number of Nalan families is not large, the camp is unprecedentedly powerful, and even a young child has reached the state of congenital nine products.


At this moment, a thunderbolt fell out of the air and landed on the edge of the cloud. Sparks splashed. Nalan Yunkong couldn't help squinting, and said quietly, "Huangfu, you are aiming at the hack!"

"Haha, I'm afraid that in case some of the juniors behind you are killed, your Nalan family will come to me desperately!"

In the laughter, three figures gradually appeared in the void on the other side!

The last hidden family, the Huangfu family, has finally arrived!

The Huangfu family brought only two children, but it was a congenital Jiupin and a congenital Qipin!

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