Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 289: Gravity Chamber Leaderboard

So the training life began!

Pei Junlin's team of 296 congenital powerhouses have all become puppet students, and the daily task is to learn in addition to learning.

What to learn?

Too much to learn!

Learn the language of the monsters in the Tiankeng world, memorize the map of the Tiankeng world, and master the distribution of forces in the Tiankeng world.

For example, there are four tiankengs in Huaxia Kingdom. These four tiankengs are not just a code. The world in the tiankeng is vast, even the total area is many times larger than the earth.

In each tiankeng, it is like a country on the earth. There are countless cities and countless demons, and there are market towns and villages around the city. They are completely an independent civilization.

There are many strong people among the monsters, but there are ordinary monsters, just like ordinary people on the earth.

The state attaches great importance to the invocation of the innate power. After all, the innate power is now the most powerful combat force, and it is also possible to take over the representative power of the newcomer who supplements the power of the gods without any mistakes.

In addition to imparting some simple knowledge of the tiankeng world, it also sent people a large number of training resources, such as various advanced alloy weapons, equipped with various modern exercise equipment, such as gravity chambers, spirits, virtual helmets, etc. Wait.

The strong pressure in the gravity chamber can make people exercise the extreme of the physical body and break through the limits. In addition, it can compress the true elements in the warrior's body to the greatest extent and become more condensed, like a refined steel.

Ling * is used to restore and increase the true elements in the body. The density of the aura contained in it is unknown how many times it is outside.

As for the virtual helmet, it is a simulation combat training created specifically for the demon tribe. It contains the most advanced 5G technology and 8D virtual images. The various monsters in it are based on the tiankeng world. The monster is simulated and very realistic.

In addition to studying every day, everyone is immersed in a variety of modern equipment, sweating hard and training.

The greatest strength of the demons is the terrible physical strength that is far beyond human beings. This is from the innate endowment. The advantages of different races are extremely destructive.

Therefore, the shepherd **** will urge everyone to focus on physical strength. Only in this way can he gain a life hope on the battlefield.

For this, Pei Junlin very much agrees that in the thousands of worlds, human physical quality has always been at the bottom, far less than many powerful species.

Therefore, it's really urgent to train the physical body. In this period of intensive training, he is not idle. For everyone, the bitter words and extremely strange pronunciation of the demon language, the most headache, Pei Junlin has no pressure. Learning extremely fast.

He doesn't need a spirit, a virtual helmet, or anything. He only recognizes the gravity chamber. Every day, besides studying, he dives into the gravity chamber and sweats like rain.

The practice level of the gravity chamber is divided into multiple gears, ranging from one to one hundred times.

The unit of gravity is thousand, double the gravity is equivalent to one kilogram, twice the gravity is two kilograms, ten times the gravity is equal to ten thousand kilograms, and so on.

A hundred times the gravity is 100,000 kilograms, which is a very scary number!

Once, when Pei Junlin was at the first turn of the Ninth Turn of the Nether Ghost, he lifted up the silver alchemy furnace weighing 3,000 kilograms with both hands, that is, the Alchemy Furnace that he still keeps in Tandan, like him. Cultivation is comparable to the master of Jiupin.

Now, Pei Junlin ’s cultivation has already reached the second turn of the Ninth Turn of the Ninth Gong, which is equivalent to the top power of the innate Jiu Pin. How much the physical strength has increased, he does not know.

Therefore, after entering the gravity chamber for the first time, Pei Junlin directly increased the gravity position to ten times, which is 10,000 pounds of pressure. He coped with this without any pressure, and then Pei Junlin adjusted the gravity Raised to twenty times the pressure of 20,000 kilograms!

His body movement started to become sluggish, and his whole body just felt an extra layer of invisible mountains. His limbs were heavy, as if he had been filled with lead, the blood flow was accelerated, and his heart was pounding, but Pei Junlin still shook his head slowly, to such an extent Although the pressure of Li is enough, as long as he operates the mana in the body, these pressures will greatly reduce the effect.

The function of the gravity chamber is not simply to exercise the physical force. It compresses the mana in the body, making the mana like a piece of iron, hardened and refined, and more condensed and strong. A two-pronged approach is king!

Therefore, Pei Junlin began to operate a strong mana in the body, and the result of the final experiment was that with his current strength, the limit to withstand 30,000 kilograms of gravity.

Pei Junlin is still slightly satisfied with this result. Grandmaster Jiupin to Innate Jiupin has increased her power tenfold. Although her physical quality is much worse than that of Linglong Pavilion where he used to live, The conditions can reach such a level, it should already be the top level!

The layout of the gravity room is one of those small single rooms, said to be a small single room, in fact, it is not small at all, with an area of ​​hundreds of square meters, enough for a martial artist to practice boxing, kick, and move, maybe In order to stimulate each other, there is a display hanging outside each gravity chamber, which clearly shows the name of each strongman and the gravity multiple matching it.

In the beginning, Pei Junlin didn't care about the situation in other gravity chambers, and he didn't care about the envious glances of the strong men around him. Every time he finished exercising in the gravity chamber, he went straight to the spirit to recover.

But on this day, when Pei Junlin recovered from the spirit *, he saw Dongfang Ao and Dong Baobao hurrying to find him, and said with excitement and excitement: "Zongzhu, you are on the list! Everyone is talking about you in the three positions! "

Pei Junlin wondered: "What ranking?"

Dong Bao explained: "This is the list of people practicing in the gravity chamber. People in the military department actually came up with a ranking of the gravity chamber. I heard that it is a list that can best measure the comprehensive strength of a warrior. Now there are many. People are gathering outside and talking! "

"Sovereign, you are in third place, which makes us exaggerate!"

Pei Junlin raised an eyebrow and said, "Let's go and see!"

When the three of them came outside, they really saw a red list flashing on a huge display in the yard, and the top row of scarlet characters was very eye-catching-the gravity chamber ranking!

Below the display, two rows of bright red handwriting are scrolling at the moment, the most noticeable of which is the top ten names.

The first place, Jiyun, 39 times the gravity chamber.

The second place, Huangfu Phoenix, has a gravity chamber multiple of 35.

The third place, Pei Junlin, has a gravity chamber multiple of 30.

The number displayed at the back of this list is naturally a multiple of the gravity chamber. 39 represents a strong gravity of 39 thousand kilograms, 35 is 35 thousand kilograms, and so on.

Looking down, then ...

Fourth place, cold frost, gravity chamber multiples of 28.

Fifth place, Na Lanhao, gravity chamber multiple of 27.

The sixth place, Cao Bingtian, has a gravity chamber multiple of 26.

Seventh place, Wanrong Mountain, gravity chamber multiples of 25.

Eighth place, Xia Houping, gravity chamber multiples of 24.

Ninth place, Bailifeiyan, gravity chamber multiples of 23.

Tenth place, Hua Longyan, gravity chamber multiple 22.

Below the ranking list, a group of people have been gathered at this moment, and they are talking about the rankings above. Even if you can hear everyone's opinions far away, they are lamenting that the young generation is really too strong today. Because of the gravity chamber rankings, the younger generations account for seven out of ten, and only three of the oldest are on the list.

The most surprising thing is that among the younger generation, two people on the list are congenital eight products, and the rest are all congenital nine products, which is incredible.

You need to know that this time the innate strong are gathered, although the young generation is very good, but the old strong is also very good. A total of seven people have achieved the cultivation of the innate nine products. Instead of being on the list, it was on the list by the two younger generations of Bapin Strong. I really don't know what those old strong think.

"Sovereign, you see, you are already in the third place. This is definitely an unprecedented glory for Danzong! It is enough to be included in the Danzong Ancestral Hall and worshipped by countless generations!"

Dong Biao looked at the rankings on the list. His excitement was incoherent. Although Dongfang Ao, who was standing aside, didn't speak, his slightly anxious tone also represented his inner peace.

For the people in the secular world, perhaps Dan Zong is powerful enough to be a well-deserved overlord in Zhongzhou. However, only the real strong will know that Dan Zong is far from the two martial arts shrines and the four hidden world families. I do not know how many times worse.

Whether it is the number of top powerhouses ~ ~ or the heritage, there is a huge gap. I don't know how many years can be compared.

Today, Pei Junlin has actually overwhelmed the pride of these days and ranked third. This is definitely the glory of Supreme Master Zong. It is something that Dongfang Ao and Dong Biao couldn't even imagine. How can they not be excited?

However, when both Dongfang Ao and Dong Biao were excited, they did not notice that Pei Junlin, who was standing in the middle, had no excitement on Zhang Junmei's face like heaven, and some of them were kind of Slightly gloomy.

His lacquered black eyes stared at the rows of scarlet rolling figures and clenched his fists.

After a long time, he exhaled slowly.

It is because he is a little too proud of himself these days. He underestimated the talents in the world, thinking that he is already invincible in the same level, especially after he has obtained the top instrument Qing Hongjian, and feels that he may even shake the power of God. Slackness was produced.

As everyone knows, there is no shortage of real geniuses in this world. When you are working hard, others may work harder than you several times, step by step, and move forward with your feet on the ground.

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